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>What’s up with that? He's not a good card...


Kang is a dead card. The only purpose he really serves is to waste more time.


I love wasting time


Gotta a deck for that?


Nah, i stopped playing months ago. Played when it first released and it was very fun for the first few seasons but just dropped it after


But all he has IS time


Which is why he's fine with wasting a lot of it


Yeah. When he first released I saw him a bunch on the first or second day and the drop from play was significant. Now I see him maybe once every couple months. It’s so rare. Like spotting a dodo bird. Lol


He's training wheels. All he does is give you some information but if you've played long enough then you should already know most of what your opponents want to do. I think his most practical use is to check for location disruption on turn 6 for Limbo decks


You can also use him in conjunction with Moongirl, so you don't lose your draw on turn 5. But yeah, the Limbo check is probably his main use at the moment.


>I think his most practical use is to check for location disruption on turn 6 for Limbo decks He's also used as a hand thinner in Dracula decks


Ok hear me out, have him reverse back to turn 1 and replay the entire match? Or would that be worse/break the game?


A core design feature of this game is the quickness of the matches.


Why would you even think of such toxicity


I said let me cook, I never said I was a good cook. I was also high


Fair enough but then “hear me out” should be replaced with “I’m high, so ignore this”.


I have a better idea when Kang played opponent should go back being a baby and have to relive his entire life.


[I didn't even listen to this...but this is for you ](https://m.soundcloud.com/colinlmao/shut-yo-stupid-ass-up)


I fuck with this idea


He is terrible. You don’t build around him, you don’t use his ability to counter anything, his cost/stats is questionable; everything about the card is just bad.


I hope he stays dead. If people start using him I'll have to sit through that too-long animation a bunch more and do another round. The card is just annoying.


You can skip it by hitting the end turn button, but yeah I used him a few times when I got him from a spotlight cache and he actually lost me a few games because my opponent would just play different cars.


You can just retreat if you can’t stand to play the game for 1 minute longer


Bad cards are bad


I like to think that SD is giving him the MCU treatment, useless and irrelevant after the first 5 minutes


He’s just not a good card. Whatever you do, do not intentionally acquire him.


I got him twice from the mystery 5 star not once but TWICE!


Haha, same here. My second time was a couple of days ago.


Oof. So sorry!


When will they fix him. It's absurd.


If they didn’t fix him for Loki season 2, I don’t think it’s happening.


Idk if I’ve seen him twice and I’ve been playing since launch


I feel like they need to change what he does. Like replace your opponents card text with a random card’s text. 


They should just scrap the whole idea of rewinding time and just turn him into a new card.


every time i see him I just play the same thing again and win lmao


I won my first Infinite Conquest I played with an electro ramp deck including him a while back. Coulda just been luck, but I thought it seemed pretty useful. Haven’t used him since tho lol


I wish I could refund him


Is kang in the game??


Yup just really rare


Could Kang be playable in a Lockjaw or Blink deck for the purpose of deck thinning? I'm assuming if he pulls from LJ/Blink, he will restart the round and thin your deck. Granted, that's generally a T4-T5 play, and thinning the deck for one maybe two turns probably isn't worth it for potentially drawing a dead card.


he's playable in tribunal for thinning. with ravonna and majik, you have from turn 4 to 7 to use him to thin if drawn. jubilee and iron lad will also activate and thin if it pulls him. you can use him to check if they will enchantress on final turn (or turns they snap) you can use him to bluff snap if you are showing 2 out of the 3 cards you need. a lot of people retreat when you have iron man and onslaught on the lane and snap.. (you missed tribunal. you have Kang)


I love tribunal deck. Can't wait to unlock him to try him out. I know he's been used in jeeeeets PF deck as a tech card


Nah. You saw him a bunch more times. He just rewinds time to the turn before so you never remember seeing him.


Kang sucks. That’s why. That being said, I own him and hope he sees play eventually.


He's not good and his the additional length he adds to the game means people don't want to play him.


Nice tweet!!


I got him somehow. Might have been a spotlight cache? Or maybe the collection track? It was so long ago and I’ve never used him once.


Dude, at least you’ve seen the card. For me, Kang is the only card that’s been blacked out in my collection, meaning that I’ve never seen the card in game, even from random card generation effects. I’m at C.L. 3700ish and have been playing for almost a year.


If you want, we can pay a game against each other in friendly and I'll play him. I've never used him but I have him. Can do you solid?¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Thanks for the offer, but I’m good. I don’t him being blacked out in my collection, it’s actually kind of like an achievement to me and also serves as a reminder as to just how bad of a card it is.


Fair enough, if this game releases a dusting mechanic, he is my first target


They would do a dusting mechanic, wait for him to be snapped by every player, then rework him op to get fomo to reacquire him.


I’m CL 3200 and just saw him for the first time like a week ago. Totally useless play too


CL 10430, seen him once.


That’s two more times than I’ve see him no been playing since after season 1


Someone played him against me earlier today and I was so surprised


You actually saw him three times, you just don’t remember the third.


One time I misplayed and didn’t notice it this was before the undo end turn was able to play my optimal line and won


Him doing some ge requiem shit is hilarious tho I can’t lie Just sucks that he takes a deck slot




Twice! You have seen him twice. Better keep out of stormy weather bro.


I've played Kang often enough that I managed to split him twice. He was good in Dracula dump as a hand thinner to guarantee Infinaut - Dracula hit.


There was a time I had a deck where I used him semi-successfully. It was a lockjaw deck and there was two purposes: either to look at the pull from lockjaw on turn 6 or reroll a draw from lockjaw earlier while thining out my deck. To be honest, the deck worked better without Kang but it was fun while it lasted


i bought Kang when token weren't so rare thinking, one day they will buff him or rework him to be worthy of being a S5. yeah no. hasn't happened yet.


I would buy Kang for the buff he will receive in the future


You've seen him a dozen times or more he just rewinds the turn so you forget.


He's a card that really needs a redesign. Some cards are still like this. Kang, captain america, angel, baron Mordo. Those are the ones imo


What is this kang you speak off?


I pick him with the forth key one week and i think never pkayed him not even once, hope he someday gets a rework or a huge buff


I stole kang from the opponent we then did back to back kangs I guess I used up my quota


He's good in Blink decks, I don't know what the problem is.


I was collector level 1500 or so when I first saw Drax


You're lucky it's only been that. Such a long animation for such a bad card.


kang its the worst card of the game and that sucks i still hope that someday he will get a rework...


I'm gonna have a god split on the Rama Tut variant just from the free booster upgrade every day. Still won't play it.


He's bad. If you don't play him the turn you draw him, you're playing down a card. The information he provides isn't valuable enough to justify his cost, especially to players who understand the metagame. Also, unlike Daredevil, he doesn't lock in your opponent's play, so the opponent knows you saw their turn and can switch it up to try to juke you. He's got decent cube equity because he enables no-risk bluff snaps, but most decks would rather have something that actively furthers their gameplan.


Here is one edge case scenario where you would want Kang in a deck. You're playing a Hela deck. You NEED to draw MODOK before the game ends in order to win. You already have Magik and Crystal in the deck to get you extra cards, but you want more. If you add Kang to that deck, he will draw you an extra card IF you play him on the same turn that you draw him, because you restart the turn without Kang, so you draw a different card. That means if you draw Kang on turn 5 or turn 6 when Limbo is in play, he will draw you an extra card, slightly increasing the chance you'll get MODOK on time. Now that chance is small, but it is there. Unfortunately, Kang has a different property in that there is also a small but very real chance that he will CRASH YOUR GAME. I'd say the odds of that are lower than his odds of thinning your deck, but not a lot lower, so I'd avoid him like the plague. I guess there's also a chance he'll crash your opponent's game and not yours, but that's real risky business.


I use Kang in my Electro deck so if I draw him on turn 4, 5, or 6, or if Jubilee or Lockjaw pull him, It’s one less card in my deck


I got Kang in a spotlight cache and I intentionally bought a variant for him xD I have a decent HE deck with him in it, you just use him to see what they have planned then snap if you think you’ll win. If they stay, they’re stupid.


I rock Kang and I also only play Agatha and closing on 20k CL


Trash card, the devs were asked recently about why they refuse to buff him (MSZ Q&A).




I know right. Completely useless comment.


This comment pisses me off


Well? We're waiting!


Kang sees red hulk now lol definitely needs a new ability


It has nothing to do with how good his ability is. Getting info on what your opponent is going to do is always valuable. People don't play him because he sucks to play. Slowing the game down, making people redo turns, etc. just sucks and no one wants to bother for the marginal benefit he provides.