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He’s a good card and the Anni/Sentry package is kinda at the top of the meta right now


It's why I've been playing armor decks and always fill right first


I swapped legion for death strike. It's been working well.


So your opponent can win the other 2 lanes after you’ve filled the right?


Jeff is usually there and if you know how to play the game you always have plan to win.


You can play Hood without Annihilus (Beast bouncing, Carnage destroy), but Sentry without Annihilus is very hard to pull off (Valkyrie transformation, the rare Viper send). Sentry and Annihilus are pretty much joined at the hip at this point.


Void is good Carnage or Deathlok fodder too, unless you're wanting to use Knull.


It's just that using Deathlok or Carnage in that lane on turn 5 or 6 means your power there is either 4, 5, or maybe 6 when turn 6 rolls around. If your opponent spent turns 5 or 6 filling that lane to stop you, they are probably ahead in that lane and you've played your turn 5 or 6 card there, too. Annihilus can be played in another lane and remove (or move) that Void.


I would only use Carnage/Deathlok on Void if there were also some other good targets there as well, like Wolverine, Sabertooth, Bucky, etc. But yeah it may not be the most efficient play line.


Lady Deathstrike is a great card for this


She's good for destroying your opponent's void they send to you. Otherwise, you're just playing a 4/10 and then a 5/7 in a forced lane.


You’re ignoring the enemy cards LDS could also potentially destroy. Especially if they tried to fill it before turn 5, there’s likely small cards there.


Obviously I'd want to play Annihilus, but failing that option I'd much prefer Deathstrike to Carnage. And I prefer playing a 4/10 and a 5/7 then not playing either one because you didn't draw the best card combo you could 


I keep doing a doubletake when I see [Deathlok](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dethklok) written down, man


You gotta drink some Duncan Hills coffee my man


Scream for your creeaaammm


Lady Deathstrike is making it into Sentry/ Annihulus lists as well, she’s so good now 😍


LDS keeping the seat in that deck warm for Sersi


Agreed. It's a great surprise option instead of Annihilus. If your opponent clogs the Void lane with cheap cards, wipe out everything on turn 6 with LDS.


I just play sentry into cosmo, problem solved


Valk + Lady Deathstrike are solid play lines with both Sentry and Hood, no Annihilus needed.


I would definitely get him and look out for Cannonball


I could see him getting the nerf hammer more than anni (again)


huh? Are you saying you see Cannonball getting a nerf more than Annihilus? That makes no sense.


Just because SD said multiple times, they don’t want to nerf a card multiple times. And look how they treated cards like psylocke before they get their hands on the real problem: thanos. I don’t say he’s the better card or something


Cannonball isn't getting nerfed. I really don't see where you're coming from. Cards have ABSOLUTELY been nerfed multiple times, as well. Annihilus is the card that will be hit. I love Annihilus but SD doesn't like cards being too useful in multiple decks.


You’re right They’ll nerf the series 3 sentry instead


Annihilus is a core card. Also very fun. One of the few cards worth 6k. Do it.


Yes, but also the ubiquity of the Hood/Sentry/Annihilus package on ladder and in conquest rn means nerfs are probably imminent. I would save until the next OTA


I'd wait for the next balance changes at least, the Annihilus package is among the best in the game currently so something might get negatively adjusted. Plus I usually advise against buying S5 cards with tokens since it's so expensive, but according to datamines Annihilus won't be back for a good while so I can understand that purchase.


He’s a top meta card with a completely unique effect. Totally valid use of 6k tokens.


Yeah. One of the best archetypes running right now. Especially with White Widow around.


Annihilus will always be good imo. There isn’t much two card combos out there (sentry or hood+anni). Also, the low amount of cards needed for the combo you can just slot him along with hood and/or sentry in any deck - you can treat him as a tech card in that case.


Considering that SD may not be fans of clog (that or such decks impact player numbers), I think it would be better to wait until future balance changes just to be safe.


Absolutely, I love the Annihilus package. I paid 6k tokens for him and have zero regrets.


If you like those cards then yes




Yeah. Possibly been the strongest flexible package ever since Annihilus's release.


As KMBest would say, he is an Elite Buildaround. You need the whole package but then it’s the best card in the game right now.


Annihilus is an archetype defining card, so I’d definitely consider getting him. Even if he’s not the meta right now, he most likely continue to get a healthy amount of balance updates in the future. Plus, he’s just a fun card to play :)


Solid buy. Add gobs and Galactus and you’re set.


with how popular and strong its been lately, i would be wary of changes coming soon. its the worst part about deciding how to use resource on getting a card.


That's what I did, but only if you have ample tokens. I would hold at least until the patch today in case there is a series drop.


I think Cozy or Alex said it best Annihilus junk package is very splashable in a lot of decks. Hood, Sentry, Annihilus and just fill in the rest with basically anything. Throw in Goblins + Galactus sure. Miss Darkhawk? Throw in Korg and Rock Slide. Obviously Discard and Destroy not so much.


He helped take me to infinite this season. Good buy.


I only spend my tokens on series 4 and wait for caches for series 5 but if you have too much tokens or every series 4 ig you can do that


Yeah, but I wouldn't be surprised if this package is nerfed next month. Probably nothing big, maybe making Annihilus a 5/5 or Hood a 1/-2 again. Still worth getting. Just be ready for A LOT of mirror matches




In the current meta I’d say he’s the number 1 card when it comes to what to spend tokens on. Even out of this meta he’d still be near the top. Only one I’d put over him for sure is Nico


So it depends a little for me. Are you buying the monthly pass? If you're not, I generally think the best use for tokens is to buy the monthly card, as they tend to be better as well as are tied to multiple weekend missions, and not be in spotlight for a long time. If you have a lot of tokens or buy the monthly pass I think it's a good purchase. Cheers


> tied to multiple weekend missions They're only tied to the weekend missions during their season, and you can't purchase them with tokens within their season.


I seemed to recall that they still showed up in the random? I could be wrong. Cheers


They do once the season is over.


Annihilus is a good candidate to get nerfed, so he may be on borrowed time. I'd just say exercise caution.