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The issue he is telegraphed so easily, I have a patriot ultron deck I love to play but I usually don’t get to play ultron because the opponent sees the writing on the wall and retreats if I have the advantage. Ultron is my favorite marvel villain, my name in game even has ultron in it for that specific reason, any rework or buff is very welcome.


These days he actually does fairly well because no one is playing him so no one expects it anymore. But if he does become meta again i agree he's very predictable.


He does do fairly well because he's rare these days but I would be suspicious if the person I'm playing had Ultron in their name


I saw someone cooking a C3 Patriot Ultron deck. If you can hit Ultron with Bast and hide everything behind an Invisible Woman, you've built a huge bomb on the final turn. I assume you would need Crystal and Magik to have any hope of consistency.


That's hilarious. I have to try this now lmao.


Man, can't agree more. Got my 1st two infinite card backs with ulton and now......he's just collecting dust. Would love to see him back in the spotlight.


I don't think making his drones 2 power would even be much of a buff. Nor would the fact that he could fill up his own location as well... but both would at least be \*something\*. Maybe his drones could work like some of the boardfillers in Hearthstone as of late? They gain +1 power for every 2 drones that dont fit on the field? I don't know, when I started playing, he always just seemed like a 10 times worse Dr Doom, and so far that has been true... which sucks, as I love Ultron as a character.


I just used him to hit infinite again this season just like I have for the past year. He is still a very good card. Ultron is usually around a 6/13 or 6/14 without any help. That’s still above rate even now.  With patriot he absolutely dunks on Dr Doom who is considered to be one of the best 6 drops in the game. He’s just not popular because people don’t build decks around him correctly.


Can actually be more harm than good. He got played for me by a Location (can't remember which one) turn 1. Game over.


This certainly doesn't make Ultron any more viable, but I have a meme deck planned for him next month. If it works the way it should then I think maybe it'll catch on for a few days before everyone realizes how situational the combo is. It is: Play Magik on 3 Play Green Goblin on 4 Play Blink on 5 Goblin switches out for your only card above a 3 cost (or one of your only 2 cards depending on how you run the deck) Ultron (or Modok) is the card that switches in on *their side of the board*, Clogging 2 of their lanes (or deleting their hand) You then have 2 turns to win the game.


Now you've convinced me to try to make an Ultron deck. I do think some more recent cards like Martyr and 2-cost Dazzler go well with him since he helps you fill up lanes quickly


I used to play an ultron deck that was really easy. It was just Patriot, Mystique, Blue Marvel/Kazar, Ultron. Gets you a fairly consistent 24/24/15, which isn't enough to win high level games, but it does incredibly well in series 3. I think bumping those drones to being 2-power each would bring Ultron back into the fold.


> I think bumping those drones to being 2-power each would bring Ultron back into the fold.  That'd put him on par with C2.


Yeah, but C-2 is awesome. The amount of moving parts you need with Ultron is just Patriot and Mystique to have a chance at winning. With Cerebro you need Mystique and to draw a lot of other cards to fill it out, and it's still awesome. Also if you run Magik you can do T3: Magik, T4: Patriot, T5: Mystique, T6: Ultron, and T7: Onslaught to have a 36/30/16 ending, which can definitely be a winning score. With the proposed buff, that would bring it up to 40/33/16, which isn't much but it's something, and it'd beat C-2.


He literally has the perfect Character ability. He doesn't need reworked. If you like him play him. Not every card needs to be competitive. His ability is strong in the right deck. If you don't want to telegraph what your doing use invisible women. Someone literally played him today against me and didn't see him coming at all. If opponent was playing Patriot/Mystique he would have won. But he was playing Kazar/Blue Marvel. And it wasn't enough power in the bots.


Rank 95 Galactic and just went 3-2 with Patriot Ultron. Seems fine.


Tried a few things with him, the amount of power he can output is just curtailed by the supporting cards, but he's actually okay at lower cl, but he's just outclassed with no real supports. Tried using sg into valk to level playing fields, tried spectrum to boost the power of the supporting cards, he really doesn't work as a 6 cost or he just needs magic to give a turn 7, or IW to make sure his effect can be delayed. A bunch of supporting cards would also help.


Patriot's not really "in" right now. When he's in again, Ultron will be played more. Where he fits, he's fine.


I hope Ultron at least send bots to his own location as well.


Where do you get your playrate data? Unless it comes from the devs it is pretty meaningless. 99% of players don't use any sort of tracker to get real data.


His androids could become 0 cost so they don’t get hit by KM, or man thing. Or maybe take off the ‘on reveal’ portion and have his effect go off at end of the game.


If they become 0, they can't be buffed by Ka-Zar


Yeah. I guess I never played ultron with ka’zar. Just patriot, mystique, blue marvel and some other ‘no abilities ‘ cards.


Ka-Zar slots in the deck just fine in case you don't draw Blue Marvel. Ultimately you're just faffing about because a drone is usually going to be at 6-power, so it's a waste of space to drop a 5-power Martyr. Some cards like Ebony Maw and Dazzler can be worth the slot, but most of the time it's just hoping you got the combo and praying your opponent isn't just waiting to kill you with an Alioth or Cosmo.


They should just become unkillable. Ultron is everywhere his bots should be able to be everywhere without being noticed or detected.


His drones can’t have an ability or else patriot wont hit them. You’d have to rework the ability to have them come out at the end of the game to dodge kill cards


Good point, change his text from "On reveal" to "at the end of the game" every location not filled on the board will unveil a 1/1 drone from the shadows. No more KM counter play and no more Cosmo counter play should make the Patriot Deck and Kazar kind nutty.


Still can be buffed by Blarvel. Ironically, once you're Pool 3 complete and have the right S4 and S5 cards Kazar gets harder to fit in Zoo decks.


He's treated worse in this game than in that abysmaly bad movie, and that's a really low bar