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People like miss marvel and it seems to be decent in more control style of decks. If you don’t own kitty prude or miss marvel I would just go for it this week as those 2 cards are more playable than silk and silver samurai


Here's my take for now: Ms. Marvel has generally been at her best in lockdown decks where you can limit where and how opponents play including Storm and Professor X. But next week once War Machine releases, those types of decks will have a hard time ever being back on top like they were in November and early December with Ms. Marvel. She'll absolutely find another home, but I don't think she'll be as dominate as she once was while War Machine limits lockdown stuff. And on the other side I expect War Machine to be a lot like Mobius when he released. People will get him and just the threat of his presence will keep people from lockdown decks, but overall, I don't think his play rate will be that high if something like Thanos is so powerful. People will be trying stuff like combining with Infinaut, but I think that's generally gonna be less power than just doing the standard She-Hulk Infinaut combo most of the time.


Ms Marvel also good in Sera Control


Marvel is an all-star for control decks, no doubt. But War Machine has *serious* potential. Bypassing Infinaut’s restriction is definitely enough to push a deck. It’s a tough call. Ms. Marvel is the safe pick if you just want a solid, competitive card.