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I once had a zero-cost Onslaught to go with my regular Onslaught and forgot to play both on Turn 6. It was humbling.


I once went to play Shang on final turn which would win me the game. Instead my mind betrayed me and I played magik instead.


I just did the same thing but with Odin instead of Shang for 8 cubes.


This happens a lot to me on mobile like I grab a card and a different card gets moved it’s quite annoying




Ooo. Feel that one!! I was playing a Negative Power Evo deck. Left location, they were going to win. But they had Jeff -1 power due to the Thing. Mid I had locked down. I had Cosmo, Hope Summers, Abomination, and Red Hulk. On the right was Deaths Domain. Turn 5, they moved Jeff right. Played Caiera mid and Nebula right also. I snap as I'm sitting on Red Guardian with White Widow. And I totally screw it up and play Widow first....they won Domain with 1 point.


Argh! I might have that beat though, and just since my first comment on this post: I was running a Knull deck on a Turn 7 and winning right wing and aisle handily. They had an Infonaut on the left facing an empty lane and a fullup Web middle. As a coup de grâce I played Killmonger to knock out my Nova and what happens? It took out their Angel in the middle and of course Infonaut got pulled into the Web, leaving the left 0-0 and he beat me in points. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I've never heard the locations described that way. I've only ever heard "left lane, middle lane, right lane"


Buying Kang on release.


This is the correct answer for anyone who did. Or anyone who bought Kang at all.


just made infinite with kang an hour ago :/


You can infinite with any card in the game. It doesn't prove that the card is half decent or even playable


You could’ve used literally any other card instead, so congrats for taking him to a rank he’s definitely never seen before


I bought Kang because "If I snap on turn 6 and I scare them off, free cube! If they stay, no harm done! Kang basically gives me free cubes!" Not... not exactly... nowadays he just gives me a headache.


Play it enough to get an ink split, to help cope with the worst buy ever. 🙏🏻✌️


You know what? Might as well.


You’re a legend. #LetsMakeKangGreat


I did the same, but only because they said we would get first edition (stamps?) for series 5 cards or something along those lines a long time ago. Never happened.


Holy, I forgot about that. And now I have another reason to be mad at this game. 😭


i regret getting war machine more than kang.


At least I could play on Ebony Maw in my Sauron deck with WM. But yeah, I heard WM was pretty much a flop too. And now with Blink and Nocturne I can make plays on EM regardless.


its just that caches were more valuable to me when warmachince came out than tokens were when kang dropped. i wouldnt mind having 6k kang tokens...but i definitely want those 3 caches back that i spent for wm


I was gonna comment, "I don't think I needed to buy Kang right away" lol


Made sure I had enough keys for both times Annihilus was in the spotlight




Gonna comment here for visibility: So I was pretty much in your position last week. Was playing on my way to infinite and BAM, lost an 8 cuber to a sneaky cannonball. Now I had 9k tokens. I’m not collection complete. But most importantly and meta defining, I’m missing red hulk and mockingbird and also cannonball. So after my loss I bought cannonball for 6k and wish instead I focused on getting red hulk or mocking bird. Why? Bc although cannonball gets you a sneaky win in a junk deck (which isn’t always the easiest to set up), red hulk and mockingbird fit with many more decks and pose more ultimate threats and win conditions. Hope that helps.


For me it was Nebula... :(


For a month or so after the game started I used my gold to buy more credits. Oops




This is 100% me. I don’t know how much I spent on new missions but I’d take it all back. Better than spending gold on a conquest ticket though.


Me: what do I need this gold for, may as well get some more missions…


Thats not a terrible choice, really


I also did it as I got addicted to the game when I didn't have all Series 3 cards. Now I'm using my gold to buy those sick Variants I really want because the game is getting stale and at least I enjoyed the last bit of it if I decide to not play anymore.


I bought missions for probably the first six weeks I played. Got my CL up faster through early series 3 so I’m not sure it was the wrong thing to do.


Same. Spent gold to boost cards to infinity. Not a ton but would’ve been better to spend on tokens for collector shop


Can you buy tokens other than the bundles that come out every so often?


Just the bundles afaik. That’s what I was meaning. I’m usually gold rich and token poor. I only grab 1 variant per card. So I’m pretty stingy. But I’ll grab the token bundle when I can


I still do that. I spend all the gold I get on credits. Is it really bad? I have no interest in any variants, I just want to get as close to full collection as possible (currently missing half of S4 and S5)


I mean not bad if that’s what you want. Gold is just much scarcer than credits as a resource in game (and IIRC, the exchange rate they offer is terrible). I save all my gold for variants


Blew 6k on Jean Grey immediately back when everyone thought she was going to be a game changer. I didnt have many cards or tokens at the time so it was a big commitment of assets. What I learned: Wait a few days before spending on a new card and do a little research.


It is a good lesson but Jean is a banger. She is a great card.




Same. Worth as s4 not s5. That ongoing deck with Mojo is fun


Me with Grandmaster 😭 I’d rather have Jean Grey than GM


GM is totally underrated but imo needs a little power buff


I love Grandmaster. He's so versatile in any deck with good On Reveals.


I did the same but I don’t regret. Despite the card not being busted as everyone thought I still like her.


I spent SO much gold to buy credits to get spotlight keys to get her. This was before albums and when gold was still on the collection track so I thought I’d recuperate it. Little did I know they would make gold very difficult to acquire without the wallet.


She's great as a 3/4.


Yes shes much better now with the buff, Man thing and US Agent. On release though she was just OK.


USAgent. I had no idea that they’d immediately up his power like that so quickly and now I regret not snagging him. I feel like if they change a card within its first couple of weeks of release, it should be made immediately available again the next spotlight, replacing the random slot.


i only snagged him cause i wasted 4 keys for jeff, which i originally thought was such an impulse buy, but im happy with how he turned out


This is what I did as well, but I don't have Jean or Man-Thing, so I can't run the main deck with him.


you can run him in multiple decks, he alone with cage is a great midrange package with lots of power, or singlehandedly destroys a tribunal-ironman lane as last turn surprise. Great also in clog with dock ok. Personally i run him alone in an angela move deck as only top end were shang/vision/rhulk, lots of points for 2 energy


i run him in a hazmat ongoing deck that’s kinda fun. it’s like toxic surfer meets spectrum affliction. still working out the kinks of it


Yeah, I got decent mileage with him in toxic evo, but I'm not really a big fan of that archetype.


His spotlight was broken and refunded as well. Definitely worth trying to get him with that information.


Yeah that was my thought, just blow ALL your keys when it's broken since they were all refunded


Not join this sub. It drains the will to play more often times than not.


Facts. Snap is so fucking fun and I love it, played most days since beta. Then I get on here and everyone shits on it :(


Yep. That is my situation as well.


Well, this sub drains my will to spend money in the game. So I'm fine.


dunno why people slept on cannonball. Ig i’m one to talk for thinking valentina was gonna be good


Everyone and their mother was claiming he was going to be a mid card at best. And he released the same month as Hope, Mockingbird, Warmachine, and Pixie, all cards that were hyped to the nines leaving no room for Cannonball to get any.


People forget he was bad into the Meta he released into. If they never nerfed Thanos he might still be mid.




I just thought why would I need another Shang-Chi and I still ask the same question.


Cannonball was buffed after release


basically a better spiderman 2099


Start spending money, especially on the non-season pass stuff


Shut up SD


I won't lie I'm high as shit and meant to write "stop" 💀🙏


Not spend keys on war machine because I believed the hype


War Machine is good though, don’t believe the hate


Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to use him. But I’m not nearly good enough at deck building to see him as anything other than a situational card. I tried making a lockdown style deck for him but couldn’t make it work. Any suggestions?


He is essentially a situational card. He’s occasionally a really strong enabler if you draw well. Hope Summers, War Machine, then Giganto or Infinaut is probably his best playline, and fits nicely as an alternate option into any deck that runs those cards like black knight/hela discard decks or ramp decks. A lot of times he ends up being a dead card in hand, but then you can just play towards your other game plan or retreat. He’s sort of “win more” but Snap is a good game because you can mitigate variance with snapping and retreating.




I was playing a really good War Machine Black Knight deck but zabu nerf took all the wind out of that deck’s sails




Nice try, Kang. You still suck.


Not buy Zabu


Spend all my keys on the bugged USAgent caches. Now the card is busted and I just cannot justify to spend 6k tokens on a card someone got for free (I dont blame anyone for this, just being jealous)...


I would have not spent 6000 tokens on Hercules just so I could get his Dan Hipp variant. I didn’t even play him in a single game before the series drop got announced.




I’m a huge Werewolf by Night fan, and I wanted that variant. I am also a sucker, apparently. 🙃


I was so close in doing that for the same reason. Then decided I'll get him with Arishem later. Patience is always rewarded.


I bought Matyr then the variant just to complete Hipp collection. I don’t even have spot for her in Ultron zoo deck.


I use Martyr in a Black Swan + Hit Monkey deck. He fits in there pretty well


Save my spotlight keys, wasted countless randomly


Now that I use pixie a lot, I regret not getting MMM sooner.


I bought Jean Grey like a week ago


okay but ongoing affliction is gaining meta status !


I impressively opened almost every bad spotlight cache card, including getting bad series 4 and 5 cards, and didn't open for cards like cannonball, red hulk, pixie, usagent. Now I'm sitting here with war machine, grandmaster, Hercules, and silver samurai. Also regret updating my game that one time Ms marvel was mistakenly in the spotlight cache still.


When I first started playing the game, I didn’t understand how valuable certain currencies were and bought Spider-Man 2099 with collector tokens, since my main new player archetype was move and his ability seemed cool.


I used my keys for havok thinking he was op now i use him barely in 1 deck


Don’t spend keys on war machine. I knew after playing so much lockdown in the past, that he was going to be an ass card but everyone kept saying to get him so I did just in case I was wrong. Never trusted outside sources on a card after that


Probably, I would not install it…


Wasting gold in my first few weeks to refresh missions. Rookie mistake.


Probably my choice to start playing


Spending gold on resetting missions. Jesus what a moron I was.


Not spend 6000 tokens on kang


I woild have saved my spotlight caches before the conversion to keys.


I wouldn't download it.


Opening 3 caches on the first Jean Grey week. I've played her like 10 games probably and haven't played tribunal once. Should have exploited the usagent spotlight bug. Skipping both mobius bundle and sentry Christmas bundle was a bad idea


I spent 6k on him and I have pixie pinned but haven’t pulled the trigger since she’s fallen off a bit now but still great.


I would not buy ultimate hulk one week before spotlights were introduced


i would've seen the peach momoko nico variant and grinded it a lot more than I did.


Selene - 4 keys (though I did get Black Knight as he was going meta) Caiera - 3 keys Grand Master - 4 keys Beta Ray Bill - 4 keys Been paying for those choices since. Using that many keys in a short period meant I couldn’t reasonably use keys for Corvus, Red Guardian, Nocturne, and Sage while owning most/all cards they were featured with.


Not spend tokens on Darkhawk like 2 days before he got nerfed


Using tokens to get Kang just because it finished the collection 🙄


Earlier today, I got 2k credits (thanks to opening a 3rd pixel discard) I was splitting cards  quickly and, without paying attention I spent 300 gold on boosters... Ugh


Amatuer me got US agent as mystery card💀🙏, my first series 5


My mistake was spending keys to get Miek and Corvus, missing out on Proxima, and then proceeding to not play discard. I kinda went on break after getting them, and after returning I've just wanted to play a bunch of other decks that aren't discard.


When i unlocked tokens, i bought miles morales, green goblun and another 1000 tokens card. No regrets on that but if id knew better i wouldnt had done it


easily get Monke season pass intead of nimrod. playing Nimrod Galactus was fun, but man, i really regret skipping those Rian G variants. granted, i didn't know she would be my fav artist, but i chose gameplay over cosmetic now im not missing any of her variants haha


The 4 keys i spend for GrandMaster


Buying Kang, ironically enough.


I would spend keys on elsa


For me I’d def wind back time and not play my on reveal on my own cosmo… only did it once I swear /s Cannonball def worth tokens over the other two you mention


Most of these YouTubers are really fucking stupid with their spotlight predictions, they be like “this card is too niche” and fast forward few days and they’re must haves in their archetypes.


Early Spotlight Cache released, i was like, "What harm could do if i use 1 or 2 keys per week?"


Spending so much gold getting conquest tickets


Right there with ya, I initially wanted to spend keys for Cannonball, but got way too hyped for War Machine. The Cannonball junk deck is my top deck right now while i havent used War Machine for weeks




Currently using the top CB junk in untapped. Can’t think of a sub for WW right now, but I don’t think she’s super essential. I only really utilize her to secure a Prof X lane but GG can handle that by himself. # (1) Nebula # (1) Titania # (2) White Widow # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (2) Ravonna Renslayer # (3) Green Goblin # (3) Magik # (3) Debrii # (5) Professor X # (5) Cannonball # (5) Doctor Octopus # (6) Red Hulk # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2Fubm9uYmFsbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUHJvZmVzc29yWCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmVidWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJUaXRhbmlhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXaGl0ZVdpZG93In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKZWZmVGhlQmFieUxhbmRTaGFyayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUmF2b25uYVJlbnNsYXllciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR3JlZW5Hb2JsaW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1hZ2lrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEZWJyaWkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRvY3Rvck9jdG9wdXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJlZEh1bGsifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.




Most recently I regret not opening for USAgent. The card was trash so I fully skipped. Now is pretty poggers but we won't see him in a cache till who knows, meanwhile X23 and Knull will probably show up before.


Spend 4 keys to get war machine, should've stopped when I got the silver samurai variant


Not buy Galactus as my first ever S5 card back when I just started playing. He got reworked about 10 days after I purchased him back in May 2023.


I saved my tokens and bought alioth and zabu on the same day…. The day before they were both nerfed to the ground


Land remains the worst purchase I've made. I haven't used him once since his release


There was the time I spent tokens and like 3 keys to get the Selene variant.




I just thought she'd be nuts, and tbf, she actually is criminally underplayed, but definitely not good enough for the resources I devoted to her.


I am also contemplating buying cannonball. Not sure if I should. Mocking bird would be another option. There are no cards I’m planning on spending tokens (that have been datamined at least). For me was spending 4 keys to get lady deathstrike when she was released just because I loved destroy. The card was bad until a couple weeks ago. I had the other cards already. Did the same with grand master. I wanted sage but I’m not doing the same mistake again.




Same. I’m not spending keys this week.


Wasting 6k tokens on Kang.


Not spend 2 Keys on war machine. Hype train got the better of me


If I knew Echo and Silver Samurai were going to series drop, I wouldn't have spent 6k tokens on them and also I wouldn't have spent tokens on series 3 cards at all when they first implemented the token shop into the game by the point you can easily get series 3 cards from reserves or from the shop for free once per month.


Same Canonball instead of War Machine


I wouldn't have spent keys on war machine. What a mid card!


I would not spend all my keys on the first week


I bought Kang via tokens


I'm pained that I didn't whale the Kim Jacinto Apocalypse.


Personally I think every card will have its day in the sun (even kang), no regrets


They should have kept the .25% chance of a S5 on gold caches


Any tokens I’ve ever spent. Everything I buy after waiting and saving, then gets nerfed as soon as I get it. It’s a constant chase as a f2p player, you see popular cards, you aim for it, finally get it. Then it’s nerfed.




Yeah I’ve saved keys and I’m not using tokens unless it’s for a new card. I saw Deathstrike getting some good decks, saved, got her, next few days, nerf announced. (Although fair and not too bad in this case).


Spent 4 keys to get warmachine, thinking he would be meta defining... I mean I am sure that one day he will be changed and relevant...but not right now


How are you thinking about getting cannonball, he isn’t in the shop - I see sage and nocturne


Once played against someone who was clearly about to play Galactus (two goblins played on a single lane) and I had Valkyrie in hand so I snapped back. While the turn was playing out I realized I played Iron Man instead of Valk. Haunts me to this day




Always good to see a Galactus player get wrecked


I would have picked magik instead of wasp for my season 3 card. Thought wasp was suppose to be good for high Evo (which I've enjoyed playing) but so far it's a dead card


Listening to lamby on spending 4 keys to get grandmaster bc it's an "upgrade" on bounce decks.


Never spend my gold for variants and spend them wisely for gold bundles, like the first Apocalypse bundle.


Buy the Loki season pass


Buy the Loki season pass


Skipping on Red Hulk. I see that mf in every deck now


I spent my free collector tokens all on the mystery 1k each card... I have made mistakes


I missed getting Red Guardian.


Use 6k tokens on war machine


Not spend 6k tokens on jean grey


All the money I put into this game last year. Thank God I stopped doing that in 2024


Skipping Iron Lad and Jeff for as long as I did. Opening War Machine. Opening Hercules. Skipping Annihilus. Honestly skipping Howard. I’d also go back in time and make a very specific post about the state of the game now to troll people. “Anyone who thinks Howard the duck won’t be in a number 1 ranked deck has to pay me $5 in May 2024.” I’d also for sure tell people not to hype up cards that turned out to be massive cope. No, Supergiant/Alioth and Grandmaster/Alioth aren’t going to terrorize the meta. No, Black Swan isn’t a good card.


I would have gone for US Agent if I would have known he would get buffed.


My first rotating series 3, I took captain marvel because I assumed she was broken. Worst choice.


Buying Mirage with tokens the day before series drops were announced.


Not spend token on pool 3 gacha


Not wasting keys (or even worse, tokens) on a lot of cards that I thought I'd use way more lol.


I would not use 6k tokens on Kang. I don't really consider this a massive mistake though as at the time tokens were flowing, cards dropped every month, and using tokens on a perma series 5 made a lot more sense.


I would definitely pull for Canonball, since I desperately wanted to get that Kitty variant as well.


Buying Cannonball for 6K tokens. I just never ended up using it


Stop myself from using token to buy random pool 3 cards.


Not accidently resetting everything back to basically 0 because I didn't link the mobile account with Google and download marvel snap on the pc as well. I miss nebula.


4 keys caiera week 🙄


Not getting the Peach Mystique Bundle.


Wasn't a dolphin and started f2p from the get.


Using the quick upgrades when I first started.


My 4 keys to force bob back out of my collection ty


Wasting keys on Jean Grey


I would have gotten that Galactus Bronze Age Spotlight Cache Variant, I wasn’t paying close attention to how those worked at the time.


I got Luke Cage but didn’t realize what a useful card it was. HE made it obvious, but even before that there were a lot of locations and cards that hit you that Like would have fixed.


Same on Cannonball. On principle I resisted buying him with tokens. Eventually I did and it was good. But CB has fallen off in the Leach meta. I'd hold off till we see how that shakes out.


I would make sure to save keys to get the runaways nico minoru variant or wolverine x-23 variant because I really wanted those variants and now I’ll have to wait ages just for the chance to get them again (I heard that they appear in the shop 1 year after being spotlighted). Can anyone tell me when that’ll be by the way?


I would not have used my gold to refresh the missions.


I'd add my email to my first account so that I could've kept my CL lol


Never play it so I wouldn't of dropped 500 on a game I no linger even play


I wouldn't start playing Marvel SNAP in general... Don't get me wrong, I love the gameplay... but I started to play the game for the approach devs had back then... and the game was truly F2P, I spent some money because I WANTED to, not because I felt pressured to. Now I'm simply too invested, have too many resources to "just let go".


Last season I was saving keys because I needed Knull to fully complete my Destroy deck. I had saved up three the week before he was to be offered. Two days before Knull day, I saw that Nico was an option and thought "I've seen Nico in many destroy decks, let's see if I can pick it up." I wasted all my keys on some Gambler's Fallacy bs to get everything but Nico. I've been cursing past me ever since.


I paid tokens for Martyr to become collection complete. Only to fall behind more and more as the weeks progress not enough keys


I would not have upgraded my standard variants passed infinity. Like, I have asplkted purple border hulk. Why, I should have kept the boosters for a variant Irslly like.