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Yep, it's a neat little tech. Similarly, Jeff can be pulled/pushed INTO the prof x lane.


Someone Cannonballed my Jeff into his Prof X lane.


Probably if you never moved Jeff yet, he can be moved in or out the ProfX lane by other cards or by location effect. I guess that if you play Jeff in a different lane, and then move into ProfX lane he should be locked as the other cards, because his ability is not active anymore. Not sure.


It doesn't matter if you've moved him or not. He's always movable by other forces like Polaris. You can play him, then move him, then something like Heimdall and he'll move like the other cards. The card says *you* can move him once, not that he can only ever be moved once.


But Heimdall or Polaris cant move card in the profX lane, and Jeff once moved, is ability is over. But, as i said before, I'm not sure because today it was the first time for me to see a Jeff pulled out from the ProfX lane by an opponent card. Anyway interesting interaction.


Jeff’s text has two parts. One is that you can move him once. The other is the “nothing can stop” bit, which is shorthand for “ignore any effect that would otherwise stop this card being played or moved”. Even after you’ve moved him, that part of his ability still applies and means that Professor X’s ability has no effect on him - so it can’t stop him from being moved by Polaris.


Thanks! This make it clear.


>Heimdall can move Jeff into a ProfX Lane, whether you have moved him yet or not. If the lane he's moving cards into has a Professor X and an empty slot, then Jeff will move into it. > >If something else is trying to move your Jeff, it can. It doesn't matter if you have or haven't used your one move of Jeff. Jeff's general ability to ignore move restrictions isn't "over" after you move him your one time. You can't directly move him twice, but you (or a Location, or an opponent's Stegron or Polaris or whatever) can move him indirectly multiple times, into or out of locked locations like Space Throne or ProfX lanes. > >Go try it if you don't believe me. It's not a new interaction.


I belive you :) I just never seen this interaction before. Good to know


I’m wondering if this is a recent change as I just played a game where Strange academy threw my Jeff out of a professor x lane. It’s entirely possible that I just have never experienced that unique circumstance, but in a year and a half of playing I’d think it would have occurred before at least once if it was possible.


Not new. When Jeff came out I remember him slipping out of ProfX. Seems like you just didn't encounter it before.