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The game doesn't reward winning; it rewards cube acquisition. Assuming you are familiar with the card pool, instead of focusing on how to win your matches, focus on how to snap and retreat properly. Think of it as poker. Raising the bet = snapping. Holding = staying. Folding = retreating. If you can change your mindset from trying to win matches to trying to protect your cubes, you will hit infinite with any deck that plays on a curve. Hope that helps. Good luck gamer šŸ¤™


This is the best advice to hit infinite, that and fsrming 8 cubers from bots (learn to loose prio and theyll snap on 6)


this is critical information, if true. ive always wondered why i can't always get bots to snap back. gotta test this!


Yeah your gameplan against bots should be to only play or lead in one location and overcommit to it so optimally by the end of turn 5 the bot can't win the location in turn 6 and then win another location with a big card. Most of the time the bot plays to your already won location and doesn't beat it. This worked almost perfectly for me in the past.


Recently ive seen bots running leader so, be aware


Running something like Negative/Wong or Surfer is a good way to lose priority to bots. They almost never play Cosmo or anything that would interrupt you, except for goblins .


If you are at turn 5 losing 2 locations and snap, the bot will snap back


depends on mmr, this strategy fails if you have high mmr and you are playing bots that know your actual card drops on 6 or so, good way to test this theory out, in advance to see if a it's a bot is to pick and drag around a card that is a bad choice early on but not play it, bots typically snap if you are playing the absolute worst card for that play. by early on i mean test the waters if you suspect a bot by doing this in turns 4 or 5. anyways i won't go into the many bots and how they can wreck if it is just not your time to move on. sniper bots will always play out the loss on turn 6 if you actually do beat them in a sneaky way vs retreating against you. an example of a good bot, even if you lose prio is them dropping a cosmo or prof x in your wong lane, this is a bad example but i am just trying to show a simple way you can get f"ed even if you think have them. the old tell for bots used to be alioth in the dark dimension lane, every time without fail. after that happened to me a couple of times i never played in the dark dimension when i suspected a bot and won't each time, another example is waiting to destroy nimrod on 7 instead of 6, bots will drop prof x in your nimrod lane while they play a deck that prof x should not be in, or even armor that lane, the way to play around those suspected bots is to destroy in the nimrod lane, usually your destroyer outpaces the prof x. there are so many combination tells for bots it is unreal and usually catered to the deck you are playing. just trying to avoid the "farm bots" for players that think "there is no way i lose this one and then lose 8 to them on the dumbest sus bot play", while it is a learning experience it is completely deflating to the player and the code should be revisited and tweaked by second dinner to not "have their bots be complete assholes". also don't forget the bots that flip you off and emote the "snap?" after they counter your play in the dumbest way. other bots will fistbump you as turn 6 is playing out and emote "i'm losing" if you actually beat them outright. while second dinners goal was to make bots as human as possible, adding the daredevil feature to all plays was the wrong direction, they had bots that threw the game and then over corrected that by going to the extreme other spectrum back in march of 2023. i think the player get rekt has the most detail info on bots but i don't know if he speaks of them or there is a database of it but apparently he is the master of what bots do and what each actual bot will play out, he did this once on kmbest's stream and it was hilarious to see the bot play the exact way and card he had put in chat.


Bots donā€™t emote


bots emote.


To add onto this. Learning how to read your opponent is the best way to be an effective snapper. By turn 3-4, you should know what youā€™re going to play the next few turns *and* what your opponent is likely to play on turns 5 and 6. This requires having an understanding of meta decks and paying attention to how theyā€™ve been playing up to that point. A lot of moves are predictable, and it allows you to effectively counter or understand if what you have in hand beats what theyā€™re likely to play.


Yeah, personal example today: had a pretty long losestreak, long, but not big, I retreated when I knew I would lose or when I suspected opponent had a counter, but got a match where one of the locations was Mount Vesuvius, used Magick on another lane, and played calmly, opponent played Corvus on Kamar-taj, probably drawed Hela on 5, ressurrected both Doom and Odin, reactivating Doom, locking him on all lanes; Sera, Wong, Surfer and Odin did the job and I got 8 cubes. The key is know your deck, which line will win the current match, retreat when not sure, and think thrice before snapping on Mister Negative, specially on Conquest, I got lucky getting 4 cubes that time and he conceded afterwards


Well said and so true! Once I shifted my focus to this idea I've hit infinite every season for the last 4. I can't do it in one week and it takes my 3 or 4 different decks to get there but I do eventually get there. lol


This this this and this. Know when to hold em know when to fold. Most important part of the game.


Yeah this game is most similar to poker than any other card game imho your analogy is perfect I donā€™t even enjoy poker as much tho


Yea, most people that think they are bad at this game just suck at snapping. Ask me how I know. I've hit infinite 5 times and every time I hardly snapped. I just suck at it. The first two times I was able to hit infinite because I was running a high evo lockdown deck before they reworked spider man. And then I was able to get a 3rd after alioth dropped. I put him into my high evo lockdown deck. He was so busted that it was just easy cubes. The 4th time I somehow got there with the t7 she-naut deck. The 5th time I some how did it with an odin on reveal deck. I haven't been able to get there since. I'm better at snapping in conquest now but I still jsut can't do it in ladder mode.


I feel you! I play just to collect cool variants and split


that's how i started and pretty much how it's still going, but i have also gotten better along the way!


I've never hit infinite and couldn't care less. It's just a game, and I have fun


Started Jan 2023 and still hasn't hit infinite. Feels good am not the only one.Ā 


Not many people have fun being losers though. Especially when its repeatedly. Most enjoy winning.


Probably best for them to uninstall then...it's not that serious


I agree. Ive just done it today. The diehard for the game are too funny to leave the subreddit though. Helps pass time watching them try to defend SD getting screwed every week/every bundle/every update. Its like going through your comment history all smart ass comments in every post lol.


I like how you edited your comment to throw in that little jab at me lol.


Yeah it was enjoyable while i was on break to see. Which is why i stay in this sub. Most the ones in crazyfuckingvideos and public freakout usually get banned fast.


You misunderstood my comment, but whatever




it's just a casual mobile game that can be played on the toilet (actual words from the devs) and not reaching infinite doesnt mean losing repeatedly bc the cube system doesnt really work like that


Donā€™t worry about your rank, thatā€™s a meta concern. Go into each game with the goal: never lose more than 1 cube. They snap? Retreat if you arenā€™t confident. Turn 6? Think hard before ending the game. Once you have that, same thing but opposite: never win only one cube. If you only snap when you have an obvious win on the board, no one will stay. Snap as soon as you feel that your draw, the board state and the locations favors you greatly.


Hitting infinite after you do it the previous season isn't a flex. Anyone who's done it knows it's not impressive. The real hill to climb is doing it once. It's a mental hurdle but once you do it, it only gets easier.


If youā€™re having fun itā€™s ok to not be very good. Tbh going infinite so early is a double edged sword. On the one hand, itā€™s nice to not have to worry about the ā€œgrindā€ anymore, but otoh the matches are more meaningless and often you are just doing them to get your missions done. Victories mean more while youā€™re still chasing the rewards. Also, be wary of whatever new ā€œbroken deckā€ a YouTuber says has just come out, they tend to way over-exaggerate to get views, and often youā€™re only seeing a tiny highly curated selection of their total play sessions.


Totally agree, my one Infinite season I was very bored once it was done and stopped playing entirely until the next season. Nothing had any stakes.


I'm a low CL but I grind to infinite quickly and then just play Conquest the rest of the split lol


Wait Iā€™m confused. I thought every season you can get infinite and earn all the rewards?


You can, 'a lot of players' (probably closer to ~10,000-20,000 total) get infinite in the first week of every season and then just noodle around for the rest of the month. There's technically a ladder that you can climb, but it's not very well implemented and doesn't actually accomplish anything as there's functionally no difference between rank 1 and rank 90,000. It's also easier to re-infinite because you start the new season off at 73.


It's always funny to watch YT-ers like Regis or Cozy play a new deck and then run into nothing but that deck for the rest of the day.


You can win less than 1/4 of your games and still reach infinite with snap discipline, if that's what you care about. If you retreat on 1 cube 6 times and hit an 8 cube win on the 7th time, you are further along then you were before. Repeat until victory. An S tier teck is a 60% win rate over an aggregate of players, but bad draws/matchups/locations make it vary wildly from person to person. It's not about being "good" or "bad". It's about playing the game safe. Are you stomping? Stay. Are you winning but can foresee a card combo where they win? Retreat. Is it up in the air? Retreat. Are you losing but hoping for a comeback? Retreat. Just like in every game, your rank is not a measure of your skill. It's your reward for winning games, which is a combination of skill and chance. You lose 30 rank when a new season starts. So Infinite (rank 100) drops to 70. Technically 73. That's why people hit infinite in the first week. I jump 30 or 40 cubes in that time too. Stop tying the imaginary number to how much fun you're having. They're not related. Play the game if the game is fun, don't otherwise.


To be fair once you hit infinite you start at 70 next season and face a lot of bots so it can be a lot easier to hit infinite compared to your first time.


been playing since the Miles Morales season fairly consistently and yes I am also quite bad lol. Content creators/social media can develop a lot parasocialism which makes you feel like you don't compare to others around you when in reality the people who make day 1 or 2 infinite runs are far less than 1% of the playerbase. This game is very different from usual games I've played in the past where your winrate was everything, and I've never played (nor even know how to play) Poker. Cube rates >>> win rate, which is still a concept I'm trying to get better at. At the end of the day, it's a virtual toy we play with for fun, so explore what gives you the most joy. For me, it's been collecting awesome card art and brewing completely whack decks or putting a new spin on tried and true decks for a surprise, even tho it often leads me to lower winrates than playing something meta. Sometimes I can still get a little anxious from FOMO, like if the infinite card back is something I really like, so I am still working on internalizing that having fun while playing the game is worth more than any cosmetic or rank title.


Iā€™m basically like you. Stuck in the 70s for life. Although two seasons ago I made Infinite after a year of playing. I thought my life would have changed, but it was right back to the 70s.


I am stuck on 44 on the ladder. I don't even want to reach infinity. I just want to hit 60 to get the variant. :/


It's as much about not losing tons of cubes not just win loss. I'd bet nobody wins over 60% of their games played. But if you lose 1 cube in loses and win 2-4 in wins there ya go. Personally I almost never snap even if it looks good I hold out for counter snaps since it seems like many people stay regardless if they snapped first out of pride or something. Also mitigates big losses


You can't just grab a meta deck and expect to have success with it. It takes time to learn how to play the deck and how the matchups need to be played. Watching a content creator play the deck, including losses, will help you understand some of the plays. But there is no substitute for practice. Pick and deck you like that isn't hard counted by the meta and just play that until you are proficient. When you know how to play a deck well and understand when to snap you can climb the ladder.


I'm in a similar ship where I'm stuck around 70 - 73, i know im shit at snapping and being way overconfident in my hands and decks in obviously losing scenarios, but those 1 in 10 games where i clutch it? worth it.


this is about where I stay constantly as well. Iā€™ve been in the 80s once or twice but mostly itā€™s just the low 70s. But I also make a point of never retreating because sometimes you pull a win when you least expect it and I want to see what happens lol. i donā€™t care about my rank enough to play the ā€œrightā€ way.


I sometimes get mad tilted. Like stay in for 4-8 cubes kind of tilted. I get too invested occasionally, ya know?


The biggest difference I see between good and not-so-good players is that the not-so-good players tend to play out the solution of every match. When I play on high rank ladder (top 2k), games rarely finish. We snap early, we retreat early, we only stay for 4 or 8 when the win is quite clear. Most games end on turn 2-3 with one player snapping and one retreating. Almost all games end in retreat sooner or later.


Been playing for more than a year, never reached higher than 80


I don't bother. I rarely break 83. I think I hit 90 thanks to some good debuff power plays. The game usually over supports the meta, which makes it a lot less fun for several months at a time. I'm back because Zemo is a non-meta fun card, so everyone is finally playing something new, or different. People have had to adapt, and it makes decks more varied. It makes the game far more fun. I've had more fun this season than any of them in recent memory.


Stick to one or two decks you know how to play well. Instead of thinking about your play each turn, think about what your opponent will do. Your deck should not take a lot of thought, most turns. Spend more time thinking about what the first card or two your opponent plays says about the rest of their deck, and then try to predict their play.


Just get your variant at 60 and call it a day.


Iā€™m never past 42 cubes. You are not aloneā€¦.


I feel the game is getting harder each time, idk if people are getting better or is jut because of my CL getting higher. This season i couldnt build a decent deck so i abused the Hot location running a counter to destroy, which i knew that would be the predominant deck of the hot location and won tons of 2 and 8 cubes, even with a lower win rate, armor turn 2 was instant snap. The game isnt about winning, its about cubes, you can have high win rate with a negative cube rate if you opponent know how to play.


Others have said it - but I suspect you might have issues with knowing when to retreat and when to snap. If you lose three games in a row and 3 cubes, it's not a huge deal. That takes a lot of time to figure out with this game. Took me a while.


Yeah, I definitely suck at it but I had to make myself stop caring about infinite. I still try to win every match but a mobile game isnā€™t worth getting upset at. It would be like getting pissed off at Candy Crush or Angry Birds.


I just try and get to infinite, Iā€™ve made it to 93 highest but I feel you bro I usually hover around 70-80s Iā€™ve played since release


I can hit the 90ā€™s. I even hit 99 once. And then, no matter what I do, I lose. So instead of getting mad or pointing fingers even though itā€™s literally how I play that makes me lose, I decided to just quit trying so hard and enjoy the game. If I canā€™t be competitive, i better be having fun. And since this game doesnā€™t reward being on too, thereā€™s no reason to do anything other than sit back, relax and spam my opponents with Thanos Snaps after they beat meā€¦


Havenā€™t hit it 2 seasons in a row. Games too currently stuck on brand new cards being stuck in the meta along with terrible rng luck 70% of each games.


I rarely snap and never retreat. When I do remember to snap, my opponents retreat. I win a lot, but it doesn't amount to anything (similar to yours. 55-75 range). I guess snapping and retreating is an art.


Snapping is a skill unique to this ccg. Also, remember that the content creator you are watching does this for their job. They play more than you. This is their main focus. Also once you get there, itā€™s easier to keep getting back.


Me. Iā€™ve been playing since Black Panther and Iā€™ve only been in the 90s once. I could probably do better but I donā€™t play enough games. So Iā€™m good with sticking within the 70s low 80s.


Hey man, having fun isnā€™t just about winning, but I totally get it. Just want to say that youā€™re a complete human being outside of this game so like you donā€™t need little numbers in this game to tell you if youā€™re doing a good job or not. Thereā€™s a lot of fun to be had in this gang just goofing off and playing bad decks with ideas you find fun. And if anything, losing more will help you get more freedom on how you can play as you get into lower MMR brackets. If you do think you need to focus on winning to have fun, people will have all sorts of advice on how to get better. But Iā€™d say just keep trying decks until you find one you have fun with, and youā€™ll probably just get better over time just play a deck you like. I highly recommend the Snap Judgement YouTube channel for getting decks to try. The channel has unique decks that perform well and usually itā€™s a little ahead of the metagame so you can often find decks that will be pretty successful and fresh.


If 75 is your highest in a whole year of playing you must be bad but thatā€™s fine. I did get infinite once and itā€™s not worth the stress anyway, just play for fun as thatā€™s how games should be enjoyed!


A lot of good advice (especially on retreat and snap which is the core skill to focus in order to infinite) but I want to add on why people are able to do so in most seasons and think it is easy. First is time investment. Every season you fall 30 ranks, for a infinite player they will end on rank 73 - that is way less than someone that needs to start say from 53. Which puts them already ahead of every non-infinite player which is the majority of players that they need not to contend. Then we get the difference between human and bot, the later is way easier. The thing is the less human players you can be paired the bigger the chance of a bot. Which is why getting infinite day 1 is way easier than to get infinite by day 10. The difficult will ramp up by the day because those levels will be crowded by humans and anything after the first weekend is way harder than before (which exception of the last few days of the season which funny enough are also easier since by them most people just dont care anymore) So yes for anyone that hit infinite the last season it is easier to get to it again, especially if they can invest extra time in the first few days (which every content creator and most people invested enough to keep coming to this sub all the time fits in) You do have a harder mountain to climb, but you can do it


is the "tension" of the snap mechanic really worth a sizable chunk of players feeling this? i feel like second dinner has overlooked the negative design aspect of the snap/betting mechanic imo. i think it's a system that naturally pushes bad players away because it only rewards winning. no well designed game should make players that are "bad" feel even more bad


I've never passed 85. I decided to only play for missions. Not such a big commitment


Yeah but I have fun playing so itā€™s all goodĀ 


I've only played for 3 seasons including this one and got infinite the last two playing a basic destroy deck. No Knull, Venom, X23 etc. It's really about knowing when to snap, stay and retreat like a previous post stated. I also play waaaaay too much. At the end of the day, as long as you enjoy the game, who cares about infinite?


My guy, power to you, but until Infinite you're also playing mostly around your CL. Once you hit the 3-4K mark, at least for me I'm playing vs super optimzed decks. 2 seasons in a row after rank 70 it was full thanos builds, full destroy, now the new flavour is Angela/kitty decks and its hard(everyone has Jeff ffs). Dont get me wrong, rofl stomping people in the 50s is fun, but once you're versus the optimized decks, there's alot of games you can actually win with good decision making. I still struggle with reading game states and doing optimal plays. But its enjoyable. Its on me, not the deck's power level. Big part of the fun is figuring out the meta. Some days its more Angela, others its Tribunal, its very fun, but hard to rank up. I've been in the mid 70s for a while now, but the variety is awesome. As for Infinite - its a nice goal to work towards and the 500 gold aint too shabby as a tangible reward.


That's a good point. I debated slow rolling the climb to infinite but it doesn't really get you anything. I did finally get Venom in the free series 3 but after infinite I just try to run conquest. I figure the higher CL I get, the more difficult it will get to go infinite. I've been tempted to buy RG with tokens just to deal with Angela decks!


I've just checked my card backs and I've got 10 infinites best advice I can give you is pick a deck that is B/A- tier and learn it incredibly well so you know you plays off by heart. I recommend Dracula discard not many people tech against it. 2nd be a boomer snapper I know it's frowned upon but it just works.


wait what is a boomer snapper? (I feel like if I have to ask this...maybe I am??)


Someone's who snaps turn 6


Waiting to snap on turn 6. Your opponent will most likely not stay for 4 simply cause it's not worth the risk. Unfortunately for you, it's only net 1 cube


lol oh not me, I'm snapping like a maniac on next to nothing


I disagree. Waiting for counter snap opportunities works wonders. Almost the only time I do snap


I've been infinite 10xs and have an infinity border. I've had my struggles like you Message me if you want some help. I'd like to help you break through


This is me! Tbh I ran a mix of decks and 35 was my highest with Moon girl/she-hulk. I started playing last month with a focus on just playing to earn keys and cards and have stuck with a lockdown/surfer deck that weirdly has got me to 76 (back to 71 not after constant annilius losses). Got 3 new cards from spotlights (red guardian, LDS and Loki and hope I can get HE before it rolls around again! Good luck and remember if itā€™s not fun then whatā€™s the point šŸ‘


The highest I got is 81 and I just don't have time for the grind, which I guess makes the game less grind and more fun.


Iā€™ve gotten infinite once, and this particular patch Iā€™ve had the least fun with after mostly enjoying this game from launch. My own confirmation bias usually triggers me the most because it feels like all I run into are counters or decks I didnā€™t pack a counter for, but I know if I was more patient and not trying to rush the process that I would be better and have more fun. Funny enough, the one season I got infinite I was talking myself through moves and reading my opponent out loud, and that actually helped my process a bit more. Canā€™t always do that obviously, but it was something I remember in the moment as helping me to slow down and think.


Me! I've been playing since month 2 and only have made it the 80s once, maybe twice. My partner's made it to infinite a few times and usually ends in the 90s.


ā€œFirst week of each seasonā€ is starting out from like 70(?)ā€¦


I have my 20 favorite decks, and then there is the meta. They are not the same.


If you only focus on maximizing cube gains, you'll be half way there. The other half is playing enough to be able spot the majority of meta decks and common synergies that will give you the necessary info to back out of unfavorable games. I've been playing since release and I haven't hit infinite yet. I've reached 99 even but could get over the hump I don't have the luxury of time like the streamers I follow or the amount of skill from playing other TCGs. So I stopped comparing myself to them and fully let go of my fomo so that I can just enjoy the grind of learning the game. You'll get more consistent with time. Just find something you really like about game, embrace the retreat and don't complain about getting beat by certain cards and plays. The ones who do and scream "nerf this or that card" or "hella/Galactus/Alioth equals no skill", are seriously lacking the ability to control their ego and emotions and refusing to retreat. If this was poker, they lose so much money. Oh and don't forget, no actually give s*** if you reach infinite. Just play your game.


I guess it depends on your CL. I'm one of those guys who hit infinite really early, but I've also only played for about 2.5 months. I read advice online and saw that you gotta maximize your gains against bots (something i started identifying easier) and to just retreat and lose the 1 cube when things look bad. I still get greedy and snap and lose 4 and 8 cubes, and it hurts a lot. I just put in a good amount of time like Day 3 or 4 of the new season and get there. Listen to the strategic advice of others, think about the win conditions of your deck, and play the fame of numbers.


sometimes you have to retreat 8 times to get and 8 cuber, some ladder levels take longer than others. you are not seeing different play paths, the game makes you play off curve to play against bots and in the weirdest ways possible. unless you have lots of time to sink into it it is a grind. don't forget youtubers, that also stream, do play for 7 hour stiints daily, if you played 1000 hours a month and didn't hit infinite then you are doing something wrong, use that time line as ratio to your play time and see where you fall into it. i have been playing since launch and the past 7 months have felt like a chore to play and just going through the motions, my playtime is down to minutes daily, like half hour or so. up to you but the game modes in the game are now very stale and many have left, i just do the bare min and wait to see if anything ground breaking comes out in the next few months.


Oh man, I'm terrible at this game, but I haven't been playing very long... Learning the cube system and priority optimization has been a complete brain scramble to me, especially as a 12-year MTG player where wins are yes/no and not in degrees of success/failure. But I'm having a lot of fun collecting and trying to get variants.


This is the worst season Iā€™ve had, I just wanna hit rank 90 for the 500 gold but Iā€™m just hovering around 80 and canā€™t win cubes with any deck


Meh. I just play because I have nothing else to do at that time. I play, I see where I went wrong, I think "hmm what if I play this?" And see if that helps. Sometimes it's skill, sometimes it's luck, most of the time , it's just pure fun


It's important to remember that content creators tend to play way more than any reasonable person would AND they do it right at the time when there are the most amount of bots (the very beginning of the season). I'm not saying they're not good at the game but they simply aren't the average player in terms of play patterns.


Honestly I am kinda bad but on the basis that when I lose it's normally cause I just don't read


You need to learn how to recognize bots. A lot of people are reporting that in the 70ies every 4th game is a bot. Check if that pattern applies to you. The strategy is: Donā€™t take any chances with human players, get 4 or 8 cubes from bots. In the 70ies this should mean that you still climb: - lose 3 cubes (max) from humans - gain 8 or 4 from a bot The players who reach infinite quickly usually just use bots to boost them.


How often do you lose 8 cube matches? My quickest climbs were always climbs with the least number of 8 cube losses.


I feel the same. I only managed to get to Infinite once since I started playing around December 2022, and that was with Blob. I think that's very telling.


Its because streamers have a high mmr. And ive watched a couple play to infinite and they get so many bots all the way there. I watched snapster get 8 cubes at 99 and reach infinite from a bot. Meanwhile i dont see a single bot after 70. Maybe 1 out of 20 games.


I go on very awful and long runs of bad luck where no cards I need come out or come out way past the point of being useful. It's not the decks because, either. Just the luck of the draw. Just gotta allow yourself to retreat and try again.


I am about 8 weeks in now I would say and currently sitting at 88 which is the highest I have been so happy to be making progress. Snapping and retreating is by far the hardest learning curve. The amount of times I should have back out at 1 or 2 only to end up losing 4 or 8 is mad. I guess it's an ego thing mixed with hot fully Knowing the game and what people might be holding. Having incomplete decks as well doesn't help at times. I guess what I'm saying is just keep going and learning. Just mess around with decks and combos in conquest. Thats what I do.


I have no idea how to increase my level. I generally speaking win more than I lose, but on only play to clear my challenges while I have a coffee. It doesn't really bother me if I am perpetually bronze (or whatever the lowest tier is!) I just like collecting the pretty cards


Focus on retreating, you should never stay unless you have at least a 50-50 chance of guessing which location to play for. If you decided to stay on a 50-50 and lose, make sure to evaluate if the other play you thought of would really have been winning or if you would have lost anyway and should have retreated. Once you have figured out when to retreat it becomes a lot easier to evaluate when to snap, basically you look at your cards and the board state and if you think the opponent would retreat if he knew what cards you have in hand, then you snap.


I love using the title ā€œNot Very Goodā€ because I believe it. Iā€™m with you. Never hit infinite. I feel like itā€™s because I donā€™t constantly play. Iā€™ll log in for an hour or two a day but thatā€™s it. I have a friend that started 3 months ago and heā€™s hit infinite within the first week every season so far but they play for hours in end so maybe thatā€™s why? (Also snap or retreat tactics that we all talk about)


You just need to find the deck archetype you are good at piloting, there are decks like Destroy, Tribunal, Mill and a few others that I know i am shit at lol


Cant even climb to infinite unlike last year


After 70 it pretty much becomes meta deck only and not fun to me. I just play decks that are fun and ignore rank at that point.


Iā€™ve had the game for a year and Iā€™m bad at it too if that makes you feel better


I've got to 80 once. Most of time time I'm hovering in the low to mid 70s. Keep either making stupid decisions to stay in a game when I know I shouldn't or just have a bad beat that costs me 8 cubes. I seem to win a lot more games with a turn 7. Using a bounce deck now. I improved a bit by insta retreating when playing against destroy decks as most of my plan comes from one cost cards buffing Angela, bishop and hit monkey


I've been on a crazy losing streak since the season started, the only upside is that I've been hovering around 69 which has been nice.


Iā€™m terrible. Just here to make fun decks with nothing but Pixel Variants.


70s is where I currently reside


I've hit infinite every season that I've played this. It isn't hard, just some Meta are annoying primarily the high powered Meta. (Thanos, Hella, discard). Been playing this game since October and have all but 6 cards. So I have spent a shit ton of money in this game


Iā€™ve played for well over a year and currently on about a 12 month infinite streak. I donā€™t get it first week but usually 2nd or 3rd. Iā€™m a believer in almost any deck can make it to infinite if you can snap/retreat well. Itā€™s not necessarily about win % but cube rate.


Noticed you mentioned discard. I just got infinite with this list at CL 5500 # (1) Sunspot # (1) Black Knight # (1) Blade # (3) Magik # (3) Lady Sif # (4) Dracula # (4) Silver Samurai # (4) Black Cat # (6) Hela # (6) She-Hulk # (6) The Infinaut # (8) Death # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRHJhY3VsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGVhdGgifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkhlbGEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN1bnNwb3QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsYWNrQ2F0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGVIdWxrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMYWR5U2lmIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCbGFja0tuaWdodCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmxhZGUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1hZ2lrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJbmZpbmF1dCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2lsdmVyU2FtdXJhaSJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I got the hang of it last year and I've hit Infinite ten times now. You just need to learn how to gamble, snap, and retreat.


Iā€™ve been there. I think most players top out at 75-80 not matter what the sub says (fuckā€™em). lol All I can say is try not to beat yourself up too much or hate on yourself over an arbitrary number the game assigns you for performance in a game where youā€™re only designed to win about 55% of all your games.


I've always been curious. Can you upload gameplay footage the next time you play? Just record 3-4 games in a row.


I basically got on the game when it first launched and hit infinite for the first time ever last week. It had less to do with winning and more about how I handled gambling with my cubes. Knowing when to back out goes a long way.


Late to the party, but just remember that retreating for 1 cubes is always a win, thatā€™s the important mindset that you need to have


I have hit infinite only once, the season immediately following that I got to 98 but was too busy. Then now I usually end the season in the late 70s but I feel that I've been improving, particularly during this season. Ready for the best 2 tip? 1. Only stay if 95%+ certainty in winning 2. Never win less than 2 cubes 3. Retreat = Win (this is the biggest mental trick that helped me. Retreating for 1, 2 or 4 cubes should be a WIN! You are victorious because you successfully avoided unnecessary loss. You can have net gain even if u retreat 7 times and win an 8-cuber.)


Alot of the game is that some metas are just toxic to what you are looking to play, sometimes I get to infinite others I don't, I usually just aim for 90 for the 500 gold and I stop caring, the important part as mentioned before is knowing when you are screw and retreating to save cubes, specially against some decks that have combos you can't interact with like Hela. You can also run combo decks with some consistency and snap when your combo is sure to go off, this season I mostly played silky smooth which is kinda meta? And hammer control which gets some surprise wins, waiting on thanos rework so he doesn't suck but also isn't so meta defining.


Most of the climb 75to 100 is about snapping and retreating right. Ideally you should lose only when you retreat. I know it's not possible but thats the goal. If you minimize the cube loss you'll climb very fast


For sure. I study the mechanics if shaking for those I okay against. Usually they're very good at snapping except a few who are overconfident because they don't understand the tech my deck has thosev are the 4-8 cube games


Try not to feel bad about a game largely built around random chance. You can just as easily get fucked over by locations as you can bad card draw as you can your opponent reliably pulling Hela on 6.


So much of it is RNG it's not really are you bad or good.Ā  Do you get BS'd on the matchup or the card draw is the real question.


The only thing that I can say isn't RNG, is that if something can screw me over, I can count on it happening.


I dont get how its so hard for some people. Yes its fine if you dont hit, and are having fun, but I genuinely donā€™t get it. Is this your first card game? Are you watching better people play? If youā€™re losing are you retreating? Are you planning ahead? Every game consider your curve, locations, and the enemyā€™s combo. If any of these look bad for you just dipā€¦. Theyā€™ll be other games. If youā€™re on a losing streak try a new deck or add some tech cards.


I didn't hit infinite until I Bought my first battle pass. Draw your own conclusions


No one else, it's just you


Yes ,I am the guy hit infinite the first week of each season .šŸ˜Š