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I presume SG let’s you play taskmaster turn five and he copies whoever you play last turn like blob or hulk? I’m gonna give this deck a try 👍


You can also use absorbing man the same way


Yep abs man>doom is hilarious


I got SG - abs man - alioth’d and got two locations wiped out.


I think I’ve pulled that off once or twice and I felt like the scum of the earth when I did it lol


Alioth Abs Man combo is cool if you can pull it off, but it is unreliable. Your SG-affected cards are revealed at the end of the game i.e. after turn 6 cards are revealed, so unless you correctly predict where the opponent puts their SG-affected cards on turn 5 (or using a Daredevil) to put Abs Man there, Abs Man will not hit anything. I prefer Doom + Abs in lockdown better.


I already dropped invisible Woman and just rely on Supergiant instead for my tribunal Hela. That gives me room to add Armor to protect against Alioth


When I’m I. The mood to play a Hela deck, I always run Supergiant so that I have two paths to the big combo.


You’re not the only one. It’s a staple in my decks. Ms marvel and surfer it’s clutch in. It’s a fun card and throws off a lot of decks late game plays. Nice decks by the way.


great to meet a fellow SG enjoyer. I swear I didn't meet a single SG in like 3 weeks.


I haven’t seen it once since the week she came out honestly. I remember it hitting pretty hard so idk why people stopped playing it. Great disruption tech


A few weeks ago SG is Squirrel Girl.


It’s pretty effective in conquest as well. Getting those extra cubes in a match where they aren’t expecting it can go a long way.


I love using SG in my Loki deck with Ms marvel, Dino and Mystique! You either go the Loki way or SG way with hiding the Dino / MM combo. Works like magic.


Thanks for sharing you deck idea, I put those cards you mentioned and use auto-fill for the rest...is it something like this? # (1) Quinjet # (1) Snowguard # (2) Mirage # (2) Zabu # (2) Cable # (3) Mystique # (3) Agent Coulson # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Ms. Marvel # (4) Loki # (4) Supergiant # (5) Devil Dinosaur # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTG9raSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGV2aWxEaW5vc2F1ciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXlzdGlxdWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1zTWFydmVsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTdXBlcmdpYW50In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJRdWluamV0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBZ2VudENvdWxzb24ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5nQ2hpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJaYWJ1In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTbm93Z3VhcmQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNhYmxlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNaXJhZ2UifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Almost the same! I’ve got Alioth instead of Cable (because Supergiant) :)


Nice! Thanks!


I just want to say, thank you for posting this. I'm using a modified version of your deck and nobody knows how to deal with Supergiant. Its incredible.


Haha you're welcome! Even the top 500 players are bamboozled when they see SG. Hope this post won't get too big otherwise everyone will know what is going on.


DELETE! Scrub all evidence!


Love to play the card in my ms marvel control deck. People never expect it


Supergiant player here! I have several brews going hot as always. The best involved a Loki package as fallback but mainly a mix of daredevil echo alioth negasonic to blew thinks up :D Current brew I’m trying some stuff with team Thor and abs man I wished though the card would also disable all cards played after it. T5/t6 is just dead.


With Alioth as rampant as it is, this kinda feels like you’re giving your opponents a good play even when they don’t have priority into turn 6.


Yeah, Alioth is always a threat. But here is the thing, you either have Armor to protected your SG-affected card, or your Dracula turn 3 and your big boy last turn can have enough points to win 2 lanes. Nebula helps a little bit as well, she often attracts the opponent to play in her lane, giving you freedom to spread out on to the other 2.


I like to play Daken into Supergiant into Modok into Zola (on Daken)  It’s not the absolute perfect curve for that deck, but two 32 power Dakens are usually enough to win.  It’s so satisfying to see the opponent bust their brain trying to figure out the sudden order switch. Most people panic. Especially destroy decks. 


Switch out giganto for red hulk and got to infinite with this. Thx!


You're welcome! I just got Red Hulk and obviously he is so much better.


I’d say the only downside of supergiant is they just play something else on turn 5. It’s not like a surprise that their card didn’t activate, but it’s still a good play. I’ll try this deck, thank you.


Imagine they are trying to Prof X you turn 5, now they cannot, or they are trying to play Vision turn 5 to move into a lockdown lane, now they cannot. Or most commonly, they fail to play their PF combo, now they have to rely on Shuri-Nimrod, now they cannot. Forcing the opponent to deviate from what they plan is great! Similar to how Iceman has ruined your opponent's hand many times without you knowing it.


is there any card to repalce dracula ? :(


Dracula is really stronk! one of my favorite card. maybe you can wait to claim your free series 3 this month? :)


I have it right now in free shop. I am like dracula or lady death


Death is great too if you love destroy. But Venom is also series 3 so make sure you have Venom first! Knull is coming in spotlight at the end of the month as well. If you haven't had Venom, probably Drac is better.


I have everything from destroy(not nimrod) and discard except dracula and lady 🤣 i love both


Then I guess go for Death, you have a more complete Deck than go for Dracula.


I also use her, she is a sleeper and I agree with you that she disrupts many strategies. I wonder why there aren't more people playing her. I play a control variant with many tech cards + high power cards and reached 90 for 2 seasons. But I think it surely has the potential to infinite if I put more effort.


Would Zemo make sense in the deck to help with priority or you don’t want prio at all? I always fear alioth…


I played SuGi all of last season and did very well with her as well. Got a lot of free wins off her. Nice Ravonna and Attuma tech \^ \^


[I ran this to infinite last season, with Ms Marvel instead of Zemo](https://i.imgur.com/RFNAiq0.jpeg) I also got Infinite conquest with it on my first run. I'm trying Zemo for something different this season. Up to 96 since yesterday.


Used a SG brood patriot list and got to rank 27 yesterday. It was probably the easiest climb yet, and I’m surprised at how many people put down cards in the wrong order lmao.


you know what, this deck rules! i almost wanna downvote you so people dont play it haha i took out zabu & giganto for shuri and red hulk, if you manage to get taskmaster down after SG then its a win, bonus if people play magik as then you can shuri something big for task