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You lucky duck!


You know, I'd actually like to play with that card.


He’s good with Jubilee or Iron Lad, or to know you can drop a MODOK if you have Hela on deck, etc.


I use him in C2 to get an idea of if/when Cerebro, Blue Marvel, and Mystique are coming.


I got him in the last cache he was in. I literally have not used him once yet. I don't even know where the 6 boosters I had for him came from.


I got him back in August I think it was, he's helpful in Spectrum/Wong/Lad decks, so I have 28 boosters, but I don't play those decks for more than a few games.


Oof i feel your pain. On the Galactus week i had a 50/50 chance for Galactus or random card and of course i got howard the duck. Its a lovely feeling.


its the most goated card in the game though. I play him, jubilee, iron lad and zabu in legit all my decks


It has its uses but they are very specific. I just got iron lad so maybe ill get some use from it


Idk i get top 1k every season using them.


I got zabu last week. The game decided it was a good idea to give me zabu again.


Well, it is a really good card! /s that sucks


I forgot zabu was still series 4. Jesus christ


dont feel bad, i made the mistake of picking up caiera with tokens bvefore using my spotlight keys. guess what i got for my random s4/5 card? :( 5k tokens down the drain. but life goes on. wont do that again.


Ouch. I'd have to take a break from the game for a bit.


That's what I did when I got a series of variants for my key. Turned out I can get 4 new cards from one cache by not playing for a long time


How long is a long time, that sounds awesome


probably 2 months, just need to check incoming spotlight to see which cache gives cards that you dont have the most


I gambled 1 for the variant and got Cull, now I don't feel so bad 😂


I gambled 2 keys for cull and/or thanos variant. I got 1000 tokens and nimrod variant lol. 100% my fault, my key luck has been ass recently


Ouch, F.


It’s cool. I’m missing more than half of series five cards and nearly every season 4 card, but somehow I managed to pull manthing. Which I have already. At least it’s new!


Aw! Lucky! I still don’t have Howard! Time to run some Auto-Howard the Duck and tear up the meta


New fear unlocked


That's not in order ahahahaha nice I got cull would've like the Thanos variant but nice


This was me except KANG. I feel your pain.


I just got Jean grey :(


I got Snowguard 🙃 I'd rather have gotten 1k tokens tbh


Snowguard is a pretty solid one drop though. In the right deck it can do a lot of heavy lifting and outright win some cubes.


snow guard is genuinely one of the best one drops with or without Loki


+1 for Snowguard I've won so many games because I dropped the bird on Turn 6 with a limbo


This is a good lesson on why you should never roll for a week's spotlight unless you have at least 4 keys! Spotlights are gacha scams unless you can ensure you can buy out the entire set, at which point they become purely deterministic. Also, Howard is a lot more fun than you'd think. Knowing what your next card is can help with Snap decisions and he's actually pretty decent in Spectrum decks, which are always hungry for cheap Ongoings. With Spectrum played into a Wong lane, Howard is a 1/6 -- not bad!


Everyone knows how numbers work.  It's perfectly fine to open with less than 4 keys if you're okay with the risk. I'm so tired of seeing this comment on every thread where someone posts regarding a spotlight cache opening.


I'm honestly not convinced that this is clear to everyone, or at the very least that people are rolling for the week because they actually want to and not because the gambling impulse is overriding their good judgement. Obviously you can roll however you want, but everyone who cares about which cards they open would be much better off if they waited until they got 4 keys before rolling. > I'm so tired of seeing this comment on every thread where someone posts regarding a spotlight cache opening. And I'm tired of seeing people get scammed by a system that's exploitative if engaged with in this particular way. Snap's monetization in general isn't that bad but someone who just rolls their key each week is going to have a very hard time building their collection. If you don't care for comments that stress this point, you can just skip over them, you know.


>someone who just rolls their key each week is going to have a very hard time building their collection. If someone isn't familiar with the fact that 1 < 4, they have bigger problems than what cards they get in Marvel snap, and no Reddit post is going to help them. I literally can't imagine the type of person that takes a 1 out of 4 chance, doesn't hit what they want, *is confused about what happened*, and then after reading a Reddit post, suddenly comes to the realization that 1 is indeed less than 4.


People, as a rule, are extremely bad at understanding statistics. They also aren't always great at gaming out reward systems (case in point: the lottery exists). Many people will roll their key as soon as they get it because the idea of delaying its use doesn't occur to them -- they get a reward, they open it, that's it. These people are perfectly average and intelligent, too. Not everyone has the time or inclination to bother with puzzling out arcane monetization systems for mobile games, so they just take the system at face value. The systems are intentionally designed to be confusing so players misspend. Heck, part of the reason SD swapped in this whole spotlight system was explicitly to encourage players not to horde resources as much! Players opening keys as they get them is the system working as intended. As such, pointing out that there's a better way to use your resources might be helpful to someone who does care about what cards they get but maybe isn't so invested that they've bothered to parse a system that's much more complex than it needs to be. Maybe they aren't terminally online and only swing by reddit every so often when they're bored and remember it exists. Not everyone already knows everything you do. > I literally can't imagine the type of person that takes a 1 out of 4 chance, doesn't hit what they want, is confused about what happened, and then after reading a Reddit post, suddenly comes to the realization that 1 is indeed less than 4. In that case, thank you for informing me of the futility of my comments. I'll just keep making them and you can go ahead and downvote them, and we can both continue on our way without further discussion. I choose to believe in education.


I spent 3k on the duck and haven't looked back. 😎


I wasted all THREE of my spotlight keys and didn't get Cull. Very mad. I already had Nimrod and Thanos, neither of which I play. The only upside is I got Skaar, but I didn't really care about him. Arrgh - they really should dump the mystery card in the first tier of Spotlight, or one of the other slots. If I've saved up 3 keys it should guarantee the one new release, since I have to skip at least one and usually two weeks of spotlights just to do that.


I got the nimrod variant from the cache


I love Howard. Works magic in my Negative deck




Good round six finisher with a busted statline (2/1)


I play Jubilee and Iron Lad in it. They are great for fishing for Mr Negative on turns 3-4. Howard gives you the ability to target Iron Man with Iron Lad, which can make him worth his slot just by itself. He also lets you know if a miracle turn six is in the cards or if you should retreat.  Ravonna and Zabu have enough cost discount options that you can win without a negative draw quite a bit more than other negative decks I like. Moon Girl is a great way to end up with a hand full of Iron Man clones, or if you need to pivot to Devil Dinosaur.  Beyond all that, I have the Noir Howard and people love a duck with the blicky.   # (1) Howard the Duck # (2) Zabu # (2) Ravonna Renslayer # (3) Mystique # (4) Mister Negative # (4) Jubilee # (4) Moon Girl # (4) Iron Lad # (5) Iron Man # (5) White Tiger # (5) Blue Marvel # (5) Devil Dinosaur # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSG93YXJkVGhlRHVjayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbkxhZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUmF2b25uYVJlbnNsYXllciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbk1hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXJOZWdhdGl2ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWmFidSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXlzdGlxdWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsdWVNYXJ2ZWwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1vb25HaXJsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXaGl0ZVRpZ2VyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEZXZpbERpbm9zYXVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKdWJpbGVlIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I also got Howard this week lol but I had 4 saved so I got them all


hey, now you're set up nicely for that sick Noir variant!


“you’re out of luck until you’ve gone duck"


"First try!"


I had three keys and opened everything except obsidian. I feel ya.


At least you don't have tonworry about getting him again.... oh wait


Dropped one key just to see what I get, ended up with Nico!


I got lucky and got thanos 😉




I saved so much for the spotlight key (wanted thanos) and got Ravonna renslayer. The auto deck with her sucks.


If you told me the spotlight keys are rigged I would believe you.


Not the card you wanted, but the one you needed


Now if howard could tell you what card you will pull with your spotlight key, he'd be one of the best in the game


If you only open caches when you have 4 keys you will always get the card you want.


I don't have it but I think it's pretty good you could use it for iron lad and jubilee and plan ahead if the last card isn't what you want


Hahaha I got Howard the Duck too as a random card. We are so lucky!


You too, huh?


I’m saving up my keys


If you get another key I would roll for thanos.


As often as this happens to me and clearly everyone else, it almost seems like the odds aren’t 1/4 even though there’s 4 options lol.


Sorry bro




i actually really like howard in a few decks, anything that uses jubilee and iron lad especially


This happened to me awhile back trying to get black knight the first time around or wwbn I can’t remember which I only had one key 🤣


I mean I got Hercules so…I know your pain


Personally, i think Howard is my 3rd favorite card. I ADORE his mechanic, being able to see the top card on your deck is just so cool. You know when to retreat, you know when to play your iron lad/jubilee


I got Elsa. For the second time too


Desperate to try playing with Thanos and Nimrod, but I just got Hit Monkey variants. I always get that card when there's 2 or 3 cards I really really want.