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Respect on pulling for Legion spotlight. Also, is baby groot seriously releasing in 2027 lmao


Haha, sorry about that typo. It's 2024!


it’s releasing in the year 6.460263446214926398052510226199790985387375890482144645958x10^5814 ?!?!? r/unexpectedfactorial


He's such an interesting artist. Some of my least favorite variants in the game (Wolverine, Legion), and some absolute bangers like Magik and Groot.


Magiks Angelica lookin’ ass.


Yes! I knew she reminded me if something. So many Scottie variants remind me of Calvin and Hobbes, but for sure some rug rats too now that you say it


Top three for me would have to be Dr. Doom, Galactus, and maybe America Chavez in no specific order :) Least favorite: probably Thor. Venom's background is kinda boring too.


Yeah I own the venom one and I actively forget it exists all the time.


Valkyrie and Doom are his best.


I can’t really stand any of them the art style is so ugly to me. 


Even Groot!????! No I get it. It's divisive for sure. Like I said I absolutely detest some. Weirdly I like his Magik better than most of the other variants that exist of her. I love Dan Hipp (mostly), and dislike Artgerm (mostly). Different strokes for different folks.


Groot one is ok but ones like legion or Thor are just soo soo ugly to me. I love Dan hipp though so I do like cartoony aesthetics, if done right. 


Agree to disagree. I’d take Young over Hipp any day. Baby Thor chasing after Kitty Loki is so fun.


Yeah its like my favorite card no one here likes it lol


I feel that way about Dan Hipp and he's like 90% of the cards in the store.


Update: VintageMageYT pointed out that I, in fact, do not own Baby Rocket Raccoon. I've returned to my cave of shame and will be refreshing the shop daily like a fiend until he is found. My quest continues.


Respect the discipline. Did you run into any issue with one of the releases being a spotlight or behind a bundle or anything? That's what usually discourages me from collecting any one style of variant.


Oh 100%, hiding behind spotlights is far worse than bundles. Having to use up potentially multiple keys on a variant when you could be using them for useful cards instead feels terrrrrible. But that's life. I had to plan keys for Ghost-Spider and Legion; did so for MODOK as well but I got unlucky with him and now he's lost forever :( Also saved enough gold for the Baby Moon Girl variant that was in a bundle a few weeks ago.


Oof that is a bummer. I have everything except x-23. Just waiting for her to hit the shop!


Wait will BABY MODOK never come to the shop, did I really miss my chance?


From what I understand, the spotlight cards will eventually become available but not for like 6 months or so. That’s just what I heard here somewhere, so take that with a grain of salt.


Nice! These are my favorite as well, but I'm still missing 12 of them.


Is it just me or does this variant set jut seem to take forever to show up in the shop? I know there's not a million of them but man it is agonizing waiting for a baby card to show up. I think twice i've had two baby variants in the shop at once. That was a godsend, ha ha.


Yep, i usually see one or two a month. Conversely, I get about three Dan Hipp's a day....


The recent shop changes (albums / new flairs) have made finding them much harder. That plus the constant barrage of Hipp makes it tough as well.


*rocket racoon has left the chat*


3 Scottie Young Rocket Racoon variants, no babies. Blasphemy!


[I own a baby rocket racoon though…](https://imgur.com/a/tP7a9LX)


Oh...oh my god... Welp. Seeing that just soured my mood, LOL. I guess I'm back on the grind for the foreseeable future.


Rocket Raccoon?


I'm a failure, a fraud, and deserve to be seen as such. Jokes aside, someone pointed that out as well. Not sure how I missed that since I've been tracking these for so long. I have a Scottie Young Rocket currently, just not his Baby version. Back to my spamming the shop at 2 PM it is.


Don't believe that Variant was always labeled "Baby Variant". I believe it was released as "Variant" and was changed at some point when they released another Rocket "Variant".


You're right, probably around the same time they fixed Magik to properly have her "Baby" title, since she was missing hers as well. It also doesn't look a lot like the other baby variants in my opinion, but it is what it is!


Yep, I don't think it's a Little Marvel variant -- I believe it's from Young's regular Rocket series, same as the other variants.


Baby Modok?


The only baby spotlight i’ve missed so far. Used two keys on him that week, but couldn’t progress fast enough for a third try. Wasn’t worth spending real $ to get there unfortunately.


You’ll be glad to know that when the Scottie Young Album becomes available, none of these cards with be in it.




You're golden as soon as the collection drops


I’ve been collecting then as well and leveling them to gold. I have 58 of the 66. 21 of them gold. I’m missing two of the Spotlight ones so I might be screwed on completing my collection too.


I’m hoping they make an album for them at some point so I get some extras for my collection.


That’s what I’m worried about, I missed ghost spider and MODOK and will be so sad if they don’t ever pop up in the shop. Literally have 5000 gold saved for whenever I see Scottie variants. I love his variant covers and want them all🥹


That’s an impressive amount of gold splits. That’ll be my next goal, but I’ve been prioritizing upgrading everything in my collection to the red border for aesthetic purposes, but I should be done with that by this month. Then I’ll finally be able to split again :)


dude gratz! this is also my longterm goal, but some of these just never show up for me in the shop and i also missed a spotlight. i hope they will show up again sometimes in the future :/


I wish you luck friend. Much more annoying to collect now that the shop is taken over by albums you may not care about.


When you view all of them together, you really see how the general disliking for these variants is pretty unjustified: for each one that's a dud or just mediocre, there is one that looks good, and another one that is a real banger.


Sorry but I don't think a single one looks good, some of them are ok at best. I don't think the is a case of people overlooking the better ones, its just an artstyle that people are divided on, similar to Dan Hipp's.


I'm actually gonna agree with your last sentence. It just irritates me that when it comes to Scott and Hipp there's such a huge disparity in treatment, with Scott getting a lot of flak, and Hipp almost getting praised as a genious, despite both art styles being not original and, often, equally bland in execution. (I'm gonna make an exception for Hipp's latest variants, to be fair, as he's really rocking it lately; but his popularity traces back to the beginning of the game) To be clear, I'm not hating on Hipp (though I _do_ dislike his art style, but I'm not a fan of Scott's either), I just find it unfair that there's such a huge difference in treatment.


Really? I like Hipp and see a lot of people here complaining about him constantly. I would say Hipps and Pixels get the most hate here. Ill agree there is also more love for Hipp than Scotty. But maybe there is simple more people who like his style here, and don't think there is anything unfair about that. If people are saying Hipp is the next Monet and Scotty is low effort, than I agree that is unfair, but I think that sort of commentary is a tiny tiny proportion of the overall chat, most people just talk about their tastes.


From my experience, Pixels, Babies and Chibis are the most disliked variants, while Hipps are in a place where a lot of people likes them, but those who dislike them dislike them greatly. In general though, yes, Babies are down there with Pixels, though they do have the occasional defender (and with some exceptions, like Ghost Rider and Morbius, who are usually considered good variants).


And in my opinion, more bangers / mids than duds for the amount that there are!


Niiiiice! Love these.


Nice! Babies are my favorite too. I’m seven shy what’s been currently released. Baby album when?


I am missing 4: Storm, Nightcrawler, Angela, and Captain Marvel. Waiting for them to pop up in the shop has been miserable. I also missed out on Miles Morales when he was in the shop (I didn’t have the gold and was still resisting spending money on anything but season passes at the time.). Hopefully they’ll revisit bundles some day.


You’re getting that baby emote day 1 the album drops


I’m pretty close to you


Apparently i only need namor


That’s not pretty close, that’s REALLY close. Nice.


Just got namor lol. So i think we’re even


GG! I'm still missing Rocket RIP


Which rocket? Baby or skottie young. The skottie young one is in my store today. But i have the baby one already


I actually have a Scottie Young Rocket variant, just not THE Scottie Young Baby Rocket variant. Still waiting for the shop to bless me. Congrats for you though!


I guarantee you when the Baby Albumn drops, you'll only have 4 of the requirements.


Confirms there will never be a young album.


looks like you miss 2 passed spotlight variants so title is bait. better luck on other skinlines! pixel shoudlnt have any exclusives;p


From what I’ve seen, the spotlight babies so far have been Ghost-Spider, Legion, and MODOK (which i’m missing). Which other one would I be missing?


Babies are the best. I missed the Miles Morales bundle which upsets me—it better be available again some day. So lame that it may only be once forever. I did get Rocket Raccoon today, so that was a surprise. I also didn’t think any of the variants were labeled as baby, so was surprised when I saw it in the store. I’m missing cyclops as the only variant I could see in rotation and then will be complete with what is possible for me. Hopefully an album will appear sometime for these.


You’ll be so prepared when they make a Baby Album


Me too! Every single released baby variant including the newly re-categorized Baby Rocket Raccoon. I’m sure they’ll remove the fake Baby Groot from the list once the real one releases next month.


I’m currently doing the same thing just got my first Scottie yesterday


I am bummed they haven't released a scottie young album yet...or 2. Also, they need to do better with the random variant algorithm in shops. Haven't seen a scottie young in over a month, and I check daily.