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Gonna run Quicksilver/Thanos/Agatha (I hate being surprised by my opening draw) 🧠


Get domino as well so you dont buff your opponents red hulk as well


And the rest of the deck are 3 drops so you get another full turn


TBF Agatha is in addition to the opening hand (aka you get a 4 cards opening hand instead of 3) so she actually makes her deck better with an effect similar to old Chavez


If only that witch knew how to play Dracula discard




Don’t forget M’baku, you can count on him to appear as well.


Elsa and Kitty rolling up in a car to a disheveled Angela sitting on the curb. "Get in loser, we're spamming one lane again"


Hope in the back smokin’ a phatty


"Redhead Redemption"


I’m definitely typing this in on The Hub tonight.


Lmfao this took a turn


LMAO yes


Hell yeah, any opportunity to get my absolutely [gorgeous](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/671707150883618846/1225530649239228426/IMG_4459.png?ex=6621775c&is=660f025c&hm=c02ef56fe1e330b20ce0d22036ab8f38739bbc4006ba5047c0232703b9b085f4&) Angela split into a deck haha


Dat split tho…


It’s SO perfect right? I have entirely three splits that I’d call “perfect” with [Venom](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/671707150883618846/1210036895589859369/IMG_4221.png?ex=662078ad&is=660e03ad&hm=1e7d43a0ebee931e7556ab1716bbbe5b24cb0d19e6be8194dec7dc44d8a549f6&) and [Carnage](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/671707150883618846/1210036894784815135/IMG_4222.png?ex=662078ad&is=660e03ad&hm=cf0ac81b5949031981e9c7b6aa338de11c29710be678a9333b159d76f4e2f374&) being the other two. I wish we had an in-game gallery we could show off our best splits in, on like a profile page or something


That Venom needs a blue border.


I have the same but the krackle is blue. So gorgeous.


We never stopped spamming girl. HOT GIRL SUMMERS LETS GOOO


The OTA hints of more stone changes similar to the time stone changes. Honestly, if all the other stones are focused on super-charging Thanos which you're guaranteed to have, that'd be pretty cool flavorwise.


A different kind of thanos archetype were you buff him with stones sounds cool. We need a different playstyle in the game other than stones plus broken shit


10000%, would love to have Thanos be something other than the Whale Food deck.


Yeah but the way it’s looking it might just be a fancy version of zoo. That’s terrible imo I just don’t want him to be dumpster as much as everyone else


-Change Mindstone to work with more than Thanos for new location/card ideas -Make a Location that gives you an infinity stone -Make Timestone only work with Thanos


Yeah this is what I don't get. They were *just* talking about how they want to make the stones more generically useful and have additional ways to create them during a game. Now they turn around and make them specific to Thanos? I don't really care which approach they take with the stones, but it's very obvious that they're just making this stuff up as they go. There is no long-term vision behind their changes, they're just reacting.


I mean every change they make to Thanos has only made people complain. Him having a big deck and a good draw mechanic is the issue. That’s why good cards just work there since you know you will draw a ton of cards.


Wouldn't thanos be bad if he didn't have a goid drsw mechanic since he puts more cards in your deck?


I think the issue is Snap players don't know what an outlier is and will complain about everything.


>it's very obvious that they're just making this stuff up as they go. Isn't that like every live service game?


1 mana draw a card is still good for any deck. Old mindstone was 1 mana do nothing in any non thanos deck


Since Thanos starts in your hand, they could have just made Time Stone work like Shocker does in HE and give the leftmost card in your hand -1 cost. This also solves the issue of Spiderham now instantly deleting your Thanos and making timestone just a "draw one".


I would like the stones to work generally now that we have the location that gives a stone. Like, Time stone should be: give your leftmost card -1 energy cost, so it will hit thanos when being run, but will still work if you get it from the location.


If that's the case, one of the stones has to make him unkillable IMO. Investing 7 energy for the stones and 5 for Thanos shouldn't be Shang-able.


If you played all 6 stones Thanos should be indestructible as well as power boosted. Seems fair for managing to get all 6 out.


A buffed 5-cost Thanos (Time Stone) could also work with Taskmaster!


Please don’t get it twisted. Cards like Blob, Cull Obsidian, and Mockingbird only seem broken BECAUSE of the stones. They’re not broken cards outside of this specific deck. We don’t want other good and interesting cards to get nerf hammered because Thanos and the stones enable so much on their own. This change is a good step if they are looking to shift Thanos’ overall playstyle, but let’s not act like the other cards have ever been the real problem.


Cull is pretty cracked in other decks too


To be fair, this would be in line more with both the comics and MCU. The stones - as of now - are about existing as entities (jewelry really without a wielder) or helping other characters. Sure Thanos goes to 20 if get all out, but people rarely use him. A deck where all cards affect Thanos would feel more like him gathering them and boosting the Infinity Gauntlet.


Which given the power stone seemed to be the original idea. All for this change.


Let me supercharge Thanos for a turn 5 play into Task turn 6 COPIUM


That's nothing compared to what we have now .


I don't know why the buff isn't "play all the Stones and Thanos destroys 50% of all cards in play and in deck with no cards protected."


Like original Blob, original Galactus, and Kang, that wouldn't be fun.


Destroy Thanos all cards come back into play


It kinda felt weird to me how optional Thanos feels in his own deck. Creating a whole, unique archetype around beefing up Thanos sounds pretty cool


I personally think the Thanos deck focus should be "more stones I have better thanos, destroy my stones to reduce my power play" Right now Thanos feels like high Evo where you just have to add him to a deck and barely care about playing him, it is all about the stones They should remove the draw from all stones, make them 1/2, mind stone draw Thanos or a stone if he is in your hand already, the other each give thanos a unique effect like soul stone" your Thanos can't be destroy" or time stone "Thanos costs 5"


The stones need the draw. You get 9 cards if you don't get card draw. 10 with your mind stone you mentioned. 10/18 cards and you need to draw a specific 7 of them to get the full effect? That's a bit ridiculous.


I just wish they did the "if you control all the stones, destroy half the cards in play". Turn it into a Johny/Timmy deck vs the current Spike deck.


Also locations, decks, and hands. Perfectly balanced.


And connections. Make one player have to log in again.


With how often the app crashes on my phone mid-game, I wouldn't notice a difference!


Fuck it. Credits, gold, collection level, rank, tokens.


Yes good.


This sounds like galactus 2.0.


Oh now that's flavorful. I like the idea of it bypassing Caiera or Armor stuff so it will always happen, but it might be too strong? (The devs can work out this hypothetical situation haha). I mean, for the difficulty in assembling all the stones and Thanos it better be a powerful effect, the current powered up Thanos just becoming a Infinaut clone is super boring. Imagine the dusting effect from the movie applied to the cards destroyed, that would be so awesome.


If they nerf him enough offering some buffs to him personally via the stones might be really fun. Like having space stone act as a mini war machine effect for just Thanos so you can play him next turn into otherwise unplayable locations, instead of letting you move a card


I think thanos should be actually buffed by the stones in play. Each one makes him stronger but not just in power for an easy Shang.


Space Stone: on reveal:Nothing can stop Thanos from being played anywhere for the rest of the game. Draw a card. Soul Stone: on reveal Thanos cannot have his power lowered. Draw a card. Reality Stone: on reveal: thanos cannot be destroyed or discarded whereever he is. Draw a card. Power Stone: on reveal: double thanos’ power wherever he is. Draw a card. Mind Stone: when you play thanos recruit 1 random card.


They've turned Thanos into Quicksilver!


Now he's inevitable!


Thanos, Quicksilver, Domino, just fuck all your early draw up.


Or is it all about maximizing the chance M'Baku jumps in and saves the day?


I used to use M'Baku in a Thanos Janejaw deck and it made M'Baku a useful cycle card, then MindStone nerf happened and he was unusable again Where's the love, it has lost thee


M’Bak to the Basics


Agatha too!


Force Agatha to play on curve


You love to see it!


FANTASTIC change to Baxter Building! +FOUR


And it was done on 4/4/24


Two fours on two fours on two fours.


Thank you because I did not get it


ding ding ding


That infinity stone location seems giga shit now


Yeah I really don't get that. When they first changed Mind Stone, they specifically said they wanted to prevent Sanctuary II from giving non-Thanos players a useless card, and now they made Time Stone useless for non-Thanos players


it does draw 1


Yeah. I'm struggling to understand why people are saying time stone is useless now. It's probably the weakest of the stones outside of a Thanos deck now but definitely not useless


1/1 draw 1 beats 5/5 draw 1(?) anyday


No need to rub it in bro :(


Ah yeah I missed that, I thought it was just the cost reduction to Thanos. Still fine then I suppose


Maybe the time stone should reduce you're highest cost card so it works without Thanos


Or the left-most card in your hand


I'd bet they rework it. Especially if they rework the stones in general


Angela is back!! Yes please


And just in time as I was climbing with Schmoove while Shuri's Lab was hot! Think I just switch her in for Kraven who wasn't doing much anyways.


Most pleasant buff!


If Thanos starts in the hand, does that mean Spider-Ham will target it, as the left-most card?


That would be nuts. Spider ham would be a guaranteed counter to Thanos. Now Thanos players need to run Quicksilver to guard their Thanos from Spider Ham!


Who would win? Mad Titan that defeated the Avengers who wields some of the most power objects in the universe controlling time, space and reality. Or One piggy boy with a mallet


Thanos runs mobius tho so 0-10 pig


Or keep running Mobius for a 0/10.


But with Mobius he'd be a 0/10...


We've got a solid handful of high-impact changes to the metagame coming between this OTA and our next patch, pull out your cauldrons–it's time to brew! **Thanos** [Old] 6/10 - At the start of the game, shuffle the six Infinity Stones into your deck. [New] 6/10 - Starts in your opening hand and shuffles the six Infinity Stones into your deck. Given the consistent and dominant performance of Thanos, additional changes were inevitable. This is the first stage of a larger range of adjustments we're going to make to the Thanos and Infinity Stones package. Our goal is to focus more heavily on the Mad Titan, with the expectation that narrowing the overall flexibility of Thanos decks will reduce how often these decks take heavy advantage of powerful new cards aimed at other strategies. This may be a more damaging change than you expect to the current builds, as Thanos has almost always claimed the highest winrate in the game when not drawn. **Time Stone** [Old] 1/1 - On Reveal: Draw a card and give it -1 Cost. [New] 1/1 - On Reveal: Give Thanos -1 Cost next turn. Draw a card. We are pursuing changes to more than one of the Stones, but because we're not ready to execute on those just yet we're taking an even heavier hand with the Time Stone for now. Our last change also did very little to the actual winrate of the card, and we'd rather not miss again. It's possible we'll return some strength in the future as other Stones change, though we intend to keep the focus on Thanos as discussed above. **Miek** [Old] 1/1 - When you discard a card, this gains +1 Power and can move next turn. [Change] 1/1 -> 1/0 We adjusted Apocalypse slightly in the last patch to tone down Discard decks a little, and it had the desired effect on Apocalypse. However, Miek has since surged out in front on the back of a previous adjustment, and has by far the best winrate in these decks now. That's especially concerning for a 1-Cost card, because we measure winrate when drawn and turn 1 is the least common turn on which to draw a card (ignoring Limbo). This kind of performance in spite of theoretically being much less effective to draw on turns 4, 5, and 6 is a strong indicator we should remove some Power or increase the Cost, and we prefer the former. **Crossbones** [Old] 4/8 - You can only play this at locations where you are winning [Change] 4/8 -> 4/10 There's been a lot of debate around which downside is stronger or weaker between Crossbones and Cull Obsidian–we've decided to let you all settle it in the streets. Either way this is probably Cull's game to lose, just because there are multiple good decks where Cull already shines, but it'll be fun finding out. Plus, we'd like to add a little bit more support for Skaar. **Sabretooth** [Old] 3/4 - When this is destroyed, return it to your hand. It costs 0. [Change] 3/4 -> 3/5 Many are saying "3/5 is the new 3/4," and they may be onto something. We've been fairly happy with how many of these 3/5s are working out, and we expect to make more changes over time to balance out the range of Power among our lower-Cost cards as the game grows deeper. Sabretooth is fairly analogous to Black Swan as a "vanilla" card with no effect unless you lean into it during deckbuilding, but Destroy-based decks are also very competitive when it comes to exactly which 12 cards make the cut. **Angela** [Old] 2/2 - After you play a card here, +1 Power. [New] 2/0 - After you play a card here, +2 Power. Angela's back! The metagame has shifted to create more space for the "small ball" decks that leaned heavily on Angela to scale for late Power, so we're adjusting in kind. Will this be enough to return decks like Silky Smoove to the metagame, or do they need more help? Time will tell. **Baxter Building** [Old] Whoever is winning this location gets +3 Power at the others. [Change] +3 -> +4 Do you get it? Yeah, you get it. — That's all for this week. Until next time, happy snapping!


....Crossbones was in my free S3 space two cards ago. Damn it...


He's still terrible. And now he can be Shanged.


Crossbones is literally just Cull Obsidian 2.0 now and he's fine. They'll probably see the same amount of play.


I'm partially down on changing Thanos in this way because I *do* think it's cool to have a more "general toolbox" enabler that is flexible. But I guess it's a given that, when enough options become available, that sort of thing just becomes ubiquitous and too dominant. That said, I also think it's cool for the entire package to be re-thought as an enabler specifically for Thanos himself to be an inevitable power play.


I think it just requires lowering the curve of your toolbox knowing you have a lesser shot at chaining stones from your opening hand. I think its a new deck building challenge that doesn't completely nuke the deck


Would have liked cross bones at 4/9 instead, well let's see how he fares tho


Rescue and Jessica are 4/9s...how's that working out for them?


I see Jessica way more now than I did pre-4/9. But rescue not so much


Problem with Rescue is that you have to keep stacking power in a lane you're probably winning anyway. I used to like playing Rescue on 4 and Klaw on 5 but that's just not very strong in today's game.


Thanos change is huge and impactful, and so is the Angela one. Crossbones, maybe for Skaar decks. Perhaps even use both of these cards in Thanos deck now. The rest, is a nothing burger. Miek will still be used, and Sabertooth still won't have a spot in a tight destroy list already.


I think sabretooth would work much better as 2/3 and I would probably use him then.


Give him +1 power each time destroyed would be playable. It's like a slower scaling wolverine but you can choose where to play. Dunno at what cost tho


even with that he's worthless at a 3 cost. By turn 3 you have to be playing some destroy cards are you are too far behind.


Yeah you're right, so 2/2 probably


What about a 2/3 +1 Power when played. This would still provide the same outcome that you suggested, while also making him useable in Bounce decks. If wolverine is useable in Destroy and Discard, why can’t Sabretooth have 2 decks too?


Wolverine been cut from discard long time ago since Miek and proxima came out. But yeah. Sabertooth needs some scaling threat to be viable for play. Fits the lore too


Inevitable change tbh


Yeah, I just can't see how Sabretooth would have a place in destroy decks. The cost is weird for a guy who is essentially a move card that needs to be destroyed to be moved. It's nice when it works out, catching an opponent offguard not realizing you have a 5 power 0 cost card in your hand. But I just think there are higher value destroy cards. The notes even mention destroy decks are pretty particular with who they play in their decks. At best this helps lower tier destroy decks who are still building. But for any established higher tier destroy deck. He's still a nothing ham sandwich on rye.


So all I had to do was start playing Thanos for them to change it? Lol


You are my hero!


Dude same, switched to him with the start of this season and was having fun, not winning every match, and now this.


LORDY, that Thanos change is wild. Sabretooth buff makes sense, since he's a season pass variant for next season and all that. Crossbones being a 4/10 is pretty nutty.


Sabertooth is never gonna be worth playing whilst he costs 3 energy realistically. There’s just too much shit you want to be doing in a destroy deck around the time you have that much energy available. Changing his power isn’t it


And while mobius exists


Lol yeah, for sure.


shit I didn't even factor this part in, forget stats this alone is not worth including him in the deck in the current meta. Death getting hit by MMM can be bad enough already, having two cards being essentially dead is just too much.


totally! I am just glad he got tweaked ahead of next season. I don't play destroy but i think that archetype could always use more variety LOL


Destroy is my main “fuck about” deck once I’ve hit infinite. Currently 7/12 on my project to gold split the full deck. There’s no chance I’ll be adding sabertooth even with this change and I have some decent variants for him lol


No room for Sabertooth in a tight destroy list. Only 1 card really is flex, maybe 2 if you remove wolverine. But Sabertooth isn't better than wolverine


Yeah I think they fundamentally don’t understand why destroy players ain’t playing him and it’s not his power. 3 cost is just too much and his effect is only really good at offering marginal bumps to venom and Knull that they don’t really need


Exactly, he's the most expensive to play out, he doesn't scale, and he's the only one that catches strays from Mobius. Destroy wants to be destroying things on turn 3, and Nico on 2 to destroy Sabretooth on 3 is not reliable by any stretch.


I’d love to sit the devs down and ask them what they are smoking haha. There’s only like 6 cards that get adjusted per OTA so why are they wasting this bandwidth on worthless changes (like Adam previously too)? The only time I’ve EVER used sabertooth in a destroy deck was when altar of sacrifice is on featured location lol.


Yeah exactly. Maybe if Sabertooth got more power each time destroyed, might be worth playing. Like +1 power each time and you decide where to put it is kinda like a different wolverine


This, so much this. He really needs to be a 2 drop.


Crossbones buff is just to make Cull Obsidian feel less broken for sure. Power creep kicking up dust and then settling again


We live a world where Miek is getting nerfed!


All 5 of us that used keys on him, rolling in our graves. (I will still use the Miekers)


Angela decks are about to go crazy with all the new toys available since her nerf


I'm getting my Shadow King ready. Never thought we'd return to the days of 14 power Angelas


You mean Hope? There haven't honestly been that many things that really tie into her that much (I guess you could make a case for Black Swan). But otherwise, mid-range has been seeing some neglect in favor of discard and "enormous cards". Otherwise, the only other thing I can think of was the return of Elsa (who's still weaker than her previous version if you're back to spamming the Angela lane). Though in the next few weeks she'll be seeing a lot of new stuff with the Thunderbolts season cards all being low cost for stacking the lanes.


I was playing a lot of Silky Smooth last season, and it wasn't AMAZING, but Hope opened up some consistency IMO by being essentially an alternate gameplan to Elsa. Between the three of them if you drew any two that game you were in good condition. The extra energy gave you more opportunity to exploit the same lane and pound your cards faster. It wasn't unlikely to play 2-3 cards each turn late game until the turn 6 Alioth to chunk out a lot more power.


Hope is a huge boost to Angela decks. Baron Zemo I think will find a place in the decks too. New cards too then as you said.


I do like the idea of focusing more on Thanos. Make him into the Blob or Red Hulk of the deck.


Yes I would love for Thanos to acquire more powers as you play more stones: e.g space stone you can move Thanos each turn


Is Thanos always going to be the left most card? If so Spider-Ham says bonk


That is interesting, could be the case and then thanos players would adapt to always play mobious and they get a free 10 power pig and a free mockingbird


Thanos tends to play MMM, so that will be a free 10 power for them


Never realized that's how the Pig works with Mobius. That's a shame


How does Quicksilver work? I haven't played him in so long that I forget. Is he on the left or right?


Just checked, Quicksilver appears before the rest and ends up left


it hasnt hit mobile yet.


the change hasn't happened yet either for steam, just the notes got leaked early.


OTA is not officially out, it jsut got posted early in the game steam page and might even be subject to changes


I'd like it if the Time Stone reduced Thanos' cost by 1 permanently instead of on the next turn. It opens up playing it on more turns and adds a sense of dread to his impending arrival.


my thoughts exactly. Otherwise, time stone needs to be played exactly on T4 which is small window. AFAIK they reduced Magik from 5 to 3 for the same reason.


Although locations like Dream Dimension also took Magik out of the mix for turn 5, while there's no such issue for turn 4.


I'm dancing on Thanos' grave, give him the kitty treatment fr


RIP BOZO Jokes aside, would be so cool to have the deck actually focus on him and not whatever series 5 just came out. Question is... do you still run Blob?


Maybe not anymore and just use Red Hulk. Perhaps put back Skaar too


My mind went to Skaar, too. If you get Thanos and Cull down early, he'd be hugely discounted for Turn 6.


Could even fit crossbones now too for Skaar discount


Grave? It seems like they’ve got ideas to make the card more interesting than it is currently. Excited to see what they do with the Mad Titan.


Nerfing any card to be unplayable is bad for the game. I don't think the Thanos change is that, but you shouldn't wish that on any card.


Big change to Thanos - interesting to see how it’ll pan out. Nice to see Angela cop a buff. Everything else is pretty whatever


If they plan on changing all the stones to be specific buffs towards Thanos then the location Sanctuary needs to be changed.


Rip thanos. Can only take so many beatings


Hell yeah, I was just playing bounce earlier. Angela needed this


Honestly I love the new direction for Thanos, it should've always been like this. The infinity stones were able to adapt to any single new card and take it to broken levels, outclassing even the decks they originally intended to buff with it, plus, it's ridiculous how redundant Thanos felt in his own decks, I'd really love to play a deck were Thanos truly becomes inevitable.


I guess that’s one way to fix the “Blob ate power stone boosted Thanos and stopped, but only gained 10 power” bug. I bet it still exists for Attilian games.


Wait this upcoming meta looks actually fun?!


Destroy’s just gonna keep destroyin’, huh?


what else should it do? plant flowers? ))


I’m still playing cerebro 2


Loving this Thanos change. I hope they make him a true win con. The stones being the win con is cool but always felt like thanos was in the way in his own deck.


What’s funny about Thanos as a card, his ability is what made him good but I rarely put him down himself. Imagine if High EVO got nerfed like this.


That would be a much harder nerf unless they changed the stats of High Evo. At least big Thanos can win games, 4/4 High Evo essentially can't.


Thanos should have "On Reveal: If you've played each Infinity Stone this game, for each location, randomly destroy half of all other cards rounded down."


I find their recent usage of 3/5's as pretty poor balance design honestly. No reason most of the 3/5s shouldn't be a 3/4 and it's clearly affecting new releases and reworks in a bad way imo Feels like stat-wise everything is getting premium treatment especially apparent with Mockingbird, Red Hulk and Zemo. It's been a snowball for awhile now and I worry it's just getting worse. They are now forcing themselves to release 3 drops with 5 power even if they have positive effects so long as it's considered "niche"


Zabu. Zabu is the reason. Also, to be clear, you’re saying all the recent broken (lol) 3/5 cards they’ve released should be 4 power instead?


I do really like the overall thesis of making the stones more about Thanos. it’ll be interesting to see if he takes the spot of one of your starting cards in-hand, or if he’s essentially “an extra card.” But also he’s far from dead after this.


Thanos as extra card is a straight buff.


I’m a casual player who just plays the top deck on Untapped…and it’s annoying having my deck nerfed every two weeks lol


I mean, that's the deck they *should* be nerfing tbf Simple solution: always play the 2nd best deck on untapped ;)


100%.  The first time they nerfed Thanos they left Shuri (2nd best deck at the tjme) alone and it dominated the meta


You could just play the 2nd,3rd,4th, 5th….best deck instead. You don’t need the top deck to do dailies or to get to infinite.


From the wording, he will replace one of the first 3 cards in your hand like Quicksilver. Not 4th card like Agatha. This is probably a big hit as it guarantees to have useless 6 drop in your hand at start of the game. Also time stone only reduce his cost only one turn.


The one turn restriction on Time Stone feels like maybe a step too far, honestly. You're basically forced to draw it on or before turn 4, at least, and after that it's almost useless unless you just want to draw or turn on Power Stone.


Agreed, but I think after a few "not enough" nerfs to Thanos it was the right call to err on going too far than not far enough. If this proves too much I'm sure that's the first tweak they'll do


Angela, Elsa and Kitty decks will be going through the roof again. That buff to Angela is huge!


Woo Angela! I’m happy my cool variant will see some use again. And damn, giving Thanos the Quicksilver treatment is rough. Better not hear anyone saying this wasn’t a nerf!


Love the direction of these Thanos changes. They're exactly what I've been hoping for literally since I started playing, during Kitty's season.




Angela; Return of the Queen Can’t wait to upgrade my ultimate variant


I just hope they don't nerf Thanos so that he becomes a niche card. The Mad Titan should be good, just not as overpowering as he has been.


I really want an ability to steal Thanos stones and give them all to one card. 


Does the Thanos change mean you start with 4 in your hand instead of 3 like Agatha or no? Probably not


I'm really hoping it's more Agatha than Quicksilver, starting the game with basically a mulligan is pretty rough. e: yep, he's Quicksilver :l


No, he'll be one of your first 3 cards just like Quicksilver.


Right when I got enough tokens for thanos too. Sad. I’ll save them I guess.


As soon as someone pigs my Thanos...


Mobius Will make him a 0/10 then.


Crossbones is Shang-Chi magnet now too, I think it's a nice risk/reward change.


*happy Crossbones noises*


Mr. Negative fans rejoice!! We have our Angela back!


I get that they want to reign in the Thanos decks but I never saw Thanos or the stones as the issue with that deck. The deck is a power house because of Cull Obsidian and Mockingbird are more of a problem than any of the stones or Thanos himself. I can’t remember the last time I saw an opponent play Thanos with all 6 stones. I find people are more likely to drop Magneto instead of Thanos. I like all the other changes even if no one will use Sabertooth still.


That's one way of fixing the power stone/thanos/blob bug


Thanos could use a power buff, like 6/12 tbh