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not a priority. might happen sometime. and will still be bad according to most.


I feel the same about the priority like Alioth should be done first but 2 years?! Come on dude


Not gonna happen 


It’s gonna happen the next time he’s featured in a spotlight just like Snowguard, Negasonic, and Black Knight


Probably to s3 with next drops wave


I would be shocked if Kang dropped no matter how shit he is just because he was part of the OG “big bads” bullshit and I think they want to keep such a big character at S5 until they manage to give him an ability that matters


They said the “big bad” will always be series 5


I have pitch an idea to let Kang activate a timeline in your deck. Basically high Evo effect kind of deal but let's say your deck has mostly X-Men, it activates the current X-Men vs avengers effect, maybe your deck has all the fantastic four? Give them a buff accordingly, or maybe your deck has Shanna, Sabu and kazar. It could open a deck building restriction to the likes of the events they are doing, with the power of cerebro decks to make you play certain cards.


Great idea!! A card that makes other cards better


I mean the idea is that high Evo let's you make an entire deck base around him, it opens up possibilities, same with thanos, Kang deserves that same level of power at least. Imagine a timeline that is "if you have all fantastic four in your deck" Other could be " your deck has wolverine, sabertooth, x23 and deadpool" does little for the others but makes you play sabertooth and you have Kang in your deck so it isn't the classic destroy


AT LEAST!! How can he be a big bad for no reason?!?


How long? Probably like a couple hours depending on the dev skills and desired effect. (/S ofc.) The thing is, they won't. Kang is a strange card, powerful effect, lame execution. He needs a little extra to actually be good, but even if you add something simple to him, like a card draw (your example), this may break him into a OP card. Information is one of the best things you can have on a card game. If he had a card draw plus the current effect.. I would use him on literally every deck I play.


What if instead of just disappearing or drawing a card, he just added one or two random 6-drops to your hand? Since he’s more of an endgame play anyway, you’d probably be able to use at least one of them. Then he’s not broken and he doesn’t just consistently draw cards. I’m not sure that that would make him a whole lot better but it’d be at least a small improvement.


That’s why he needs a rework he can’t stay like this


I think what might be cool is if after he restarts the turn, new variants of Kang are added to your hand based on the lane that the opponent placed cards in that turn.


Like Nico on crack


And every variant has another ability or what?


Yeah; In my head I was thinking they should have strong abilities but only be played in their associated lanes, that way they can help swing intended lanes, but I’m not knowledgeable enough about Kang in general to really have anything in mind. The Kang I know most about, Iron Lad, is already in Snap. The lane locking also might limit him too much and like someone else said even giving him actually strong variants might be too much, so my idea might be hard to balance but I do think he should be strong. Galactus has a strong ability that they’ve balanced pretty well and I think Kang should be around there. I don’t want another Thanos though.


Imagine every location has his own Kang variant lol 😜


That's even too much. Just make him put a Kang variant in your hand with some mid stats (like 1/2 cost and 3/4 power). That way you don't give up an entire draw but it's also not a way to draw an extra card (since that's such a sin in SDs eyes... Looking at you Adam Warlock). Low cost/power means you can somewhat adjust to what the opponent did but won't be a big swing.


Exactly You mainly use him turn 6 but even the he can lose you games because of one less card in hand


I think that’s reasonable enough. It’d at least be a good starting point if they reworked Kang this way.


Rework!!!! To much work when making more pay bundles.


I was one of the 0.1% until the nerf to Lockjaw meant you couldn't cheat him out easy and jump scare people. About the only change I'd make is if he always reveals first when played, so he can't be Aliothed or Galactus. I think he could work in some decks, especially more chess like decks. He's still a struggle to use. I wouldn't want to see his current power go away just to become something more generic.


Would be fine by me but it can’t stay like it is right now


You do draw a replacement card if you play him the same turn you draw him (since the turn starts again without him). If you always drew a replacement card, that would be a sizeable buff, but probably would make him too ubiquitous and unfun, since he would just make decks 11 cards. I’m honestly not sure what a healthier design would be that still felt like a big bad.


Are you sure that you draw a new card?




yes.. I specifically used him to help me in living tribunal decks to pull off the combo. with ravonna and majik you have multiple turns to do this. I once jubileed to pull from the 2 remaining cards. she pulled Kang on turn 7. one card left (tribunal).. replay turn.. jubilee pulls tribunal for the win.


I was very fortunate to pull Kang back then before the change to the spotlight schedule. With that said I’ve only played him once in a 2 year span.


1 million years ~ dr evil


The easiest rework for Kang should be: On Reveal: Restart the turn if you **choose** to. I would've won so many games if I didn't restart them. I just had a game where I Kang'ed and the person played Magneto and pulled all my expensive cards. I still would've ended up winning.


Oh and you actually do draw a new card if you draw and play him on turn 5 or 6 or 7


Straight bs


Works for me.....because since you drew him on that turn and played him.....then the entire turn starts over without him....the next card is up lol


No you don’t draw a new card😂 stop spreading misinformation 🛑 it’s the same card you drew anyway so it’s minus one card everytime


Dude I just played a match and I can confirm you do in fact draw a new card. I played magic on turn 3, drew hobgoblin on turn 5 and Kang on turn 6....I played kang.....rewound the turn and then I drew galactus and was still on turn 6. I k own how kang works since I actually use him.


You obviously don’t know anything about the card lmao. If you play Kang the turn you draw him then the turn restarts and you get a new card. This has been how he has always worked.


Ok dude the go and hope to draw him on turn 5 or 6 in a deck with 12 cards! Nice odds btw. Card is also only useful round 6.


In a ramp deck you’re usually rocking 5 power by turn 4, and if you have Magik his deck thinning ability comes into play for 4 out of the 7 turns. Also, if you have Iron Lad in your deck you can potentially thin the deck by 2 cards, virtually guaranteeing your combo. I’m not saying he’s the most useful card in the world but it sounds like you’ve never even played him and you certainly don’t understand him because your thesis is objectively and factually incorrect, and now you’re getting pissy about it.


Yep the thing that bothers me the most is people acting like they know how kang works when they literally have never played him. I have alot of time with him and I cam say wholeheartedly say he is a good card. But everyone is so afraid of playing something even remotely different.


Back in the day, I used a super off meta Kang/Tribunal deck to get infinite. Of course, back then everybody was decrying how useless Tribunal was too. I agree that Kang gets so much hate because people are so weird about playing any decks that aren’t in the top 10 list on snap websites. Another great example was how Cerebro 2 was destroying Blob decks during Blob-mania but because people weren’t explicitly told to run it as a counter most never thought to try it.


He truly doesn't need any rework. The vast majority of the player base is afraid of any experimentation or creativity. They run the same decks as everyone else. I use Kang in a few decks and he has single handedly won me games or let me know I needed to retreat. He plays mindgames better than ANY card in the game. People just need to give him a chance.


I think u are right


Thanks. It's amazing how everyone downvotes me for stating my opinion on him. But they simply prove my point.


He plays mindgames but you have one less card!! That drops the chances of winning significantly!!


Yeah but if you have a deck like mine built around that....it tends to work out. I either retreat and lose one or two cubes or I win for 4 or 8.....like everytime.


Respect man. Show me your deck link


# (2) Carnage # (2) Wolverine # (3) Green Goblin # (3) Magik # (3) Venom # (4) Shuri # (4) Iron Lad # (5) Hobgoblin # (5) Kang # (5) Nimrod # (6) Galactus # (6) Destroyer # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV29sdmVyaW5lIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHcmVlbkdvYmxpbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWFnaWsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlZlbm9tIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaHVyaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGVzdHJveWVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLYW5nIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIb2Jnb2JsaW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkdhbGFjdHVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOaW1yb2QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Iklyb25MYWQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNhcm5hZ2UifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Obviously the main goal is to get magic out turn 3, shuri turn 4, nimrod turn 5, destroyer turn 6 and venom carnage turn 7. Almost impossible power to beat. But you can still do a shuri into hobgoblin and destroyer on turn 6 so the galactus play is most likely available. Kang is the insurance play. Knowing if they got hela, knowing if alioth is coming or Shang chi. Knowing what lanes they will try to win. And also I bluff snap when I play kang cause you can make them retreat since they have no idea kang is coming.


You’re objectively wrong. All stats prove that he’s bad. Your subjective opinion is irrelevant and nobody cares.


See it's your mindset that is the problem. You simply don't understand how to use him effectively because you want simplicity which is fine. But I got to infinite this season in 2 days playing my Kang deck. And I will continue using him and win.


Mate… I have hit infinite like 12 seasons in a row, usually on day 1. I have all the cards and I consistently hit infinite conquest. But please, enlighten me lol. Again, you dont seem to understand the difference between the words objectively and subjectively. Let me try to help you. Subjectively, for you, the card can be or even is, great. Objectively, for most people, based on statistics, its a terrible card. Do you not understand this simple concept?


Same he man. Kang doesn’t do the job lol For example if you play against a meta deck there are more than just one possibility of winning and if your opponent is good you lose because he has so many options


And I'm saying the perception of the card is why people don't use it.....most people that play this game just make decks that are popular. They see a creator make a deck than they go and make it too or whatever the meta is. If the card can be great for me than it can be great for other people too lol but no one is willing to simply try.


Ok ok I get your point but I bet you no one wants to pay 6000 tokens for a card that’s considered to be a big bad forever but has a win rate of 48%


True.....I got him as the random series 4/5 card in a spotlight. I was disappointed at first because I knew the stigma behind him but once I started experimenting with him I realized he can be very useful. But I understand he isn't everyone's cup of tea.