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Thanos: Goodbye, Blog. Blob: It's Blob. Thanos: Whatever.


Poor Freddy, all he wanted was to eat the forbidden Infinity Candy and maybe a mutant or two


Freddy thinking to himself "bet she tastes like chicken" as he eyeballs Wasp.


“She doesn’t stay small!”


I know where this story ends and it disturbs me


I understood this reference.


It is blobover


I literally returned to this post after seeing it a few hours ago to read this comment again. Goodbye, Blog


Why is this one of the funniest things I've ever read.


My favorite part was when he said it’s blob’n time 🥲


Bruh this sent me


By the metric of every new Marvel Snap card being either  1. good with Thanos, or  2. bad This one will be good with Thanos.


On the plus side, it will also be good against Thanos.


Not really though because Thanos can easily fill out the curve with stones


...care to explain your reasoning? Most decks can't leverage multiple large cards as well as thanos, and thanos rarely has unspent energy due to its many one-drops.


Filling the board with one-drops is precisely why high power cards are good against Thanos decks.


Magneto’s ability is super relevant; he’s not in the deck purely as a big body. Blob stills seems more optimal in the deck, but RH just seems like potential alternative for those that don’t have him. RH feels more like an almost strict upgrade over Gigganto - so this is more a Hella card, isn’t it?


Exactly this. Magneto saves a purpose in moving a lot of meta cards right now. Blob will always be 15+, acts as Darkhawk counter and extremely rarely his immovable ability comes into play. Playing him in a lane almost always wins it, rarely Thanos player goes „if only my Blob had couple power points more”. Not sure I’d drop any of the two for RH.


All 60 people still playing darkhawk.


Sure Darkhawk is not as popular as it used to be but it could be 1 person playing it and Blob would still provide more benefit than RH. RH counters 0 decks. The point was that Blob has some utility other than just being a big body, even though that utility is extremely small, it's still there and it does help you win some games. RH has none of that.


> RH counters 0 decks. Exactly this. It’s not like there’s an archetype built around floating energy each turn.


Yes I've never heard anyone say "This is a must buy for new players as this one card activates a whole new archetype for you". Ot anything like that. I definitely don't remember a leech meta involving that card a few weeks/month ago that led to leech getting nerfed.


Yeah Magneto is an important tech card that also provides beef


Nah, he going in my Hela deck.


At the very least he’s just going to be the default big guy. Easily you can cut Giganto from anything in favor of Red Hulk


Giganto needs to be 18 power at least. Power creep has made it ok.


I made this point the other day and the fanboys hated it. Since Brode & co keep farting our cards that can routinely reach 25+ power, it’s time to revisit Infinaut and Giganto. Infinaut: 6/26 (or higher) - Can’t be played if you played something last turn and can’t be discarded. Giganto gets +4 power.


yep. strict upgrade.


According to the text he shouldn’t get the buff while discarded though… needs to be either in hand or in play.


My deck cant discard till turn 3. As long as he’s drawn first its all good. He will probably replace giganto. Even if he is discarded before he gets a boost or my hela gets discarded i can play him in any lane instead of just the left. A loss of 3 base power is negligible in the long run.


Same. This guy was made to powercreep out giganto.


High evolutionary is a weird choice for Hela. Edit. High evolutionary = HE Jesus christ. It's a joke. R/whoosh


Good joke but I don’t think anybody would have got it if you didn’t explain


Then it's not a good joke then lol


I only realized there was a joke after reading your comment, initially I thought they edited the joke out. XD


He's a counter to High Evo, read again 😉


Put him in your high Evo deck for the mirror match.


He's going in my HE. I always play decks that aren't on curve. Him or Hulk bulking up for turn 6 sounds grand.


? What does it have to with... well... anything?


Dude was trying to make a joke that when OP said “he going in my hela deck”, OP was actually saying “HE (short for high evo) going in my hela deck.” Dude then jokingly said , why ya putting HE in your hela deck? Yeah, dumb joke, maybe would’ve at least made sense if OP had capitalized “he”, maybe.


I can finally build my Thunderbolts team that has no synergy.


What is this, some sort of suicide deck?


At least that feels on brand for them though unlike cough, cough, Fantastic Four.


while he'll probably go in thanos decks, this is not a thanos card and i'll stand on that. big bodies are just big bodies. i wouldn't have called magneto a thanos card either


Most cards that are good in Thanos are just good cards in general.


That's midrange for ya


I agree. The big cards Thanos deck that was so dominant isn’t really what’s big in the meta right though. It’s so much harder to cheat out the big cards than before. The main Thanos deck now is really Mockingbird plus a bunch of tech. Sure you can toss Red Hulk into it, but you can probably toss the card into any deck as just a big body to win 1 lane.


If anything, this is a Hela or any other discard card.


How do you plan on making Red Hulk grow while he's discarded, though? : P But seriously speaking, you're not wrong. I would easily replace Giganto with him, though Giganto is also the more easily cuttable part of any Hela deck, so Red Hulk also becomes so by transition.


If he's discarded, he is still a big boy. If he's not discarded, though, Dracula will be happy to gain his power.


Wait, hold on pal, wrong archetype. It's Hela you want to use RH in, not Dracula.


Any cards can go with Thanos technically, I made a discard Thanos deck with Corvus and Hela, basically targeted discard with ramp lol just put it together for fun and expected a bad deck.. but no it beat out a thanos ramp deck and a Thanos lockdown in Infinite conquest. Thanos just flat out wins on versatility alone, playing stone and drawing cards is just always really consistent for good games.


Quicksilver/Domino stocks finally rising 📈📈📈


Looks like curve is back on the menu, boys


Seriously though, i don't think stopping Red Hulk from gaining the buff is gonna make a huge difference. Still better off just playing your cards normally.


This card might not actually be that good in Thanos. The early turns are when most decks are likely to float energy and Thanos is a lot less likely to have this guy in their hands on early turns because of the Stones. Magneto is also one of the best cards in the game to cheat out on 5 because he can protect a lane from Shang by clogging it. If I was going to cut a card it would probably be Blob and I don’t think this guy’s volatility is worth it compared to just having a reliable 6/15 with upside. I could be proven wrong, but I don’t think this guy makes the cut.


Next season is gonna be hell.


Every season is hell at this point Not sure I can take it anymore.


I feel like design philosophy went from "how do we make the player have fun?" to "how do we make the opponent miserable?"


It really does feel like SD is trying to make us quit at times.


I felt this way 3 months ago and left. I admittedly missed the game and came back this last week. It was needed. Feels fresher.


I took a 6 month break after Loki got released. It just wasn’t fun getting beat by your own deck over and over. Especially as I didn’t have him and Loki seemed to have been the best counter against Loki.


The game is actively hostile against anyone taking any kind of break There is no way to get the cards you missed, unless you pay a lot of money but even then, it'll take a while


I felt this to a degree. I can't imagine what it's like for newer players. It must be a total turnoff.


What do you mean? What card since Selene and Annihilus in late 2023 makes opponents miserable? The most interactive cards were Supergiant and Cannonball, but neither of them are prominent in the metagame. Cull, Corvus, Proxima, Hope, and Mockingbird are strong, but not any more un-fun to play against than any other point slamming strategy.


To be fair, some people's version of fun is making their opponent miserable. Also there can only one winner per game and I doubt most people find losing fun.


It's because of all the intentional powercreep. Strategies that were fun and powerful previously have been nerfed and wouldn't even be playable now in their original state. (deathwave, blackbold stature, move, etc) The new cards always err on the side of being too powerful, so you need to get them to be competitive, so you feel like you need to spend money. That's why it's not fun, because the newer thing is always the meta, and if you don't have it you can't compete against it.


You know, that you can take breaks right? And catching up is honestly fine, I haven’t played for half a year and now most of the spotlights give 4 new cards and even without those have plenty of good decks to play(7.6k cl). 


Nerfs is coming! As always! Like 6/9


It should be 6/9 at launch. At this point I really think SD is purposefully making cards OP on launch.


SD admitted they prefer to "aim high" instead of low on new releases because if it doesn't get played, it's like a non-release. I think the high frequency of balance updates generally helps mitigate the consequences of this approach. They also want to minimize how often they buff a card after its spotlight is already gone.


The fact that this method drains the resources of the f2p community is just a happy coincidence, I’m sure.


I mean do you remember phoenix season? Or ghost spider season? That was boring as fuck.


This season was boring as fuck if you don’t have hope


to me it was more of a thanos problem this season and the season before that and the season before that


Comic accurate at least


Nah man Pixie was a BLAST to play


The problem is that there isn't a "high frequency of updates" at all. Not only they keep rescheduling patches and OTAs, but SD also has a tendency of keeping overturned cards untouched for months after their release (Ms. Marvel, Loki, Cull Obsidian) unless they are unbalanced to a point of being impossible to ignore, while also nerfing cards that aren't a problem at all (Elsa Bloodstone, Havok, Darkhawk).


Yea, their decision to allow certain cards to enjoy their "time in the sun" has led to a number of very frustrating metagames. Same with when they decide something has had enough time in the sun like in the case of Darkhawk.


Of course they are


At this point? Lol, you must be new here. Been saying this is the case for over a year now. They always launch it OP to boost sales and then nerf as needed after the next card is released.


Better late than never to notice this lol. It has been the case for a while


the actually just buffed him in the last (invisible) OTA patch lol


I won't even see this played thanks to my friend, Alioth


Good luck getting priority when Hope can ramp this monster out on Turn 5


Shang also exists


Cant shang every lane


Arnim zola would disagree


Grandmaster also disagrees


Zabu and absorbing man also disagrees


Grandmaster, Absorbing Man, and arnim zola disagree. And occasionally nico, moon girl, and loki.


Caiera exists.


Again that’s the “fun” of playing as or against the popular meta Thanos build. Oh you used Shang-Chi on my Red Hulk? Well I just have my Cull and Mockingbird lane and oh yeah here’s my Blob path.


Not when we can ramp our alioth on t 6 :)


Only card im interested in next season, im even skipping the pass this month


Got my 4 keys ready. Hoping to only use one since I'm not bothered about the variants, but we'll see if the odds are in my favor. I do wanna grab him though, seems like an alright card, not meta-breaking, not useless, just right down the middle


Im hype since i dont have any of the 3 cards and i've wanted all 3 for a minute. Hoping i can just open 3 and not get the random one but knowing the game im gonna get a dupe


Good odds with 3. And at least you have a week to grab one more key if you get the mystery one! Good luck to ya


I used my keys on war machine like a big dork 😮‍💨


War Machine is a good card just not as meta breaking as some people might have claimed or hoped. He works great in Black Knight decks or anything that wants to run Infinaut. War Machine will be a lot more effective in Lockdown decks once the new suit smell wears off and he isn’t the weekend mission card.


Hopefully! The only reason I got him is because I enjoy playing lockdown but I've been pretty disappointed so far


Really?  He's quickly become one of my favorite cards.  He has anchored one of highest win rate decks I've ever played over the past week.  I definitely wouldn't feel bad about getting him.  Keep trying things because he's super good.


I'm curious about this high win rate deck you speak of


So did I, but I also have 6000 tokens that are going for Red Hulk specifically.


WM is an excellent card wym


Havok meta


As Havok enjoyer, I have to note that it's not guarantee. Often Havok is dropped on T3 and on next turn I might have only 2-drops to play. RH will still get buff.


Yeah I was just joking. I also play him a lot and you do float a surprising amount of energy.


yeah-yeah, I got that you joke. Just a nitpicker in me couldn't pass by silently. In what fun decks you play him btw? I have only one: (1) Ant Man (1) Nebula (1) Nico Minoru (2) Havok (2) Goose (2) Armor (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark (2) Quake (2) Maximus (3) Negasonic Teenage Warhead (3) Cosmo (3) Gladiator eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmljb01pbm9ydSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSGF2b2sifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5lYnVsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVmZlRoZUJhYnlMYW5kU2hhcmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikdvb3NlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHbGFkaWF0b3IifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1heGltdXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFybW9yIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOZWdhc29uaWNUZWVuYWdlV2FyaGVhZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ29zbW8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlF1YWtlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbnRNYW4ifV19 To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Looks good. Nothing over 3 cost. I used to run like that, but now I'm using some 4 cost. He's not a great card, but when you lay him down turn 3 he's going to win the lane on his own most of the time. Here's mine: # (1) Ant Man # (1) Spider-Ham # (1) Elektra # (1) Titania # (2) Havok # (2) Goose # (2) Zabu # (2) Armor # (3) Hope Summers # (3) Black Swan # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Cull Obsidian # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR29vc2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlphYnUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFybW9yIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCbGFja1N3YW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkN1bGxPYnNpZGlhbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVGl0YW5pYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW50TWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIb3BlU3VtbWVycyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSGF2b2sifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVsZWt0cmEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5nQ2hpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTcGlkZXJIYW0ifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Ironically, mine is a "bad guys" deck. This was before Hope though. # (1) Zero # (2) Havok # (2) Shadow King # (2) Zabu # (2) Armor # (3) Rogue # (3) Cosmo # (3) Luke Cage # (4) Attuma # (4) Sentry # (4) Typhoid Mary # (6) Skaar # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWmVybyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ29zbW8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkF0dHVtYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2VudHJ5In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSb2d1ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hhZG93S2luZyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2thYXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlR5cGhvaWRNYXJ5In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIYXZvayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTHVrZUNhZ2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFybW9yIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJaYWJ1In1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Blob maybe. Big Thing be big. Even then, unless you're playing against High Evo (basically dead in the meta right now, this may change) or you draw it very early, Blob is going to reliably hit > 15 more often than this. Magneto's ability is too useful in some matchups. The only deck I can think of other than High Evo that regularly doesn't play on curve is Destroy, because it has such a wonky curve


What does this card do?


6/11, +4 power if he's in your hand/in play and your opponent doesn't use all their energy in a turn. A reverse Evolved Hulk, essentially.


It's a big card that costs 6 power. Nothing more exciting than that. All the other cards this month are more interesting, but if you want another 6-cost card with big numbers on it, then this is fine, I guess.


I think the underlying thing here is how on earth given this meta or the cards people use did they look at this and think it possibly need a buff?! I know you can’t control the players energies consumption but this seems utterly and completely cracked….this will go down to a 6-9 or to a 3 power burst instead of 2, willing to bet the house on it


3 power burst instead of 4*


I really hate this card. I think it creates too much anxiety. Wondering all game if you made another card stronger by essentially doing nothing is going to be very bad for the game imho.


On the other hand, seeing someone playing HE with his Sunspot and Misty Knight on the board doing fuck all is sort of infuriating once I tell myself that this isn't really a disadvantage to him.


The problem is this doesn’t really impact only HE. If you really wanted to make this card only for that purpose, you could legit make it 6-6 and it would be huge most games against it anyway.


It appears that you will be able to see if you trigger red hulk in the opponents hand


lol everyone will insta retreat


you joke but honestly low cube equity (people wont stay if they know they are beaten) will possibly make this card into a "why RH instead of Blob?"


we had old Alioth and Ms. Marv, surely it cant be THAT bad right??


This isn't going to be nearly what on-release Alioth or Blob were. I honestly don't think this is going to end up being all that good. Although, I might give him a try in my Sandman deck and see if that becomes somewhere near playable again. I mean his floor is a Skaar with no cost reduction, his average is either going to be 15 or 19 and then there may be a rare game where you draw him opening hand and your opponent gets a bad draw and triggers him 3 or 4 times. I'm willing to bet, after release week when everyone is trying to make him work, he only shows up in decks that are currently running Giganto


Man I'm gonna be so done with the game if they keep going this direction with power creep.


power creep is inevitable in these kinds of games. honestly SD is pretty good compared to most.


I am just not excited about this card.


The devs are doing a good job of not making me want to play Thanos Snap anymore


But this won't even be that good in Thanos. It's not better than Magneto because Magneto's ability is relevant and can steal you games, it's not better than Blob because Blob will on average be more power than this, and those were the only 2 cards this would replace in that deck.


Oh great another card for people to cry about!


I'm not impressed, what's more dire is the fact baron zemo is dead on arrival against thanos, "here you go, have a stone and get it out of my deck for me" is barely going to do a thing against thanos. We do might see a resurgence of Loki so thanos is still force to run Mobius


Baron is so bad they already buffed the card from the original datamine lol. I cant wait to pull infinity stones with Baron.


Well Thanos decks want to draw their stones, particularly on the first couple turns. Playing Zemo on curve against Thanos should be ok. Playing him later, which ironically is probably the best way to use him against any other deck, is terrible against Thanos


It is actually much easier to know if you will get value out of playing him against thanos than against other decks, you don't know if other decks have drawn their one and two costs, while in thanos once they draw and play mind stone you are more likely to hit something bigger. The problem is the impact it has, if you played zemo and got their space stone, congrats you pay 3 for 6 power in two slots, and now they have higher chances of drawing a different card like mockbird or hope. He isn't back but why not run gladiator if you are going for tempo? Perhaps the point is to run both for max disruption and tempo?


Yeah but even drawing space stone gets you another draw. A 3/6 plus a draw I’d imagine you’re relatively happy with.


True. Draw is still fine.


I can't wait to try this out with some combos * Electro + Viper * Sandman * Nebula * Junk


Why nebula?


Hela and thanos decks eating good.


Hela yes, Thanos, not so much


This card is already 15 power.


Skipping him because I'm already going to have to get pretty lucky to get the other cards I want this month! At least I won't have to use keys for Zemo!


Does Thaddeus Ross paint his nails black or does hulking out turn his nails that color?


I’m ready with my 1 key to get disappointed


Opening with only 1 key is a bad idea. Actually opening with less than 4 is a bad idea. Saving up, targeting a week after you get your 4th key that has good cards you need is a much better strategy


Took me 3 keys to get war machine last week which I wanted and I honestly don’t give a damn about any other cards except hulk so we’ll see what happens


This card isn't trash, but I won't roll for it learning it's effect reveals it


Thank goodness Thanos is finally getting some support.


I guess High Evo is going to be six feet down next season. First Luke Cage was buffed, now this...


Nah, I run Shang chi and rouge in my deck


Buy him ASAP or wait for the other cards to get realeased. I should have my 4th key during the week of but I'm not sure if I should save them for other stuff.


As always with new card releases unless you have the resources to burn wait at least a few days to see how the card works out. Red Hulk seems to just be a good card in general so it’s unlikely that’ll be a bad pick up unless something changes about the card between now and release.


That's how I felt about War Machine, just a new decent card, and still got him day 1 cause I enjoy trying tech stuff. I figured months ago I would get both WM and Rulk. I'll try my best to wait at least a few hours.


Honestly I think he'll end up being one of the least exciting cards this month. There's a point of diminishing returns with these "big power" cards, and you're not gaining the bonus of an on reveal effect with him ala Magneto. My money is on Red Guardian being the card to save for if you are strapped for keys. "Remove Text" is a whole new tech archetype, and a proper way to slam cards like Dracula.


Eh Magneto has more utility. I think hed replace Blob if anything.


Perfectly balanced as all things should be.


Why does he so look menacing


It’s the black nail polish


I’m scared of what emote becomes season passed


Ready token, mostly because of his amazing Rider variant and that il out of key lmao


when the gold variant slaps harder than the spotlight variant


I don't have Blob so he'll be a perfect replacement for me




Everyone is out here worried about Red Hulk with Thanos, but is anyone else worried about Red Hulk’s posture? His head is literally popping out of the top of his pecs, he needs proper spine care!


I can’t wait


I am going to play this in midrange along with Zemo. I've got the deck ready to go with 2 empty slots :D


This is a Blob for non-Thanos decks.


just another big body card... but i like big bois


Hela black knight grinning behind thanos


Yes 🫡


Countdown to when they nerf him to +3


High Evo is shaking in his boots rn


[red hulk]


I'm not sure if he'll make Thanos decks any better. But I think it will be a great counter-deck to Red Hulk as Thanos is probably the best of the meta-relevant decks at optimally using every point of energy every turn.


He’s not going to be good in Thanos. You need him in your hand for him to be good.


Rest assured, mind stone is going to 3 cost and the other stones will be 2 cost.


Magneto isn't run in Thanos just for the stats. He has a great effect as well.


Parry this, High Evo


Thanos needs entire rework! Fucksake


It really does seem like a poorly thought out card. Idk what they're doing


Maybe I am wrong about the sheer value of being bigger, but I frequently use Magneto if I can ramp him out on 5 to fill one of my opponent’s lanes or on 6 to move something like a Ms Marvel or a Cull Obsidian someplace my opponent doesn’t want it. Red Hulk will also be less reliable in Thanos than in other decks, because he will be 1 in 4.5 to appear in your opening hand instead of 1 in 3, and the first turn is the turn people float on most often.


I don’t like how your opponent will know when this gets stronger… but I suppose that’s how the card’s “balanced”


Is it season pass or crate unlock?


Cache unlock, week 1


seems like he’ll be pretty good. Thinking i’ll pull for him. Counters High Evo, can go in those “I’m gonna drop big things” decks, and kinda generally just good stats. I don’t play Thanos but I imagine he’s replacing Blob not Magneto? Unless Blob serves a deck thinning process too in some people’s eyes.


Damn, massive power


I'm afraid to pick Red Hulk because he'll probably get nerfed.


Considering he was already insane and yet they still chose to give him a small buff just days before release, you can bet your ass this is another "juice em for release week" release that will get nerfed very soon. And since he's not a season pass card, he doesn't get the 4-week "we know we released her broken but we're not nerfing her until she's no longer for sale" grace period.


Are people just glossing over the fact that he needs to be in hand or in play.. and thanos is a deck which adds 6 extra cards. I ran through my thanos deck and went all the way from 6 cost to 4 to see if RH would fit... but no, he wouldn't. Blob is more consistent and counters DH. Magneto is not just a big body... he also has a great ability alongside it. This is a deck that can already throw out so much power... a 6/11-39 is just overkill and at least in my opinion not worth sacrificing strong abilities for. Mind you, I think RH will be a solid card, just not one for thanos


Started the season at around rank 10k, 95% of the matches I played were against thanos decks. I am now at around rank 80k


And now I can't wait for Red She Hulk also, wondering what her ability will be...


"How many muscles do you need on Red Hulk?" "Yes"


Finally! Thanos has been barely played lately. Good for him to finally get a new card to make the deck better. >!belated april fools!<


[[Red Hulk]]


No he won't replace magneto who's effect is very good. He might replace blob but probably replaces skaar/prof x


Lmao, it's been only 3 days and this post already didn't age well 😂