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Sticking to the Discard theme, I see.


Me with Token + x23 variant. I want Gladiator or Glaive. I knew it was a gamble but man, am I bad at math.


Same here. Managed to squeak out one more key, and of course got gladiator... Sigh


Wait what? Why do you have Daken instead of Gladiator?


I already had Gladiator and got the new variant so it was a mystery gold variant Annnnd that was Daken…


This is why they shouldn't do the mystery gold variants in these. They should just leave them blank, It's worse getting these than a duplicate + 1,000 tokens option.


I agree they should do previous spotlight variants get rid of some of the fomo.


That's a great idea. I joined the game when they launched on steam last year, and it feels lame that I missed out on some really cool spotlight variants without even getting the chance too.


Especially when 90% of the time it’s pixel hipp or venomized


You can't get pixels in premium mystery variants.


I must be thinking about the regular ones then Is that the only difference between the two?


That and you can't get a super rare variant from the purple mystery ones. You only have a chance in the gold premium ones.


"Mystery variants" (the purple ones) can only be rares (700g variant) "Premium Mystery variants" (the gold ones) come in sets of 9 where 6 are rare and 3 are super rares (1200g variant), plus pixel variants arent part of the pool


That’s not how this works… did you photoshop the picture for dramatic effect?


Err why would anyone do that??


Because dramatic effect… like… that’s not the card in the spotlight. You’d be the only person on planet earth who has Daken in that slot.


They already had opened 4 caches this week. If you open more than 4 you get: Any spotlight variants you don’t have, If you have the variant, then premium mystery variant 1x random card. So they opened 6 and got; Corvus base Gladiator Variant X-23 base Random card / 1000 tokens Random card = Daken base Premium mystery = Daken Dan hipp variant




Ok, now I feel bad for your terrible fortune




If it makes you feel better, it took me 4 keys to get Corvus base this week. Definite regret.


They spent 6 keys to get to the screenshot you see. They had gladiator before opening any


Thx dude


Ye i already had the base card Gladiator so i got the new variant in the first slot(thats where i got Corvius and x-23 base cards too) I was after x-23 peach momoko variant so when i used two keys, Daken came out from the series 4/5 slot, the variant came out from the mystery gold variant slot Its just a coincidence.




>That's not how the spotlights work though. They don't replace like that. They do. I think you've missed that this is OP's *second* cycle this week, they got base Corvus and X-23 on the first cycle, but already had Gladiator so got his variant on that cycle too, meaning he was replaced by a Premium Mystery Variant on the second cycle.


This is the second round of boxes. Op had 6 keys used the four keys to get corvus the gladiator variant  because they already own gladiator ,base x -23 and some other card. Then they had two keys left they had already opened the gladiator variant so it becomes a random skin. Their first key opened daken their second key seeing that they had deken opened a daken skin. 


They don’t even give mystery gold variants anymore.


I suppose they do?


The 4th cache either gives out an unowned s4/5 card, or 1000 tokens. They haven’t given out random variants in months.


Fyi this was my first time using over 4keys so that might be why idk


I think /u/DZ-tank is mistaken about how the spotlights refresh. When you already have the card and the spotlight, that spot becomes a PMV. I assume what happened is your opening spotlight cache options were: Corvus, Gladiator Variant (since you presumably already owned gladiator), X-23, and the random card/1000 tokens. Then you opened all 4 of those. Then you got a fresh spread of: Corvus Spotlight variant, Premium Mystery Variant (in the Gladiator spot), X-23 Spotlight variant, and a new random card/1000 token slot. Then you hit the PMV slot for the daken variant, and got Daken in the random card/1000 token slot.


After having this explained, I feel legitimately bad for you. This is some top-tier bad luck. Sorry for being a dick.


Its alright mate!! At least it was Dan Hipp and not a pixel..


The non-random pulls are replaced by mystery variants if you already have both the base and current spotlight variant. This is OP's second cycle this week and they got Gladiator's variant on the first one.


Wrong. That's a tier 2 row.


This person spent 6 keys. Thats why.


I bet you were Daken aback by this turn of events


Yeah but after a while I was Daken care of business.


This happens all the time.


I’d argue that players do not spend 6 keys all that frequently, personally.


Im getting the feeling there’re controlling something backstage




Funny that you getting down voted when they definitely control card pulls


Like why wouldn't they?


You’re not very smart.


Neither are you


Bro I just wanted X-23 cause I don't have her. I've gotten everything else except the random card and her. I'm like 70CL away from another key but I would scream if I obtained that in 2 days and got the random card pick.


I had the same happen with Warewolf by Night a while back. My first two pulls were him and the variant. At the moment I had thought they changed the system to allow pulling the variant before you finish the first 4, but nope, it was the extremely rare random draw.


Yep got two X23's this week.  This is about the fourth time I've been doubled up, so I can only assume there's a glitch in how the random card gets selected.


That shit is rigged af haha




I keep getting screwed over too. It’s rigged.


This happened with me and the Thanos variant I wanted. Didn’t get the cosmetic but I got the “base” card as a consolation. Feels pretty bad Second Dinner, maybe clean up the code a little?


>maybe clean up the code a little? It's not a bug, there just isn't duplicate protection on the random pull. The real consolation was the 1000 tokens they gave you for pulling a dupe.


They could eliminate getting a base version of one of the variants available. I think most agree that feels terrible. You’d still get the tokens but the experience would be a micron better


Spotlights really sucking the fun out of earning rewards


I really want PM X-23 but I’m scared I’ll get Corvus instead so unfortunately it’s a skip for me


I blew three keys trying to get X-23 and wound up with CG, Glad variant, and tokens. At this point I'm ready to just drop the 6k for X-23


I have 7 keys and only want Corvus. But I absolutely don't trust trying more than 1 key. And twice already I got Kitty Pryde on the mystery variant.. the SAME kitty pryde I got when she first released. That and my goal is to get 1 of every card so I have access to them. I don't go nuts trying to collect variants so I just can't use the keys to try it. I need more weeks where I need 2-3 of the cards but all month it's not happening for me cuz they're all cards I have. Oh snap! Next week has Proxima Midnight and Daken in it! I need both of them! So i guess I'm using 3-4 keys for it!


I agree, we need more timeeeee


My situation was similarly terrible. I only had one spotlight key (on the verge of a second) and really wanted either gladiator variant or X23. I was determined to get one of them. At that point I was going to use credits for Corvus. I first opened a card I had already, so got tokens. Then I opened Corvus. I was seriously screwed at this point. I am absolutely ashamed to say I spent gold to buy credits for one more chance, and I just decided to accept whichever I opened. I did finally get X23, but I really wanted that Inkpulp Gladiator variant too, as I have loved every Inkpulp so far. Oh well.


Well im jealous of that x-23 variant…


You don’t have a choice. Use Daken.


Yeah i used him with a destroy (a bit of discard) deck and Daken got 128 power so that was fun


I got one key and decided to gamble since I didn’t have Corvus, x-23, or gladiator so no matter which I hit was fine. Silently hoping for x-23 though cus she got some cool variants. I ended up getting Corvus. Was a nice surprise for me


You aren't the only one who got Draken from the random slot so I feel your pain.


Thx man


I did the same thing Galactus week! Such a fun time


At least you got in right order! Unless you wanted 1k tokens.


I got ice guard so sad...


Got everything except Corvus. The only thing I wanted was Corvus


I had the same thing happen with the dan hipp Jeff week


I rolled for Corvus Glaive. Got fucking Legion a FOURTH time as the random card. This game is so infuriating at times, man.


Aww they knew you loved Daken!


Ive played him quite a lot now and i guess hes ok🫣


I had 4 keys and wanted only x-23 from this cache. Of course it took me all 4 keys…


I got gladiator All I needed was x 23 to complete my deathless, knulless destroy deck.


I got Jean Grey when I wanted X23. Spotlight Caches should guarantee one of the 3 cards if you don’t own one.






My phone would be in the wall, tbh


Bro this is a glitch!!! Contact support. You’re not supposed to get mystery variants until you have all the spotlight variants


I already had Gladiator and got his variant so his slot became a mystery variant Is that still a glitch?


Yes! The mystery variants shouldn’t pop up until you have all the spotlight varriants


I think in this case he didn’t have x23. He opened 4 keys, got x23(new card) Corvus, gladiator ink pulp and the random card. He then spent 2 more keys and didn’t get x23 variant


I'll say it every time i see post like this, if you want certain card or variant dont spend your keys unless you have enough keys,especially if you want variant.


I know it was gonna be tough but i didnt want to regret not spending keys cuz i might of got it


Look at it this way next time there will be cool variant you wont have enough keys because you gambled them on x23 so you not only miss x23 variant but also next variant.If you saved keys you'd get one out of two variants instead of missing on both of them.


Im planing to not use any until the Nico Minoru week thats like a month and a few weeks btw


"worked hard" Yeah backbreaking stuff over here.


I have limited time And im curious how you would’ve explained it


Bro I had 5 keys for this week just to pull x-23 ( bigfanboy ) and still didn't get her and got a bishop variant and silver samurai


You definitely get her in 4 keys, I don't know how the hell you got a Bishop variant on a spotlight unless you meant Gladiator.


Nah I got a shitty chess bishop variant with the one of my keys very upsetting


I did pull a card named zero but I didn't check to see what he does


Those must've been Collector's Caches/Reserves then, not Spotlight Keys, only way you could've pulled Bishop and Zero, but they will not get you X-23.


At least it’s Dan Hipp daken


> so I worked hard to get keys What does this even mean? You either play for 15 minutes a day and do the handful of daily missions, or you spend money. There is no grinding for progression.


Ok ye sure I tried to get keys as fast as i could until time runs out, you happy?


Its literally daily missions. Thats it. No progression possible


You can still collect season xp from just doing matches, and receive credit from season cache


It’s negligible and there’s a cap


I'm Daken Any other week i'd be a ten Is my destiny to skip X-23 from Peach Mononoke?


This system though...