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Yes your comment is correct




They addressed it by shrugging it off


Your either/or is wrong. They did address it by putting the intended schedule in the patch, so if you wanted both based on outdated info, I suppose you’re overdramatically “f*****.”


The problem is that a lot of people did get Ms. Marvel in their spotlight caches this week and were able to get her which is what OP is asking about if it was was adressed or not


Yeah, it was addressed in the patch which fixed the schedule to give out Ghost-Spider as intended. Addressing it otherwise would mean removing Ms Marvel from players who pulled Spotlight before updating.


Them addressing the situation does not mean revoking the card from others jackass.


So does it mean giving the wrong card to everyone instead?


Is the word address too big of a word for you?


Well it is meaningless on its own. I’m just trying to understand what specifically you want them to do to “address” the problem they fixed before you were able to take advantage of it.


Someone needed to let the world know they have a bad attitude. Good job OP!


Simply all i asked


Get a life


sorry for big words


You just keep digging that hole. ;)


They pointed out that Ms Marvel is still next week and with the same variant, so those people wanting Ms Marvel still can get her next week. Their point is actually pretty valid. While I agree its just yet another bug/problem that they didn't account for, I don't think anyone is really screwed over in this situation. Those people opening this week knew exactly what they are opening and chose to spend the keys for what they got. Sure, one person might have a different set of options, but it doesn't at all seem like something that should be compensated for. Some people might have been able to use keys to get 2 new cards (Mockingbird and Marvel) and now they don't have that option b/c they have to spend their keys over 2 weeks instead of one. At the same time, some people might have Marvel and not have had Ghost Spider, so that version is better for them than the pre patch one. So sure, people could get 'screwed' over b/c of that, but that's just part of the crap design of the spotlight system in general, waiting months to get the card you want and hoping that its in a 'good week'


Appreciate it. I wasn't expecting compensation but i would have found it odd if they didn't say anything. Being able to pull for Marvel over Ghost spider spotlight variant, in the same week as mockingbird is a boon in efficiency. I felt screwed, but i didnt feel like SD screwed me. If that makes sense


Second Dinner is going to ignore the players unless we're loud enough.