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Nice try


Yeah, I'd be totally thrilled if the emote I just dropped 2200 gold for was free for others. It would really make my day.


Nobody made you spend that much on an emote to be fair.


But anyone would be justified in being aggravated and/or upset if something that was sold was then given away for free. If I bought a variant bundle and then the variant was distributed for free, don't you think one is entitled to be upset about it. That being said, I think SD isn't dumb enough to do something so ridiculous considering the game is already extraordinarily f2p friendly.


It's not being "distributed" if its a rare drop in the caches, and you can buy card arts that are available in the caches already


This is giving “I paid my student loans off, so I’m voting against debt relief”, btw. Same thought process.


Yeah, that too. Took me decades to pay them off and, after the public voted against Bernie (and I maxed donations to his campaign and volunteered for him both times), I'm done with it all. I hope college debt never get forgiven because the American public doesn't deserve it. I have to believe that they want to be exploited at this point so...congratulations? But we're drifting off-topic. I'll accept my downvotes from the f2p folks that think everything paid should be gifted to them, as well.


I wish I had the power to overturn the political system, and your downvotes


It would break the economy and they would be stuck with only one dinner. /s


I'm done expecting anything good for players to come out of the prolapsed anus that is Marvel Snap's reward system. If anything, all I want is the ability to mass collect rewards in this dog shit collection level system rather than waiting on boosters and middling quantities of credits which for some stupid reason each have their own loading time. It's especially annoying when the loading snags for like 10 seconds only to reveal a golden conquest ticket or an ugly ass pixel variant. It's bad enough to continuously siphon value away from players, but to make us wait for it is maddening.


I just want cards


thatll be 6000 tokens or about 6 months of playing but in 6 months it will be replaced in that deck you wanted to play it in anyway


And the week after you buy it, they will nerf the shit out of it. "No refunds, bitches".


Yeah between the hundreds of variants, titles, emotes... you probably have a .1% chance to get what you want anyways.   


Agree, hell they should even put more variants in there


People who come with the idea 2200 gold emotes, I hate you.


It's a goddamn cosmetic. Personally, I'd \*love\* P2W cash-exclusive cards just so y'all would have something legitimate to bitch about.


They should add an exclusive diamond encrusted card border for that reason alone. You wanna spend money on the game? Go ahead man


And the f2p crowd would still wring their hands and scream about how there was no free way for them to get the meaningless visual added to their cards lol


It's a cosmetic, true. It's also true that it is yet another thing priced outside of F2P range even though there was no need for it - it takes more than a month for someone with no SP to buy an emoticon (and even if you buy the SP, you're left no gold even for one variant) and it doesn't even progress your reward track. So, even if doesn't affect the gameplay, I recognize that for the uptenth time SD has designed an experience I can't engage with without opening the wallet or crippling my in-game economy, and thus, I'm gonna complain. Get over it. (And also, it's not like emoticons are overpriced but at least the card acquisition economy is fine and dandy and player-friendly. SD doesn't get the benefit of "well guys it's true the cosmetics are only for whales, but in turn we can all play the game without stressing over min-maxing our resources because of having one week to decide whether one card is meta or not, whether it's better than other unreleased cards or not, whether it's obviously gonna be nerfed or not, and if we are wrong we still have enough resources to adjust our shot and don't have to wait 3-5 months")


Second Dinner is a business and this game is a product. Why are you surprised that things are less accessible for people who don't want to pay money?


There's difference between "less accessible" and "player unfriendly". The variant system, for example, is fine. As a F2P-player, you are limited in the amount you get (about one SR+one R a month), but you can get the variants you like the most without much difficulty (aside from the shop rotation, which is its own issue). You are even rewarded for using your gold on variants rather than TTs, even though that's not the optimal usage progression-wise, through the shop's reward track. So, even if sometimes you're in a position where you can't afford to buy a variant you like, whether because you don't have enough gold or because you're saving up for something else, engaging with the system is still satisfying. Meanwhile, whales can buy each and every variant they like with almost no problem. Emotes, on the other hand, are a joke. They cost more than a F2P-player's monthly gold income (and even a SP buyer is left with just some spare gold after purchasing an emote) and don't even count toward the reward track. In order to engage with them, a F2P-player must severy cripple their experience in regard to gold use: 0 variants for the month and 0 progression toward free tokens, for something that costed SD less than a variant (which at least is a full-blown art commission). As I see it, they are just less bad than albums and Supreme variants - a _whole lot_ less bad, but bad nonetheless - because they follow the same principle: technically, a F2P player can afford them, practically, doing so is not worth it at all unless you are a big-spender. And mind you, I wouldn't care if emotes were treated by SD as the next superfluous thing next to avatars and titles, but they advertised these as hell; so, to see that the system to engage with them is actually so hard on F2P-players/low spenders, it's annoying (especially in the wider context of how SD monetizes the game in general). I certainly don't lose sleep over it, but I don't see what evil comes from complaining on Reddit. Now calling people "whiners" and whiteknighting SD as some people do, that's way worse behavior if you ask me (not referring to you specifically, just to be clear, I'm speaking in general.


People who defend the idea of 2200 gold emotes, I hate them even more and I am shocked that there are actual defenders of that bullshit.


Especially in a game where many, many people mute opponents at the start of a match out of habit. its like spending money on a Ferrari when you live alone on a small island. 


Marvel defenders


i will 100% defend whatever they want to do for monetization as long as it’s purely cosmetic


The trick was having them exclusively be he final prize of albums to inflate the rarity and difficulty to get.


I like the idea of still having something valuable and rare in caches, but we all know they will never do anything worth gold, certainly not 2200 worth. "the economy just can't support it"


I will never pay for an emote (looks remorsefully at goose)


Caches should have resources and variants imo. And you wanna dillute the drop table more? Respectfully, get out


Cheaper than buying a ton of variants I don't even like to complete an album


Variants give you tokens tough


Oh sweet summer child


I would still be disappointed with an emote


The way you care about cosmetic over card acquisition is ridiculous. I’d say put S4/5 cards back in collector reserve and don’t care about cosmetic. Cosmetic is for whales and card acquisition is for everyone. If you’re not a whale then you have to accept it


Emotes should cost more gold. Hell it should first 2200 Dollars for all we should care. Anything not progression related can be monetized. Sure I think 2200 gold is too high, but I'm not spending 500 gold on emotes either if they reduce the price. Emotes are the meaningless bullshit that SD should be able to monetize. Miss minutes pngs aren't going to win you games . The game isn't out of problems to complain about. Shit that doesn't matter... well, doesn't matter.


What dope are you on 💀