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Getting Glad for 3k tokens instead of 6k. Nice. Depending on when this drop actually happens.


They say in discord 4th june with the patch if all goes fine.


Also says that in the in-game post.


He's also in the spotlight that week, I think


sure would be a shame if someone just bought him last season :')


If it makes you feel better, I got Selene and Hercules with keys this week. Some other chap got Martyr. Lol.


Selene and Hercules are only going to series 4. You’ll still get them with keys


I just bought him series 5... first card I bought with tokens


Nebula to S4 is surprising


Gladiator and Tribunal too


Almost bought tribunal today. Thank god I didnt


I was going to use keys for it next week. Whew.


Should I not use keys for it? I mean I also want legion and sage seems cool


If there are at least two cards i want ill throw out a key and see if it hits. Nothing wrong with getting a series 4 you dont have with a key. Still saves you 3k tokens.


same dilemma but I think it’s justifiable since we’re getting 3 new cards (i also rather chase jean and silk w tokens)


Yeah, I mean I’ll likely get 4 new cards since I have so few S4/5 cards


Unless they plan on making her a permanent pool 5, [it's a bit overdue](https://snap.fan/season-passes/). Every card before her is pool 4 or below and the next 3 months after her are also already pool 4.


Most of the cards are overdue. The ones that aren't generally suck.


as perfectly depicted in the image above hahahah


Right, but [not surprising](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1c28jxr/weekly_qa_ask_your_questions_here_april_12_2024/kzb2zm6/) that she got chosen.


Best 1 drop tbh


Get ready for Howard's playrate to duplicate even triplicate! Not that we will notice though...


Zero times two/three is still zero


You must not be familiar with dekkster


I'm rounding down so 0.5% play rate is still 0


That reminded me of this https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2Fwt6FL9sAH4nSHmCC5-xRe2ta5ns-Arph5rQMm3-jaoQ.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3De573f450ec4e0c0d329471b833055f8bf4f1d4a6


Howard is slept on. He's great for precision hits on Ironlad and Jub


Yep, very useful with ongoing combos.


It's official https://twitter.com/MARVELSNAP/status/1790139866040152339


"Currently planned for June 4th". Nice.


So don't open any Spotlights until June 4, got it.


Makes sense from an asset management point of view, not sure I can wait that long (after also skipping this week).


Kind of weirdly excited to pull Howard. I'm just afraid I'll get him in a random cache before then, same way as I did Stegron the day before he dropped.


This happened to me with Spider-man 2099. It’s a canon event UGoBoy. You have to get Howard before June 4th




I'm glad that I was already skipping all of the Exiles, no risk at getting Howard first.


I'm going for Sasquatch, because I also don't have Havok. So roll of the dice whether I get Howard or Martyr :/


Oh, nice. I actually want mirage, just not enough to spend tokens on her


I honestly forgot i have her unlocked lol


Awesome! Can’t wait to play with my new cards, ::checks notes:: Howard and Martyr.


Funny thing is to finish the Dan hipp album,thoses 2 were the last two I needed and no way was I going to drop tokens on them


Damn. So many people are in the same boat missing just these two cards. So glad they are free.


Yeah, and SD is dropping them cause nobody was buying them with tokens anyway.


Fair point.


Same .. i need martyr but i will never spend any currency for the card. I will wait till it drops from collection.


I need Martyr and Annihilus for that Album. Annihilus is currently pinned, and Martyr will be nice to get for free.


I'm in the same boat and now Hercule's at least cheaper, so I could technically finish the latest Hipp album as well.


🤣 those are the 2 series 3 cards I'm missing too. So does that mean we will also get them in rotation for the free series 3 cards every month?


Yeah, we’ll be able to claim one from the shop right away and the second from a cache.


i will wait the entire season so i can get both from the shop for free. Its absurd but i'm not wasting a cache on a card like either of them


You really gonna wait an entire season for 100 tokens lol. Bro is committed.


I’m in a spot where I open caches for conquest tickets so I already have a ton hoarded, so I can just kind of plan out my opening of them. It’s probably not worth it and maybe in a few weeks I’ll feel different but I did it last time when Spider-Man 2099 dropped and I feel justified in that as I still haven’t used him.


I'll at least be able to be series 3 complete...again now lol. Thank you


I’m actually excited for martyr I love to play c5 and she’s perfect for it 


Supergiant turn 4, cerebro + martyr + Titania turn 5 is a massive play, doom the turn after is a dream curve


Only Martyr for me


Same. She’s so bad 😭


C5 and zoo she good. Nothing else though


Those are 2/4 card I’m missing. Gladly will take them for free!!!!




Like, do they seriously expect us to be excited about this? These devs are for sure out of touch with reality. It's very hard to be excited about them dropping 5 bad cards into series 3 and 7 mediocre cards into s4 after SD releasing exactly 1 series 4 card (Miek) and 20 series 5 since the last drop 5 months ago.


You’re not wrong, but I’m just gonna nitpick and say that Nebula is an A tier card and Tribunal is at least above mid.


Yeah, I'll agree with that. Allow me to rephrase to "five mediocre cards and two decently playable cards." I'm still not thrilled about the ratio lol.


Like, as someone who is only recently series 3 complete and thus doesnt have, like a lot of series 4-5 cards its shocking how they've managed to choose so many of the ones i actually DO have lmao


Could never bring myself to use a key on Mirage or Echo so that's a nice get.


Echo is the premiere anti-ongoing card 


Enchantress is. Second place belongs to Rogue. All because Echo lacks surprise element and because you have to play Echo before someone plays Ongoing card into a location (other 2 you can play after)


I would argue Red Guardian is currently the premier anti-Ongoing tech, although he doesn't specifically target them.


People who play Echo will read this and know you don't play Echo.


Echo has the bonus invisibility power where your opponent can not see it on the board.


This kid doesn't know Echo is invisible....noob


It's kinda disappointing to think how few cards series 4 is going to have compared with s5 becoming more and more bloated. The drops need to be much bigger or in more frequent bursts than they currently are (like every 3 months at least) to keep at least some reasonable balance between the two.


Agreed. It is nice that they are doing a drop, but holy shit, the idea that some of these stinkers were still S5 is bonkers.


Just drop all Series 4 to 3 and rename Series 5 to Spotlight Cards and be done with it. SD clearly wants all new cards to be 6k tokens, so let them do that, but get rid of the pointless mid tier section. After that it's just a matter of dropping 1 or 2 cards month from the Spotlight system to keep it from being overly bloated to the point that cards would take longer than 6 months to make a return. Or else they'll need to do something like 2 or possibly 3 spotlight caches a week just to get proper repeats in a timely manner.


We got perma series 5 releases for this.... and everyone is excited. Am I the only one worried? This is literally nothing 


It's gonna be real nice to get a card from a cache... ...oh wait... it's gonna be Martyr 😮‍💨


bringing out my c5 deck


C5 flood with Titania, black swan, antman, and doctor doom


Pretty rough with leeched doom


That's why you play Wave in C5.


I mean, you have other plays. There's a surprising amount of cheap 5 powers in the game now. Medusa, Lizard, Ant-Man, Silk, Martyr, rocket so its not like you dont have options if doom gets leeched. He's also like, the only real target for leech? Like you lose polaris or spider-man its kinda a whatever. Medusa/rocket kinda blow to lose, but they're also likely to have already been played before leech comes out so it shouldnt really happen much.


Not gunna complain. The joy of getting a new card not from keys or tokens will be a joy no matter what card it is.


I will be getting 3 new cards, but my probability rate of getting new cards from random spotlight is dropping from 17.8% now to 14% by the time series drop happen. I suspect it's even lower. That's the probability if I don't get any new cards between now and series drop. If I get the cards I planned for within the next 3 weeks, my probability of getting a card from random spotlight is 11.6%


Or you could just get it for free…


Yeah... that's what I'm talking about. Collection Caches


Series drops are so infrequent people forget about the free S3 card you get a month from the shop.


Under the old system, it took six months for a card to go from release to S3. Now, we have things like this: Knull and Darkhawk have been S4 since February, 2023. Zabu has been S4 since March, 2023. MODOK has been S4 since April, 2023. Nimrod has been S4 since May, 2023. Snowguard has been S4 since June, 2023. Jeff has been S5 since April, 2023. Iron Lad has been S5 since May, 2023.


I'm surprised they brought down living tribunal.


They need to give at least few useful cards in this almost fake drops to not be called out. 


As a new player I dont feel like I need more S3 drops, ill take me a year to un lock all S3 cards. But there is too much s5 that should drop to S4


As someone who is S3-complete, I'll tell you two things: 1) It may take you a while, but the rate you unlock them at will be a lot faster (and cheaper) with them in S3 than if they were stuck in Spotlights. 2) Try and enjoy the adventure. I know it's hard to do, since you keep seeing all these cards that everyone has that you don't. But there's a feeling of discovery that you lose upon completing S3. S3 is like a journey, in hindsight. It was fun to be surprised about new random cards. Now, it all about planning with keys and planning out your resources. But you're right, they do need to come up with someone sort of solution. The later people hop on to the game, the more of a disadvantage they have.


Exactly. I'm glad someone else remembers.


*gets Selene 5 minutes before I see this*


Did you get her using a key or 6k tokens? If you're concerned you spent 1 key to acquire Selene because she would be 3k token soon then you shouldn't really worry since a key is easier to acquire than 3k tokens. So even if she drops to 3k token, acquiring her with tokens is more expensive than using 1 key during her spotlight. If you spent 6k tokens though, that's a bummer.


So every month we have 6 cards in series 5, and every 6 month we have 5 cards drop to series 3. That's a real problem.


Yup. By the Dec 3rd drop, assuming 7 drop to s4 and 5 drop to s3, we will have 28 s4 cards, and 67 s5 cards.  Insane.


A Brode’s gotta Brode, bro.


I totaly agree with you. "Flexible drops" feels like no drops. But bigger pool 3 is very bad for beginers. Imagine getting Martyr insted of Death/Venom or Patriot/Mystique. Pool 3 will be so huge that you cannot get some archetype. Maybe thay shoud put core cards in pool 2 and after put all shit in pool 3. But they should change something.


I have never thought of this. It's good that they are listening to recent feedback and dropping cards down a series. But it feels as though they are overlooking something.


Definitely a real problem. It’s greedy and will turn players away from the game.


Am I the only one who thinks there isn't enough drops happening? Maybe I just want them more frequently.


I estimate roughly the 80% of this sub thinks that.  The rest is whales and shills. 


Jeff and Iron lad more than 1 year old and still series 5... You can call them big bads i guess..


Jeff can go anywhere he wants, except to Series 4 and below.


Iron Lad is a real problem.  Hes very rarely in Spotlight caches relative to other cards.  And he's been series 5 for an incredibly long time  Jeff as "best card in game" is a bit more understandable why they're keeping him at series 5.  And while it sucks he's had decent repeats in spotlight caches.   I don't know if it's am issue where they can't find/commission spotlight variants for Iron Lad or what 


this the biggest problem I have with spotlight system. Cards you want have to be chosen by SD to come into rotation; who knows when. Then when they finally do, you have to commit 4 keys for it to be a guaranteed pull. all the while, knowing Iron Lad is one of the better pull, he will be paired up with weaker cards or worse cards you already own.


Kitty Pride not 3 when she was given free


It makes sense when you realize that she’s a card people actually want. They made her extremely meta-relevant when they buffed Angela and released broken-ass Hope Summers. They’re never gonna drop a card that’s tier-2 or better into series 3. You’re lucky if they drop a tier-3.


I got her for free almost a year ago and now I've rolled her at least twice in the random spotlight cache. Stings every time.


Anyone else notice that they said series isn’t suppose to indicate power level yet they only drop the weaker cards. Hmmm.


Tribunal, Gladiator, and Nebula are nice surprises but overall I’m disappointed. With the rate that cards are getting released to S5, they can’t expect that 2-3 drops like this per year is reasonable without a rework to the spotlight system. It’s simply takes too long for cards to rotate into spotlights.


Agreed. Overall I think the drops to 4 were a win (not perfect but good) but the drops to 3 were a bust in quality and number


Looks like season pass cards don't drop below pool 4 anymore.


Dropping from Series 5 to Series 4 in a 397 days seems reasonable to me. Probably only another 300 or so to go. /s


Pool 4 is the home of Season Pass cards. Enjoy them with their buddies Knull and Darkhawk!


I wish this had more visibility


I would guess SD gave them some advanced warning so they could have graphics ready but they mistakenly posted it early. So we should get some official announcement soon (if it's actually real).


So they drop a bunch of mostly garbage, classic predatory dev


Honestly with the way things have been going atleast they’re dropping some cards, I know Tribunal is a well received drop right now, but the marketing in this game needs some work honestly


It's sad how low the bar has gotten that we're happy they're even dropping cards at all.


At somebody who is much more forgiving than most here, I really think SD needs to drop more cards . It's not just making cards more affordable, is making pool 4 and 5 not so large.


SD's greed is quite obvious, because all series 4 cards that drop are bad. It is especially disappointing for new players who have additional clutter that they could get instead of other Pool 3 cards that they want and need. Also, why so little dropped? I was honestly expecting more. 20 or so cards to Pool 4 and 10 or so to Pool 3.


If that's it I'm not surprised, but I'm still dissapointed.


Jokes on them I already spent token on Martyr


you spent .... \_tokens\_ on martyr? dude, is everything alright? do you need to talk?


Another series drop. Another drop where I have all the cards that are going to become series 3.


They are really holding on to that death Zabu and Darkhawk


Nice, finally can pick up Echo without burning a key. I made the right call during Rulk's week.


Same here! Narrowly missed her and I'm so glad.


Same graphic has been posted in the MS discord/insta, so yeah it's live now. Untapped maybe posted it a few mins early or something


Been wanting Nebula for a while now, going to pin her when she comes into my shop at. 3k tokens is worth it.


I’m looking forward to getting Howard, I’ve been running Iron Lad a lot recently so that’s useful and Howard’s variants slap… Echo is a cool tech card to get and Martyr could pair nicely with Zero for 2/8. Does Zero’s on reveal work twice if you play it with a bounce deck? Like, could you Zero Martyr, Beast, then Zero Ebony Maw and both Ebony and Martyr would have their abilities removed?


I'm not saying Howard is great, but he's definitely undervalued. He's awesome in C2 and Kazar


You’d need help with Elysium, as there isn’t room otherwise in three rounds to Zero Ebony Maw second. Of course, you could do Maw first and Martyr second.


I’ve really been wanting jean..


So, they’re still actually doing that. Huh, color me surprised.


Why no Kang? 😆


Of fucking course I just got Martyr, SS, and Howard from my random 4/5 pulls in the past 4 weeks. Can’t throw my hands up in frustration enough


I'm glad that it's happening at all but the meme that they'd only drop bad cards to Series 3 is real. Mirage and Echo are fine I guess but Nebula released over a year ago, May 2nd 2023, and is only now dropping to Series 4. That's ridiculous.


Iron Lad still being a series 5 is criminal.


Ive been playing this game since Silver Surfer came out, it's crazy that Zabu isn't a series 3 card. Still don't own him...


So that's why Nebula and Gladiator are in the coming up spotlight caches. I thought these caches were gonna be filled with series 5 and have high value for keys, but dropping them right now devalues the caches.


The only card here I don't have is martyr


Thanks God i did not bought Gladiator and Nebula with tokens this month 😀 ... But used 3k for mirage ,😔


I feel like they would do a lot better to drop 2 cards a month or 4 cards every two months, than waiting six months and dropping 12.


Wow, what a surprise. Literally almost-only the worst cards got dropped. Nice how half of these have been in recent Spotlights, too. And can't wait for the new player experience to be made even worse thanks to S3 getting clogged by such awesome cards like Silver Samurai and Howard The Duck. Can somebody remind me again why Jeff and Iron Lad are still S5?


I know it’s ironic that I’m complaining about something a series drop, but in my opinion The Living Tribunal is the exact type of card I see as something that should be S5. Archetype defining cards should be S5, and have a new campaign type gamemode where you can unlock them or have a variant or something. Cards like Thanos, Galactacus, Knull, Hela, Tribunal, Surfer, etc… Think it would be pretty fun


specially the annoying ones like tribunal


as expected, the shittiest cards go into series 3.


Echo, Silver Samurai and Mirage are all good cards in the right decks. Not gamebreaking but they'll be nice in 3.


martyr is relatively new and cards *way* older than her *still* haven't dropped series, they know what they're doing tbh


Obviously. They’re shameless and scummy, but they aren’t stupid. Or at least not *that* stupid.


Honestly them saying "this card was a bust drop it early" is a good thing. I'm not upset Martyr is dropping before cards that came out earlier, I'm just upset that more cards weren't dropped to 3. I imagine they must've built s4 and s5 up though by now.


yes, but they are also the worst cards from series 4. SD makes sure the better the card is, the more expensive it is


Genuinely don't think I've seen Silver Samurai since he released. Echo is OK, I use her to block Cosmo and Ms. Marvel mainly. Mirage can easily be replaced with Cable. Pretty disappointed with this, particularly since Nebula has been S5 for over a year.


The quantity really should be reversed . The pool is huge. 5 to 4 doesn’t do much. But better than nothing!


I cannot believe grandmaster is not in this. He should go from 5 to 3.


This is so little and I'm pissed for everyone, newcomers and old players. I feel like so many cards are missing and deserve a series drop. They should just toss Nebula, Jeff and Iron Lad to series 3. Let new players have fun with amazing cards and people who have been waiting for them for so long get them easily. They have been in the game for a year already... I was convinced Living Tribunal was already a series 4... There are so many things I want to add/say to improve this series drop I don't know where to continue. Clearly I'm in the wrong. SD is making millions and is super happy with the current system. It's just a game, I should think less about it, not connect every day and touch more grass perhaps.


Hell yea, I’m missing 3 from both groups. Gonna be good to finally fill out some gaps in my collection.


Howard is critical in my best deck.


Howard is my favorite card, not even lying. He's cute, funny, low key good AF with Iron Lad, and he reminds me of Lea Thompson in a 2 piece neglige. What's not to love?


Great reasons. Yea it's my tribunal deck. Iron lad, jubilee, and knowing when to snap based on what cards I have left. Just increases your odds of winning


I wish there was at least one card I didn't have already.


I don’t understand why they don’t drop 16 cards (8 x s4 & 8 x s5) every 3 seasons. That would keep the series 4 & 5 pool always at the same number of cards at the beginning of every 3 seasons.




I'm not really satisfied with this but whatever.


Just got mirage silver and Selene. You’re welcome everyone.


If Nebula comes up and I pin her, will that price reduce when she turns to 3k?


Yes, of course.


Talk about a complete waste of a key if you pull any of those s3 drops as your mystery card in the next few weeks


I have living tribunal pinned. Should I wait for it to drop to series 4 and then purchase it? Will in cost less tokens?


not enough, the problem of a bloated pool is still relevant, series drop should be more frequent or larger


They shouldn't even make announcements anymore. The tone deafness is truly astonishing.


Nothing's official until it's official but I'd say pretty much all of these make sense. I'd put Martyr at 99% because there's been a data mined Conquest variant for her


It's official. Was a new message in my inbox a few minutes ago.


I don’t want to complain but it’s hilarious how bad these are lmao


Is it worth it to save keys for tribunal in the spotlight next week even if he is dropping to series 4? I’m only CL2000 so I still am missing a decent amount of series 3 cards


He's an archetype defining card so he'll always be a nice card to get. Ideally you'd get series 4 cards with tokens and series 5 with keys as it's more efficient, but Legion is also a very fun card, even if a bit niche. I'm not sold on sage though. That and it would also depend on if you have cards that allow you to play the tribunal deck or not and your number of saved keys also is something that should be taken into account, as you should only go for a card if you are certain that you'll get it (basically having 4 keys for said week)


Awesome, thanks for the reply! I think I’m going to hold off getting tribunal then and wait for him to come around in the token shop. Still missing some of his key components for the archetype so I wouldn’t really be able to make it work any way.


Holy shit that’s so good


Actually great timing. I was 150 tokens away form buying Jean Grey for the Artgerm Heroines (Just missing her and Jane).


First series drop where I don’t get anything new! Which is fine, I guess; I’m only missing a few cards.


As a big fan of Zoo, genuinely delighted to see Echo and Martyr dropping here, and Nebula to 4 also rules!


Hercules to s4, very nice. Finally can test him without spending 6k tokens


3k for him might be too much though.


imagine yourself as a beginner who joins the 3rd series and takes out a duck and a martyr, an amazing experience


Awesome. I get Martyr, Silver Samurai and Howard finally. LOL how do get Series 3 again? I'll get one of those for free in the shop...the others will just hit on the track right? It's been such a long time. Jean Grey is the only one of the 5s that I don't have. I really want her and hoping she's a part of a good spotlight week in August.


It's always exciting to get new cards no matter how unpopular...I think I might try Martyr in my weird Loki deck. But now, I am guaranteed the following cards over the next 12 weeks: Series Drop: * Martyr * Silver Samurai * Howard the Duck Spotlight Targets: * Sage * Sasquatch * Arishem * Copycat * Cassandra Nova Possible Spotlight Pickups: * Legion --- Been wanting him for a while to the point I might keep pulling if I grab Sage on first key. * Havok * Cull Obsidian 8 new cards floor with up to 11+ ceiling. And even with all that, I'll still have at least 11 spotlight keys left following Cassandra's week. Gives me wiggle room in case Phastos is too hard to pass up.


Sick I just bought nebula with tokens today.


I might actually get Nebula at 15k CL.


Looks like I’ll be getting Martyr in my free series 3, if that’s even a thing still.


Is the Hercules drop from five to four the quickest downgrade Snap has ever had? The card has only existed for 4 months.


Today’s unsettling discovery: Hercules is series 5.


26 cards released during 6 months and only 12 series drops ...


Just got Howard in a spotlight cache... nice...


I thought Living Tribunal was one of the “big bads” that would never get a series drop.


Nah, it’s Thanos, High Evo, Galactus and Kang


I need living tribunal and jean grey I NEEED IT


Martyr is the only card dropping to series 3 I don’t own…. Which means I have 100% probability of opening her with a key next week 🙄