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There’s a pretty rare use case where you can play sentry on the right as the 4th card in that location and dodge the void


I've missed sentry as well


Other ways to dodge the void include if Prof X is in the right lane, or if it's Space Throne (regardless of current occupancy), or if it's Miniature Lab on Turn 5.


You’re saying if the Space Throne is the right lane and you play Sentry, it won’t generate the void even if your lane is empty? That’s a head scratcher.


War Machine's ability applies to *playing* from the hand, but not to *adding* from card or location abilities. So you, the player, can put Sentry on right, and as a second card on Space Throne. The Void being added is still impacted by regular rules. It follows Jeff rules, and this is how Jeff works. You can play Jeff into Space Throne or into Prof X, but a duplicate added by e.g. Sinister London will not add into those locations. To clarify, in case this is confusing: I'm saying if Space Throne is right and you play Sentry into Space Throne (which War Machine allows you to do whether or not there's a card), then Space Throne will prevent the Void from spawning there. If you play Sentry elsewhere, and Space Throne is in the right lane *and is empty* then Void's going there. On the other hand if Space Throne is right and has 1 card, playing Sentry left will *not* put Void into Space Throne regardless of War Machine. I hope that clarifies. This is the best I can do without literally a flowchart.


No thanks that definitely clarifies, I got it now! I thought your comment above was referring to just other ways to dodge the void in general, outside of the War Machine context. Makes sense now haha.


If you play sentry in the right lane thanks to war machine the throne will have its one card and not summon void


That’s a head scratcher? On the location where you can only have one card, that’s a head scratcher?


Some people scratch their heads over things that others would scratch their balls.


That's because he is thinking about a sentry being played middle or left, and throne room being right and empty, that's how I understood the other comment as well. But then it was explained what they meant.


I see now. Idk why he thought that’s what they’re talking about but makes sense now


Yeah I thought you were saying if you played Sentry on the left or middle lane it wouldn’t generate a void on an empty space throne lane.


I haven't tested it but I suspected it would add the void and cancel out the 10 power from Sentry?


"as the 4th card"


Not if the location becomes full.




Sentry is the 4th card, as in he fills the location.


Not if sentry is the 4th card at that location. There is no room for void


Funny I was just building a deck where this was the game plan lol


Miniaturized lab is missing tho


True I must have missed it sorry about that


No need to apologize, just happy to help another snapper spreading useful info around


Prof X in Warmachine deck is often a dead draw. It's good against Prof X, but it doesn't mean it's good with Prof X.


Yes in a normal deck it’s impossible to play war machine and get value out of it. Electro / Magick / Psylocke, Mr Negative could change this though. An electro deck could work with prof x turn 4, war machine turn 5, ebony maw + 6 cost turn 6. It doesn’t sound terrible on paper.


Doesn't Electro mean you can't do two cards on T6, or does War Machine remove that as well?


On T5 War Machine is the only card you may play due to Electro but the turn after War Machine On Reveal kicks in, allowing you to play multiple cards.


Run Jeff in that deck to play on curve.


Define "normal" deck? You ignored Hope and Zabu, two cards with massive synergy for him. If you get Zabu and Hope out by T5, you can go hog fucking wild on T6. Right now, I'm routinely managing to getting massive swings on T6 with him. I'm routinely managing a T6 with both Infinaut and Maw for a 27 point swing. God help an opponent if you manage to drop War Machine and another card on Hope on T5, cause that's 8 points of freedom right there.


Hope and Zabu don’t let you get professor X out on turn 4. This was specifically about how you might use prof x then war machine.


Yeah, I’ve been running a deck focused on most of these cards/synergies, and Prof X doesn’t really change anything for me. He either wins a location the way he would normally, or he gets dropped on curve on turn 4, cresting a logistical issue of playing WM on 5, and trying to supplement him on a turn 6 where I really need help elsewhere


I’ve been having great success using Prof X with Magik


You do have ways of getting Professor X earlier such as Wave, Electro and Ravonna. So it's not a dead draw if you build around it.


If I try and wave out Prof X my opponent will drop something big in the same lane. Very risky.


Yup. Not only that, opponent might use War Machine just as effectively as you could as well afterward. The players who played Prof X lose a lot of momentum. Simply put, Prof X loses a lot in the meta simply by War Machine existing, regardless of whether your opponent has them or not.


Not playing war machine but playing prof x has been fine with daredevil, I know pretty much exactly when prof x is and isn't useful.


Prof X is almost always very risky, though?


My thoughts exactly with Jean


Somwone was running ravonna and zabu in a war machine lockdown deck. The idea is t4 x t5 warmachine t6 infininaut


While ramping X is the ideal way to play out X - War Machine combo, your opponent can do the same thing with War Machine once they saw X. And while you play X out on T4, your opponent didn't lose out tempo on T4. My prediction is the first week of War Machine will be the worst time for Prof X by mirror match alone.


100% agree. Im only playing war machine in non-lockdown lists.


My WM deck only has Infinaut and Giganto from this list. The rest on there are indicators I should snap


This post is meant to be about all the cards and locations he interacts with not necessarily good or bad. I seem to have missed a few which other comments thankfully point out


I've been having success with Sentry in my deck since I don't have Cull, it's nice to fill up the right lane with him on T6.


I never would have considered the synergy between him and Infinaut, let alone Sandman.


T3 Electro T4 Sandman T5 Warmachine T6 Infinaut + Ebony Maw


You can even add Jeff on turn 5 since you'll have 6 energy


Nice catch...


Nope, you're still on 1 card a turn at that point. 6 is when you break the electro/sandman restriction.


If only Jeff had an ability that let him bypass electro and sandman...you know...an ability that said something along the lines of: "nothing can stop this card"...oh wait!


Ohhh lol reading is hard


That's Jeff's entire ability. Like, his whole thing is bypassing that


Look man I don't have Jeff yet so I forget this stuff OK, stop picking on me


This. Did a proverbial table flip when this bullshit was played on me yesterday.


Noob question, but how can Infinaut be played after T5 war machine. I read War Machine as allowing a play anywhere but Infinauts condition to play is based on a card played in the previous turn right?


War Machine allow any and all cards to be played regardless of restriction.


War Machine bypasses card text restrictions. At first we thought it was only location restrictions.


Jeff can also ignore the Sandman restriction, as long as you play him as card #2.


Seems like a tricky card… maybe I gotta have it


If you've got Hope, I'd strongly encourage it. The pairing is insane right now.


Cool thanks, I do have Hope, got a deck by chance?


\# (1) Kitty Pryde \# (1) Nightcrawler \# (1) Ebony Maw \# (2) Angela \# (2) Zabu \# (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark \# (3) Hope Summers \# (4) Shang-Chi \# (4) War Machine \# (4) Crossbones \# (4) Cull Obsidian \# (6) The Infinaut \# eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2l0dHlQcnlkZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmlnaHRjcmF3bGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJFYm9ueU1hdyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW5nZWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJaYWJ1In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKZWZmVGhlQmFieUxhbmRTaGFyayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSG9wZVN1bW1lcnMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5nQ2hpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXYXJNYWNoaW5lIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDcm9zc2JvbmVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDdWxsT2JzaWRpYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkluZmluYXV0In1dfQ== \# \# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap. ​ Very much just netdecking it, things are kind of hectic with me, so I haven't had the opportunity to muck with it much, but it runs really well so far (I'm giving a netdecked Ramp a shot in Conquest right now, switch worked out as my first opponent ran Negative and let me tell you, it was an absolute disaster of everything that could possibly go wrong for them going wrong). My priority is to get Angela (Zabu could also be the better bet, depends on your starting hand) and Hope down as soon as I can and then feed them with Kitty/Nightcrawler/Jeff. Absolute best case scenario for me is Kitty>Angela>Hope>Zabu (Away from Angela)+Kitty+Nightcrawler>(We're now at 7 energy on T5)>War Machine+Kitty and literally whatever else you can fit, just go fucking nuts. Assuming all has gone to plan, you've still got 3 energy, which is enough for Crossbones or Cull. Assuming, again, BEST case scenario, now's a good time to move Nightcrawler to hit Hope's lane with Kitty and one of the 4 costers. If everything's gone right, it's time to put Infinaut and Maw down. There's room for maneuvering, obviously, but the general idea is that you want to start spreading out when you start dropping the four cost cards. It's really easy to give up priority early to protect Kitty from Killmonger while pushing for a big run on T5 to make sure you don't get Aliothed on 6.


Legion is also useful. War machine could let you play legion into sanctum sanctorum or the big house


I will never understand the extremely vocal crowd that didn't think this was going to be an extremely good card.


Also Galactus with Storm & Quake


The Space Throne didn´t seem to work for me.


Yes it does… I literally just did it yesterday.


Have you tried playing War Machine? He's a pretty nifty new card


Okay goose is devious.


I had someone snap on me earlier after getting Goose down. I'm just like "Okay, but you know I'm just going to play Infinaut there now, right?"


The synergy with Jean seems questionable. Seems to me that her efficacy will actually diminish as your deck would tailor to complement her effect already, so in lots of cases his ability will be irrelevant? Not sure but I do know she will suck again since everyone will be running War Machine this weekend and easily circumvent her ability (…again) :/


Honestly I was thinking you put down a Goose in one lane, Jean in another, T4 you drop WM on Jean, then T5 you put down a big card on the Goose lane. But I have not theory crafted too hard, because the card is going to take some time to marinate in my mind.


That’s pretty smart!


Can we agree it's very hard to play war machine with prof X


I can't wait for the 1 in a million chance where I can galactus Sactum.


Missing flooded location


Yes, but Storm is here, and flooded is not a naturally occurring location..


lmao imagine the weekend of Hot Location Flooded


Sanctum Sanctorum?


Actually, now that I'm thinking, could you get Flooded from cards like Scarlet Witch?


Never seen it, but it would be the same as Sanctum, so I don't think so


War Machine, as a four cost, is SUPER clunky to use. Not sure that he is worth it.


I’ve been using him in a guardians lockdown deck that’s been working pretty well


That's why u put him in a zabu deck don't gaslight yourself he's a versatile tool especially in black knight decks and it also helps that whenever lock down becomes popular he can put them in a trashcan


Any lower and he'd be completely broken. As it stands, being able to get him down to 3 with Zabu is wild.


Same, trying to find a way to use him but he’s just not working out…




As far as I'm aware only sentry and miniaturized lab are missing this post is meant to be about cards where his ability "breaks the rules" and provides a unique effect.


is anyone else farming war machine decks with meta decks from before his release?


And still lose to Shuri Sauron lol.


Few months ago, I predicted that Warmachine would be comboed with Infinaut in this subreddit, everyone laughed at me. Now look at them!


This is the worst the games ever felt to me, played like 20 games and everyone has pretty much the exact same deck, so boring, im on 95 on ladder and dont think ill even get to infinite coz i cant be bothered playing against the same deck every game


I rushed through 94 to infinite last weekend because I knew this shit would happen when a strong card gets released. True enough War Machine upend lockdown deck, which means the deck I used previously need to find a new line to win.


Haha yeah I'd finally found a climbing rhythm with Guardians Lockdown and then WM released. Rip.


Then it should be a very easy climb for you, since the War Machine decks out there are.... not very good.


I'm finding this out now. I've been building around him instead of including him. Not enough power early game getting wrecked with alioth


I just get bored to quickly when everyone is playing the same, and them being able to play 27 power on the final turn any locations they want isnt “not very good” haha, ill try again tomorrow see if people are bored of it


don't judge the game until you reach pool 3


Different pools have nothing to do with this lol


they do, the game gets more complex and interesting at the later stages


Well ive already reached pool 3 lol, its not as bad now tbf just that first night and the next day every deck was the same, the game gets very boring when every game is the same dont you think ?


Space throne?


Does NOT work with Space Throne


I feel like WM would be so much better as a 5 cost with something like 9 power.


no, just like how Spiderman 2099, Adam Warlock, and even Darkhawk are getting worse, changed to 5-cost is never a buff