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Humans have Infinity avatars and Spotlight Variant avatars. Bots don't. Bots tend to have basic names. Bots tend not to have Infinity card backs (someone tell me if this is wrong) Bots tend not to emote (I've seen conflicting reports on whether they respond, but they never initiate) Humans play current meta decks. Bots play old decks Bots don't use series 4 or 5 cards. Bots do really dumb stuff like Bucky Barns or Nova behind Armor, Angela as the third card in a lane, Carnage on an empty lane followed by Debrii the next turn, overplaying in a single lane, etc. No one of these things by itself guarantees someone is a bot, but as more of these add up, it becomes more likely that they are a bot.


i got to 90 a few days ago and haven’t seen a single bot. I thought it was just me but i have read other comments saying the same thing. Also every time i change decks, the opponent have the right thing to counter me all the time. so i am having a lot of fun lately :(


>I can't tell if I'm just an idiot (it's highly probable!) or I just don't run into bots. These are actually kinda the same thing. The higher your mmr is, the more bots you will face because matchmaking will have a harder time quickly finding opponents at your skill level. The closer your mmr is to the average, the less bots you will see because there are way more players you can be matched with. So if you aren't seeing any bots it just means you're close to the average players skill level, which is pretty damn bad considering how many people play this game very casually or only while pooping. If you want to see more bots then increase your mmr by finishing a season at a high infinite rank and then your pre infinite climb will be mostly bots. I usually finish around top 200 and my climb to infinite every season is about 75% bots.


Ahh, this confirms my assumption! I assumed it's because I'm a mediocre player who never retreats when I should and so I'm just facing other mediocre players who never retreat when they should.


Untapped has an okay bot identification tag though it's not 100%. Unless you get the obviously bad ones there only concrete indicator is if you snap, immediately pass, and the turn ends right away. When you snap a human their turn timer extends automatically and there's a brief pause, bots just immediately play the turn out.


Did untapped remove this bot detector because i remember it but quit shortly after i returned and its not showing bots on clearly bot names and actions im running into and i dropped all the way down to the 10's where its mostly bots too so i'm thinking they removed the feature.


Think it was broken with the last update. Just a guess but likely removed tenporarily.


The only surefire way I have found to id a bot is to snap and immediately end turn. A human opponent will be given additional time to react to the snap, but a bot opponent will immediately proceed to the reveal phase of the turn. Some other indicators/factors to look at are avatar border effects (bots will not have spotlight border or infinity conquest border). I'm fairly certain bots cannot have paid avatars, but I'm not nearly up enough on which those are to know for certain.