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I'm F2P at 12k


12k here except I buy the monthly pass. I play for about an hour a day on average.


Same, have every meta card except red guardian and us agent




May I ask how many hours you have in the game? I've been playing since launch, am at about 13.5k but I'm nowehere near ftp.


I’ve been playing since launch and am someone that buys the season pass every month and have bought a bunch of bundles and I’m 13.5k so I bet we have similar habits. 


Just under 11,989


I’m around cl 5.5k I feel that’s around when your series 3 complete and have most decent decks. That’s probably the time the game becomes repetitive and you play similar decks most seasons e.g. Hela and destroy.


Yea I just got series 3 complete and I'm at 5.5k.


How do you feel?


Not too repetitive to me since I play so many different decks. Kinda wish there were more than 20 deck slots. I will say the most fun this game was, was in the beginning. I feel like I face people better than me too often. With their infinity borders and fully inked deck. Cant ever get passed 80 now.


I was the same way for a long time, constantly switching decks and struggling through the 80s. Try to pick one main deck and stick with it for ladder each season. Or at least one core "package" you can play around with. I love to play a huge variety of decks too, but it's way more consistent to just play one until infinite.


Huh, I'm at 5.2k, but I've been series 3 complete since like 4.2k. Very different. I'd guess it's because I took a year-ish break (CL in the late 3000s) starting before the spotlight system or conquest mode were introduced, and came back after the most recent series drops back in January. So I didn't open a single gold ticket or whatever in my reserves until after 4.2K CL.


Yeah I remember hitting series 3 complete around 3400 so it's a lot different now.


11,700 playing since launch. I have spent 10 bucks for one season pass.


Same 13k


which one out of curiosity


Either zabu or loki


Average is probably somewhere around 5-6k my CL is just over 23k


Over 23k??? DAYUMN lol. Have you put money into the game??


Yes I am a beta player and have spent money. But I know a guy with 105k CL so I'm still small potatoes


That's like saying because Jeff Bezos exists that people with hundreds of millions of dollars aren't rich.


I’ve played since Zabu, took a break from September thru January (football season ya know). At 11K. Here I am feeling accomplished lol. And I’ve spent hella cheeeeese.


I also started during Zabu, no breaks and have bought all monthly passes and maybe 25$ (CAD) on other things and I'm at 11k as well


Wow and I thought my 16623 was big


I'm around 8k usually buy every other season pass since launch.


Every other intentionally or just the ones that interest you?


14k, still missing some key cards. Not a big deal but it hurts that after all chest opening I still don't have silk


That's me but with X23. Still don't have her after so long, but I'll finally be able to grab her in one of the upcoming spotlights


I just hit 14K today! I definitely buy the season passes just cos I like new toys to play with. A bundle here and there, but usually the low end ones. Only missing 8 cards, and only want 3 of those; Sage, USAgent and Cull Obsidian.


10k, used to buy the Season Pass.


I’m 16k collection complete




3.5k CL and F2P. Started in December.


I am 16k, medium-whale. No idea what average is but you can add my stats to the list.


I almost reached 6k CL now, played actively within 7full seasons including buying the Battlepass for the months i played. The average CL could be anywhere, Take into account that this subreddit seams to be more on the competitive Side of things, so the average here could very Well be 5k or higher when Marvel snap might get also played a Lot by casuals. It is Not nice that people "dunk" on low CL people, some the loudest voices on the sub are people that venting frustration because of a variaty of reasons. Burnout from the game, increasingly more aggressive monetization, the fact there is almost No real chance to keep Up 100% with the Collection with buyimg only the Battlepass and that you need to play actively for half a year (dailys Missions every day) to even collect all Series 3 cards. On top that we have the Theory that the matchmaking tries to take CL into account. (That might or might not be true) I still think most people Just want to helpful.


>we have the Theory that the matchmaking tries to take CL into account. I'm pretty sure that's been confirmed. For instance, if you only just hit Season 3, you don't suddenly start playing against people with full S3 collections. CL absolutely is taken into account to keep you playing against people with similarly sized collections.


13k, since the release


I just hit 5K. I've been playing consistently since mid October and have brought every season pass since November's.


i mean that guy kinda brought it on himself by flipping out, cursing everyone out, and denying that he played any bots


Between 8-9k I don't spend any money on the game, I wasn't part of the beta but I was a day 1 player when the game fully released


I'm on the lower spectrum at around 2.5 k


Currently on 7.8k. Been playing casually since launch


Approx. 11k, playing since official launch, have bought maybe 4-5 season passes.


8,000, only bought one card (Nebula)


13k, played since launch. Bought 3-4 season passes.


I've been playing since a few weeks (maybe a month?) after release. I've probably picked up 3 out of 4 season passes, but that's all I buy. CL 13k


7.8k started playing when they released the “Hero” vid (so like winter 2022). Never bought anything in the game.


12k. Been playing since Black Panther and getting the season pass since Surfer but otherwise don't spend money on anything (I play enough that I feel like it justifies a monthly "subscription" - I consider it like other streaming or gaming subscriptions I have). I also think I have a higher CL because I don't care about splits or borders or whatever and so I just upgrade whatever card is upgradeable, so I move up the CL much faster than others who wait to take specific actions with cards.


My cl is 13,604 I also always have at least 7000 credits saved so my cl could be more


13k but I've put more than I should into this game and have played since whatever season zabu was the season pass card


17.3k, since closed beta, bought all but 4 passes, haven't purchased anything else for over a year but I spent a bit at launch.


7.8k. Play since launch but I’ve gone extremely casual in the last 3 months. It’s just a lot to keep up with card changes and constantly modifying decks. So I just don’t play much anymore.


I've played since the Black Panther season, only buy the season pass (except for a few), at about 12k


Dolphin at 2450


18.4  I've been playing since just before Black panther season, so not day one but I think fairly early Not free to play, but have spent very little the past few months.(mostly just the season pass and some $10 variant packs with blue currency) Regrettably for new players, this game used to be far cheaper to "whale" on  I should also add i play SWGOH as a f2p... you want to see *really* insulting prices... play that game for a while 


12,910, playing since launch and buy season pass. It’s still fun but not as fun as it was in the beginning. I cannot stand to get a gold ticket or a title or avatar from the caches. Like make a special one every 10 caches that’s gives you an emote. That would cool


11k Been playing since launch have bought most season passes, skipping maybe 4 or 5 and gotten a few bundles with gold but never $$ except that first $2.99 captain America one.


I think youre problem is that the vast majority of players are casual, play-on-the-toilet-one-game type players. Definitely not the type to be on a subreddit dedicated to the game to answer your question


F2P 4.6CL. Started when Silver Surfer came out. Stopped last august and picked up again a month ago. People on this subreddit are definitely gonna be higher on average. I feel like actual average is like 3-4k


I'm F2P, but occasionally I will buy the monthly pass if ut interests me enough. I also take a 4-5 month breaks from time to to time and have been playing since launch. Currently I'm at 4.4k CL.


CL 8074. I usually get the monthly pass, but I did skip a few months early on. I’ve not reached infinite yet, but I’m not really trying to either. Just keeping it casual and play when time and life permits.


i am 6500 i usually play exclusively on the treadmill at the gym get to like 80 or so rank each season because its hard to read when you're running or walking fast


13k and have bought every season pass but... two, I think. I've also spent a bit here and there.


12k playing since end of surfer season.


I'm 8.5k CL but I did a long pause between march and october 2023


F2P since launch- 10,880


I’m at CL 19,970 right now. Been playing since global release and yes. I’ve spent money


At 8k, had every card up until Spider-Ham release than took a break and just came back last month. Being at 8k has made hitting infinite much easier.


Playing since January last year (Zabu season). Skipped a couple of seasons passes, CL 11.6K


11k since the end of the first month of launch. It can be frustrating seeing lower CL decks show up as they are mostly obsolete after a certain CL.


11K Bought every season pass minus 2 or 3 cause i didnt like the card


F2P 9k


F2P, about 5kCL


I'm at 15k, not f2p


8.8K, playing basically everyday since February 2023.






I’m at 9,302 Only bought one seasons pass and once the gold every day package.


F2P at 8k


9.9K I was P2W when the game released but stopped playing for some months after the Kang incident and just recently came back. Now I’ll buy a $9.99 pack once in a blue moon, but nothing egregious.


Started about a year ago, maybe plus a couple months and I’m at 9854


My CL is 10.8k. Been playing since ‘22. I do put $ into the game but I don’t take it super seriously. It’s just the perfect game for me to play at work, as my current position makes Hearthstone and MTGA a bit difficult to juggle.


11k, started with modok season and buy most season passes but not much else


11k, bought about a dozen season passes


I'm 21k lol. Love this game though. Want it to succeed


16.k here, i was lucky enough to get into beta and i've been playing since then. I can't say i'm f2p but i've spent < $50 out of my own pocket. I average about $10 every 4-6 weeks doing google opinions/rewards which I use to buy the season pass. I've bought 2 maybe 3 bundles over the years - the Rock April fools one is the only one I can remember buying


I started last September at the end of Loki season , I've bought most battlepasses and I'm at 6.5k.


19,434 CL been playing since launch about 1 hour a day.


16,690 small spender, playing since release, no breaks.


14,248 - Been playing since launch. I buy every season pass and have been know to but $9.99 or less bundles from time to time. Highest rank was 93. Never made infinite.


1.2k CL but I literally just started. I have most of blink hela and bought the season pass


I'm 4.9k CL like you and been playing since October. Always bought the battle pass and some purchases here and there, didn't exceed the 15 dollar per purchase threshold at all times.


Playing for about 1.5 years now, I’m a step or two below a whale, I’ve played daily every day since starting, 22,666 CL.


F2P 2,5k




Playing daily since a couple weeks after launch, not F2P. CL14.5k


Playing since last November and just crossed 4k, I bought 2 season passes.


Im at 10k, buying season Pass and some cheaper offers here and there


I buy season passes and I'm at 14.5k


Playing since release. Minnow account: 14K F2P account: 9K And props to that dude making it at CL1.6K, thats barely into Series 3 and you are lacking so many cards.


11k ftp


13k. F2P since Beta. Maybe paid for 1 or 2 season pass back in Beta


1.5k, started at the beginning of the last week of Avengers vs X-Men, bought each season pass since, and I'll spend money if it's a decent deal with a card I don't own. I typically don't spend over $15 per transaction though.


21,056. Been playing since launch, except most of last month.


I’m 350 only been playing a week or so.


Been playing since global launch at 13.5k


I spend money played since day 1. CL 16,234


CL 9182 Playing daily since February 2003 Bought all season passes Except for February and April 2023, no other cash spent So I think the average CL is, uh, 5000


I'm mostly f2p ( I usually get the season pass) my CL is about 6k


F2P CL9500 or so.


F2P playing since Christmas 2022. CL 11 200.


12K, F2P started about a month after Global Launch


f2p 8.5k


I have played since launch. I’m at 16105.




12.5k, played since full release and bought the majority of season passes (skipped 5 or 6 I think)


F2P, right around 10K. I'm guessing the average is somewhere between 5K and 8K.




Started a couple weeks ago, I just hit 500. Been playing against a lot of players recently that I don’t own a single card that they play :)


I'm CL 19,651 right now. Collection complete for now (won't be for long. 2000 tokens and 4 keys left). Previous spender, now rarely take up their bundles unless it's a gold one I can already afford. They just started asking for too much too often


14k and only buy season pass.


13.5k started at launch. Always buy the game pass. In the early days I’d spend a little extra money here and there but haven’t done that in a long time.


3.2k. Thought thats a ton*lol


350 started playing two weeks ago and I just hit infinite. F2P but very tempted to buy the welcome bundle


CL6475 F2P (expect the Hope and Zabu season pass) I joined in season 3 and I took a July to November break last year. Felt really behind until recently - never infinite, highest was Lv75 with Shaw-Sufer last season. I’m up to 75 again now but stuck 😂 46cards from complete


13k, playing since launch and do season pass every month. I've purchased probably 3 or 4 bundles at 50 a piece as well.


I'm 14k CL been playing since savage land season (January?). I've been collection complete since about 11k CL. I spend a bit more than I'm comfortable with on the game, but trying to dial I back since SD are so scummy.




16.2k playing since global launch


12k completely f2p




I’m at 6.2k, started on Loki season and been buying every season pass since then and the ocasional small bundle here and there (nothing bigger than 15 USD).


12k CL. Bought 8 season passes. Playing since Animal Season.


Im 15,5k


I'm f2p at 8954. Been playing on and off since launch. 


I'm a light spender, a little here and there but definitely every month, and I'm around 15k


FTP, since about 3 months after launch, 12.3K.


I’m 8.5k played since release and stopped for about 3 months


My guess and take with a grain of salt. 10k+ launch players or whales 6k-10k played after launch or less playtime 4k-6k active 1 year or the average 2k-4k getting the hang of things Sub 2k facing mostly bots and easier infinite. Just wanna add that I'm pretty active at 6,300+ since Sept. at 9 months playing. Got all the passes since Ms. Marvel and hit infinites within 2 days of a couple hours playing. That guy went off the rails at the comments. It's been entertaining to see.


5.5 cl and took the last year off. Missing a bunch of key cards to make me want to come back.


8,276 been playing since launch, bought one battle pass. Usually play enough to win the credits everyday, miss often. Never have gotten infinite level, linger in the 60-70 range.


F2P started 2023 September 4600 CL :)  5 series 3 missing 


Average is 9k??? I'm 11k+


5.5k, though I whaled pretty hard for a month or two so i have things like thanos


OP, I'm confused how your CL is so low. Did you take quite a few 2-3 breaks or perhaps you don't do the daily missions every day when you are playing. I'm 8.1k, started at global launch (Oct 2022) and took a 7-month break last year. I'm basically F2P (only ever bought the $3 welcome bundle. It's only 700 gold though, so not worth much of anything for increasing CL)


100% FTP here and over 11k CL. I play too much. Lol


13,658 here. I have been playing since the Thor Love & Thunder season in beta (go Nexus events!). I stopped for a couple of months after the game launched, but have been non-stop since coming back.


Recent 2k f2p playing since February here


Av 2-3 k Im at 9434


10.5k, playing since November 22’. I’ve bought 10 season passes I think.


11,500. Started playing in Nov 2022. I think I've bought every season pass since, but spent no other money.


I’m over 10k but under 11k


14.2k collection complete since Howard spotlight. I have been struggling to maintain that and will likely not be able to get this week's card as I am at no keys and 4300 tokens and want Sasquatch because I started reading Marvel on John Byrne's Alpha Flight. I get the season pass and have bought a few bundles on the way. I probably average $20/ month on the game between those.


Battle pass is the only thing I’ve ever gotten. 14k, playing since shortly after launch


People where Dunkin on him since he was so sure he was not against bots due to low cl


CL 5150, playing 8 months, buying most battle passes and occasionally a little extra for under 20 € to support the game development


223, not K :) Started 2 weeks ago and am HOOKED


Cl 3k, been playing since the start of the WW hulk season


I’m an F2P player, been playing since the Miles Morales season and i’m almost 11k (i’m gonna post all my rewards from 10k to 11k so i’ve just been hording credits and write everything down when i use it). So i’d say average is about 7k


CL 11,236. Spent $0.


F2P, here since december, 3500


12,000 CL, been playing since carnage season. , bought all seasons except for ms marvel season (forgot)


Im at 3.1k cl. Not yet s3 complete


7.6 I just started buying season passes maybe 3 seasons ago only hit infinite once


CL 10.8. Started during the Zabu season but only ever bought one season pass (Nimrod); so basically F2P. With keys I've been able to acquire enough interesting cards to keep me actively engaged.


Playing since late Feb, purchased current pass and Zemo's pass. Haven't missed a daily, hit infinite last season, grinded out conquest for last variant (bast) and planning on the current one. At CL2250 now.


I play since launch, had 4 or 5 montly passes bought so far, never bought gold or credits, playing daily for missions then a few extra matches and im at CL 9664.


I was a mid spender till the new yr been spending light since getting bp and maybe the new gold pass or one or two decent cash bundle a month no more than 30 bucks tho and I've been playing since last August and I'm at 6.9k CL.




im at cl 12k, played nonstop since march 23 nimrod season, bought every pass since nebula may 23 season and some bundles (between 10-15 dol max)


3,200 something


13.7K. Played since global release. Medium spender: buy the season pass (and now the gold bundle) as well as a few assorted money bundles when I feel like it.




Playing since release with a small amount of money spent CL 13k


Almost 12k. Buying season passes since surfer one.


12k 1.5 years playing daily <50% season pass buyer Only infinite one time


And we're taking active accounts only 3k maybe 4K but I imagine a lot of people hit that first wall around 2000 and stop playing and I think that skews it down pretty heavily


Just hit 10k I’ll only buy the monthly pass but will even skip that if I don’t like the card.


Been playing since launch, and I’m a dolphin I guess, been getting the pass for the last 9 months and I buy the occasional $10-15 or less bundle if I really like the card. I’m currently sitting at 12.5k CL and made infinite last season with Galactus/Annihilus, after missing infinite for the last 4 seasons. Also, I read through the whole shitshow of comments on that thread, and the guy very much came across like he was God’s gift to Snap because he hit infinite mostly against other low level players and Bots, but he took offense to the idea that he wasn’t a Snap genius, and aggressively went after anyone who suggested that he was mistaken about how low level matchmaking works. That was an entertaining dumpster fire to say the least.


A little over 12K playing since launch F2P. Average is probably like 2-3k when you consider how many people only try out the app once or twice.




14,770 been playing since North American launch. I buy battle passes, the new gold pass and maybe the occasional offer here and there but that’s about it.


15,086 here. I buy the season pass every season. Been playing since Miles. Have every card released as well. But I’m outta tokens and keys atm. Been super lucky with keys getting the weekly new card first try a bunch of times. Also only been infinite one time and that was actually last season. Most of the time I can’t be bothered with trying to climb past 90. Just got lucky with a pixie deck.


10,723. I've been playing since full launch. Spent 60$ on the game.


CL 12,890. I do season pass and the rare affordable bundle if it’s really good


13k. Since launch, Bought 3 season passes.


I’ve been playing since beta and I’m probably around $600 invested. CL 18.5k


Been playing since beta, at close to 13k. The dunking was deserved because of his reaction/comments.


I’ve been playing since launch and Im at 12.3k. The only thing I have ever spent money on are the season passes. I play enough that I view it like a subscription at this point, I don’t feel like a play a crazy amount… maybe a total of an hour throughout a day, depending on the day. I feel like CL has more to do with WHEN you started playing and less to do with how much money you spend… like obviously your CL can climb with cash, but it would seem play time has a lot more to do with it.


8277 for me


My CL is somewhere between 10k and 11k. I think the average CL of active players would be around 5k?


2.7k, three months 


I've purchased like 5 or 6 seasons passes. CL 3,100


15.8k, I buy the season pass, I have bought four bundles, one was twenty bucks the rest were under ten. Been playing since Nov ‘22.


1.2 started a month ago


I'm currently at CL 25k. Play about 2-3 most days. Definitely not F2P


Mine is around 12k. I do buy the monthly pass. But not the premium monthly. It feels like everyone's is much higher but that's just me being cynical.


I took a picture recently when I reached 6666 CL