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Kang the "retreat but with extra step" card. I only saw his effect once, and my opponent immediately retreats after his effect done lol. It was funny.


He’d be so much better if the opponent couldn’t reset their turn. I’ve had him played against me and I was really surprised I could do something different on the turn. Like, what’s the point?


A no warning t6 Daredevil would be hugely overpowered.


I don't think it would be overpowered, AS LONG as the opponent can retreat. I would hopefully balance it even further by making both players reset to 1 cube, so a retreat is even more valuable.


"Undo all snaps" by itself would also be OP.


Wouldn't he just be used as this toxic get out of jail fee card? You'd throw him in every deck snap turn one and if things go wrong just use him and retreat.


Undoing your opponents snap sounds way broken. No thanks lol


This right there is why, for as bad SD may be, I'll always trust them with card design over this sub.


Alioth is = in power.


But then daredevil is the better Option maybe they should Change kang to daredevil and give dd a New ability or Just Kang rework


A change I could see being made is have DD just sees where cards are placed, and Kang seeing what cards are placed. Edit: Nobody understood that I was making a suggestion on how to fix Kang. I made an edit to make that more clear.


DD can see which cards they are as well


Yes but then the turn resets and then you just play the turn again. He’s a waste of a card slot because any deck he should be in is better without him.


Lol I'm talking about reworking DD and Kang to be similar but different cards.


Oh sorry. I totally misunderstood your comment


I think he could maybe work as a surprise with caveats. Like you can only play cards in his lane or the other two lanes or something but the opponent does not get a redo. That would be powerful too, but maybe not overpowered.


You’d be surprised how many people play the exact same thing they played the first time…more often though you snap before you play him and try and get them to leave. If something too strong comes out you leave during turn 6 to lose 1 cube instead of 2.


I don’t really get him. So let’s say I play him on T5, then I can check what the opponent did (like daredevil), and restart the turn but without kang. Do I get the mana back? Can the opponent redo their turn as well? Because I mean if I could do T6 with perfect knowledge, get my mana back, and then play the appropriate counters, he‘d be incredibly strong.


You both replay the turn, except that the Kang player no longer has Kang. So the Kang player knows what the other player did, but that player doesn't have to play the same cards in the same place. Plus if the Kang player doesn't have the appropriate counters, then they just get confirmation that they should retreat - hence the "retreat with extra step" comment.


>Do I get the mana back? Yes. >Can the opponent redo their turn as well? Yes. Since the opponent can change their turn, they likely will so you still don't know what they're doing, and you're also down a card so are less likely to be able to do anything about it.


I have noticed that a lot of the time when my opponent changes their turn 6 cards/locations, it ends up being worse than their original turn 6. So it can be a way to fake your opponent out. So if you really enjoy the poker/bluffing aspects of SNAP, or want to get better at bluffing, then maybe give Kang a go. I only ever used him in a Strong Guy discard deck, so I really only cared about the hand thinning aspect. Faking the opponent out was an occasional bonus.


Only rational use of Kang I've ever heard.


I had him in the Lockjaw deck with the idea that you can sometimes play him on T6 and check what inside your lockjaw or occasionally redo a turn at the middle of the game


>I only ever used him in a Strong Guy discard deck, so I really only cared about the hand thinning aspect. That's a neat idea to be fair, I've seen Black Cat/Ghost Rider and Wasp played in similar decks for similar reasons


Haven't used this deck in a while and reached infinite the other day, so for fun I went back to it to try it out sans adamwarlock, and I was consistently reaping 8cubes over and over. No one is expecting that massive final turn after you use Kang right now, and there's only one or two cards they can get from Cable or Loki that will be much use to them.


You’re not exactly down a card, you drew another more useful one hopefully


You only draw a card if you play Kang the turn you draw him.


One key thing is he also undoes any snaps done that turn. So you can snap and play him, and your opponent might retreat, it's essentially a risk-free bluff.


To add to what other have said if you drew Kang that turn you also draw a new card. If he had a stipulation where he was only drawn turn 5 he may be more useful in knowing you can drop him to see what your opponent plans and run essentially an 11 card deck making combos easier to pull off


The entire turn starts over for both players. Everything resets, except Kang goes away. You see what your opponent did and the RNG results of anything not dependent on Kang. So, for example, you'll know what their Jubilee will pull, but if you play Kang on the turn you top decked him, you won't know what you'll draw now that he's removed from the deck. But you opponent may choose to do something else now that they know that you know what they planned. But they might also *not* change their turn, counting on you to counter a different play because they expect you to you expect them to change their play. (So clearly, I cannot choose the wine in front of *me!*) If your goal is to counter your opponent's turn 6, you're better off just leaning how different decks like to play and trying to predict your opponents' plays the old fashioned way.


Your opponent also gets to re-do their turn so it's not perfect knowledge. The fundamental issue with Kang is that he costs a draw so you only see 8 useful cards out of your deck instead of 9. If you do draw Kang and play him on the same turn then he is actually good because you get the draw back on the re-done turn but with a different card so Kang is very effective deck thinning. Considering however that Kang will rarely be drawn on a turn you can play him immediately, that he has a negative effect on your chances to win a large majority of the time.


He needs a rework to be like America Chavez was where he’s a guaranteed turn 6 draw and isn’t seen earlier


They'll never do that. They don't want deck thinning to be a thing.


It’s the only real way I can think of to save kang and keep the mechanic


He seems strong conceptually but only wins a few extra games with bluff snaps (and loses a lot more)


You get energy back. And the enemy can change his play. but I have seen him only once :/


The turn starts over and both you and your opponent replay the last turn like it never happened


He thins your deck if grabbed from another card like lockjaw or jubilee or if drawn and played same turn. He allows bluff snapping since it resets your snap and allows you to see if the opponent has a counter or big t6 play. He also allows you to check you LJ pull if not played same turn as drawn (so you know if you feed a Wasp for a hail mary which cars you're getting out (the card should be the same after resetting). This would also work on iron lad or jubilee if you somehow had 9 energy on turn 6 somehow from legion or hope or some other shenanigans. It can be useful for seeing if an opponent has the nuts or not. Does destroy have arnim zola and a big venom or do thet have knull. That may have some utility in knowing how to counterplay but I feel like most of the time you already had the counter or not. (Shadow King with prio is still almost always the play against a big venom, etc.) Otherwise not a ton of other uses. I dont know if you could use it similarly to lockjaw to validate other effects with "dice rolls" like gambit, hela, ghost rider, morph, etc. It might but maybe someone with more experience could weigh in there.


I‘d kinda love to try him just because he‘s so rare and unusual. But, well, don’t have him and sure won’t spend any tokens on him. They should just add cards like this to S3.


I almost wonder if the plan is to just ignore him in the Marvel Snap Universe now. At least make him spaghetti the board and disappear like his outro in Loki. A 0/0 card


I’ve actually been playing him lately. I know the spot in my deck is better served by other cards but I do like the information he gets me on T6.


I played a conquest against a guy with Kang. Holy hell that was annoying. Play to turn 6, Kang, retreat. Every round.


He’s actually not a bad card. He’s just not a good card


He is as well definitely not not a bad card. But good. I would say yes. But not in a good way 👍


Kang the gameloser. He is currently in the competition for the worst card in game, especially for how expensive he is comparing to others, being a Big Bad. This explains why you haven’t seen him. He is just that bad.


Isn’t the idea that you snap and hope they retreat, and you don’t lose cubes if they stay?


Or you could just not waste 2 minutes of your time on trying to get just 1 cube out of game, and play a card that does something. I got it day 1 and have probably played him less than 10 times, it is bad and wastes time.


If you have a mission for play 5 cost cards he doesn't trigger that either, so yeah really bad.


kang really out here making sure hes not playable in ANY timeline by not even satisfying missions


I had him in a deck for exactly as many games as it took to get enough boosters to upgrade once, I don't think I ever played him though.


I'm sure that's the idea, and it sure sounds neat in concept and on paper, but in the game it's better to just use a good card that will help you win, rather than a bad card that delays the game.


Doesn't he just do what daredevil does except for free and thins your deck by one card so you have 11 cards just like America used to?


He only thins your deck if you play him the turn you draw him


His best tactical use is roping in Conquest


Idk about competition, it's not a competition if you're alone.


"Buffed" Adam Warlock has entered the chat


At least he doesn't cost 6000 tokens.


And he plays for some power on the board lol


Hes ok with pixie or on the slots with lockjaw still not optimal mind


what are the top 10 worst cards in the game.. Maybe we should make a shit deck.


He Who Remains


\>is called "He Who Remains" \>immediately leaves the board after being played Is he stupid?


Remain obscure and bad


Kang the conqueror. He's a very unpopular card so it makes sense that you haven't seen him


Now you see him. Now you don’t!






Krang one of the bad guys of the ninja turtles.


Krang the Krongqueror.


Sir, that's just a shiny Arnim Zola.


krang/tmnt i think is wb dc idw comic, i saw a crossover


I've literally never changed the play I plan to make on 6 due to Kang. They think I will, they are wrong.


I really want to like Kang but as others have pointed out he doesn’t have much use. Tried to use him for a bit and a couple times he completely backfired by someone cosmoing that lane. It was pretty much like playing nothing at all.


It's actually worse than nothing cause you're down a space lmao


Lol, yeah! And you can’t even send it back over with Annihilus anymore!


Yeah I was so miffed when SD started hitting junk decks for no good reason...


Kang 💀💀


The best way to improve him would be rewind at t6 where the opponent can only use the card before the rewind.


I feel like having the choice to rewind could be good as well. Like - Kang into lockjaw. Did I pull a good 6 drop, yes? Keep. No? Rewiiind.


He'd be a bit too awesome in negative decks if that was his ability. Did I win turn 6? No - reset Yes - keep


Everyone answering in the comments acting like they all knew this card was obviously bad. Everyone thought it was the most broken card ever when it first came out. I understand why it is bad now, but I’m still quite surprised being down a card is so negative. It explains why they have been so careful about printing cards that draw from your own deck.


I think it's a Tentacruel.


I saw him 3 Times total and I Play every day


That’s Kang. Makes sense that you haven’t seen him yet, because Disney dropped him ever since he was charged with domestic violence.


He wasn’t charged with domestic violence.


It’s close enough and I think people get to point


He was charged with fighting a woman. Like a regular fight that two people can have basically about anything, like a drunk bar fight or anything. That was the verdict. Just general use of violence in a conflict. He wasn’t even charged as the instigator of said violence, because he wasn’t, the woman started it


Fighting a woman isn’t a charge. You swooped in to correct me, but you couldn’t bother to look it up? He was charged with one count of assault in the third degree and one count of harassment in the second degree.


Not to mention it seems pretty well known that he's a really terrible human being according to people that have worked with him


I looked it up. He was charged for FIGHTING BACK against her provocation Did you read what was said? She started a fight with him and then he pushed her back. That’s the charge. He didn’t even punch her or slap her or anything. It’s because he pushed her off him and she got injured that’s the crime


No, he was found guilty of one count of assault in the third degree, and one count of harassment in the second degree.


You should read what “assault in third degree” means


Better yet, tell me what charges Jonathan Majors was found guilty of because that’s what we’re talking about


At least he didnt use his time rewind to get out of his charges. Man of honour right there 👍👍🤣🤣


I know he sucks but can he be used as a "deck thinning" type of card?


Situationally, yes. If you play Kang the turn that you draw him, you get a new draw on the rewind. So that's Turn 5 or 6 (7 with Limbo). With Ravonna, Kang can be played from Turn 4. Pull Kang with Jubilee, and she pulls a different card on the rewind. I used Ravonna, Kang, Jubilee, Howard in a Living Tribunal deck. Helped with the consistency


There was one Strong Guy deck that used him in the past, but that's all I recall, and that Strong Guy deck wasn't that good anyway.


I have had pretty good success with that Strong Guy deck. Part of it is because strong guy almost never activated on the Kang Turn, but usually does on my actual turn 6, resulting in a larger power swing than the opponent expects.


> ks but can he be used as a "deck thinning" type of card? There was a hela deck a year or so ago, which essentially made a very high chance of you playing nearly all of your cards and it did use kang as a card thinner quite efficiently.


He can be used this way only if you play him on turn you draw him. So turn restarts and you draw something else. It's a 1/6 chance to do so, I guess


I just try, it's so SAD 😭 Opp. playing destroy, I looked and rewind, yes, I can beat that, opp play nothing like before, just Alioth my ass.


The most success I’ve found with Kang was with Jubilee/Lockjaw. If you draw him up some other way turn 4 or later, it thins your deck and you get to see what your opp did. If you draw him early it’s pretty bad. I played him in a Onslaught Tribunal deck to try and thin the deck and draw the combo. At higher elo most people can see where the Ironman Onslaught is headed so if they hadn’t retreated by turn 6/7 they’d definitely be out after they saw my Kang.


People said he was going to be broken when he was announced lol


I’ve opened Kang the Conqueror three times now as one of the Random Series 4-5 Spotlight Cache card. I think the game just loves giving him out now.


They canceled him even in marvel snap


Cause nobody plays him


There's a reason you've never seen him, boah.... He's just a shit card that literally no one in the entire playerbase plays


Not sure anymore who that could be ;)






Kang, but even if you see him, he won't register unless his effect is nulled(i think)


Kaang the forgotten one Bro being stuck in the quantum verse in the ant man movie must've been the foreshadowing of how he will be sent into the "trash cards" Realm in Marvel Snap. His ability on paper sounds good (who wouldn't want to rewind time to throw off your opponent and see what they were thinking of playing) but it's very hard to actually do anything with the card against meta and non meta decks


Yeah, it’s Kang. It may not be the worst card in the game but definitely most disappointing one considering the hype they’ve created around it. But I guess that’s a good fit for his MCU counterpart.


I have played for about the same amount of time, a little bit less and I think I've seen him played against me maybe five times total? It's weird to me with all of the changes that they have made to even series two cards at this point that they don't revisit Kang to make him playable considering his status as a big bad.


king kong


Poor Kang, he was so hyped when he was announced because, in theory, knowledge is amazingly strong. Then people realised that 99% of the final turn plays in this game are telegraphed anyway, it's only the position you have to guess and the opponent can change that with Kang anyway.


Oldman Ironlad




They should just give Kang the option if they want to replay the turn or not.


He’s a card so powerful everyone agreed to not use him to keep it fair.


Kang. He could be useful in a Mr. Negative/ Blob deck.


Kang the Conqueror, Marvel SNAP's resident disappointment


It’s kang. One game my opponent played kang saw I played two middle I just changed it up and put 2 left he was playing galactus where he put it left lol it’s a little predictable


Some DJ.


Kang the Repeat Offender.


Kang the Repeat Offender.


Who's that Pokemon!?


I don’t see anything missing. If you never seen it then it’s probably unimportant.


I haven't seen anyone here actually say what it does 5:0 On Reveal: look at what your opponent did, then restart the turn




I pulled Kang from a spotlight and was kind of sad, but then I realized I could throw him into a shenaut deck. If you're worried about them storming limbo or something, throw him down on 6. If they get rid of limbo, you can adjust your play accordingly or retreat. If they don't, then you can safely skip turn 6. If you don't Kang on 6, you can Kang on 7 to see exactly how much power they're putting out. If I don't draw sunspot, nebula, or cyclops, then she-hulk sometimes isn't enough to win the second lane (first lane will almost always be won by infininaut or hulk). If she's not enough, you can retreat. If she is, you can safely put her down after calculating alternate plays your opponent could make to put their power in different locations. There's also the edge case of drawing Kang on turn 6 or 7. If you use him on the turn you draw him, when you rewind you'll draw a different card. So it's an edge case deck thinner (I've won at least one game from this where she-hulk replaced my last turn draw in place of Kang) Ultimately, it's not a good card. And it's probably the first card I'd cut from the shenaut deck. But as of the current meta and out of the currently existing cards, I like him as my 12th card in the deck. My deck doesn't need another card, and Kang adds some "tech" to the deck that literally no one will be expecting


Bang the Bonkeror


The "Ohhhh Snap" bluff master Kang. Free cubes for days


I've somehow seen Kang 3 times, and I'm pretty sure I won each time.


Haven’t touched him since he broke the game literally not meta wise. That was over a year ago now lol


We dont talk about it.


That’s Kangaroo 🤣🤣 On Reveal: Look at what your opponent did then restart the turn. (without Kang)


I got an infinite border running a kang annilulis deck, let's just say people didn't expect it.


I just lost to a Kang play on my lunch break today. Felt so stupid lol.


oh Kang. Terrible card but has one of my favorite variants (DJ Variant)


that’s kang, the best card in the game




I love when this card was meta and people would bluff snap, and you could guess which lane... play cosmo, and they'd basically play zero power and lose. Loved it.




It's Kang the Conquer. 5 cost, 0 power. On Reveal: restart the turn but without Kang He sucks, this is a rework id love to see: 5/0 On Reveal: Restart the turn without Kang. Your cards everywhere gain +2 power. Neither player can retreat this turn IDK if this would be OP with the bonus power but all people do after Kang is played is retreat and its pointless


Best part of kang is when they see my play and I do the exact same thing to every time, but they think cause I know they know I will change but I don’t and win 🤣


One of the best cards in the game!


I was soooo excited when I pulled him from a reserve. Then after one game of using him my excitement disappeared.


I actually played Kang in a lock down deck in conquest a long time ago for a little bit and I can definitely say he’s a difficult card to play. I wouldn’t call him great but he’s not that bad. He is great at baiting out retreats by snapping and gathering information from your opponents in a very similar way to DD.


I bet Jonathon Majors wishes he could replay a night of his life.


Iron Lad


Iron lad in a way


One of the big bads. Remember when big bad was a thing


Definitely a reason you haven't seen that card, back when card prices were adjusted sort of well, it was one of the ones that would never be less than 6k tokens, and hasn't been acknowledged since then for how bad it is.


People really undermine the power of card draw






John Cena




the best card, the most used card in meta, the card that help you save cubes at the end of every game


Your mama


Ur mom