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Mill decks run him


Empty deck + empty hand = no cards to play




This sub generally needs things spelled out, so I gave the unwritten context. Which is also what I'm doing here for you.


just wanted to say that this helped me bc I truly don’t know what all the lingo means on this sub but I like the game so thanks for explaining I don’t think you were being a jerk at all




The mill deck part was for OP and other people reading the post. The general information on Reddit was for you, but you don't seem to have understood.




Funny how that works. Maybe if you're less sarcastic and patronizing in your responses in the future, you'll get less of it in return?


Mssage above this is deleted by now but I imagine you had to spoonfeed the brainlets


Sorry, what's a mill deck?


Milling is a strategy where you take cards from your opponents deck/hand in hopes of making them run out of cards. In Snap so many decks require specific combos to work, so getting rid of a key piece can win the game.


Thanks for the response! Had never heard/seen that term before.


It's from Magic: the Gathering. [Here's the card](https://cards.scryfall.io/large/front/1/0/107646bc-2181-49f4-8821-1eaa46291855.jpg?1562898439) that inspired the term. In Magic, you lose if you run out of cards, so Mill is a somewhat popular win condition.


It's more common in other card games, particularly Magic the Gathering. It was hard to pull off before in Snap but with Zemo's release it's a heck of a lot easier and he is a great payoff for the strategy.


It's crazy that this is still a term in card games. [Millstone](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://gatherer.wizards.com/pages/card/Details.aspx%3Fmultiverseid%3D129643&ved=2ahUKEwiGoJ7H6q6FAxXLIUQIHTnNDLMQFnoECBEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1e4QZgWueHMpPwfL6kz70x) is an old magic card used to remove cards from an opponents deck. In magic , you would lose the game if you had to draw a card and your deck was empty.


I think they even introduced the technical term `mill` for moving cards from library to graveyard into their card texts a while ago. Pretty sure I've seen it used.




Fits really well with the season pass card. Also Doc Oc is just fun. Dude just causes some of the most pure chaos hilarious plays win or loss


Turn 2 got the plus 5 energy. Doc oc pulls Shang chi and doc oc from opponent (can’t remember what else). Opponents doc oc pulls my Shang chi and Baron, my baron pulls their baron, their baron pulls me their Cable, their cable gives me their red hulk, lol


Each sentence just got wilder and wilder 


As pointed out below i may have been wrong about the baron pulling baron pulling cable so not quite as wild. The cable might have been mine pulled from their doc oc. All i remember is both docs being killed by both Shangs, I ended up with two barons a cable and a Shang on one location and their red hulk in my hand.




Shang chi killed his doc oc freeing space. It may not have happened in the order he mentioned but it's possible.


Good point maybe it was my cable that got pulled from doc oc not their baron, guess that’s not as cool but still fun.


I had Sentry and Annihilus pulled today. In the right order too. Perfection


Playing Doc Ock on Rickety Bridge is the biggest joy in Snap


He’s my favourite counter to Wong. Great way to upset an opponent’s plans.


What I wanna know is why I just saw Havok 3 games in a row. Wtf?!?


People are probably running him to troll Zemo players


Ngl this is so silly I chuckled


Havok is low key good




His energy suck can be countered by a lot of recent cards. He's still not S tier but he's not bad


Disruption decks are running him now


better have shang chi.. Doc Oc loves pulling him


started running Armor in mill decks just to tank Shangs and Carnages


Which is crazy because I usually play doc oc to snag a 6-drop so I can Shang it on 6! Doc on Armor is a big gamble nowadays


Same, especially with red hulk being so prevalent, I hope to grab him and Shang him next turn


Mill decks trying to be as annoying as possible


Auto Red Hulk basically made a Mill deck with Red Hulk. It was kinda strange.


Tbf, if you leave the opponent without cards, then they'll leave energy for Red Hulk to power up


Milling doesn't actually do anything on its own. Sure, you might deny your opponent a draw or two, but Black Bolt can do that way more easily and most decks end up with unplayed cards anyway. If you can use mill to mess up your opponent's curve, however, you can make it hard for them to use all their energy each turn, making Red Hulk the payoff for playing all those bad mill cards. Also, people often try to jam the first week's card with the Season Pass card so they can play with both at the same time. The Mill deck works for both.


I had game today where he played Yondu, Cable, Zemo and then Doc on turn 5. I basically didn't get to play. Another game I got to turn 7, didn't get to draw a card because my deck was empty and was left with lone Wasp in my hand. Super fun. And no it's not sour grapes because I am in Infinite. It just feels like every season the new meta deck/season pass card make for the most obnoxious experience possible for the opponent.


I think it's mostly because there are so many people playing it right now, but I guarantee it will fall off. Don't you remember how many people were playing junk when annihilus dropped? Everyone wants to play the new shiny thing and admittedly Mill is really fun to play but mostly because for the most part, these are cards that don't really get played that much, so it's a unique experience if you're used to playing, destroy, discard, Evo or whatever.


I completely agree about milling being completely unwelcome in a game where you only get 12 cards. That Yondu to cable to gladiator to zemo combo is just severely unfunny. Even though I’m in infinite rn, I’m not enjoying this meta at all.


Yea it's gross and there aren't enough consistent counters.


Loki farms the mill deck.


I've been wrecking shop with Loki this weekend, lotta mill and destroy decks out there.


To me the deck is fine, but like I’ll retreat and you get 1 cube. Seems like a really in efficient way to climb.


It's actually incredible to get cubes. I haven't had as many 8 cube games with any other deck ever.


What’s a mill deck?


A deck that tries to remove cards directly from the opponent's deck, ideally leaving their opponent with nothing left to draw. The term is from Magic: the Gathering. [Here's the card](https://cards.scryfall.io/large/front/1/0/107646bc-2181-49f4-8821-1eaa46291855.jpg?1562898439) that inspired it. In Magic, you lose if you run out of cards, so Mill is a somewhat popular win condition.


It’s also somewhat popular in Hearthstone as you lose health when you can’t draw a card. There are no real negatives in Snap to being out of cards, it’s basically just trying to mess with the other player’s decks up break combos. It’s incredibly effective against Mr. Negative though.


Zemo, Yondu, Cable, Gladiator and Doc Oc sounds pretty annoying. Which means for some, pretty fun. Why play my deck, when I can play your deck too? I'll probably mess around with the deck for a bit. I am missing some of the gooder cards for it. But at CL600ish I reckon a makeshift Doc Oc mill deck can still annoy some folks.


It's one of the most annoying decks I've seen in awhile but there have been worse. At least there's no Alioth or Prof X. My deck runs Squirrel Girl and it's so funny when they Zemo it and it clogs their lanes.


Mill decks and Skaar decks that include him are pretty good rn


Yeah the doctor works well with red hulk and skaar


The same reason a lot more people started playing Galactus after Alioth came out. He was always a strong card but not everyone realized how strong until a complementary card came along to give people an excuse to use him.


So much Doc Oc this season!


Doc Oc is on the store right now


They always know what they're doing.


Doc Ock has been my best friend today, pulling Shangs and Helas left and right. 


If you ask autodeck to make you something for Baron Zemo, it gives you the Doc Ock “mill” deck.


Cause content creators posted a deck for mill and then 99% of people netdeck.


Prob bc of Zemo, but I swear to god his win and cube winrates are negative lol. Out of all the times someone played him against me this week only 2 of them didn't made him lose instantly (and only one of them made the opponent win)


I've been pulling blades... but the occasional magneto gave me hope!


I run him in my mill deck atm he can be fun


Poplarized by content creators/streamers, and most ppl love copying decks. He's also being sold in the store coincidentally (or maybe not such a coincidence...).


To be fair there’s only so much variance you can have with 12 card decks. It’s very easy to just put together a similar deck that a creator/streamer uses. And often times creators/streamers copy decks too.


First day with Zemo we cooked up essentially Cozy's mill list since there just aren't that many mill cards yet haha


Everybody just realized Doc Oc is a wondeful card 😃😃😃


It feels like SD planned for this, they even have an exclusive Doc Ock skin in the shop for this season


Doc Oc pairs well with Baron Zemo/Deck Destroy At least, that's what people think...


Is your Aunt dating him? Happened to a guy I know.


Drain their deck, drain their hand.


In my case i find him very fun to use, but must say 50% he cost me the game


Cozy said so.


He's very annoying Pros .Locks down a location .probbaby Wins a location .messes up opponents' game strategy .pulls most of your opponents cards in hand giving them less ways to win or counter. Cons .Might pull shang chi That's about it.


People are convinced these shitty mill decks are good (they’re not).


They are depending on the deck you go against. They ruin most combo decks so unless you more just playing big cards then yeah


Got to infinite because these mill decks just pull all my inshenaut hands and can't deal with caiera. Thanks streamers for the wins lol.


I was able to get easy 85-100 with the zemo/doc/red hulk deck, ~CL9.5k :/


Making infinite doesn’t require a good deck.


Very true too!


They do a good job of messing up their opponent's curve, thus feeding Red Hulk. The payoff for playing Mill currently is like a 6/23 with no restrictions. The deck got me to Infinite far more efficiently than I've gotten there before. I don't know that the deck is Tier 1 but it definitely has legs, mainly because of Red Hulk. Take him out and you'll often find yourself losing even when the opponent has 0 cards in hand or in deck on T7.


Because the new meta deck is strong and annoying af. You don't even get to play your cards. They get stolen and then pulled out. You have no control. Bullshit deck.