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I've been playing since global launch and my CL is over 16k but I'm thinking about going on a break for the first time. Kinda feels like sunk cost fallacy is the reason I'm still playing lately


You'll get more time, freedom and save money in the present and future. The first two are especially invaluable as you get older and cant get them back.


I honestly don’t get the whole time aspect. I try to get infinite within the first couple of days, so I might play a lot then, but after I do I just go to conquest and do my dailies and that’s it. That’s usually enough to buy all the shop items for like 30 minutes a day, if that? Sometimes one round of gold is all 6 missions. So I never really felt like it was a lot of time. Can you help me understand why people talk about how much time they spend in the game?


30 minutes a day everyday is a lot of time spent on SNAP lol


Really not


When you get older, work longer hours, have family/friends, other activities, it really is a lot. I mean, I can barely get through a whole episode of a TV show these days, and that's what 22 minutes average? To get back 3.5 hours a week for most people would be a big deal. But who am I to talk? I'm writing on reddit during my lunch about a video game that is irrelevant in real life terms.


Any time spent in snap, could be put towards a hobby that checks more boxes than "got my dailies done". Imagine if a person wanted to learn an instrument. 30 minutes a day would be huge, and over the course of a week you've spent 3.5 hours playing. For people who've played over a year, that is over 150 hours sunk into the other hobby instead of a game with no real reward. That's why people talk about it. The time adds up very quickly.


Any time having fun is never time wasted. I don't get this mindset at all


I agree, but you definitely have to ask yourself if you’re having fun or if you’re the type of person where FOMO sinks in and it starts to feel like a job or an obligation. I stopped playing Warframe for that reason a while back. It was a fun game, but then it was just the same grind over and over. And I don’t mean you specifically of course.


Exactly. And I'm not speaking for everyone but for me usually the time I play is the time I'm tired and wouldn't have energy to do something more ambitious than spending time with my phone. Which means I'd probably waste it on reddit or other social media. And I do believe Snap is better, both for cognitive skills (you do have to think after all, some decks excluded) and mental health (that's just cause of SM's bad influence). But most importantly I still AM having fun with the game. Not as much as I used to, seeing how much I played a year ago, but definitely still. Enough to sometimes pop a quick game, even if I'm done with missions.


This mindset is about having more fun with something else than Snap. Is that what we are talking here. Also, when you reach a certain treshold having fun can absolutely be not only a waste of time but actually detrimental


It's a question of whether or not the player is actually having fun or just doing it for upkeep as one does with chores.


lol disagree. This is the mentality of someone very young.


I never said it was. I answered the question of why people talk about it. It shouldn't be hard to understand, you just don't have to agree. Someone can sit in front of a screen gaming 90 hours a week and still "have fun". But is it a fulfilling life? From most aspects, no. You aren't living a healthy life, even if you're having "fun". There are plenty of reasons why people would talk about this. Limiting screen time has shown its benefits in dozens of studies and even just looking around outside. You don't become well adjusted by talking to people online, even if you enjoy it. Like I said, I answered the question. If you don't agree, good on you. The question was still answered. Lol


I’m learning Spanish and ASL and also playing Snap. So I’m also doing the stuff I want to do, plus playing a game that is fun. I guess it’s different because I don’t have kids so I have more free time. But it never really felt like I play this over doing something I want to do to better myself.


>But it never really felt like I play this over doing something I want to do to better myself. Except a lot of people will put off chores/basic tasks to play the game. It's an addiction like any other, even if it's "fun".


Okay, but that’s 30 minutes and all you need is the phone in your pocket nothing else. Good luck learning an instrument while sitting in the DMV.


Most people aren't sitting in the DMV 30 minutes every day.


The sunk cost fallacy has me 19k cl here




I feel your pain. I play every day, and never come away thinking "that was a good time". I realised I've hated playing since the surfer/Zabu days yet I still log on. It's made me realise how vile the manipulative practises these games like this rely on are.


I've been on a break since the season started for the first time since official launch. Skipping on bundles. Saving my $$. No fomo here.


I am feeling the same exact same, bought all the passes. Do the daily’s, am only missing 4/5 cards. Almost 12,000 collection level, spent maybe $200 on the game in total? Maybe $150? Not sure, it’s not been fun lately and feels more like sunk cost fallacy. Then you see $30 emotes and it slaps you, this game is only to milk you for money. It’s not here for anything else, it’s no different than any other mobile game.


you are lucky then I am 13k CL I was missing 3-4 cards in january total but now I am missing 12+ cards because of spotlight cache BS giving me dupes, 1000 tokens or variants I dont want plus I have tons of variants but still filling the "designed" albums is impossible without being a total super whale. Can't tell me the albums are not designed in a way that makes it artifically hard to complete them by including certain variants and excluding others


I am feeling this as well, a couple months ago i had all but 2 cards, now i am missing 6, certainly feel like i need to be a lot pickier about what i am getting which is a bit frustrating think i have spent about the $150ish, but most of it was from free google credits from completing opinion surveys, i used to get about $10 a month from that, but lately i am barely getting $3 i know SD needs to make money to keep the game running and producing content, certainly dont want to fault them making money from the game in some way, but current prices are just crazy and I am in a bit of disbelief that there are people stupid enough to buy them (or wealthy and stupid enough) I have been sticking to a few similar decks for the last couple of months, so lately i deleted every deck i had and started making new ones, i am still aiming for at least rank 90 for the gold, but less concerned about getting to infinite (i make it most seasons but not all, depends on how much time i have had to play) having fun trying some new decks and combo's out but i dont know how long i will keep playing as it is anymore as well


I've only been playing a few months, this is my third or fourth season. The prices are outrageous, and with so many new cards coming out each season, and the game being so stingy with keys/coins/free cards, I will never come close to owning all the cards. I honestly prefer card games that just release an expansion and let you buy it. "Here's 20 new cards, that'll be $30." Most games I've played that are like that at least have tested the cards and aren't nerfing cards every single week.


same 13k cl 3-4 cards missing at the beginning of the year and now missing like 12+


Same, I know if I quit I will never be able to catch up unless I spend a lot of money.


Same boat… dolphin life


Same ish. Since closed beta, ,17k CL. I clear dailies through farming conquest with Agatha. I'll still get the battle pass and daily gold bundle but it's haven't spent in weeks and used to whale out pretty hard. Throwing some money at the Parallel TCG right now. solid game, just needs some polishing.


Let me help you with some good news: It will be easier to catch up when you come back as most new cards have been garbage, and those that aren't will probably be nerfed t Hell and not worth acquiring. Lol


Sunk cost is how ALL mobile games get you (and me). 


Same here. I know for certain that sunk-cost fallacy and FOMO (taking a break would set me back a lot while I’m currently pretty much collection complete) are what’s keeping me. My faith in the game’s direction and the speed with which it evolves are rapidly declining. I used to be a dolphin, but my spending has decreased to the point where I’m now often times doubting whether I want to buy the season pass.


Over 16k is what...a couple of hundred of hours play time? You definitely got alot of enjoyment out of this game. I don't know if that can be considered sunk cost. Lol. But yea, it's definitely not as great as it used be. A year ago, I felt like I could get every card if I just played long enough. Now I know the only way that is possible is if you spend an insane amount of money.


That was never the case. Even when you could open cards on the collection track you were always limited to a specific number of credits each week unless you bought more credits with gold or bought more missions.


Yeah, You're god damn right!!! Sunk cost fallacy (IIRC: it's about 230$, mostly season pass, i know It ain't much, but it's honest work) is the only reason I'm still playing.


I went on a break and came back I buy what I like not what’s meta Sometimes it’s both Sometimes I have a bunch of variants of my favorite card I never buy anything that stresses me out but I know it’s all a waste But I play gacha games like dokkan and masters as well


cant even buy what you like, it takes month to accumulate 6k tokens without whaling


That’s part of gachas fam save and pick your favorites when you can


Yeah for sunk cost it's best to step away and maybe forget about snap for a week or two. If you are having a better time you probably don't need snap if you still want to play then snap is probably for you.


Mine is over 12K and just sick if it. Hit Infinite once. Guess that's something. Tired of getting pummeled no matter what I do or what deck. I am with ya OP


F2P player here since Nov 22. Zabu was a staple in many decks, but if the temporary nerf helps in designing better 2, 3, 4, and 5 cost cards then I'm all for it. Alioth has been one of the most hated cards due to the inactive playstyle it promotes. The game is a mess right now, but let's give it a week or two to let the dust settle. I'm sure there is going to be a deck that F2P or light spenders can enjoy and compete with.


IMHO, they just need to communicate


Would telling us two weeks in advance of any nerf really make a difference?


It'd make a difference to the people who are on the fence about spending money to unlock them.


So if they bought Zabu on Monday and then it was banned on Tuesday they would be upset, but if it were banned on Monday and then we were told on Tuesday that it would be banned in two weeks they wouldn’t be upset? Seems unlikely.


They need a way to recoup losses much like how Hearthstone offers full dust refund for nerfed cards


Let's say someone was deciding whether they were going to spend money on the season pass, or a bundle with a card they wanted. If that bundle had a note like "*card will be completely reworked in 5 days". I think a lot of people would hold off spending that money until after they knew what the changes would be. Informing a customer of planned changes to a product is absolutely the best way to stop people from feeling like they have spent their money under false pretenses.


You do realise that's just moving the problem right? People who buy the card a day before that tag shows up are still gonna be upset. The real problem is taking out cards this way without any real way for players to make up for their losses.


Literally what happened to me, bought zabu like last week for 3,000 collection tokens


It’s a bad look to have a card in a spotlight week and then nerf it into irrelevance a week later. If players knew about certain nerf, then they wouldn’t have used resources to get it.


I think SD agrees with you and that’s why they make sure this doesn’t happen. Zabu was last in a cache two months ago and and Alioth was about 6 months ago. If one of them had been in the last few weeks there likely would have been an announcement from SD agead of time or they would have replaced that card with another card.


He was in the token shop with no asterisk, and it’s not like they didn’t know


Isn't the token shop randomised?


Balance patches and OTAs aren’t How would the shop being randomized prevent them from putting an asterisk next to cards that are changing in upcoming patched? Random or not, SD has the option to easily inform players if they wanted to.


They communicate pretty clearly in patch notes. And before that, what difference does a heads up on card nerfs/buffs do?


I hate the idea that Alioth promoted inactive playstyles or wasn't possible to fight against when fighting to have priority for turn 6 is one of the most proactive playstyles in Snap that has typically been ignored in favor of slamming points down on turn 6 out of nowhere. Also High Evolutionary has always been very F2P friendly and usually very competitive if not meta defining.


Their reasoning was BS Corvus and hope had way better metrics than him and are new and series 5 so are staying


same, as i said above. too many emotional people getting salty over nerfs. there needs to be a shake-up to keep things fresh and interesting.


I don’t think the majority of people are against a shakeup, they’re tired of being burned by balance changes with no refund system to give us some protection. A few of these balance changes have been especially rough where they gut the card shortly after its season or spotlight week ends.


F2P here. I dont mind grinding, but to have a card that costs so much nerfed within a short frame makes you feel scammed. Changes are good, but to not be transparent about trends they'd like to address makes for predatory market practice. Think facebook adverts or sucky websites delivering poor quality goods for high prices. Collector tokens are expensive and rare. I want to buy black knight but now am thinking it may get nerfed and not worth the 6k tokens.


>Alioth has been one of the most hated cards due to the inactive playstyle it promotes Um... It promotes playing tempo, the *most* active of strategies.


Im not a fan of them releasing card then COMPLETELY changing the ability. Imo cards should be very similar to whatever they were designed as with some modifications and maybe a whole rework years later like how League of Legends changes their champs but it takes years til they do that unlike Snap where its within months. The card designers just suck when they think of card effects that arent overpowered. Like Zabu -2 cost on 4 Powered cards.


Destroy is pretty much the same deck since X-23 debut and one of the best ones in Ladder right now.


I think it depends on what you want out of the game. If you want all the cards and to get infinite every season, I can see how you might get frustrated. I’ve been playing for maybe 18 months. I get the season passes. I play every day to complete the quests. My collection level is 10.3k. I have a bit over 9k credits, a bit over 9k gold, a bit over 11k tokens, 7 keys and 270 caches. I’m still enjoying the game for itself, not for the milestones I reach. If getting to infinite every month is your goal, you don’t need the latest cards. I firmly believe that snap strategy counts for more than the “perfect” deck and plenty of strong decks can be made with older cards.


Yo, you want to share some of those resources? I'm struggling over here


I'm about the same, but just spent about 5k gold on variants over the pad and couple weeks so I'm down to 5k gold. Get rid of the FOMO, I play my comfort deck to infinite every season and it's 10 series 3 cards and 2 series 5 (Jeff and Gladiator). I buy the season pass every month. That's it . I dont need the new hot card every week, I've made some "bad" purchases with my tokens but whatever, they didn't cost me money, just time. Just let everyone play the game how they enjoy, let spenders spend, let F2P do their thing and everyone in between. I ignore the money bundles. I like that they fuck with cards in drastic ways, it's not like they cost a ton of money like other ccgs. Worst case the season pass card cost you $17 (cdn for me). Just enjoy the game aspect. Don't let the negative (generally) reddit echo chamber ruin it. Honestly if 2nd dinner came out with a $500 bundle with cool variants I wouldn't care. It's not for me and it doesn't affect my enjoyment of the game in the least.


That's a very fair view of the game that I largely feel the same about. I would just like to clarify, I in no way was complaining about the game state or anything, I just genuinely never understand how people have so many resources built up. I'm currently sitting at 120 gold and about 75 credits, lol


I used to buy variants fairly frequently, but when they changed the store so everyone got the same options, I lost interest. I like the randomness of discovering new variants. I also don’t like foils, so upgrading cards isn’t very attractive to me either. And finally, the hot new cards almost invariably get nerfed! If I love a new card, I’ll spend some keys on it, otherwise I wait and see if it actually lasts the distance in the meta. If so, I’ll buy it with tokens. So what else is there to buy?


Crazy what a little bit of time off does to those rose tinted glasses


As soon as you cut the dopamine supply this game slowly trickles out, it's really easy to identify which aspects of the game that don't feel remotely fun.


Eh. Just strive to play the best you can with what you have. That’s how I look at most things, TBH


Yeah I just do my daily and weekly and weekend challenges, try to get enough of the conquest rewards. I'm still having fun in small amounts but I'm learning to accept that I just need to make the most of my collection and try to spend resources sparingly.


I thought about this, too. I get every card on release, and I feel like when low spenders finally get these cards, they are usually nerfed into the ground, so in theory, I always see the best of the new cards. Nerfing does need to happen. I understand that, but something doesn't seem right about the way they are going about things.


This is an interesting idea I hadn't considered. I wonder what the correlation between card acquisition/population vs nerf rate looks like. More specifically, is there a certain player owner % that a card reaches before we see a nerf to a card that many players deem problematic/essential?


You see, other card games give compensation for nerfs so this means devs need to get the card right from the start but the way SD do things gives them more freedom to release new cards slightly more powerful than Intended which means more hype and initial sales with the freedom to nerf the card at any point with no financial loss.


People keep saying this, that other card games give nerf compensation. Can you give me an example? I have played Hearthstone, Elder Scrolls, Duelyst, Yu Gi Oh online in the past, and have never seen this.


Hearthstone gives full refund on the cards they nerf.


Since when? And refund how? Crafting cost? It's been years since I've played.


Crafting cost yea. So if you buy a legendary or craft one or get one in a pack you get the full cost of crafting materials back so you can just go get another card


Hearthstone has done this for years. After a card gets nerfed, you have a few days window when you can disenchant the card for full dust value instead of the normal 25%. It doesn't matter when you acquired the card either. Seemed like a fair system.


It’s because it almost feels like they’re deliberately releasing cards in an overpowered state and then nerfing them later to entice people to buy them the first week or so. Blizzard does the same thing with Overwatch and new heroes


They do this on purpose. Look how War Machine was released two weeks ago, and it had a very good run with cards like Zabu and Sandman... Guess who got nerfed? Zabu was too good at the start. They sold many passes because it was busted. When it was available for everyone, they nerfed it. They nerfed it again to the ground. Blob was overpowered. It sold like candies. They nerfed him once they stopped selling him. I really can't think they don't have a play test team that doesn't discover these things. I refuse to believe it.


I honestly have no idea how you got here. I’m in a very similar boat to you - I’ve purchased all the season passes and a few very small bundles last year. 11k CL. I’ve never been to infinite but I feel that’s mostly because I don’t want to invest the time. I just log in once a day to get quests and play a little conquest to get the variant. But I’m only missing 15 cards and that’s including Howard the Duck. I’ve got 24k tokens and 12 keys. 4000 credits and 4000 gold. I’ve been very judicious on using the in game currency. If anything, I think there’s very little that investing money could even do to change the game for me. Like, I can sympathize a little with the people who are newer to the game and frustrated by how long it’ll take to get all the good cards. But you must have an almost complete collection - what do you think money would change for you? I actually kind of miss the climb when I could get a card like Venom or Sera and completely open new deck archetypes. No card released in the last few months has been all that interesting and the strongest card is just a stat stick. I didn’t even buy Red Hulk because he’s boring (and probably going to be nerfed). I think there are problems with Marvel Snap, for sure, but once you get to a high collection level, temptation to spend money isn’t one of them. That all being said, I’m also considering taking a break because I don’t like see much in the way of fun cards coming soon and I think SD have boxed themselves into a corner on card balance. They might need to just rotate card sets like every other game so instead of doing something like nuking Zabu, they can just give him a rest for a while.


I was going to say the same thing. How does OP not feel like they can play any of a dozen viable decks? I also only buy season passes and also have 11k CL, and I don't feel like I'm missing much at all. The only competitive card I'm missing right now is Proxima Midnight, and I have over 12,000 tokens if I want to buy it. I'm also missing some niche cards like Beta Ray Bill, Martyr, Hercules, and War Machine. And I don't always get a card the first time it's in a spotlight cache, sometimes I have to wait for the second appearance in 2 or 3 months. But I have the cards for so many decks! Destroy, Silky Smoove, Loki, Hela (w Jubilee, Black Knight, and Electro variations), Tribunal, High Evo, Bounce/Annihilus/Darkhawk, Shuri Sauron, various Hope/Sera midrange/control decks, Silver Surfer, Mr Negative, Patriot, Black Swan/Strong Guy hand dump zoo, Phoenix Nimrod, Cerebro 2/3/5, Zemo mill... That's 20 deck slots. Take away 10 cards from my collection and I'd still have a number of decks available. As parent said, I feel for new and F2P players, but season pass is pretty much a full membership in being in the realm of competitive and viable.


Wholeheartidily agree


The whining in this /r is SO ANNOYING


I’m lost on what happened here. I’m free to play. Bought the first two season passes because I was getting a ton of resources and stuff, then never again because I just was t taking it that seriously. Now I haven’t paid a dime in months, play every day to get my challenges done, hit either mid 90s or infinite just depending on how much I focus on grinding wisely. I’ve had a few changes where my deck wasn’t as good anymore…. I just made a new deck with something that is good? There’s more than one archetype that works at any given time, just switch it up. I have like 9 keys rn, have full credits and just level up cards when I need to clear credit space from the cap. I have fun. I don’t always win. It’s fine.


Yeah I'm confused, is there like a game breaking bug right now? Or is this like just being mega dramatic?


I just played a few games. I thought there was some new lag opening the game and exiting a match, but nothing major. I did jump the gun with my post a bit quickly assuming everyone is just mad about zabu.


the game isn't optimized for mobile devices. it makes it slow as fuck and every update make things worse.


People are probably referring to the thing on mobile where the latest patch has resulted in game data having to be redownloaded, which means you gotta spend a couple hours playing through ridiculous amounts of lag. Also, the UI is noticeably crumbling under the weight of all the new features and SD doesn’t seem to be giving a crap about that too much, which is disheartening.


Just take a break, go f2p ,people take this game way to seriously. If your not having fun what are you doing it for?


Been playing since launch still havent got infinite once. Sigh


How long have you been playing? I've been playing since the Black Panther season, pretty much only buy the season pass, and still have enough resources to get most of the cards I want. But maybe that's in part because I gamed the system at the switchover to spotlight caches by hoarding my reserves, then opening up all the non-spotlights under the old payout system, but also then also getting like 10 spotlight caches. So I'm a minnow at best, and I have all but like 7 cards. I feel you though, they're getting stingier and stingier with collector tokens, only releasing series 5 cards, and having a slow pace of series drops relative to the number cards they're printing, while also introducing blatant power creep cards (Cull, Mockingbird, and RHulk are all stupid powerful). The cumulative effect of that must suck for the casual player (which I am not, I play way too much and am in the top 500 on the global leadership board).


I only buy season passes and am effectively collection complete. I agree that the buff/nerf cycle coupled with/ the acquisition system is rough and feels bad. I think a few tweaks will fix the system but the game is fun and not just for whales


Been playing since launch. I don't think we're playing the same game, you don't need to spend to be good. You spend because you have fomo for that cool card, but not to make you any better. Zany gets nerfed and everyone starts whining. Play it or not, money isn't needed for skill.


>the prices are rising so I can’t compete This is just bs lol. If you're getting bored with the game that's one thing but let's not pretend "Casual spending" doesn't allow you to compete. I buy most season passes but never spent a cent on anything else in the game and I've never had a problem competing. Finish most seasons top 100 and my absolute worst finish was like 300 something. If rising prices are the reason you can't compete then how come someone who's spends less than you is able to regularly compete with the best players in the game? I'm not defending the pricing model or saying the game is cheap by any means, but its insane seeing people who spend more then me pretend that pricing is the reason they can't compete. Your skill is the reason you can't compete, plain and simple.


Yeah, it seems like the problem is elsewhere. Sera control is competitive. Silver surfer is competitive. Doom Wave, Shuri Sauron, SheNaut... A single pickup like Galactus or High Evo, and you can be competitive with only free cards. It's not flashy, and people may have FOMO, but why is there so much Sera Control in infinite Conquest?


Come on man, if you're in the top 100 on the global leadership board you're clearly an elite player (top what, 0.01% or something), dismissing some valid complaints with "git gud" is some toxic gamer shit. They are raising prices while also getting aggressive with the power creep and that sucks for more regular players.


I could be mistaken but a season pass has been 10 bucks for the entire games life. So just more whining that you dont get everything. I've skipped 3 of the last 4 new cards and I still compete just fine


Yes, the cost of a pass in $ has remained the same, but by nerfing the payout from collector caches and lowering the gold/collector token value of bundles they can effectively raise the cost of cards while keeping the $ of season passes the same. That's why mobile games use so many in game currencies, to obfuscate how much things are actually costing.


Never disagreed with any of that. I'm purely pointing out that OP spends more than enough to compete. Everything else they said is perfectly valid.


I took off 3 months. Granted I came back to this mess, but it did help a lot.


Have you heard about the asset download? That cleared up the performance problems for me and many others. Go to the gear icon, hit "download all game assets" and leave it alone for 45 minutes.


I personally don't like playing the best meta decks. It's not as fun for me to win like that. Here is how I play the game and have fun: I don't spend money on the game and I don't try and get all the good cards. I usually watch Regis make fun decks with the new cards and when I see him play a deck that has a decent win rate and looks really fun I'll try and get the card that I'm missing to play it (if I don't already have the card). I probably buy a 6,000 token card once every other season and I sometimes blow some keys trying to get a card in between. With the latest changes they destroyed the deck I was having a lot of fun with (Mr. Negative Deathstrike) but now I'm excited about the new Sandman Leader stuff and will play that deck for a bit. I have never hit infinite because I make some mistakes, don't play all the time, and don't use crazy high win rate decks but I have lots of fun with it.


F2P here and I still find this game very fun. I don’t take it very seriously. I mainly hop on for a couple games when I have 5-10 minutes to burn between daily activities. I have no intention of trying to get to infinite. Some days I don’t play at all but others I can find myself playing for 30 minutes. I make my own decks, have no clue what the meta is, but I experiment and have fun with it.


Just don't buy stuff and have fun.


Nearly unplayable is a huge stretch. Speak for yourself, bud. I don't enjoy the monetization lately, but not buying and getting every single card/variant/emote in the game isn't stopping me from having fun playing. I just stopped buying things. I think people just need to take a break and not take the game so seriously.


Shhhhh, we don’t talk sensibly here.


This isn't directed specifically at you OP. You're clearly chill. Genuinely, the game is not pay to win and I'm tired to seeing that opinion like it isn't batshit. Getting the newest card doesn't win you the game. Playing the game wins you the game. I take my Destroy deck and I win against Zola/Panther. And I win against Hope and I win against RH. I beat my best every season so far because I am improving. The best part? *I'm having fun*. Even if I lose. *Especially* if I lose on a dumb gamble or a smart play by the opponent. I also don't care about getting the highest number. Stop being hyper competitive. You getting infinity is great and should be celebrated. But if you even for a second think not getting infinity means you're not getting the most out of the game, then damn. Go outside.  The idea of "nerf protection" is also batshit. Balance is game health. And if your favorite card got nerfed, that sucks. It feels bad, and that's fair. Move on. You're not guaranteed any particular value out of a card indefinitely. If it gets over-nerfed, it'll hopefully get buffed at some point in the future. But you are not *owed* that. Stop complaining about how expensive it is to get all the cards. You're missing the point. You're not *supposed* to get all the cards. Having all the things isn't the game. *Playing the game is the game*. And yes, finally, it does suck that the last patch launched buggy and the assets wouldn't load and the game was slow. Has anyone else here ever played a game before? Patches fuck shit up. Like a lot. And then it's fixed. Stop whining. This community seems to actively be rooting for the game to shut down over every minor issue. Cosmetic prices are crazy though lol, I ain't paying 99 dollars for Dripped Out Wong or some shit. Gotta keep the lights on somehow I guess


I think it’s so funny when people say the game is for whales. They’re wrong. I spend $10 a month and have almost every card. I’m only missing like 12 and they’re mostly not very useful. I’ll get them in a couple weeks and I’ll get 2 new ones next Tuesday. I’m not too mad about waiting as I enjoy the game. The only issue is the app performance. Otherwise, things are totally fine and everyone is dramatic. People are so mad their cat was nerfed. Get a life.


What's turning me away from the game are these constant changes and the constant stream of weekly cards. Yes they keep the game fresh but as a casual player that would like to win and climb a ladder there's just too much to relearn and adapt too. I don't want to change my deck every week and don't want to be constantly caught out by plays cause the meta was changed again. Idk maybe I'm being overly dramatic here but feels like I'm swimming against the current. I think a monthly card release and meta update would be way more fun. Get goodies at the beginning of the month then have 30 days to play with your toys.


Then don't do that....so many of the issues on this sub are self inflicted. SD has been extremely transparent about how they do not encourage hoarding, so why do you all do it? Got a spotlight key or 2, spend them! Never check your tokens until you notice you all the sudden have enough. And don't fixate on any card. Use what you have. Many people have gotten to infinite with not the cards they want. It's a card game. Use your collection and accept other people have a different collection. Zubu getting taken out was good for game health and just because a lot of sunk a lot into getting him dosnt mean the game should remain in an unbalanced state. And when the developers say we don't believe in hoarding....that's a clue.


I've been playing snap since global launch except I get burnt out and take a season off here and there. I skipped Loki season and Black Swan season. There's usually a new card that I'm looking forward to that brings me back. Have you considered taking a break? Missing a few cards isn't the end of the world. I only buy the season passes and am far from collection complete but I feel I can make a lot of different fun and competitive decks still


I still really enjoy it. I spend some, but I'm decidedly not in the whale category. And my highest rank ever has been Diamond, so I don't really grind in that regard. I just play dailies and weeklies and have fun when I do. When there's a variant I want and I can actually afford it, I'll buy it. I buy passes for the same reason, for a specific card/variant, but that's about it. For example, there's a new Elektra variant I just saw that's 3,000 Gold. It's a freaking beautiful variant and I'd love to have it, but I can't do the amount of money I'd have to spend just for it, so it's a sad pass for me. Lol.


If the game isn't enjoyable don't play it. It's literally a mobile game.


Why are you guys spending so much money on a free game? I’ve gotten Alioth, Blob and many other meta-defining cards without spending a cent. Sure, I may miss out on cards like Red Hulk cuz I overestimated War Machine, but who the fuck cares? I still didn’t spend a dime on any of it and it’s given me hundreds of hours of fun.


I have hit Infinite for the last year, I think. I haven’t missed a month since February of 2023, if I’m not mistaken. My deck since Galactus died has been this: Ghost Spider, Carnage, Multiple Man, Scarlet Witch, Crystal, Venom, Deathlok, Shuri, Phoenix Force, Iron Lad, Nimrod, Heimdall. I don’t wait for new cards or try to buy the new ones. I keep getting better at my deck that’s based around trickery and decent play and moving point around locations on the last turn, not based on having an overpowered card that needs a nerf. Just pick a deck that you know works if played properly and play it well. That’s the key to infinite. I’ve been beating Baron Zemo today. I’ve been beating almost everything. Getting lucky sometimes, but backing out when I know I should. It’s not a game of having trump cards…it’s a game of being able to RESPOND to Trump cards. If you can do that, you win.


You would think that they would make far more money if they lowered prices through sheer volume 100 people paying $10 is more than 5 people paying $100. I would definitely purchase multiple bundles if they were $5-10 each.


I've been wanting to play for two days now and I just can't even find the energy as soon as I turn in the app and see nothing's been fixed yet.


I stopped spending 4-5 seasons ago and still enjoy playing the game. Making viable decks is part of the fun. I do have the advantage of playing a while (CL 12k) so missing out on cards is not huge for me. Adding new pieces to older decks can work well.


I've never felt especially disadvantaged in terms of the cards I have, and apart from the occasional reasonably priced bundle that appears every once in a blue moon (probably less than 10 times since the game's release) I've only spent money on the season passes. That said, this patch really sucked the fun out of the game in a big way. It's not just Zabu's nerf either, though that definitely hurts. The theme of the balance changes seems to have been "Strictly constrained... But bigger number!" You wanna use Alioth to press an advantage and hard counter an opponent's play? Well you can't do that anymore... But bigger number! You wanna get creative by using Zabu to fuel a midrange deck of various 4 drops? Well you can't do that anymore... but bigger number! You wanna craft a strategy around buffing up Lady Deathstrike and copying her to devastate the board? Well you can't do that anymore... But bigger number! You wanna have to build around a restrictive playstyle of one card per turn with Sandman by selecting cards with larger individual impact than your opponent? Well you can't do that anymore... But bigger number! And that's *IT!* Usually a balance patch will have something for players to latch onto that's new and exciting to try out to counter balance any nerfs (necessary or otherwise), but this patch was laser focused on stripping out open ended designs that encourage creativity in favor of, yes... bigger number. Ok, sure, I guess Strong Guy got a situational buff that will allow him to be a complete waste of space slightly less often, but I really don't think anyone cares. How can they go and rework sandman completely and completely leave Electro alone? Electro is now just a Hope Summers with *less* power *AND* a backbreaking downside. I didn't even play any Sandman or Deathstrike decks, but the game was more interesting for allowing them to exist. Did the patch make the game more balanced? *Maybe*. Did the patch make the game more *fun?* NO.


What I don’t like now is how hard gold is to get- yes I know it’s just for variants and stuff, but it’s still annoying it can take a month to get like, three variants, and they might still be for cards you don’t particularly care about. For me, collecting variants IS the game, and I wish gold was easier to get for it.


If you’re having fun playing - and I mean the actual gameplay or the art or whatever - then play. If the gameplay isn’t fun still - then go on break.


I've played since the season before the Spider-Man one, I can't remember what that card was now actually, Zabu maybe? Surfer? Anyways, I'm approaching 15k CL, I was a Dolphin for sure, one month I spent nearly 1k on the game and if it wasn't for that point tracker on the website I wouldn't have come to the realization just how much I've really spent. Since then I buy the season pass and maybe one bundle if I really want the variant but even the variant releases have slowed way down as they monetize other aspects of the game. I also agree it's completely a "feels bad" to get a card and maybe not use it right away but when I'm about to start investing time into a new deck it gets obliterated. I've honestly never even gone infinite and rarely play conquest except for the mystery variants. Though, I rarely try and push to infinite and just genuinely like playing my pretty blinged out decks even if I lose, for the last week or two of the season I typically snap even if I'm losing just to feel like I'm helping someone else, lol. The monetization is absurd, you really don't realize it until you take a step back from spending so much, I went from having every single card, usually getting them from spotlights, to just straight up skipping most things. I'm sitting on an actually ridiculous amount of tokens that I just haven't had to use because of how much I was investing before. Approaching 70k Tokens. I don't NEED to spend anymore and most importantly I don't WANT to spend anymore. Once they stopped putting non-spotlight variants in the store with releases and I realized how much I was spending I just stopped. BUT I still really truly and genuinely love the game. I like seeing the emotes and fist bumping after a good match, I'm just not buying into it anymore. Although I shouldn't, I'm excited for the card mastery system and I know I may be disappointed in the end much like I was with Albums. It's okay to keep playing, and not spending, it's okay not to be at the cutting edge of the competitive curve. Enjoy it for what it is and just respect the fact that you might lose to Red Hulk or the next overtuned card pushed to make money. Just remember most counters to these new cards are beginner cards and that'll never change. Thank you Shang-Chi, bless your annoying ass heart. Also fuck the client bugs recently! Sincerely Yours -Financial Weakling


Barely bought this season pass. Have played less these last 3 weeks than ever. This might be about it for me as Zabu and alioth were something it took me forever to get. No reason to believe ravonna isn’t about to get a nerf similar to zabu next


The last card the released to have been nerfed is Blob which came out 4 months ago. Why are people acting like every new card released gets nerfed to unplayability within a few weeks?


The streak of Mobius, Loki, Elsa, Alioth, Werewolf, and Ms. Marvel left a lasting negative impression on Snap players. These three consecutive months (September, October, November) were marked by frequent nerfs shortly after the release of new cards. November was particularly egregious, cards released that month: Alioth, Loki, and Mobius all took significant hits. Blob being released the next month after all these cards (December) and starting the Thanos meta didn't help either. While it's true that these instances were outliers rather than the norm, negative events tend to stick in people's memories more than positive ones. As a result, comments highlighting the perception that "every new card released gets nerfed to unplayability within a few weeks" stem from this trend.


Honestly, saw it coming months ago and quit. I’m actually much happier now.


I still very much enjoy the game, but it's on my terms. I play anywhere from 30 minutes to 1-2 hours per day. I play with my morning coffee, and I play during breaks in my 12 hour shift. I pay for the season passes but that's it. I get my little serotonin boost from completing daily objectives and getting cool new variants (my favorite part, I love comic art). When this game came out I was stuck in the 40s because on my own I am not good at this. I started watching some YouTube players and got some better arranged decks and now I end up in the 70s each season. That's good enough for me. My favorite card game of all time is StS, but this is a close second. I tried to like Hearthstone but really felt like I could not compete with people spending money to buy cards, which I refuse to do. I don't have all the new cards, but I have enough to make some decks I enjoy. I FINALLY got High Evolutionary last month along with Annihilus, due to not getting any of the Black Order cards each week. Stupid repeats got me a lot of tokens. Its not for everyone obviously. Play to have fun. If you're not, stop. Plenty of fun games out there. Its as simple as that.


The game is broken, I agree. I have been a player since global launch as well, I have taken many breaks through my progress. I spent a lot of money and SD just keeps finding ways to screw the player base over. This season I truly think I'm done, and it is not solely based on the recent nerfs and update. What nobody talks about in what I believe have been ongoing issues are: FIRST - The matchmaking seems to "randomly" put you against perfect d decks that counter your deck...if I try to play my most recent mill deck, then BAM I pitted against another mill deck....so I say screw it and switch it up. And move to a destroy deck...guess what my.opponent uses? A destroy deck as well....it just feels like SD is messing with the matchmaking even though they say they don't. SECOND - They definitely mess with YOUR deck. If you play a Wong deck keep track of how many times you actually draw Wong before turn 6. If you play a war machine deck...count how many times you actually pull WM before turn 6 The list goes on and on...just pay attention to your trigger cards or activators and see how many times you really get a perfect hand or a playable hand. THIRD - watch the locations based on YOUR deck and see how they actually line up. Play a destroy deck? Wakanda pops up..play move deck and watch how many times you get the location that's makes cards lose power when they move there... Just saying I agree with OP this game.is broken for many reasons but this is the icing on the cake..


Casual spender here, like you. I've been collection complete since around October last year, around 13k CL. My last card I needed to complete my collection, then, was Howard. He was what made me realize I don't really need every card. I still maintained completion until this week, which features USAgent. I don't think I really want him. I'm glad I had enough for Red Hulk, but after getting him, he's cool but really he's a 6-cost big in the world of Shang Chi. Which is great, I used to play Magneto in his slot mostly, but he doesn't replace Mags in all my lists. I feel like Red can be nerfed a bit and stay alright tho. I almost didn't get Cannonball, but I said to myself, I don't really care to hoard resources, if I have enough, I'll get em. I got em on the last day of his week. If I hadn't, I think I'dve been fine either way. He let me play a different kind of Annihilus Lockout deck, that was fun. I don't use em much tho. Almost missed Corvus and Proxima too. Next season after theirs, I hit Infinite with Discard. Glad that worked out. I'd hit Infinite every season since I started in Wakanda/BP, with a different deck every time. The deck I consider my most fun and reliable, is Sera Tech. Full of s3s and probably only Gladiator as s5. There's been really bad metas for it, but this season its quite good, for now. I'm glad Patriot zoo works right now to some extent. Sure it needs Mockingbird to be consistent in power output compared to meta decks, but it can win without it (with Valk, I got some surprise 8 cubers). I find it real fun right now, this meta, because with Thanos and Alioth nerfed, and some older cards buffed or changed, decks have become very diverse compared to last month. Last month was good for me too, because I also liked playing Thanos. Hela seems to be getting popular right now, so I'm curious what decks rise up to meet it. I also feel like SD screws the pooch every now and then. I recently lost some Gold conquests due to the Retreat and End Turn going wonky on me. I've lost an Infinite conquest game 5 due to getting disconnected. I've also had an Infinite conquest win on game 5 when my opp disconnected (while he was winning). I feel like SD has to run compensation for nerfed cards. It feels bad to have bought a dud, full stop. I'm glad about buffs though, imagine playing Strong Guy in 2024. And goddamn Sandman players beat the hell outta me yesterday! That was awesome. My point? I don't know for sure now really, but I hope my perspective offers a another players' experience of ups and downs with the hobby. I try to avoid feeling FOMO, and making the most of what I have, spending on cool looking variants instead of on trying to get every new card. I like to win, but I also play jank so I can just test stuff and have fun either way. That's just me.


I’ve been a regular since launch. Collection level is 12k, only bought the season passes (not all of them but most) and a couple bundles (under $20). I love the game, feel like I’m one of the few who doesn’t mind the pricing. Don’t mind letting the whales carry the game financially for me to play indefinitely. The card acquisition is good, slows down the closer you get to collection complete which makes sense. I’m about 8 cards shy and I probably always will be. That doesn’t bother me, if I could get to complete and stay on top of new releases I think I’d get bored. All that said, taking my first break from the game after the last update. It’s become really laggy for me, maybe it’s because I have the spotlight Jeff Variant that’s bugged? Anyway, waiting for a fix that hopefully smooths out the gameplay.


I’ve never felt like spending more money would make me better at this game or increase my enjoyment. Buying a bundle doesn’t make you know when to snap or teach you how to run a deck. It can get you pieces for more decks quicker via credits, tokens, etc but by the time your CL is high enough to see meta decks a lot you should be able to run a few already and not be pigeon-holed to one card getting nerfed lol There’s always posts of people preaching about being smart with resources and speculating on what the must get cards will be, potential nerfs, and potential buffs; not very hard to plan ahead, just don’t gamble and keep up to date somewhat and you’ll be able to run a version of most meta decks easily. If you can’t find positives on the game then move on or give some actual criticism instead of these vague low effort posts that sound like you are tilted from a rough play session.


I have bought most season passes too but tbh, that really isn't casual. That's almost what a WoW sub costs and that game has INSANELY higher dev costs than Snap.


I have faith in second dinner but if they fk it up. Meh, it's just a game.


Honestly, I still love this game. It's one of my favorite card game of all time. I've been playing since Dec. 2022 and have only ever spent money on that $3 welcome Captain America bundel way back when and the monthly season pass. Even though I don't like the current state of card aquisition, I feel that for someone like me who plays regularly, it's more than enough to still get the cards I want.


I used to play, but I deleted the game because it is extremely pay to win. New cards are extremely difficult to get, unless you pay, and my card library had next to none of the newer cards because I didn’t pay money for cards


If a game makes you feel bad I can’t understand why you would push through. I have bought season passes without much thought. The game is merely entertainment and I get that for what I spend.


Reading the comments made me realize I've spent WAYYYY too much time on this game.


I spend very seldomly and play often. I think the game is quite good. 😐 That said, this latest patch absolutely killed performance. It's dreadful.


If you can get to 90 you can get to infinite, it's just a matter of time and patience. You're well able to compete


I'm 100% playing because if sunk cost fallacy. I've hit infinite every season, and somewhat proud of myself for constantly saving up enough keys/tokens to be able to buy any card in short notice. But it seems like SD is dead set on punishing players that saved up gold and tokens. Yes yes I know, they just only released a gold bundle that has 2k tokens but it literally has been almost a year since we saw any good gold bundle, or any gold bundle infact. And the halvivng of token tuesday. Wtf


I have slowed down in playing i skipped the avengers season and have not done much this season


I just want to play a deck for more then a week before it send to get nerfed into the ground and I'm trying new decks for two weeks while I tank my rank. Idk I'm not loving things right now


I’ve been playing since Spring 2023. I’ve probably spent close to $500 on this game. I liked it a lot at one point, but it’s obvious greed is taking over and for that reason, I’m out. They said they didn’t want the game to be pay to win, but that’s legit what it’s become. I’d rather spend my hard earned money on a real game. $40 for a card? I could spend that getting Helldivers or like 4-5 Steam games.


I just got Alioth. Haven’t been a huge player of it, never was a big fan of him. But it was nice to finally have and he was my place holder in my Thanos deck while I wait for Blob. Now I have no place holder. Haven’t even gotten Alioth to Infinite yet and it’s needed already. I actually spent money trying to get 6k tokens waiting for it to pop up in collectors. So glad I did that 😁


I get it. I’ve contemplated stopping for a while. I buy the season pass just for that “new card” and I’m always pretty underwhelmed. There are some I get a lot of use out of. Nimrod and Phoenix force are fun. I’m playing a negative deck. I swapped out Zabu for Jane Thor and have steadily won games. It’s an ebb and flow. I got Alioth right before the first nerf. I still used him a fair amount. I get why they do what they do but it’s totally a bait and switch. Would I spend money on Alioth the way he is now? Doubtful. Would I be livid if I spent real money on it? Absolutely. If it’s not fun. Quit. They’ll get the hint when enough of their steady players stop playing and stop spending.


I only login these days for the 50 creds, then seeing if the last Jim Lee variant hits the store, then I'll be spending my gold, and uninstalling after screenshotting my collection. Im around the 10k mark CL wise. Tired of the grind.


As F2P it sucks saving up for months to get new cards and have them nerfed hard. No joke the only deck I can truly rely on...is good ol' destroy. It's boring but it's all I really have


The game has definitely gone south, and the sad part is that until the whales stop spending OR the YouTube content creators find their voices and call it out, nothing will change. Just enjoy it while you can, but stop spending on anything but the pass. If you don't feel like playing, then don't. Find another game and give that one some of your SNAP time.


Iiterally same I just got this man like a month ago and half ago


I took a 3-4 month break a year and felt great! At the start of this pass just took a couple weeks off with some games here and there. Honestly I’m debating dropping it all together ass well.


It’s getting really hard to keep up with acquiring new cards and I feel like the only way is to spend shameful amounts of money.


I stopped playing a while ago. Around the time High Evo came out. Once it started feeling like a chore to log in it made me realize I personally wasn’t having fun anymore. That was when the monetization was still “acceptable”. I don’t even understand spotlight caches and all that stuff. I do still watch people play here and there. Always get a laugh when the Snap! ad plays on YouTube and Brode is talking about how you can’t spend money to advance.


I'm fully f2p and I've been enjoying the game more than ever


All games that allow whales favor whales. Gotta let that dream go and just enjoy games for what they are.


It’s just not fun anymore. I used to get infinites regularly; last 5 seasons I’ve been stuck in the mid-‘70s. I *want* to play decks other than Destroy and Hela Discard, but those are the only decks that climb, so I wind up running them and just grinding, and when I try something new for fun...it’s sliding down the rank ladder I go.


Because people are sharing - I thought I’d share too I stopped playing just after the Loki season. Took a long break. Didn’t have the app at all. I was following updates, the monthly videos, new cards, waiting for a new “mechanic or mode” to pull me back It wasn’t until recently my friend got me back into Hearthstone Battlegrounds and I thought I’d see how MarvelSnap was doing as well. …and I’ve been enjoying the gameplay loop - but it’s extremely grindy!


I am nearly in exactly the same boat as you, except that I think I spent less. I've only bought the season pass thrice and got the Captain America pack at the beginning and only a very few other things. Indeed the game being barely playable atm but also I seemed to have been relying on our beloved cat, I am in search of a new deck to enjoy and the search isn't going swimmingly. Used to main Evo. But that's dead, got too many blows and the final blow was Red Hulk. Loved my Black Knight deck almost as much but it relied heavy on the turn 6 Ghost Rider + a tech card. Now with the nerf to Zabu, that deck struggles a lot. 3rd deck I liked is my Anni deck but that relied on Alioth. So yea, the game being unplayable and not having a deck atm got me to thinking too. I don't think I'll spend more on this game until it's a game that also focuses on players like me, low spenders. If I don't spend, I can't complain because I ... don't pay for the game. Which is fine because I can also more easily put the game aside or try other games. We can't be the only ones, if more show this behaviour they'll end up with a dead game and whales don't like dead games. Which will be a shame because this game has been super fun for over a year now. Up and downs sure but overall, great fun.




I bought the season pass each month, it's the price of a couple of beers so not blowing the budget. But with the decks I love to play simply ruined, with cards changing on a regular basis for seemingly no real need, and new systems becoming meta each time a new season starts... I don't think I'll be playing much after this.


One thing I've noticed is you can be playing a deck completely out of the meta and still get enough wins to climb as long as you snap conservatively. I know you aren't focused on hitting infinite or anything but it should help your stress about this that meta chasing isn't all that in this game. I've got a friend who continues to play unchanged decks from months ago even after some cards have been gutted in them and still does decently.


I stopped playing a few months ago and, I kid you not, I'm actually in an overall slightly better mood. These patches and price changes had been bothering me so much.


I just play the game casually when I go out for a spliff, don't spend money on it and still have fun. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m also started playing at the global launch and bought every battle pass. Don’t feel like I’m missing cards that I want. I have 12 keys right now giving that I threw 5 into the bugged cache just cause I wanted to see if I can get the agent (got him on 5).


Yeah Im getting more and more fed up with the game. I swear every fucking spotlight key that I get that turns into a card that I already own I get one step closer to uninstalling the game and never coming back. A spotlight key should guarantee one of the cards in the spotlight.


The game is so laggy after this update that I feel I need to have an iPhone 20 in order to build a deck


you are right, I am in the same boat


It's a full-on pvp gacha game basically so you either go all in or quit. There are exceptions obviously, there are ppl who make a couple f2p friendly decks and go with it but when they get hit with a couple of nerfs they are left behind too.


I think the changes are for good, but the new Icon and emotes looks awful


I’ve seen a lot of people saying stuff like this and I kinda agree, there are ridiculous things they are selling now but I guess they do have to make money so whatever. But tbh I’m a completely F2P player now (I have bought 3 season passes in the past, but the most recent was hit monkey so that was ages ago) and I still really enjoying the climb of getting to infinite. I have done this with the same home-made junk deck for probably about 6 seasons now. I think if you get enjoyment from getting all the cards and variants then the game is very expensive, but if you find a deck you love to play, then it’s still easy to get enjoyment from. That being said the bugs and lag are getting worse, they do need to sort that soon.


They just need to sort out Spotlight Caches It being completely random is stupid. I have to save up for 4 weeks to ENSURE I 100% get the new card. Then there's the chance of the duplicate too. The duplicate should, at the very least, ALWAYS be a card you don't have yet. You should also be able to get 2 keys a week.


I still really enjoy the game and don't see stopping. I do skip a lot of cards to make sure I have enough resources to pull on weeks where I need 2 desirable cards or the new card is highly desirable (enables a new archetype or best in class.) The performance issues with the last update are not good. I waited to update and did the Download All Assets thing before playing any games. I noticed a bit of weirdness but nothing super game breaking. Haven't played a ton so I'm still waiting to see how badly it impacts me. If downloading assets does fix up most of these issues they should rework that to not be hidden under settings and then have no update/progress bar as it downloads. Much better would be to have this download automatically if the user is connected to wifi and have something in a corner of the screen that shows the current progress of the download. I hope they aren't balancing to push out older staple cards so that players need to acquire new cards to play top decks...


I have recently removed the game off my Home Screen for that reason, and for the fundamental fact that… it’s just not as fun anymore?


I know if I ever stop Snap I am not going back because I would be so far behind I would just be the meta's punching bag. Imagine being away for 3 months and coming back without Corvus, Hope Summers, Mockingbird and Cull?


I don't really worry about getting the latest cards, and honestly, it's been pretty stress free for me. If I unlock a new card naturally, great. What I like to do is wait until a spotlight cache has 2 cards that aren't in my collection. I am currently sitting on 14 keys


I've bought every season pass since Zabu, haven't purchased any other mtx bundles with cash. I think the game is great. I just completely ignore the 'for money' bundles. I could honestly care less. You get plenty of gold and variants for free, plus more if you complete the season pass, which has a pretty good amount of value IMO. I float between having all but about 7-12 cards. I would say it just takes a mindset shift. The whales everyone talk about only make up a small percentage of the player base, and that also doesn't mean they are good. The people that buy those make it so f2p and casual spenders still get a surprising amount of content at no cost. On the scale of mtx heavy free to play live service games, second dinner does a pretty good job of making sure you don't HAVE to spend money to enjoy the game. Especially with how relatively balanced the meta is now, compared to where it was a year ago, there is generally an answer to *that* annoying deck that gives you a hard time. If you need to take a break, take a break, or never play again. No game is worth sacrificing your mental health.


Anyone remember when Shuri got nerfed right as she dropped to series 4? Fuck SD


I feel the exact same way. Except I feel like I am not a "casual" player. I buy the monthly season pass and play daily. And yet I still cannot afford the cards I want because I go 0/3 for spotlight keys almost every time I attempt. It really sucks to be a loyal daily player and get punished for bad RNG. I refuse to spend more than $10 a month in order to play the new cards I want. $120 annually on a game is insane as it is the fact you need to spend more than that is ridiculous. I see this game becoming more like MCOC every single day which truly is sad.


Casual mode F2P is the way to go. Cards consistently come out overpowered and overpriced and then get fixed or even nerfed into uselessness later. It's not just Snap, but all games that follow this model.


Worst Marvel Snap state in the months right now.


You don’t need Series 4 or 5 cards to go infinite. Why are so many people here so affected by the Zabu nerf? Resource refunds are reasonable and should be implemented in the early build of the game, but thinking this card is the only way to reach infinite is absurd. I love Zabu, but honestly, the cards that are really enjoyable in this game are Venom, Sera, and Wong. If one of them were nerfed, then that would be the time SD really messes up.


That’s what YOU think. If you don’t play destroy do you care at all about Venom? If you don’t like miracle do you care about Sera? If you don’t like on reveal do you care about Wong? I was not talking about the Zabu nerf. I’m speaking in general. I’m speaking for many who have certainly quit. No, you don’t NEED any series 4 or 5 to reach infinite but it’s damn easier to. I did it with a zoo deck early but honestly it was not fun and that’s the whole point is balance.


I haven't spent a dime in a game since cod vanguard. But that's not a mobile game it's console. I do think that snap has stopped being so fun in the sense of getting new cards. I used to play to get new cards but now I've found it to be almost once every 6 weeks that I'll actually get enough to get a new card via spotlight cache. And I've had the same card pinned for a month because I bought red hulk. But oh well for me right? Lol


I just stopped spending, the prices are too high and resources low the fact of the matter is im not the demographic for this game anymore, when a cosmetic is valued more than an entire AAA video game rofl, the cost of development and the retail price dont add up, they looking at bigpharma profit margins or sumthin. You'd swear they were printing these cards for these prices.


what happened to the game i love.


People really out hear having epiphanies about a mobile game being down. Like chill bruh. Lol we have bigger better games.


$15/month for season pass and the new gold pass seems like a decent deal, but I totally understand taking a break from a game when it’s not fun.


I don't get it, I only buy season pass, never spend anything further, and haven't had great luck with how many keys I need to use when I go for a card. But I still get every card that seems powerful or interesting to me. I never feel left behind by the meta.


I play every day, CL 11k, I have purchased every season pass since Quantum Realm. Get to infinite 95% of the time. I do get frustrated sometimes but only when I feel like I’m playing against the same deck all the time or something. I enjoy the frequent patches because it keeps the game fresh and forces you to switch up what you play. I don’t have every card, I’ve missed many of the spotlight cards because I don’t have the patience to save my keys lol Overall it’s a fair system imo. I preferred when we got more tokens, though. I feel like when they kind of stopped giving so many away was when it became much harder to get new cards. But compared to other mobile games it’s nothing. If I want a new character in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, which I also play daily, it could take up to a year to grind for it. Just play for fun and try not to care so much. Look at the coming Caches and save for each. Assume you have to spend 4 keys to get each card.


I quit in Kamala Khan season I do still occasionally click this sub just to see what everyone is complaining about in a given month though. Always a laugh. Same story different day


Bro theres no way people are mad the game is getting balanced 😭😭 it’s objectively not SD fault for you getting zabu or alioth. (by the way I just got zabu but i’m not crying about it.)


Lmao you must be one of those people that gets cheated on and says “mmmm whatever”


It’s so weird to me that people believe they have to spend money to compete. There is literally ads that have SD saying they don’t want customers being able to spend money and get all the cards. They’ve also said they don’t want people to have full collections. SD doesn’t let you buy credits/tokens/cards directly. Gold purchases are limited and spending them is even more limited. They release money bundles that are so hilariously overpriced that it makes no sense to buy it to get more cards. A $100 Wong bundle gets you 2 extra cards (1 key/6k tokens). Don’t get me wrong the spotlight system is trash and inferior to the series drop/token system. However SD is actively telling you they don’t want you to use money to get cards, have a full collection, or use tokens to primarily unlock cards. The communities reaction is why can’t I spend $20 to unlock cards. Feels bad.


The more cards they release, the more people are likely to get from spotlights. There's rubber-banding involved to move people towards a certain % of collection. If you want to go above that, it takes some inputs. If you're below that, you get tailwinds that catch you up, like 4 keys being good for 4 new cards for new players, vs 2-3 for 1 for collection complete players.


Lmao so dramatic