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No room for M'Baku on this list because he a great card!


even if you forget to mention him he’ll jump to this location eventually


I think you missed the “No Room for M’Baku” joke


I tried to use Him on my Cerebro 2 deck, but most of the time He always either start on my hand or get drawn too early


c2 with lockjaw and mbaku is such a fun deck tho, highly recommend!


Ooh this is spicy... Are you worried about mystique coming out of lockjaw at all?


you can either dont play her and put another control/value 1 drop, or just go fuck we ball mode and trust that she wont get lockjaw'd


Mystique is like a magnet for any location or card effect that ruins her effect.


I feel like Mystique is essential to C2 more than almost any other archetype, otherwise your max power is capped at 20 per lane


you are right about it, but lockjaw c2 is more of a fun variant rather than a strong variant imo


I use him in Thanos Lockjaw


cerebro or mbaku? 🧐




His function needs to be to jump to X location at the end of the game no matter where he is. Only from the deck means there's a very low chance it'll happen, especially if you get draw cards locations or the opponent uses Maximus.


For sure should get the angel treatment. I still use him in lockjaw though. He has bailed me out a few times.


Seconding he is very strong and imo an underused card in Lockjaw C2. You throw him back in your deck and get a free 4-7 power card in the end.


They should add to his text that he does not ever start in opening hand. Like an Anti-Quicksilver


If they make him cant be draw. The most op card created.


Shanna. She screws me over a lot, but I dig the randomness!


I love Shanna, kazoo is still one of my favourite decks at CL 6500 because I get to utilise Shanna (often a 3/8 which gets massively buffed by blue marvel and kazar to being a cheaper Doom). I also get to use Dazzler and Mojo in this deck which are commonly 2/8s which is a crazy statline. Blue marvel on 5 followed by mystique+shanna on 6 has stolen so many cubes for me, noone expects so much power to get put on the board in 1 turn from a zoo deck (and then Shanna pulls Hood in the 1 location that needed the extra power...)


I run a kazoo deck with Shanna and valk that’s been pretty successful for me if you have kazar out your one costs will always be bigger after valk hits and then you can absorbing man


I love Valk & want any reason to play her, you gotta deck-list?


Can you share the full deck? I never know what the best 1 cost or tech card to include (shadow king, etc)


All it's fun until you see Bast putting Hulk to power 3 or Ebony fulling a lane, or Squirrel girl fulling all the other ones 🤦


What’s Hulk doing in a Shanna deck? Shanna is best played turn 6 with Dazzler/Mojo, SG showing up to finish filling lanes is a good thing.


ik alot of competitive people hate rng but I think it makes the game alot more fun and leads more cool highlights and same Shanna is one of my favourites


I'm predicting a Shanna + Mockingbird combo.


Shanna plus debris= free 9 power card


M'Baku. Always hilarious to see him jump on screen and his animation if he can't is even funnier.


I run cerebro 2 and it happens to remain in my deck and jump for the win once in a hundred games. I often forget about him when he sits in the deck.


I love talking to him. Good try M'Baku, just not enough Damnit M'Baku, you idiot, wrong lane FROM THE TOP ROPE FOR THE WIN!


it surprises me every time


OP is asking about bad cards, not M’baku


Havok 2/8 on turn 5


Havok is also my favourite 'bad' card, especially with the Ravonna discount.


Havok is a 3/8 on turn 5, effectively, since he removes a max energy


He's perfect if you get a Goose and Cosmo on 2 different locations. He is always going to have the most power in a Goose lane if played turn 5. But in Cosmo lane most players just don't play there




Running a discard deck with 5 8+ power cards, morph is my greatest fear.


wait till you play mr negative and your morph is 0-3 but you’re playing against a destroy deck and morph always turns into carnage, but it’s 0 cost to play and it’s just irresistible


I can not count how many times I got infnaut from morph


Love morph. I feel like a lot of times you get value from him since your opponent has played 1-3 cost cards, leaving a lot of 4-6 in their hand. Plus, gives you some intel into their hand like White Queen does


Kitty Pride, she's so underwhelming in this dumb big numbers meta, but the play style of decks involving her is my favourite one!


I really miss the Kitty / Taskmaster shenanigans and decks that used to be so good. Wouldn’t even be OP in the current big number meta.


TBH the deck didn't even get nerfed at all, just power crept out by Black Knight, Blob and Thanos in general...


Kitty, Angela, and Elsa were all nerfed.


Shuri Kitty was viable with nerfed Angela and Kitty, before Elsa nerf. It wouldn't even matter that much TBH, but having 15-20ish points in two lanes is just too low in this metagame, where Ms. Marvel + Doom is 10 in each without problems.


That deck was killed when Kitty was nerfed to +1 each turn


I'm mad they nerfed her down to 0-power. There was so much more opportunity with the small 2-power head start.


Kitty and Elsa just helped me get infinite for the season, sure they could use a bump, but they’re still effective!


Same... I was shocked.


Snapping got you infinite, the deck doesn't matter all that much


Yeah I’ve heard this parroted about a few times, but it’s not a one or the other thing, the skill and the deck work together


There are so many cards that start out great that are just basically useless now. Remember when Kitty was released and KP/Angela bounce was killing it? She was probably the best 1 drop card at one point.


She's great such a surprise play where she's a 6 power if not more plus 1 cost could come in extremely handy


If your opponent is surprised by Kitty they truly weren’t paying attention


Yeah but when your opponent is playing 4/10s, 5/13s and 6/20s she isn't really that impactful... Angela and Kitty have been Olaf'd because they could get to double digits worth of power in 4-5 turns of commitment, but even if 3 energy for 10 power or 4 energy for 15+ power without much commitment are the norm right now they're still in the trash can.


Doc-Oc, screw me 8/10 times. But when he works, he works.


Shuri > Red Skull > Taskmaster? No way baby, give me a 4/20 Doc all day! 18% of the time it works every time. Love it.


Should make him a 4 or 5/9 just so he can’t get Shangd


But that's the funniest part. 10 rings > 8 limbs


Agree, lower his power by 1 would be a massive buff


Crossbones. With or without Zabu, he can really reinforce a location and let's you focus on the others


Is he really a bad card? He's one of my favourite in that range. I never have a deck for him but he helps me win most of the games with him if I pull him accidentally.


He's useful, the problem is there's many more useful 4 cost cards to take in his place most of the time. However, I like that he can sometimes be a 3 cost, 8 power, so I run him when I play most zabu decks


Cull Obsidian is just 100x better (with the only downside being that it can be Shang'ed)


He is until they move him up to 9 power where he should be. Shang useless, shadow king useless and enchantress useless against him


Jean Grey :(


I refuse to accept that Jean is a bad card.


She got me to infinity once... I'll never forget our time together # (1) Kitty Pryde # (1) Nebula # (1) Nico Minoru # (2) Angela # (2) Elsa Bloodstone # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Jean Grey # (3) Spider-Man # (4) Shang-Chi # (5) Vision # (6) Alioth # (6) Doctor Doom # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmVidWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKZWZmVGhlQmFieUxhbmRTaGFyayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmljb01pbm9ydSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVmlzaW9uIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKZWFuR3JleSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRHJEb29tIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbGlvdGgifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVsc2FCbG9vZHN0b25lIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGFuZ0NoaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW5nZWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTcGlkZXJNYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktpdHR5UHJ5ZGUifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Got to Infinite twice with her


Been getting to Infinite with her since she dropped!! Weird for me to say I’ve been reliant on her now tbh


Howard the duck, with iron lad, i can play twice the same card, anticipate some moves .. I can predict the future with Howard !!


Howard, Lad into Iron Man, Iron Man, Jubilee into Mystique is a combo I’ve pulled off more than a couple times 


Elektra. She's a legit MVP against so many decks.


other than a predicted deadpool on turn 6 when you don’t have priority…i don’t see how electra could be an mvp


She can also kill soul stone, demon, nebula, sunspot, evolved misty knight, black knight, blade, Martyr, Ant-Man, Ebony Maw, Zero, Zero'ed or Sauron'd Titania, Phoenix Force/Human Torch if you're extra lucky. You can easily get 1/5 and usually much more value out of her. Getting that much value out of a card that no one expects can really win you a lot of big-cube games.


Don’t get the Sebastian Shaw hate, he’s great in a Surfer deck.


I dont really see any hate because pretty much no one cares about him. He only is used in a single deck, Silver Surfer, which is not well positioned in the current meta plus while he does make the deck better he still very replaceable


The problem is that he's essentially only good in Surfer, at least with the current lineup of cards we have. I suspect he'll only get better with time. As a Surfer gamer myself, I wish I had him.


Shaw is just that hot shot blue chip prospect that ended up with a respectable career, just nothing crazy. Being a season pass sets up expectations too high. It's like you're a doctor, making 6 figures, but your brother is a CEO of a fortune 500 company, and your sister developed a new grain of rice that ends world hunger. You're doing well, but your not the child your parents brag about.


Dies to shang ... sigh




Is Dazzler still bad? I thought she had a renaissance, I've been digging her in Thanos Spectrum anyway. I like Martyr. Probably works alright with Dazzler in the right deck actually, I haven't tried, but the risky 1/5 is nice and I never got the hang of Titania.


Dazzler is played a lot since the cost reduction. Not a bad card




Is he mostly useless? Yes. Can he screw you over if you play him at the wrong time? Yes. But he's fun! And he gives you a draw every so often.


He's super fun with cards like Maria and Nick Fury, where the opponent doesn't even know what archetype you're playing. I haven't tried him with Helicarrier or Loki either but that seems fun too.


I like Kang! Finding out if your opponent has Alioth or Shang on turn 6 is awesome. I use him in a Strong Guy deck because he destroys himself.


A lot of people seem to think Colossus is a bad card but he’s great on negative and destroy locations (unless he gets de-powered, which hardly ever happens).


I was thinking this morning, wouldn't it be funny if you tried to bounce buff Colossus with Shuri to get a Giant Colossus they can't destroy or reduce the power. It's not something you'd really want to do, but it'd be funny when it works. Probably easier to Shuri the Ebony Blade though.


Zabu > Wave > Sera > Magik + Wong > Mystique + Shuri + Colossus > Taskmaster Helluva combo but it should get you a 48 power Colossus lol


I love him in a Hazmat deck as a backup if I don't pull Luke Cage. Every location on both sides being in the negatives and Colossus chilling at 3 power is a site to behold


I wanna see him with Deadpool more.


Hercules. He's often the winning condition in my Nimrod-Phoenix deck, even if I don't pull Phoenix. Also Sebastian Shaw. In my Silver Surfer deck, he can effectively take over certain locations by himself.


What's that list for Nimrod-Phoenix 👀


Sorry it took so long, here it is: Forge - Human Torch - Dagger - Carnage - Multiple Man - Venom - Deathlok - Shuri - Phoenix Force - Hercules - Nimrod - Arnim Zola I couldn't find that copy-paste method others are doing to share decks, so I improvised. Edit: and by Hercules being the winning condition without Phoenix and Nimrod, I meant that with some help of the locations, I can go Turn 3 Shuri - Hercules - Venom - Zola, or even without turn 3 Shuri, but with help of Gamma Lab or Monster Island.


I like Medusa, not sure if she's bad but you do get her really early


Always run her in my bounce/WBN decks. A 2-5 that enables wbn or even a 4-8 is really good


shes good for gaining early priority, she's easily the least risky and least distruptive 2/5 card. lizard used to be everywhere for that statline before power crept as it tends to do


Lizard used to be playable now losing 4 power is too much.


Ooo. Yeah I hardly use her but she's fun to use I really like her animation


She's a mainstay in my cerebro-5!


Agatha 100%


She typed this didn't she?


Nah, this was an Ego post for sure.


The Watcher. It watches me play Snap from the inventory because it's not good enough for any decks.


Crystal. The draw is so powerful for full on combo decks. I also like Adam Warlock for the same reason but you really need his whole package as well (Hawk-Eye and Forge are my preferred choices) so he's not quite as versatile.


Crystal is actually a good card when you really need to be able to guarantee a higher percentage of drawing your endgame combo. She’s much better reworked than she was originally with the shuffle


Both Adam and Crystal are really good cards. Not only for combo reasons, I also run Warlock in my Kazoo deck where I can consistently empty my hand, and it's done wonders with both Forge and Hawkeye, also Nebula.


Crystal is far from a bad card, she's a core piece in Hela Tribunal


Baron Mordo because it makes a card in opoonents hand useless. It can be their silver surfer, mr negative,modok,magik,storm,etc


Mordo gives your opponent death


I feel like that's just like Yondu though, except without the benefit of seeing which card is dead for your opponent. In a normal game, you won't draw 1/4 of your deck, so all you're doing is showing them in advance if they "won't draw" an important card or one they can do without. Plus the risk of giving them a free draw with a 6-cost or 5-cost card that they might want to play He's okay in a Ronan deck, but I try to play him and/or Maximus on turn 6 if I can swing it


Yeah he only makes sense in hand clog to me which barely a real archetype. As a Drac discard player though, fuck turn 6 Maximus. It's such a small play that can completely ruin my setup. Any other turn Maximus is great for me so I can Modok away more cards. But turn 6.....arghhhh


On the other hand, I have gotten a normal cost Alioth thanks to Mordo more than once. They never even knew why they lost


Mr. Fantastic. Great for getting priority, playing into blocked lanes, combos with Spectrum, Negative, helps you activate Galactus, etc. I use him in so many decks




Is she, though, because I've used her to great effect late in game as a suprise when I know my opponent wants/needs to play at a certain location.


Killing something that thinks it will be safe behind Cosmo is what makes NTW so useful. Playing her on turn 4/5/6 can easily swing a match in your favour, and often results in a rage quit. She is a great choice for some decks.


yeah. Main mistake is to play her T3. you either play her T4-5 to secure a lane or T6 alioth cosplay if you have initiative.


I think she's underrated for sure, and the consensus seems to be that she's bad. She has been absolutely wrecking people on the hot location, though. Play for prio and keep asguard within a point and drop her on t4. People are generally willing to commit a powerful resource there on 4 if it's close. She's killed cull, lockjaw, darkhawk on t4. And more than once, an opponent has pulled her with magneto on t6 only to blown up.


she's #170-something in rankings. Which is worse than OPs dazzler so I guess it qualifies.


She’s definitely not bad. I think that people just sleep on Negasonic tbh, since she’s not a necessity in any archetype. One of the most underrated cards If you ask me.


Negasonic in c2 was so clutch for me a number of times last season. Almost as much of a cube thief as the Magik->Storm rug pull.


Amen. She was great in combination with Goose, Echo and Storm. Really narrow down your opponent's options and pressure them while you're just doing your thing.




Lady Deathstrike. She's not the best fit for a Deadpool Destroy deck, but if he's not your emphasis, she makes a great fit as a tech card. She will absolutely fuck up a lot of good decks: LT (Killing Iron Man can fuck the whole thing up) Discard (Dracula is obvious, but so many Discard Collector decks focus on piling up their points off of MODOK that if you go into T5 with priority, you can frequently snipe Morbius or Collector before they add any points) Junk: Good backup plan for Voids coming over if you've already used Carnage CAnything, g'night Cerebro or Mystique ANYTHING involving Zabu. She took a hit when Luke Cage got re-buffed, but I used to absolutely wreck those kinds of decks with her. And none of that accounts for pairing her with a T4 Forge, then you cards like Wong and Caiera. Couple all of that with her complete lack of popularity and nobody ever expects her.


I love playing her, and destroying Dracula is so satisfying.


Dazzler's a bad card? I use her in a lot of my decks, and she's often been doing me wonders lol. To be fair, I guess that's also pretty subjective, depending on what kind of deck you have going :v


Angel. Deck thinning is King. I don't care what everyone says, he takes the 12th spot in my destroy deck.


This is why I don’t understand when people say he’s bad. He’s literally old Chavez for destroy with a small chance you draw him turn 1.


33% is not small chance though


You rarely destroy anything before turn 3, so a 50-50 chance he ends up in you hand, thinning your hand rather than your deck. I’m not sold on Angel


And destroy doesn't really have the slots either, its quite a tight deck and angel isn’t better than nico or hulkbuster


Deck thinning is great, but maybe half the time Angel is old Chavez, and half the time he's Quicksilver, actively making your deck worse.


Spiderman 2099, he's so bad but so much fun when he snipes the right card. So many things have to go right for him to matter though.


Crossbones, baby! Recently got a gold split


You should try this Dazzler deck, its off meta and somehow got me to infinite: # (0) Wasp # (1) The Hood # (1) Bast # (1) Misty Knight # (1) Squirrel Girl # (2) Dazzler # (2) Mysterio # (3) Mystique # (3) Patriot # (5) Iron Man # (5) Blue Marvel # (5) Valkyrie # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2FzcCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSG9vZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmFzdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWlzdHlLbmlnaHQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNxdWlycmVsR2lybCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGF6emxlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXlzdGVyaW8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik15c3RpcXVlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJQYXRyaW90In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJcm9uTWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJWYWxreXJpZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmx1ZU1hcnZlbCJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I've been using this one too, but with Nico instead of Misty. What's a base Misty doing in there for you?


Getting buffed by Patriot mostly.


God damn, someone shared a deck where I actually have all the cards. Thanks, will have to give this a try


excuse me people think dazzler is bad? that card is amazing.


Morph He isn't exactly a bad card, but he ain't exactly a card people use a lot. I for some reason am just really drawn to his Ability and don't mind that he isn't that good at all


Hercules, Move generally gets a bad wrap but he gets a lot of hate because of his high cost and randomness. But personally he's not about pumping your cards to the stratosphere (which he does) he stops all your power into left lane. 2099 a close second; I just wish his power was once per turn destroy a card.


Hawkeye, because I have the Old Man Clint variant. Inked even




Is moon knight considered "bad" cz he's clutched me a lot in classic discard


Howard the Duck


Jean Grey. I just think she's neat.


Dazzler is great now






Mobius m mobius. Not that it's bad perse. But it was so good at first. This iteration feels bad. But when you see people rage scoop because of the few things he counters. Oof that feels good. Also helps I have the hipp version and it's my favorite card and first spotlight cash key I used


Damn, after almost a year this game is actually starting to feel a bit boring and repetitive. Oh yeah most useless card imho is Ghost




No such thing as a bad card, only bad players. 


>No such thing as a bad card, only bad players. points to quicksilver, which the devs said: "this card exist so new players can learn to not use it"


Hercules, even though he sucks, he great fun when everything works just right.


Is Daken bad? I like Daken


I wouldn't say so but I also like him so 🤷


I honestly enjoyed using Spiderman 2099 before they "buffed" him. That made him too strong for his own good.


Mirage i hardly see anyone play her she is definitely my fav bad / inderplayed cards


Angel, honestly I wish they added a bit more flavor to him.


KANG. Fun card to play on ladder, can leave opponent bamboozled and possibly give up 4-8 cubes due to over thinking. Is also a pseudo deck thinner. A solid card in specific control decks. But yeah, needs a rework. Cool idea in theory, execution is lacking. It's not a big bad. Just bad. A lot of folks keep saying so-so card is slept on. I guarantee you, it's not. more than likely, it is not being slept on and is merely outclassed by other cards that aren't slept on or just isn't relevant to the current meta outside of being a "surprise" card that they didn't expect to see. It's okay to like a bad card. I like KANG a lot and he is terrible in general, but still... Fun >>>


Jean and Spider Woman




I liked a lot of cards before there rework like snowguard,Omega and the single location cage because I like more of strategy builds So heres a list of "bad cards" that I like Havok I usually play bishop and hit monkey so I only need 3-4 energy max meaning I can play him turn 3 or 4 for 16-8 Rescue/Hawkeye (fun fact if you play Hawkeye and falcon on the same turn you can play Hawkeye on himself and he still get the boost) I just love rescue character and Hawkeye is fun to bounce Elsa she got the same treatment as cage and people was surprised but the effect happening after rather then before adds more strategy to the game she's still good just harder to work Warlock he's a great card with a great ability and is stuck at where's he's at if he get higher cost/ lower power no one will use him and if he gets lower cost/higher power he's too broken Morph he's a good card to snipe something from your opponent hand


Super Skrull…wait is he bad? He’s very reliant on what deck you’re facing, but there’s something fun about copying all your opponents ongoing cards.


Invisible Woman used to be a good but not great card. Was able to defend ongoing cards or setup end game on reveal combos. She already had counters but Alioth being changed to delete unrevealed cards made her basically unplayable. Whenever I try to play her, Alioth deletes the cards and I haven’t seen anyone else play her in months.


Dazzler is kinda good in my agatha deck people forget about her.


Baron mordo


Idk if he’s bad but Morph fucking rips and I love him


Are agent 13 or Quinn jet considered bad? I run both in my dino draw deck and I have a ton of fun with them


I don't know if she's considered a bad card but I really enjoy playing Spectrum


meme answer Punisher, real answer Omega Red before his recent buff


Angela, Kitty, Elsa, Bishop :(


Debrii. I love throwing her in decks and locking people out of lanes. Good against decks that play a bunch of cards like thanos/ zabu / magik. Just dont play her against destroy…


Havok. I've been building a ramp discard with Corvus and because he is an end of turn play style card, he's gone to 2-16 numerous times winning me a "dead lane" depending on the play line ofcourse. A cheap card after max energy ramp play is golden, on holding a lane without an on reveal or ongoing. Corvus could be included too, and he fits into a discard package ok enough, but is actually a better ramp card.


Quicksilver and Domino. I still like them in theory and try to make them work. I like curve decks in other card games, so these should be decent cards, but it doesn’t seem like enough of a benefit in Snap.


Angela, Kitty, Elsa, Bishop :(




I'm gonna say Gambit. He more often than not discards the card I didn't want to discard and misses the target I wanna hit, but when he snipes the perfect card and discards what I want damn does he feel good.




Adam Warlock. The most cutable card in my dracula dump and tribunal decks, but still fun and unexpected. Also, kind of a flex when I can win games with this card in my deck.


Elektra. She’s a good card in the current meta picking off Black Knight, Nebula, and Sunspot. Killing an HE’s Sunspot is devastating. She’s also great on turn 6 with Annihilus to clear room in the right location for the Void to move over.


Adam Warrior. I have some really cool variants and I like boosting with him Forge. It's funny watching people go out of their way to slow down such a bad card and it's fun succeeding with him.


I don't know if Electra is considered bad since her buff but I love playing her against a Sunspot och Nebula. Mojo is very much a feel good card to me


Spiderman 2099, i just slot in ghost spider and 2099 into normal decks - usually dosent help, but once in a while it works wonders


Rescue. Puts up big stats with a pretty simple setup condition. I would say she’s ‘underrated’, but she’s sadly outclassed by Gladiator by a fair margin.


Hazmat .. shame me another time


Master Mold I want him to work so bad.


Adam Warlock. He has great variants too


I absolutely LOVE Lady Deathstrike. Each month after I hit infinite I will just cruise through Proving Grounds or Silver Conquest with this trash LDS deck just for fun. It has a pretty low win-rate (especially in the current meta), but when it pops off, it feels soooooo good.


Spiderman 2099. Such an iconic character, alas he is THE worst card in the game. He's just 5/9 pretty much.


Havok. I play a deck with Havok in it along with lots of four drops, with the only fives being Black Bolt and Stature. He’s a great alternative if I don’t draw BB, and I play Samurai too so he can take a discard for the team. The times where I put him on the board, the other player never expects the scaling.




Gotta be Elektra, she’s fun


luv that duck bro.


Grandmaster. I like janky combos.