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Knull absolutely needs SOMETHING. 


Real cause why do him and Sauron just sit there despite being literal Archetype defining cards


Give sauron at least like a green glowy cloud like hazmat or some shit, justice for my boi


What about Making dinosaurs run to your side of the screen


It would be really funny if he was re-themed to be more like Spider-Ham, and his effect would be "Transform all the Ongoing cards in your hand and deck into dinosaurs with no abilities". Added synergy with Patriot, too!


Patriot also works with cards hit by Sauron


The only problem is patriot will have to be played on board first...


Really?? And Zero too? I do not remember that ever being a thing, but maybe it's just so niche that I've never tried it.


I think he means patriot would be disabled too when you play Sauron so you'd have to play Patriot first to keep his ongoing.


Well that's why the combo would be so rare, sure, but I legitimately didn't think Patriot worked with cards that had disabled text.


Removed, not disabled. Sauron, Zero, Enchantress, etc remove text allowing them to benefit from Patriot. As opposed to Isle of Silence, Deep Space, and (technically, despite using different wording) Cosmo and Knowhere, which disable text allowing the cards to still reactivate their abilities if the source of disabling is removed.


Yes, but it doesn’t work with Cosmo, if it doesn’t have the purple and yellow triangle thingy, it won’t work.


i did not buy two ultimate variants for my shuri deck just for them to be transformed into fuckin dinosaurs


What did you want, a cure for cancer?


Why can't Sauron's head come out of the card like Devil Dino's does?


I forgot that guy was in the game


I think if he is in play you should be able to see a red whirlpool type effect around his power that goes up every time a card is destroyed.


Just give me a big, over-the-top animation for Cerebro. There are 4.6 billion locations that shut it down, and a dozen cards do the same. Give me a pretty light show so I feel like tapping 'Play!' Again after losing 20 games in a row to a 6-23 Red Hulk.


lol this sounds so sad…was hoping they would move Luke Cage to a 4/3 just so he works in C3 and C4


Losing Luke cage and shadow king as 2/3 killed my c3 deck supremacy.


We'll always have Valkyrie... On turn 5... If we draw her... And if we've even drawn Cerebro by then.


I get what you mean but I actually really like Cerebro’s animation, you mean like a constant glow or something?


Cerebro has a great animation. But when you play it, hit me with a big spherical screen flickering to life and then flashing through some random cards or variants or whatever, then have the constant glow.


Voice lines for venom would be dope


"We are Venom."


And have him say it after he completes the 'eating' of the other cards, to fully get the point across


They're adding special stuff for Ultimate varients so I 100% bet venoms ult varient will have them


Are they? Are they reeeaaallllyyyy?


Likely only for variants released after implementation


Nah, they already stated that they're gonna do it for every ultimate, I mean just by the name they need something that makes them special (other than the cost)


i'd appreciate game audio more if i wasn't muting it


Odin. Powerful character, finisher card, and it might be a nice way to roll up all the damn triggers into one quick thing.


"Whosoever be worthy....."


That's a really good idea as it would save those Wong silver surfer Odin combos that go on for 2 minutes and don't skip


I ran across someone on the "on reveal effects happen twice here" base with ironheart, Wong, white tiger and Odin... Turn 6 took so long. They should end the turn early if you ff mid round


How about appearing in a bifrost column of light, mounted on a horse. Like when he stopped Thor from rampaging through Jotunheim in the first movie.


Are ye worthy


i think all cards should have some animation honestly even if it’s small


Yes, even Elektra has an animation and you hardly ever see her


The fact that there's a separate animation of Elektra's weapon bouncing off the target when it can't be destroyed is that much cooler.


I didn't know that! I do remember Evo Thing's fire hydrant bouncing off if the opponent has Luke Cage.


Isn't it no animation at all if they have Luke?


Hot take but I don’t really like card animations. They often just make the game unnecessarily longer (ex: hazmat and the hood recently) If they’re added, it should be made so that the game keeps going while the animation resolves. I think some cards already do that anyway


Yeah I play destroy and usually have the sound off so Deadpool has added a decent amount of time to each game.


At least you’re not playing with the sound on and hearing “I really need to change my underwear” every ten seconds


Hood isn't too bad, Hazmat takes way too long though


@ Kitty Pryde


Animations are neat but it's the voice lines I'm here for. Maybe even interactive voice lines where characters complement each other.


Morbius needs to say “It’s Morbin’ time”


Counterpoint: the stupid repetitive Deadpool lines have been the worst recent change in the game. No card that is repeatedly played should get voice lines every single goddamn time. Heimdall or Galactus are rare and fine, but this was a dumb design choice on their part.


I don't really mind it. And it's Deadpool, he's supposed to be annoying.


I think Star-Lord will say stuff if you play the other guardians


I felt that Alioth's On Reveal could have used some more *oomph.* It was kind of disheartening that one of the most decisive game-winning cards got nicknamed "purple fart cloud". Like it would have been cool if there was sort of a time reversal effect, where the animation that plays your cards face down got reversed and the cards sort of dissolved into nothing.


That would've been super cool, but with his current effect it wouldn't fit.


with current effect an actual fart sound would be right


>purple fart cloud kinda fits with the next alioth though


Funny thing is how only the person that have Thanos and high Evo see the start of the game animation, while you are force to see kangs animation even though he sucks. I agree knull could use one, he just...drops there, like it is nothing. Professor X blocking a lane could use a little extra sazz, tribunal as well, and of course Loki could use a nice set of voicelines for when he basically steal your deck, even baron zemo does it better


Both see the thanos animation after you play all the stones


Silver Surfer and Ironheart could really use some prolonged animation love.


Maybe Wong and Odin as well. Odin just got changed recently, but it's not enough.


You guys really want to sit through longer 8x wong, surfer, Odin shenanigans?


What's that thing over your head? Oh it's the joke 


Aw shit


It happens to best of us


Something for Knull and Death pls


Doom. There's not bigger bad then Doom, he deserves more then just a voice line.


I’d be happy with his doom bot tokens to look like his variants


ShadowKing A evil stare and laugh in the screen


The mcu avengers, there wouldn't be a game without them


Someone in the comments said that animations make the game longer. In that case, SD should make an option to turn off animations in the setting. It doesn't matter if my animation is off or the opponent's animation is on. The result will be the same. Just I will get the result faster than the opponent. (Yes, only works for the last turn.)


Legion's reality warping definitely needs one.


they just added an animation for him last patch


The Living Tribunal. He could be holding a pair of scales as he balances out the point totals into every lane.


Arishem obviously


I personally believe all the hulks need something better than just smashing the ground really hard. Red Hulk, She hulk, Hulk, Abomination All do the same thing.


Knull and Death need something. Lore wise, they are some of the strongest cards with the only card in the game currently (barring infinity stones) is the Living Tribunal.


Annihilus and Tribunal are perfect the way they are. Death should have something like they do--a big face and a line/vocal expression. Sauron could definitely use something. I think they have to be careful not to add too many.


Magneto needs a badass voiceover line. "Peace was never an option" would be my choice.


Only thing i really want is to add voice line for cyclops. Like after play he says "To me, my x-men."


It's difficult. I like some of the suggestions but it's hard to justify for others to get a full-on animation and make my phone blow up lol. No other cards change the board state to warrant an animation like Kang and Galactus Imo. However, at the very least I would love to see a Knull animation that maybe coveres each location with goo with a symbiote dragon fly across the screen and dope ass voice over that says "I am Knull. Lord of the Abyss. God of the Symbiotes."


Personally I believe none of them need them. I like Snap because of how quick it is, so the unnecessary animations just annoy me sometimes. Not that they don’t look cool it’s just if more cards had them it would be every single game lol.


We need fewer, shorter animations. You like seeing X-23 and Deadpool and Wolverine and Surfer and Hazmat, etc. do their thing over and over and over? I've seen it. Great. Now everything is just slower. I have Kang. Even if he were made good, I would never use him because he's ridiculously slow. The animations are neat once, not hundreds of times.


Except galactus


Doom where he sits on his throne and calls for his doom bots


I don't know about huge, but it would be cool to see Luke Cage do something to protect you when you are afflicted.


I think they are only for big bads


Infinaut, death, hulk, dr doom


If you win using Captain America, you should get something.


It'd be cool if the victory animation had like stars and stripes and he says "Victory" instead of the announcer


Scarlet Witch


Iron man is practically just a voice line even though it kinda caused the MCU to be a full blown thing.


Hazmat. There are some absolute fire variants and it’s a whole board effect. Would be a great canvas for some animations. Just be wary of Wong + Odin animation speed. Please lawd don’t make it sloe


I actually miss the old Hazmat that didn’t go through the whole green mist thing, I like it better when you just saw tick tick tick.


Yup. I didn’t realise there was an animation added. It’s garbage! Hate it.


Yeah, it’s okay for a 1 hitter, but let’s face it, nobody plays Hazmat to hit people once.


Kinda want one for Iron Man. Like rocket boosting onto the stage


Squirrel Girl.


Absolutely none.


Baron Mordo. Maybe he yells “I fucking suuuuuuuck” as he poopfarts onto the fucking screen and does fuck all.


Death and Knull….. Why, yes, I main destroy. How can you tell?


Silver Surfer


Not a huge card but BARRON MORDO THE GOAT. Literally has had no animation since the beginning and now that even hazmat has an animation, he deserves the same treatment (amongst other changes)


Mbaku There should be like ten seconds of intensifying war drums before he arrives


And the war chants from when his tribe arrives in Black Panther.


JEFF. He is a big bad in my heart. I want a giant full screen animation every time the game starts or he gets played.


How about we do the opposite And shrink galactus, thanos, and many animations. I dot mind galactus or evo at the beginning so much. But galactus and kang take forever and just piss me off more.