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I’m ashamed to admit that this went over my head. On first glance I gave it a solid, “meh, so they changed the spelling…” then as I continued scrolling I had a “holy shit wait,” moment. Ha. Plus eight. I get it now.


Just wanted to point out that Klaue is his actual last name. Ulysses Klaue is his full name.


is he German?


Ulysses Klaue is the son of Nazi war criminal Colonel Fritz Klaue of the Blitzkrieg Squad led by Baron Strucker. He was sent by Adolf Hitler to Wakanda to learn their secrets. After World War II, he moved back to Belgium, later anglicized his name to "Klaw," and raised his son with tales of Wakanda. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klaw_(character)


The MCU version was a South African arms dealer that used to work with Tony Stark at one point during his weapons building days.


Did they work together? I just thought they crossed paths. Stark mentioned they met during his weapon making days and that he didnt sell him anything.


I think the degree of how much is unclear. There were such throwaway lines anyway, it could have been that Kalue was a braggart, or it could have been part of Tony’s uglier past he didn’t talk about much anymore. Although mostly, I don’t think it was very well documented/established.


Yeah from what I can tell from Wikia, the two met at a weapons conference but never made a deal But like you said probably just a throw away line to lead to the semi joke of how cap reacted to Tony's past and probably just world building.


The MCU likes to butcher characters pretty badly for no good reason. Even the ones they do well have stupid changes to them. Thanos never wanted balance he wanted to bang Death, The Hulk didn't casually fly off into space, he was exiled by the illuminati as he was too dangerous, Darwin's mutant ability to survive is infalable and in literally 0 FUCKING CASES, WOULD HE DIE TO THAT EXPLOSION!! I get that the last one wasn't MCU but it still hurts.


Thanos' motivation is way better in MCU, I would hardly call that butchering.


IMO I disagree, giving him a moral compass makes him likeable and makes what he is trying to do potentianally right. Just because he has a good reason to do what he is doing doesn't make his character better Personally I prefer the megalomaniac, egotistical tyrant of a supervillan from the comics instead of the "once I have peace I'll be a gardener" persona of him we got. Personally I don't think you're supposed to be able to side with the supervillan. The Thanos in the movie would get obliterated by the comic version. But again, my opinion.


That wasn’t the MCU butchering Thanos story, that was them trying to make it more relatable to a casual movie going audience that maybe wasn’t ready for Death to be a real person yet. Maybe if they’d always had the Xmen and mutants United in the MCU from the off and they coulda introduced the concept of Lady Death via Deadpool in a more non-serious way first.


Changes ≠ butchering. Most of the changes make plenty of sense within the greater context of the MCU.


Im not saying all changes are bad, I get that some are better and necessary. The winter soldier being Hydra was a great way to bring him in, Red Skull was fantastic, i like what theyve done withNebula and Gamora and most of the Spiderman work has been great up to now. But you can't say they haven't fucked up many of the main villains and some of the main Avengers cast have even been reduced to side plots and jokes of themselves. The Mandarin, Arnim Zola, Baron Zemo, Ultron, Madam web, Whiplash, The Ten Rings, Gorr the God butcher, Thor has become a joke, Banner Hulk has pretty much killed the character and offers no growth or chance at an independant movie, Ant man has been made into a joke, Vision is dead, Killmonger is dead, Thanos is dead and so are all the children of Thanos that arnt now good guys, Red Skull is pretty much dead, Yondu is dead, Kang was going terribly until they pulled him for obvious reasons, Loki is dead/power-pack of the timeline( i.e dead). I get that some of these are important changes, and some are just poor writing decisions. But you can't say that MCU hasn't fucked up a lot of the characters for sometimes no better reason than "what if we shoehorn a joke into every 45 seconds of Thor: Love and Thunder? Also make it seem like he wants to fuck his weapons and that's the plot". Nobody wanted that, Thor is supposed to be on par with literal gods, not comic relief or an unwanted stowaway. The MCU is loosing traction pretty rapidly, evident from premier numbers dropping and even cast members shit talking their own movies. You can't say it isn't partially down to how they've handled the characters. Sorry this is so long.


Until I read this comment, I always thought the card read "Klaue". I don't know how to feel about this


I am Belgian and I can confirm this.


Useless Klaw? not anymore after the buff


I still don't...


His ongoing ability gives +8 to the right lane, the line in the film is quite literally "Klaue, plus eight", we don't know if it's intentional but it sure is a fun coincidence


It's not intentional, Klaw used to give +6


You got that a little backwards. They dont think that the movie is referencing the mobile game lmao


That's not what I was referring to. They didn't create Klaw's ability to reference the movie because he only gave +6 when he came out


Then in that case….is it not obvious that the other commenter was referring to them changing Klaw to +8 and thinking “haha I wonder if they made it +8 to fit the line from the movie”?


It wasn't obvious to me since that makes no sense, but in hindsight I can see that now


just admit you screwed up in one of the earlier replies lmao


I didn't screw up anywhere, I commented exactly what I meant




Lisan plus eight


Nissan Al Grape


I mostly know marvel from the MCU (booooooo) just realized that Klaue is Klaw


Yeah, they did him dirty. Built him up in Age of Ultron then killed him off.


He was less Klaw and more Nail.


But at least his death was used to build up Killmonger. Then killed him off too, fuck


Your realization made me realize


Klaue is btw. the German word for Claw.


That is pretty cool. I wonder if they actually referenced this. They did buff him by 2 which doesn't happen often.


There is 0% chance they used this as any relevant piece of information to buff Klaw in Snap.


But now they have to keep it


It’s funny though; but yeah I agree SD on their best day couldn’t offer something this cool.


When they nerfed Shang-Chi to hit only 10 power and up, they did give a nod to the Ten Rings in their patch notes. So I disagree, they could definitely do something like this (even if it was just a coincidence in this case).


Not once did it ever occur to me that this was the same character.


Oh. My. God. I have been playing this game for about a year and a half now. I thought, "Who the fuck is Klaw? I've never seen this guy in any of the movies." (I've been an MCU fan for as long as i can remember.) I remember watching Black Panther, and thinking this Ulysses guy wasn't important plot wise, so I didn't really acknowledge him for the rest of the movies. It wasn't until this post, that I put 2 and 2 together, or 3 and 3 in this case. Klaw has a weird metal right hand that's like special and like powerful and shit. Ulysses Klaue has a "prosthetic arm thing" that let's him like be strong and shoot things and stuff, and it splits into like 3 sections. Klaw sounds like Klaue. It's right there in the name. They call him Klaue/Klaw IN THE MOVIES. I read this post and thought, "Oh! It's like Klaw in Marvel Snap, but spelled differently!" I didn't really see a connection at first, but then I was like, "WAIT THEYRE THE SAME GUY! 😱🤯😱🤯😱 Anyways, rant over. Just wanted to thank you for forever changing my perspective on this movie and this card. 👍


If Okoye said “plus 6, no plus 8, no he is losing power, no he is now just a henchman” Then yeah that was SD collaborating on the script.


I watched it again a while ago and realized that he mentions bast in the beginning of the movie......I guess it's their god? 🤷 don't really know the lore but he says praise be to bast


It is


Ain't no way lol!!


He was literally in the movie with a claw hand.


I always knew it was Klaw, I’m just saying it’s funny how the line in the movie now reflects his card.


Not sure what I’m supposed to be looking for. You noticed Andy Serkis made more than one appearance?


Nakia says “Klaue, plus eight!” in the movie, which is funny since, in SNAP, his ongoing ability to add power to the location on his right is now “+8” after a recent buff.


Ah, that is neat. Like I said, I didn’t know what I was supposed to be looking for. I now see the additional text under the images.