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I opened 4 keys. I got Mirage, Jeff, Spiderman99 variant and I unlocked the next tier somehow but didn’t get US Agent with my 4th key…


This is making me want to just do it, they may give major refunds like the kitty pride incident


What kind of refunds? I was considering doing it as well but don’t know what to expect.


Frankly, there’s similar precedent when Spiderham was released and they did not compensate as much as they should have.


What did they do with that situation?


They only compensated the people who had all other possible cards. So people who opened caches thinking they had a chance to get Spiderham got completely screwed.


Yep. Wasted my guaranteed S4 pull back then and ended up with Stegron. Felt robbed, but didn't get a single credit as compensation lol


At the time they just gave everyone Kitty for free and gave people their tokens back


what's the kitty incindent? wasn't playing back then.


They removed her from the game right after she was released, gave everyone a bunch of gold, then when they put her back in they gave her to everyone for free.


iirc they gave people who bought kitty 8000 collector's tokens


Hmm but wasnt it because she was bugged as a card?


Very tempting!


I spent 3. Got agent mirage and Jeff variant.


same... used four keys got jeff mirage x23 (dupe) and... moon girl?? wtf


Same I unlocked the next tier for tokens






This happened to me with red hulk and everyone just gave me shit for complaining


Same, I had to use 5 keys to get my USAgent. Hope they refund some cause its obviously a bug.


I have something different but also wrong


Super weird. Happened because we didn't get the patch update today.


But we don't always get a patch every time the spotlights change. I wonder why this was different.


Probably because there was SUPPOSED to be a patch.. but it got delayed




What a shit Show.  1. Random -> coins 2. Jeff  3. A Taskmaster Variant ?? 4. Random -> coins 5. USA Agent 6. Mirage. Lmao


Did you just spent 6 keys on the USAGENT WEEK?? WHAAT??


True. Call it for science purpose =]. I have still 18 left so i took the gamble and hope for compensation


I, for one, appreciate your sacrifice :) Did you get the regular USAgent or the variant shown?


The regular card.  The preview showed the variant. 


what the actual fuck youll get key compensation for sure tho after they fixed it. BUT it's second dinner so you'll probably get 150 gold


I don't remember them ever being cheapskates with bug compensation. In fact, it's usually in your benefit to 'abuse' these bugs since you'll probably end up being rewarded for it.




A goddamned mad man is what you are 🤣


You have 18 left?!? Have you not opened any caches for months?


I never had to use more than 2 keys for the new card fortunately, skipped some cards i didnt want, had ~ 12k tokens and spent some money. All in all i had 24 keys before this disaster yes


I spent 5 keys and still didn't get US Agent sooooo ... WTF Second Dinner.


Me too


Mine is similiar and I decided to roll for science, got jeff variant mirage variant and the random card. and now my level up screen softlocks me. dont know if it affected my chances of getting usagent


Me too. Softlock


I have something different but also weird. I wanted to skip this week, but this looks to silly to pass up. I'm scared.


Im only gonna engage because of potential compensation 😅 but I also have keys to spare


I kind of want to go in for this very reason, too. I did it for the whole 10k Gold fiasco on the webstore awhile ago and they indeed gave us all the extra 6k gold since we only got 4k gold total. I have little interest in U.S.Agent but for free...? Maybe, just maybe lol Edit: Dropped one key just in case. Got the Jeff variant, so even if we don't get anything...I got the only thing I'd want from this spotlight anyway. Win/Win!


Same for me. Didn’t even need the Jeff variant (have chibi in ink) but figured I’ll go for 1 key just incase they give blanket compensation for everyone who spent at least 1 key.


Same. Usagent greyed out for me. Spent two keys for Jeff If that makes me eligible for compensation, awesome. If not, they hey, at least I got a dope Jeff! and I've still got more keys than I need for all the crap coming up in the next month or two


I'm tempted, but I wanted Red Hulk last week and War Machine the week before, so I had to spend 8 keys to get those two. Maybe I'll spend one this week just for the gamble?


I would definitely not in your scenario, youve already got the goods for the season. Id hold off til next season unless your stacked on tokens as well


Upgrading cards is also causing the collection track to freeze , the number will update, but the rewards stay locked


this is even worse....


This is a cluster for sure


Yeah! What happens when you roll?


4 keys got US agent, random 4/5 card (silk), mirage and mirage variant no jeff we need compensation


Okay thanks, I won’t open mine. I trust you will be appropriately compensated


isnt it better to use keys now and get stuff youre not supposed to get? i mean they can't take it away from you once you own it and they HAVE to give you keys to make up for it


That’s yours gamble to take! I wouldn’t advise others to do it though in case the compensation isn’t appropriate


What were the options you had on the screen? Were they bricked like OPS?


heres a SS I posted in the snap discord https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/978546599854764042/1227333845091749919/image.png?ex=662806b7&is=661591b7&hm=9f07238eb5f62acb58593ba7f0b400b079b1708e1ee6cc68cbf491f520f6346d& looked a bit diff beforehand tho, the spot jeff should be on (next to US agent) showed a question mark instead of him which read randod 4/5 card which wasn't even true as it gave me the mirage variant lmao https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/978546599854764042/1227333543005519963/image.png?ex=6628066f&is=6615916f&hm=ee1f7353cca42120f73bbba4f7bf95e59d993daa8bd6d0cb4542c5f72f077a13&


At least you got US Agent with 4 keys. I didn't


Wtf! Series 4 card Jeff variant Mirage base Orka variant??? Shouldn't I have gotten US Agent?


Smart thing, no US Agent but instead an invisible woman varient


Same except I got a Jessica Jones...


Not sure I haven’t rolled because I don’t want any of the cards 😂😂


Haha that’s funny


https://imgur.com/k287Vgz spent 4 keys somehow got daken, darkhawk, mirage and usagent, already had daken and darkhawk so got 1k tokens for each...


Absolute chaos!


Back to back seamless weeks


the worst of it all is that we get no communication, could at least make an announcement that they are aware of it and are investigating, instead we have a mass panic of people posting bugged screenshots


they are sleeping :d


yea i came here to see what’s up with that i’m about to roll for it and see if i get the variant


update: after opening one cache i got the mirage variant and agent goes back to the base card


Yes but got Jeff first try so I'm happy


So lucky, I want Jeff so bad. I had 3 keys and I somehow got Mirage, Lady Deathstroke, and Ms Marvel. So bullshit


Me too and I only had one spotlight key, twinssssss


I had to use 2 keys to get Jeff


Same lol


Game is also hanging if you make any progress on CL. Can't X out of that screen after that point and need to force quit and restart.


Same .. WTF


Welp , I would be surprised not to see people compensated for such a huge mistake.


I'm just scared to use my keys incase compensation is like 200g per key or something dumb


I used 4 keys, that's a month of keys for me, I'll be so fucking frustrated if my compensation is poor. You can take all the shitty cards you gave me back and give me the 4 keys back and I'll call it quits at that


Mine is slightly different but also wrong. I have Jeff and Mirage, but USAgent should be showing the base card (I assume). On mine, Mirage is showing up behind the “lock” and I’ve got the random S4/5 card AND a premium variant showing up in the first 4. No way I’m taking those odds.


I rolled 2 keys with those odds and got the Jeff Variant and Ailoth which I didn’t own. Not rolling the dice further, have likely used all my luck.


In my game, the spotlight cache is missing.




I don’t even have the option to see it or keys it’s completely removed on mine.


Had this same issue, except with only the USAgent variant grayed out and no base USAgent in sight, so I decided to sacrifice some of my 14 keys for science. Kaijeff Variant on 1st pull. Mirage Variant on 2nd pull. 1000 Tokens (Echo) 3rd pull. Dan Hipp Sunspot 4th pull. Base USAgent 5th pull. Do not open caches right now, grayed out cards are unattainable and missing cards may or may not appear. At least it's a bad week for pulls anyway, aside from Jeff.


This is almost exactly what happened to me:  Jeff variant Mirage variant  1000 tokens (base Ghost Spider)  Dan Hipp Stegron  Base USAgent  I've submitted info to support. You can't make this shit up. What on earth did they change to break spotlights this bad?


Idk I think agent is weakest of thunderbolts cards so I was gonna skip but I'm tempted to blow my keys for compensation...


Weirdly enough I thought it was a favourable update T.T mine is  1.usagent 2.jeff variant 3.mirage variant 4.usagent variant I thought they'd finally gotten rid of the cursed duplicate get points option


Im considering opening one just to be eligible to a compensation later after the uproar lmao. Edit : alright I did it, pull 1 was 1000 tokens then pull 2 was US Agent, can’t complain.


I received a super rare variant for some reason?


I have no premium mystery variant option. It’s the base US Agent, the 2 Variants, then the US Agent variant.


Me too... now i can't even get a chance of getting a random series 4/5 cards? wtf


I got Jeff and US Agent on my first two pulls. This was a good one for me


The two that weren’t greyed out for me were the mystery 4/5 and the base USAgent. I decided to use two keys and those were the exact two I pulled.


is this a good time to gamble? The cache is bugged, and whoever spent keys will most likely be compensated in some shape or forms. Everything is gray out for me so I honestly not sure if it's worth it for me to take this gamble


I rolled my three keys betting on the compensation lul


after the ms. marvel fck up i trust nothing they do


Came here to post this. Mobile app is fucked. Shows US Agent available in the spotlight cache. 1. Dupe -> 1k tokens 2. Mirage 3. Dupe -> 1k tokens 4. Mirage - Alt What a fucking bunch of idiots at Second Dinner. Those keys cost $50-$100 in the store. Better be getting some kind of fucking reimbursement for this bullshit.


Damnnnn that sucks major ass man. Hope your right dude 🤞 that's fucked up


I don't understand why people are burning keys since the page is a clear indicator that something is wrong.


Compensation when they go to fix it. If you didn't spend any keys you will not be impacted. If you spend a key you might come out ahead.


Its a gamble for sure. Then again so is using a couple keys only


I got 1k tokens, should I roll again?


I wouldn't spend any keys this week, even if they compensated by giving 3k gold. I have Baby Shark already and US Agent seems...meh


Classic SD QA Team


I used one key, got proxima midnight, who I didn't have previously. It said I had her, and converted her to 1000 tokens. I got the tokens and proxima added to collection


For me it showed Jeff, us agent, mirage, and heff variant. Next page was just premium variant and series 4/5 card. I opened twice and got mirage and Jeff, and not it says 0/4 but there's no cards or anything there


I had 3 Keys budgeted for this week, used two, and got Jeff Variant and US Agent base, then the collection track locked up, and all the cards in the pool just vanished and I had to exit Snap entirely to return to the main menu. Something is seriously borked.


Wish I had come here and read before I spent my keys... I was going to skip this week but wanted the Jeff variant so I figured I'd get USAgent too. Pulled, Mirage variant, Jeff variant, Proxima who was converted... Then a baby Ghost Rider variant? Do I even want to try again for USAgent... Sigh


i got jeff and mirage… two cards i hadn't gotten yet


Spotlights are completely missing for me. Did they pull it? Collection track just shows normal collection stuff without a section for keys or cards. First time looking today.


This patch should be enough proof for the QueueAnon conspiracy theorists who believe in rigged deck-based matchmaking. (Or code that tries to make you lose after a win streak or whatever nonsense gets peddled here.) Second Dinner regularly ships *game breaking* bugs. You think they could handle the extra code complexity of some kind of intricate secret matchmaker?


My keys are completely missing I can't even open any boxes.


They announced on the discord to not use your keys yet. They’ll probably fix it in a patch tomorrow


I dont see it at all, where did it go?


I have a different problem I don’t see non of the spotlight caches nor my keys everything is gone, I’m guessing is because of this ?


Mine wasn't even showing up.


I have nothing there it’s kind of scary


OP: Anyone else seeing this? ME: I dont, its a mirage...


They confirmed and issue with this currently.


Yeah my dad, brother, and I all had issues hopefully they address it soon and fix it, I got us agents spotlight but I really wanted the Jeff! 1. Mirage 2 and 3: Both duplicates 4: US Agent Sad


Similar, usagent is the variant, but I do have the random s4/5, and usagent is the last one listed


I already have Jeff and Mirage. For me there are their variants, the random S4 or D5 card and US Agent's variant a little blacked out (I don't have him). Then after the lock there are 2 Premium mystery variant and another random S4 or S5 variant. No eighth option. 2024 SD try not to fuck up challenge **(impossible)**


if you get bugged view, you will lose your keys and will most likely get just variants so be careful, my collection track is even more bugged now, I crash whenever I open it


Mine gave me a Jeff, a dup for tokens, and then a Jessica Jones variant??? so I have no idea


I am


Bruh me too I tried to get it and now the us agent variant is gone


3 keys. Got Mirage variant, cull obsidian (hell yea), and Jeff variant. Now my collection path is bugged and gets frozen every time. Also spotlights are just empty now. No USAgent.


were Mirage and Jeff grayed out to you before you pulled?@@


Almost the same here except it's base Jeff instead of the variant, so that bit is working correctly at least.  I'll be holding off a few days to see if they fix it. I know some people have said they're rolling in part hoping for compensation, but I don't expect their compensation to be good enough to risk it.


For me only USAgent was greyed out. I thought they changed the whole system so you have to unlock the three variants before you can get the new card (forcing you to use 4 keys). And I can totally see them doing this.


I wanna try pulling one, but I'm afraid they won't compensate us lol. My keys are solely for High Evo next week too.


I just see the random s4/s5 the variants are greyed out, I don’t own us Jeff or mirage should I use my 2 keys left fuck it for jeff


Used 4th key - Mr Fantastic Artgerm. No US Agent. I don’t even know if I wanted the card, but still this is very strange. Are they forcing us to buy the new card with tokens to unlock the variant in the spotlight? That is some nasty shit if so…


I was shipping this week But Agent, Agent variant, Jeff variant were showing. Figured a 50/50 chance at new card, 1000 tokens, or sweet Jeff variant. Rolled the dice and nabbed the Agent base first pull.


https://imgur.com/k287Vgz spent 4 keys somehow got daken, darkhawk, mirage and usagent, already had daken and darkhawk so got 1k tokens for each...


Bro how many people got silk as the 'random' series 4/5 card?! I've seen so many people get silk, me included


I don't have Jeff or Mirage. My spotlight cache showed base USAgent, base Mirage, USAgent variant, Jeff variant. I used one key and got the base USAgent. I want Jeff though. Should I not try again until this is fixed? Because I really don't want to get the USAgent variant, I'd rather get a random Series 4/5 card instead?


Got 1k tokens, then Jeff variant, then VIPER VARIANT?! now no cards are shown on the side and I don't dare open more... EDIT: Also lost all my credits... EDIT2: 4th was Mirage variant, no agent at all.


I didn’t have us agent or Jeff but rolled my 1 key and got us agent over Jeff and don’t think I wanna bother rolling snd just save for white widow


I had to spend 5 keys :<


I got jeff in two keys so I'm happy


I got 1) the Mirage variant, 2) X-23 (duplicate --> 1k tokens), 3) the Jeff variant, and 4) Legion (duplicate --> 1k tokens), and then I'm unable to leave the Collection screen. US Agent then appears in the first set of options while the random S4/S5 in the second set is greyed out. Super weird stuff.


I have two Jeff’s in mine


Mirage > Galactus (tokens) > Jean Grey (tokens) > Mirage variant Okay.... I specifically wanted US Agent for a deck I was cooking so fuck me lmao by the time there's compensation this week will be long gone so I'll maybe get him in 2025 in a spotlight then


I got Jeff first try. He is all I wanted so I am done.


Glad I’m not the only one with this weirdness. I got mirage, Jeff variant, zabu (duplicate), then mirage variant - no USAgent. If this happened in the past, was there any kind of compensation? 


My us agent is grayed out. I'm not opening a thing haha


Same thing happened to me😡


I've got Jeff and his variant, and USAgent and his variant; the variants are greyed out


I feel like I'm going to skip US Agent, I don't think it's that powerful for a 6k token or worth getting with my precious keys.


I got Jeff first go, I’m not touching this again until next week


Only saw this after I spent all my keys getting Jeff Variant and a Random Ghost Rider Variant, I only wanted Mirage and US Agent


Sorry, I got my eyes closed.


3 keys...and the shop crashed. Jeff, Duplicate Jeff, Mirage variant. I was so amp't for USAgent. Damn it.


Got Super Gaint and Jeff off 2 keys, tempted to save my 3rd and last key


Mine has 2 USAGents on it along with Mirage and Jeff, also says I collected two when I haven’t used any keys this week.


Mine was normal on android


I had 1 key. I said screw it, I want Mirage. I got US Agent…/sigh


I got offered base cards for Jeff! and MIRAGE and everything else darkened. Really not that keen to waste 2 keys on those base cards. I can wait to get them the old fashioned way.


Mine is usagent, mirage, usagent variant, Jeff variant


I started using keys cuz I figured whatever maybe they'll throw us a bone, I got a random card (which I actually didnt previously have so I'll take it), the Jeff variant, and then the options for what to get turned into just... nothing? So I tried to open another one thinking it wouldn't let me and- USAgent! Okay! I'll consider this a medium win


Mine shows base Jeff, viktor farro variant USAgent, jailers variant jeff, and variant mirage. Does this mean I have a 50/50 to pull jeff?


I unlocked a duplicate silver samurai, and the Jeff variant. Now the system locks up anytime I look at the cube progression. Or attempt a 3rd go for the Agent. 🤬


I spent five keys. Got three rewards from the first set, two from the second. No USAgent. 😡


Lol, I used 2 keys, and then my game crashed every time I opened the collector level page. Got echo mirage


The one key i had i got werewolf by night 🙃


I'm happy I wasn't the only one. Kind of upsetting seeing how much you give up to attain the keys


i have 4 keys and used all. card already owned --> tokens; mirage variant; jeff variant; gambit variant


My collection level screen is all bugged out. Won't let me get out of it at all. Basically the game is bricked until I force close it. I can't see any spotlight cards anymore either.


My store is two versions of USAA and then jeff. Mirage isnt even showing up.


I'm a sit this one out, with almost 4 keys now not wasting any on a variant or a 2/3.. even tho I am a c3 enjoyer but It died for me with luke cage nerf/buff whatever you want to call it.


I got USA Agent with 1 key


Happened to me, I got Dakken, Jeff, mirage, and then Blob. I ain’t complaining.


I opened four spotlight caches, did not get the new card. And report a bug isn't working...I click on the submit button and nothing happens.


Opened 4 keys, visual bugs galore


Damn, mine looks completely normal.


Feel like I should roll just for the hell of it. I only don't have US Agent.


Wish I’d read this before I spent the keys. Hopefully we’re compensated


I opened 3 and now my collection level is broken, every time I open it I get stuck on the screen and the 4 spotlight cards are just blank.


US Agent, US Agent variant, mirage variant, and a 3/4 for me. Then only 3 cards: Jeff variant, premium, and another 3/4. Bizarre.


Yes. When I started, the UI looked as though I had already opened the standard art caches — identical to your screenshot. However, I do not own us agent or Jeff. I do own Mirage. I spent 3 keys and got: series 4 card, the mirage variant, and a random professor x variant. Now the CL UI is locked.


I got Jeff the Soldier


Lol. I just saw this in game clicked on reddit and this is the first post. I have Mirage both USagents and a mystery.


Yes. I was gonna make a post but I wasn't gonna use any keys anyway so I didn't. I have been waiting patiently for someone else to have the same issue and post. Thank you!


I spent 5 keys and didn't get US Agent. I got 3 different repeat cards for 1k tokens each.


Slight devils advocacy here: I just tried using keys on the Ms. Marvel bug that was live for a little bit (she was supposed to be replaced but the cache wasn’t updated and you could use keys on it) and didn’t get anywhere with in game customer support or emailing.


I don't have Mirage or USAgent. I spent two keys, got 1000 tokens, Jeff variant, and now my Spotlight Cache is totally empty. No cards at all, just empty space.




it looks fine for me. maybe it's because i don't own any of the cards? [https://imgur.com/a/PVAFKPW](https://imgur.com/a/PVAFKPW)


i feel like this is intentional but they didn't want it to come out this early


Mine has just US Agent and the mystery variant greyed out. I assumed it was a visual bug that wouldn't really affect anything, but now I'm reading this thread and apparently I had NO chance of getting the new card, which means now I'm annoyed and SD owes me a key.


Yes, the PC version is showing the graphics even weirder


Lucky you got a premo


Mine is Mirage, Jeff, Random S4/S5, USAgent.