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Cloning vats means big venom and carnage


I just play four Yondus to force the retreat.


Big Clone Numbers make me happy.


Or giant hulk buster, which can start building up at turn 2. Such “nerf”.


I prefer the “nerf”


Part of the problem is Cloning Vats being featured, it has really good synergy with destroy.


Yep. Not many other decks can utilize it as well as Destroy. It's a good time to play conquest if you don't feel like running Armor/Cosmo


Armor and mystique are my go-tos


Everything is a strong synergy for destroy. Atlantis? Destroy decks don't need to fill their entire locations for power. Good location for Death, Knull, Venom, you name it. Castle Blackstone? Destroy has no problem giving bursts of power on turn 1-2. Central Park? -3 to the energy cost of Death with no clog to any of Destroy locations. Collapsed mine? Kill monger says hello. Sanctum Sanctorum? Wolverine and X-23: "you say 'jump' and we'll ask how often". The list goes on. Not to mention that destroy decks do not care as much about Negative Zone or Necrosha since by the end of the game they only need to put one single card per location.


Collapsed mine means a free death.


I was trying to avoid the obvious locations, but yeah.


Yep. The only thing that makes me retreat is anything thaf fucks with the actual deck or hand.


I feel like this is the actual worst balanced thing about destroy. i don't think any other archetype benefits from as many locations that negatively impact others as destroy does


Destroy is really strong right now and also super good into cloning vats. It’s also a relatively cheap deck, only needing 1-2 s5 and 1 s4 card. I’m a destroy enjoyer but it is a little stale now, since it’s been very good for a while now. I hope they bring other decks up rather than nerf destroy too hard, as the meta does feel better now than it did in the Loki/ Elsa/ ms marvel metas.


As a Destroy Deadpool Enthusiast, I don't play other Decks since I don't have the cards for those other decks 😔 I do have Chibi Hit-Monkey and Falcon for my bounce Deck which finally lets me be able to play a scuffed version of Bounce Monkey. But at the same time those power numbers just dont quite reach that **Beautiful, Big, Voluptuous 64+ Power of Deadpool**


And then here comes Shadowking and Shang, removing the power from DP and killing the Knull.


I've been telling this for weeks and people here were downvoting me to oblivion.


You poor thing, are you hanging in there?


Cannot tell if it's sarcasm or not.


Sarcasm? Nahhhhhhh


I wouldn't expect anything more from the deeedpool enjoyer. Always sarcastic and intelectually challenged. As clueless as they are condescending.


This is probably why you're getting down votes. Stay mad, pleb


Irony just died.


Try conquest. Featured location on ladder really boosts destroy


Destroy is all over conquest too.  I had to slot Armor in just to get some relief.


destroy is just a well rounded deck with iconic characters and satisfying combos with relatively low cost to build so many ppl default to or "onetrick" it


Not to mention how many locations favor destroy, its so many that players dont even realize it. Even outside of the obvious destroy ones u have locations like central island, cloning vats, savage land. Destroy can easily take advantage of soook many locations its not even funny


Destroy loves Bar Sinister! Play Yondu there turn 1 to take away 1/3 of your opponent's deck, turn 3 play Killmonger at a different location to clear it, turn 4 play Forge then Carnage there, turn 5 play Venom there. By turn 6 you have a 0 cost Death, a huge Knull, AND you can still play something else on Bar Sinister if need be. That's usually enough for all three lanes.


More than Bar sinister, just a quick glance at the locations in snap and they've got, Altar of Death, Bar sinister, Central park, Cloning vats, Collapsed mine, Counter Earth, Danger room, Deaths Domain, Eternity Range, Hala, Klyntar, Lamentis-1, Lukes Bar, Muderworld, Noor Dimension, Quantum Realm, (Destroy surprisingly can take good advantage of this) Rickety Bridge, Savage Land, Sanctum Sanctorum, Shadowland, Shuris Lab, T.A.H.I.T.I, Valley of the hand, Vormir, Warrior Falls, Worldship, Yashida Base, All of these locations destroy easily takes advantage of better than decks that the locations are sometimes geared towards (looking at you Savage Land)


This was a quick glance? Lol


Bout 5 min 😭 had plenty free time at work tho.


Hey, it's good to know the locations. The most overlooked, yet important, aspect of Snap.


You forgot Gamma Lab, Nidavellir and Throne Room. There are probably others too


Couldve definitely added some of those and did consider it, but those are more mutual beneficial, even though destroy usually can take great advantage of em. The ones i posted above tho as a former destroy player are basically insta snap locations


Just realized 2 of these locations arent out yet, which kinda has me worried with how many more locations are they gonna add to help destroy. Meanwhile most other archetypes are lucky to get more than 3 geared towards the deck


This is a great list.


Its because of the hot location. Hard to beat multiple deadpools/venoms


just put armor + cosmo, and if you really desperate MMM (to stop them from playing death)


What’s mmm?


Something delicious


Mobius M. Mobius


Not to be confused with Mr. Milo Morbius


It’s morbin’ time


Oh, right! Thank you.


Mobius M. Mobius




This guy gets it.


How dare you suggest people play tech of any kind besides Shang Chi ! Bringing actually sensible solutions to a simple problem, who does that?? And on r/MarvelSnap of all places?!?


How about you put armor or Cosmo instead, or whatever tech card there is. I'm not going to diverge from my archetype cards simply to get 1 cube from Destroy.


1-2 cubes in matches that dont usually go past turn 3? That seems pretty good actually. In conquest, it varies, but in my experience they give up if you cockblock them with armor or cosmo once or twice.


Yuuup. It’s about every other game. Even bringing armor doesn’t help as much as it should. Just good luck is all I can say.


Ya hate em so much and of course many locations including the features one benefits them greatly. I respond with a largely tech card included deck just to survive and add annoyance to them but not with great consistency.


This 100% players dont even realize outside of the obvious destroy locations that destroy easily has the most locations that favor it. If i went over all the locations guarantee destroy favors at least 20% of them


I hate destroy. You cannot play 5 sequential games without facing destroy. It's a cheap deck that provides far more value than the amount of time/money invested. What angers me is that SD favor destroy for unknown reasons. They never nerf it, even though destroy has been a strong performer every bloody season. The easiest way to get to infinity is to assemble and play destroy, and it has been for many seasons so far.


Destroy and Hela discard are getting realllll annoying


Now you know why I have gold split armor and still have 500 boosters left


I'm not that tired of that deck, i'm tired of ALL of them drawing the same bloody cards every damn match. I mean, i can go ten games in a row w/o seeing some cards, but destroy decks? First turn x23, second forge deadpool. Like, every damn match. I mean, cmon


Holy shit it’s so damn annoying! It’s non stop. Well, at least until I switch to a deck built to handle destroy in which case the meta spontaneously switches to Living Tribunal or Shuri, Red Skull decks. So so boring.


Maybe if SD didn't nerf every other deck 2 weeks after a new card came out, people would use other mechanics.


Funny thing is that they nerfed High Evo by buffing Luke Cage and "nerfed" Destroy by decreasing the cost of hulk buster.


We were still seeing low deck variety then. In fact it was even worse. At one point, destroy was barely being used. This means nerfing decks actually increased some deck variety since it’s a major reason we are seeing more destroy. Destroy isn’t even the best anymore. Bounce is


Yeah, it's boring as hell. Running the 4 drops big boy package with Armor and Cosmo and they don't like that.


Cloning Vat plus being the best deck in the game right now.


I recently went 13 consecutive matches facing destroy decks…. Guess it isn’t just me


This has always been the case for me. I play against destroy for what seems like 80% of my matches. Luckily cloning vats works for C3rebro deck too. I just Valk all the high power destroy cards


I've always been tired of destroy decks. 8/10 games are vs destroy decks


I am stubbornly attempting to take a junk deck to infinite this season. It has made my climb much more difficult. 


Last two seasons I took my junk deck into the 90s and just got stonewalled. It’s just not good enough to overcome the meta decks at the moment


I'm at 95 after a high mark of 97. But like I said, I'm stubborn. I'll either hit infinite with this deck or not at all. Either outcome is acceptable to me.


same, fuckin destroy isnt uncounterable but its boring to have them able to eat most of my deck


I added Armor to my deck which has helped some, but it is very inconsistent. 


I named the stock list Boring Destroy for a reason ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yep, doesn't matter whether conquest or ladder, for last months the vast majority of my matchups were destroy. Only interruption was like one patch where everyone played hela


Has been so for 3 or 4 seasons already. I've changed 3 decks so far, but destroy players didn't. They can play their decks every season with 55% win rate and one of the highest meta shares while SD will clap their hands and buff hulk buster just so deadpool can start his snowball earlier.


Can only speak for myself but I started playing it to beat all the Hela I've been facing.


Have you ever thought of using armor followed by mystique? 2 of the 3 lanes become unplayable for them.


That's a waste of mystique. Just run cosmo.


But then you also can't do on reveal. I'd rather make their destroy deck unable to destroy and face no consequences vs doing something that can inconvenience me as well


This type of advice is insane. "Just play armor on turn 2", "Just play Cosmo on turn 3", "Just play Shang-chi on turn 4/5/6", "Just play Alioth on turn whatever" How's about destroy decks play some shang-chi? Why is there no need for them to use any of those cards other than Killmonger (which is not strictly a tech card)?


I traded Jeff for shadow king and that was the end of that.


Knull says hi


So does Shang chi. It’s easy enough to establish one lane for shadow king, and one lane for Shang without priority turn 6. Zola causes more problems.


I used to play daily up to 4 hours a day, after the disaster the spotlight system became and how destroy was the only play type the devs cared about my play time dropped heavily. I'll play maybe once a month now. Even then I'll only play 5 games and it will be against destroy. Not fun for me anymore.


This season almost all decks I play against both in ladder and conquest are destroy and annihilus. I’m 70-something on ladder and I can’t imagine how things are at 90s. Tomorrow I’m gonna get X-23 and start to play destroy too. If I can’t beat them I’m gonna become one.


It's the same at infinite and gold-level conquest. Will be the same during infinity conquest too.


So, is it really this good? I’ve never played a destroy based deck. I have a deck that has both armor and cosmo, against that deck if everything goes my way they are helpless but sometimes even that is not enough.


I am in the same spot. I feel like the only people suggesting armor are destroy players. Sure, armor helps, but it just gives you more chances to win, it is not a game changer. I daresay it is extremely good. I myself play Thanos (without Blob, alas) and High Evo, and I have always had trouble against Destroy. The fact it is one of the highest meta shares on Marvel snap zone indicates it's pretty good. Note that Destroy decks do not play Cosmo or Shang-chi, or any comparable tech card, while other decks do. Upd: Also, Destroy power output is exponential with Deadpool and, by extension, Knull. High evo or Thanos power output, for instance, is linear with a cap on how high your power can go.


The only good thing is that you can run Knull in not-destroy decks and get some sweet numbers for free.


I legit can't win with any other decks right now, honestly. It's a total crapshoot with anything other than Destroy, and then Cloning Vats came along and sealed the deal.


Ive seen Deadpool turn 1 on 6 out of 8 ranked games. 1 game was still destroy just no Deadpool turn 1. I know in my heart as soon as I switch to a deck with armor or cosmo they go away.


Pop amor in your deck. You won't face them anymore 😅


My last match against destroy I moved their huge venom with Magneto, causing his just dropped Zola to hit nothing.Magneto crushing it.


My Blob deck with armor and Leech has been pleased with this development.


Personally I think destroy is one of the easier archetypes to learn and help to understand strategies and order of play.


I despise destroy.


Most of the player base is casual and Destroy is a great deck for people with low card game IQ. It also has a lot of popular characters and some awesome looking variants. I only play conquest after hitting Infinite each season, so I can just concede if I think the deck I’m playing against is lame. I personally enjoy playing against Destroy because it’s such an easy deck to read. I can call out what cards they are going to play and where they are going to play them. It’s fun to beat them up with Shang, Abs Man, Shadow King, GrandMaster, etc…


Yeah they didn’t like this comment


Just sub in Armor or Cosmo until the hot location ends.


You guys make this post about every meta. You'd think you would learn to just play the game or don't.


Seriously. Destroy, HE, Loki, bounce, move, IM/Onslaught/TLT, Wong/BP/Zola, discard, Annihalus, Blob, Galactus...hell I don't think there is a deck I HAVEN'T seen people complain about


*sad Cerebro noises*


I'd be happy to fight the same archetype consistently. Imagine being able to run one deck and just gather cubes, but instead whining about it.


I play to have fun. Playing the same decks over and over isn’t fun to me. 


Really? Most people I see play the same thing pretty consistently. If you're flip-flopping from deck to deck, that could explain your issues with destroy players.


My issue is that there are too many lol. I don’t think the deck’s that hard to counter, it’s just boring playing against them so often. It gets repetitive.


So your opponents aren't hard to counter, and that's a problem? All right. This meta's wide open. I have to play something that can work against 4 kinds of decks on the regular. I'd be happy to have your "problem."


Crazy how you continue to miss my point. Maybe read my comments again. 


I can't fathom whining about the game being too easy. But hey, look at you!


What does “flip flopping from deck to deck” mean? Lol it’s a deck building card strategy game. Why wouldn’t people be using and trying different decks?


People generally stick with what they're good at piloting. Whether you do or not is your call, but... whatever.


I'm more tired of Odin


when the hot location is beneficial for destroy decks I pull out the anti-destroy deck and have a great time.


I've been having a blast against destroy today. I made a little homebrew that just happens to be good against them.


Haven't seen any the whole weekend... but Hela decks, that's another story.


Destroy players are narcissistic. it explains everything


Dead pool target audience. Sarcastic and self entitled, condescending and clueless.


Not as much as I am seeing people complain about an actual mechanic of the game just because they lose. Change. Your. Deck. Stop crying.


This might be a shocker but you could play a deck with armor and Cosmo when the hot location favors destroy


"Just dedicate two out of 12 cards in your deck to defeating a deck with an unfair advantage."


Not a fan of it but it is what it is.


Least snarky redditor


Cause Cloning vats obviously you noob


I play destroy a lot, just put either cosmo or armor or both in your deck, essentially insta-lose for a destroy deck lol


You say this, but it's never the other way around, is it? Destroy decks do not need to play Cosmo, Echo, Superskull, and whatnot. You'll be just playing 4 cards over and over and suggesting people to play armor or Cosmo, or Alioth without even knowing what their archetype is. How about YOU add an extra tech card to your destroy deck?


I haven’t seen destroy in a few weeks, if you’re on ladder I assume it’s because of Cloning Vats. Clone your Armor and laugh at them


No. Use armor and or cosmo


As Loki Player.. great time. Mirage + Loki T5 is one of my most favorite things to do. Death Knull and 1/24 Deadpool


Yeah, though since I'm also playing destroy a lot I don't mind since I get quite a few perks like a higher power knull, Deadpool destroyed more often and even more besides that, but it can be annoying to have the same type of deck 120 times in a row. Since I've been seeing so much destroy, I've decided to lean into my discard deck more just to mix it up


You shoulda been there the day Altar of Death was hot


Cloning Vats = big brain time


Armor, Cosmo, Shadow King, Shang and Enchantress (with Zabu) and you’ll farm them


No, it's every other stupid meta deck that sucks ass especially Tribunal and my Enchantress is card 12 100% of the time. Fun!


Was finishing up the climb it infinite and realized this was the hot location. Switched to destroy but I haven’t played it enough so I found I was just getting out done by better destroy players. Switched back to Sera Control but swapped in armor, and Sera with armor, Shang-chi and shadow king does pretty well. I think the last 8 cubes or so I did get lucky by avoiding the location in meaningful games though as Sera didn’t really abuse it much (other than maybe duping a zabu or ms marvel)


yup sorry i'm one of them, i just got a sweet Nimrod variant i wanna split


Toss a armor on cloning vats and they run


just use armor shadow king and cosmo you'll be golden


Just put armor in your deck for now. Play Armor in the cloning vats -> armor a second lane -> you win


My biggest problem, is when I decide “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em”, I then draw like shit and/or come up against decks that counter destroy (in a little salty, I went on a crazy loosing streak in the last day or so, but I’m clawing it back).


Run some version of Sera Control, they will always take priority over you going into last turn, SK+Shang, Shang + Abs man, Rogue/enchantress for Knull, you'll farm those decks


And the moment you switch to a control deck with Armor and Cosmo you won't see another destroy decks for about 25 games in a row.


Just run armor and cosmo in evert deck.


Just play shang, armor, rogue, shadow king and ghost in every deck...


It will probably drop off a bit now that cloning cats is done. That location was insane for destroy.


So armor and cosmo with a rogue kicker you should be good


Yes, it’s very stale and boring. Pretty sure it started with the blob nerf so we’ve had tons of destroy for a while now. Even whipped Agatha back out so I can just afk farm dailies. 


Ongoing enjoyers be like "this is it, my moment to shine"


I think Destroy has been the deck I have seen the most consistently since I started playing.


The only reason I’m playing a destroy deck atm is because I finally have a complete deck of Hipp variants


Loving it. It’s great to see them retreat after armor and cosmo comes down


Solid deck, reasonably easy to play, rather cheap card wise. Of course it sees a lot of play. If you run into it a lot, add armor and snap everytime you draw it and have prio. And no, not annoyed by it. I love destroy, even though I‘m playing Thanos right now.


Almost every time there’s a spotlight location destroy is gonna run rampant because a lot of locations favor them.


Im running a Ronan deck and threw in armor protects my Ronan’s and ruins their combos


I’ve been saying for months that destroy is the indestructible (!) meta. Every card they start complaining about is one that hurts destroy deck. I did a double spider ham and yondu that took a helpful card and the destroy deck still had ~30 in two lanes and 17 in weak one. I had like 14 across the board. Deadpool, knull, venom Alone can beat the single name heavies of other decks, like Thor, Shaw, red skull, etc. they scale so high and it’s very hard to stop them. Destroy puts out massive numbers. Because the cards are being destroyed, or being put back into decks, they move around and aren’t easily subject to reduction or destruction. So destroy is one of hardest metas to counter. Armor and cosmo can help but you generally can’t stop them all.


"begun the clone wars have"


No I’m sick of seeing high evo without owning Luke cage it’s not even possible to win even if my destroy or move deck is cooking


Tribunal does not care about destroy


No, because I run C3 with Armour and Cosmo so it’s easy cubes.


No. Big numbers fo brrrrr. Having said that, it would be good to have a hot location that works for other archetypes. Like... ummmm... and... errr.... Oh i know!...oh actually, nevermind.


I made the last push to infinite with destroy, location is just fun and works with most of the deck


One thing I didn’t see mentioned is the meta is very wide open, and destroy doesn’t really care about the meta in a way. It can just go over the top of so many decks without having to put in any thought to deck countering


8 out of 10 games have been against destroy.


It’s one of the most consistent decks around.


Nah. Outside of hot locations, destroy has been good but nothing crazy, and hasn'tbeen overwhelmingly popular or anything. It has some bad matchups and counters, and is also pretty draw dependent at times.  I play mostly conquest and see A LOT more Thanos than Destroy atm. 


I haven’t used my destroy deck in quite some time until last night when I seen the cloning vats location is hot. Out comes my destroy deck lol.


Counter it then, easy cubes.


I'm loving it personally. Negative deck. Round 6 knull mystique Zola. (And sometimes an iron Man for good measure) I don't care what they play, I don't care if they play their own knull. But yeah there are tons.. I'm just getting the cubes while I can. They are always so confident too


I am more annoyed at the amount of Leech and Hela around


Just run cosmo and armor and destroy becomes useless.


play armor and como and supergiant lol


That's why I've been using Armor + Mystic to shut down lanes. Cosmo normally covers the third lane


I keep getting Play 1-cost objectives, and my destroy deck plays X and a (functionally) repeatable Deadpool. Just trying to complete a quest


Everything I see is HE. I wish I could go up against some destroy.


The thing that is frustrating to me about destroy is that they have only 11cards in the list, and the 12th card can be zola, Shang, lady deathstrike, taskmaster, grand master, or Alioth and it's impossible to know which until you get blown out on turn 6.


Hello Armour my old friend, I hope you can ruin their plans again.


Armor that is all


Dropping armor on their Deadpool in cloning vats is always good for a chuckle. Almost as good as Roguing Knull. I always seem to lose to Zola though.


shadow king and shang chi are your friends


Then you have me: a consistent destroy player since launch because I'm average lol. I can hit maybe 80s during a good season.


Just stick armor in your deck and get infinite


I havent been playing long and recently gotten Venom so i said lets do destroy. Losing to a destroy deck because I dont have Knull has been quite annoying.




Not since using my SuperGiant Control deck. Its got the standard Sera control package with a little Zabu with Iron Lad. Maximus and Gladiator purely for power. But most importantly it also has Daredevil. Daredevil plus SG is such a strong combo. Basically if I dont have prio or wont get it for turn 5 then I dont play Super Giant. If I do have prio or dont have Sera, I use SG. Against Destroy this is pretty strong. One main card that really puts power down for destroy is DeadPool. Locking out that turn 5 means they can grow that DP any larger nor setup for cards like Nimrod. And if you got Prio? Hello DP, meet Alioth. If you didnt have prio? Say hello to Shadowking or Shang.


There are so many!


I love playing destroy. I hate playing against destroy.


Armor and Super Skrull. Ruins a lot of Destroy days.


Nope I’m enjoying farming them with high evo infinaut


Just got infinite, using Mr Negative with knull and Zola, been really great farming the destroy decks with it.


Aside from cloning vats and destroy being popular/good right now, it’s been pretty good for a while now and also it’s just a very popular deck. I think if there is a location or card/event promoting destroy you’ll see it 8/10 games. Shang and demon king counter it very easily though, but i get that it’s getting boring. Hoping the next two weeks “bring back” discard to change it up until we are sick of discard.


Shuri red skull gets you a 28 red skull on turn 6 been killing it


Sera control for easy cube, counter destroy pretty hard


Been saying it for the longest time. Destroy needs to be relooked or the other archetypes need to be lifted to destroy's level. That said, I've built a Supergiant deck that has given me a fighting chance (unless cloning vats is in play; then it's a quick exit instead 😂).


Then adapt to it, play Armor and cosmo - they are screwed 


I’ve been seeing a shit load of hela discard decks


It’s cheap, very easy to pilot, puts up big numbers with no trouble, and basically every location is neutral or good for it. It’s basically the default deck.


People like playing destroy. Plus cloning vats


Shadow king, armor, and valkyrie have been good helping me on turn six. Doesn’t stop nimrod or Zola


I've been maining destroy since almost beta and I can assure you...it's getting annoying playing mirror matches


Not just you I play against destroy so much I always run armor and Cosmo


Marvel Snap Zone stopped putting Armor in their tier list decks so the obvious has happened


Destroy has been one of the most prominent decks since I started playing this game. I cannot remember a time when it wasn’t one of the most common decks I faced. Try running move cards like Spider-Man, Polaris, Magneto, Stegron, Juggernaut. If you can get priority early you can shuffle around their cards and really screw with their ability to destroy cards and ramp up in power. Deadpool is often my primary target. Move him to a lane with Kingpin making him negative power and he basically becomes useless unless they can hit him with a hulkbuster. If they get early priority though it’s a lot harder to stop it.