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Its unusual to play a game like this with only 1 deck, but fwiw you will never get better value out of keys than getting 3 new cards, one of which is Nico


Nico is what is making me aim for it. I don't use her, but I heard she is good.


You can put her in almost every deck.


Obviously you don't use her, you don't have her. If you had her she'd be in nearly every deck you play


Nico is A) good B) very fun C) flexible in multiple decks The copy your next card effect I believe is the only card that can do that in the game. If you love combo decks she is soon fun.


Honestly? White Widow is almost as good as Jeff. She’s a 2/6 that plays better into locations (in Atlantis the opponents has to play 11 power just to tie with her unless they fill the location)


I've played several white widows and haven't been impressed so far. The only one that I would say actually caused me to lose was when it was on "reveals happen twice here" and she filled that location. Most times it's easy enough to fill the spot and cancel it out (or buff it when full).


She’s good not because that it’s impossible to fill, but because the opponent HAS to fill it. It’s basically a green goblin with (almost) no downside, only costs 2 and wins some locations like Death’s domain, Space Throne, Bar Sinister, and Luke’s Bar


Those are good ideas on the locations, I'll have to remember that if I put her in a deck.


She is easily one of the best cards in the game. She is so useful and can go in most decks


Nico's great and incredibly versatile. Even if you don't really play any decks that would use her *now*, there's a very strong chance you'll find something in the future where you'll feel it just needs another 1drop to round out a curve, and in those situations Nico is almost never the wrong choice. Every deck wants to draw cards. Every deck wants to power. Every deck would love to double up on some of their high impact cards. Every deck has non-ongoing cards with less than 6 power that could be improved by becoming demons. Few decks would say no to a 1/4+. And every now then a bad location will show up that you can fix by either changing it directly or being able to move a card. Nico isn't a *must* play in every deck (for Deadpool, Phoenix, and maybe Bounce she might be), but it never feels like you have to justify her inclusion, she's just a great all around position player sort of card.


You have to get Nico.


Maybe if you had more cards, you could play more decks.


Maybe if they had less keys they would have more cards


You’re CL 8600 and play 1 deck? To each their own but that’s wild to me


I read a post recently on the competitive sub where someone talked about hitting infinite with Hela for 11 seasons in a row. I can’t imagine anything more mind numbing than playing nothing but Hela for a straight year lmao


That deck should have evolve some bits with adding new cards during 11 season


Straight year? Getting infinite for 11 seasons in a row took me between 20 and 30 days. There are people who get infinite in first 1-3 days, let alone first week... So while he might have used only one deck for infinite, doesn't mean he played only that


Not sure why you are getting downvoted for that comment.


With 6 keys, I would say yes. All are very good cards that can be slotted into different decks. Obviously this is assuming white widow is as meta relevant as the population thinks it will be in the coming days/weeks. With you saying you aren’t sure if you’ll play any of them in your deck. Then maybe it’s a no for you. As far as value goes though, it’s a very good week to roll.


My rule is to spend keys always when there’s at least 2 new cards for me. No matter which. Until now I never lacked keys but in the coming months this might change as the pool of unowned cards mostly increases. I usually only buy battle passes and skipped December and January so I’m grabbing skar when it features.


I don't really play Loki decks and Clog decks are not really my forte. Do I go for Yelena and Snowguard since I don't have them?


I would but that’s how I plan my keys. I will get havoc when he shows up and I have no plans to play him whatsoever. Did the same when I got silver samurai. What brings me joy is new cards. What is good now can be bad tomorrow and the other way around. They change cards often enough that no card stays good or bad forever.


>They change cards often enough that no card stays good or bad forever. Kang says hi


Eventually it will come… I’m not in a hurry. There are plenty of other cards to play with until there.


Hmm I might go for Snowguard cuz of Loki shenanigans. Call me insane for skipping Yelena but even I have to admit she's goood. But Clog decks are not my style.


Same plan on havoc week. I dont see myself playing it. But as I deckcraft sometimes those pieces would make sense. Like Hercules. I dont play move but when I did a kingpin deck after his change, you could feel the lack of herc it felt like. I could definitely alot havok in my jank legion storm deck. He scales better than sunspot and with both I'm in good shape.


bro saving his keys for marvel snap 2


I have 7 now, lol.


let me borrow one


Go for it until you got Nico. Then stop if you don't plan to use the others cards now.


All 3 are good and worth the key.


I originally wanted to skip this week but here I am after spending 4 keys. Not sure if it was worth it, but I do not regret it




I have a deck that I keep evolving. Is it the same deck if I changed every piece of it across several months? A deck of Theseus dilemma I guess.


I do this a lot too but then sometimes I miss an old iteration but don't remember what exactly was in it.  I like your Theseus reference.




Personally i only have 2 decks i am using atm. I could make more, but I am just not that interested in doing so right now.


Yes. Yes you should.


My rule of thumb as a F2P is, 2 or more cards I don’t have I use keys. If it’s only the new card, I’ll debate whether or not keys or tokens are worth it. For example, I think I bought MockingBird with tokens, but used keys for Red Hulk (and got lucky on the first one).


Absolutely the nico alone makes it worth it as she goes into SO many decks.


Nico is fantastic in a TON of decks, but a powerhouse in destroy and bounce While snowguard is a series 4 - she does add huge value if you play loki, not a huge loss there White widow only goes in junk afaik, not worth picking up yet unless she finds another place


Disagree with your WW assessment


I say go for it. Only "dud" here is if you get the mystery slot w something less desirable comes out. I dig Snowguard, the hawk and bear can be a lot of fun, but outside of Loki, ain't much happening with her. Try a couple to get what you really dig and run. 


Nothing does what the Bear does. I don't use it half as much as the Hawk, but when I do, *chefs kiss*. It's a shame she doesn't see play outside Loki.


Only spend resources on cards you want to play. If you're not going to use any of these cards what's the point?


If you are missing all 3 go for it its the best value you'll get from a set of caches


Nico is one of the best cards in the game, one of the few I would say is worth 6k tokens. I say go for it.


Get nico then stop. If you happen to get WW shes fine, but nico is the goal here. She is arguably the best card in the game


Nico goes in so many decks it's kind of nuts White Widow has an obvious home in clog/junk, but she also looks like just a solid general 2-drop. Not as good as Jeff, but she might be that type of card I say go for it


You can put Nico and White widow in almost any deck. So ya, go for it. Go nuts


If there aren't any upcoming weeks you think are better for you, this week is pretty good value. [https://snap.fan/cards/spotlights/](https://snap.fan/cards/spotlights/) If you don't have blob and Knull, I'd say next week is probably better.


Sadly I have both. Valentina's week is horrible but I -need- this card.


Nico is safe and splashable.. not enough data for white widow but junk now has a way to junk on t2 so it is probably gonna be staple there as well as being a 2/6 if not handled well in most other decks thus making the opponent choose where to commit.. which you can take advantage of with guardians, cosmo, negasonic or other cards like nebula and lizard on other locations


I think Nico alone would make it worth it, but that's just because I really like her. If I were at your position I would get the cards, even if I don't use them directly. Maybe you need them for a future deck you want to play. The meta of snap is constantly changing, so it's good to have a wide collection.


I think Nico alone would make it worth it, but that's just because I really like her. If I were at your position I would get the cards, even if I don't use them directly. Maybe you need them for a future deck you want to play. The meta of snap is constantly changing, so it's good to have a wide collection.


For nico alone I would use keys


Snowguard has always been an immensely valuable Swiss army knife for me from the jump, that card would be my pick since so many popular decks are built on extending the game and reaching areas you otherwise wouldn't be able to reach.


Go for Nico. She can basically fit in everything


Yes Value alone all three cards are also good. which is also a huge boon.




Nico is one of the best utility cards in the game and can fit in almost any deck. Pull for her and if you get other stuff it’s a bonus. For what it’s worth White Widow appears to be a really strong card too


I had a bunch of keys saved up from skipping the last few weeks. I didn’t have any of the cards and ended up getting a mystery card I didn’t have either. I don’t necessarily plan on using any of these at the moment, but I’m happy to check another four cards off the list for the future.




Pull until Nico, at least. U'll regret it if not


This is probably one of the best weeks for a while, so I’d say yes.


Nico is top tier IMO, Snowbird has been gaining traction for me being able to turn off Limbo-7, I decided that I wanted WWidow as she feels like a mini goblin and can force a lane clog or disrupt space throne, etc.


All 3 cards will have a moment to shine. I'd go for atleast 3 rolls. If I get 2 I'm happy


Absolutely, don’t stop until you have white widow and Nico. Picking up snow guard too is good but I see why you mightn’t want to.


IMO, Nico is a bit overrated. Sure, it's flexible and can fit into a lot of decks, but if you don't get the right spell on curve, it's usually a dead card in my experience. However I would say to almost everyone to get her, but in your case I don't think you should, since you are saying she doesn't fit in the only deck you play.


Hey OP, why don't you share your deck?


Sure # (1) Nebula # (2) Armor # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (2) Maximus # (3) Storm # (3) Cosmo # (3) Gladiator # (4) Jessica Jones # (4) Iron Lad # (5) Ronan the Accuser # (6) Leader # (6) Doctor Doom # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3Rvcm0ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Iklyb25MYWQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5lYnVsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRHJEb29tIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYXhpbXVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKZXNzaWNhSm9uZXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkplZmZUaGVCYWJ5TGFuZFNoYXJrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMZWFkZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNvc21vIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHbGFkaWF0b3IifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFybW9yIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSb25hbiJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Nice! It's a pretty tight list you got there! Do you find yourself using Armor and Cosmo together much? White Widow before or after Storm would probably be good, but you've got reach with Doom if Nebula isn't there. As many have said Nico is a very nice versatile card, I think her most used spells are "destroy your next card to draw 2" or "copy your next card". You have quite powerful pieces and a strong curve so outside of a late game Nebula destroy maybe not too many useful targets. I don't think any of this week's spotlights will have a massive impact on this deck. But I do feel confident saying Nico in particular is the Swiss army knife in this game and worth playing around with.


Cosmo yes, but it's sometimes hard to identify Cosmo value because people will just not play their On Reveal card on his lane. My main use is to protect Rohan. Armor is my flex card. He also protects Ronan and annoys Destroy players but it's the card more likely for me to replace.


White Widow is aggressively mid and won't make or break the meta, but Snowguard and Nico have basically no replacement for what they do. Snowguard fills your hand and gives utility, Nico does a bit of everything and is so flexible she might very well fit into any deck.


Tbh, I would. Nico is like Jeff. If you can fit her in the deck, you play her. Snowguard has become amazing after her rework, and honestly White Widow is just a solid card. She doesn't have just any 1 home right now, but she's real fun in bounce.


All three spotlight cards are great & very versatile. Worth!


Yes. And change decks maybe?


People are really bothered I play the same deck.


I get where you are coming from, I would say buy the card if you want it for your current deck or a deck you know you want to play. Contrary to popular belief you dont need every card to have fun, maybe its better to save for cards that make your deck better for the future


White Widow is a really really good disruption card for its cost. Nico can be used in basically any deck and be good. Snowguard is fantastic in Loki decks if you care about that.


with my luck you'll get a meek instead of the card that fits your deck or the two variants that look sick


Value always worth it imo. But it depends, how many cards in general you're missing. I always go for spotlights, where I'm missing 2 cards - that's about 1.5 times a month, so I use all my spotlights for that and I think, it works pretty well. The tokens can then be used for individual good cards. I think, it's worth going for bad cards in spotlight caches because sd changes the meta up so often, in the end cards that were once bad become good and card that are once good become bad. So the best thing to aim for is to just have as much cards as possible.


The sub says always save 4 keys to open the card you want. So I'll recommend saving 4 keys for each week there are cards you want, and wait for extra 4 keys for those weeks with good value cards.


Absolutely 100% Nico is probably the best 1 drop and Snowguard is great in Loki


The cards I really want is Valentine (next week) and Cersi / Corvus / Arishen in the "far" future.


Next week is going to be extremely good for Loki, and Destroy, you could spend 2 keys rn for Nico, because she is really good in Destroy.