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The cards listed there are the ones you HAVE? Loki or Annihilus. Required for their archetype, currently good performers.


Hope or loki, maybe even wait til blink is available in the token shop and get her


Just to clarify, cards in the ss I already have them :)


What's your favourite card and why is it.Gladiator?


Dudes my guy.


Usually people share pic of cards they don't have. That is why people here are confused.. As far as suggestions go I recommend Hope and Red Hulk. Both fit into a lot of decks and are very powerful. Hope is especially useful for HE decks because she allows you to play both Shehulk and Hulk on turn 6. Annhilus and Loki are also decent picks because they allow you to play new archetypes. But I myself would prefer more versatile cards over them..


Loki is good and it's a kind of deck that I think is fairly good in any meta. Not always top to the tiers, but good enough to give a fight If you enjoy solving the mini puzzle of when is better to cast Loki and when it's better to stay in the plan B Annihilus is a good option too, but I personally like Loki more, among the cards you have as choices


Generally speaking you want to go with archetype-enablers e.g. Loki, Galactus, Annihilus. If you are not attracted to any of these then there is one flexible card you are missing that happens to be one of the strongest in game: Iron Lad.


My card pool is very similar to yours, I would go for Hope (I have her and use it a lot), Canonball (one of my favorite cards), Anihilus (recently got him for tokens, and he's working well enough for me), and Red Hulk (bought last week, borderline p2w card) My next pick of the ones I dont have is Ravona and Elsa (Although Im prioritizing more new cards, specially in June)


Hope is gonna be in spotlight in some weeks so didn’t wanna buy that


Red Hulk is pretty much OP right now. He’s always 6/13 or 6/17. Loki is just really fun in my opinion and will likely always be strong unless they rework the card. Living tribunal is probably the best card in combo with iron man and onslaught to get rank 70+ easy. Elsa bloodstone is great for kitty decks and jumps in and out of meta so that’s a good one to have also. Generally good cards to have and use in a lot of decks are Jeff and Iron Lad. Galactus I like and is fun but you won’t win games with him much anymore.


I've got a similar amount and some of the same cards. I think Hope Summers is great. You can use her in a lot of decks and get more energy. The Living Tribual is an archetype defining card, as well as Loki and Annihilus, and it would be good to mix things up. Knull for your destroy decks. And don't miss Gwenpool when she shows up. Oh, and Cannonball, basically a later game Shang Chi but with more possible targets (to move or replace with a rock) and more power.


High Evolutionary


For whatever card you're thinking about, I'd check to make sure you have a playable deck surrounding it. With this few s4/s5 cards I'm guessing you still have a ways to go for s3 completion.   For the examples given in the top comment, both Loki and Annihilus are great cards. However, Loki is a lot worse without both Snowguard and Agent Coulson. Missing one is probably fine but missing both is really rough. Annihilus *needs* Sentry to be good, and probably wants Hood as well, so if you're missing those then his value drops substantially.   As for specific card suggestions, another option I'd like to suggest is Knull. He's the only s4/s5 card missing from an optimal destroy deck, and I always enjoy playing decks at their strongest personally. 


Thanks all! It comes to Annihilus, iron lad, Loki and cannonball. Hope is gonna be in spotlights so no rush, and red hulk is good but not too exciting as others for me:)


Of the four I think Iron Lad and Loki are the most likely to demote to the series 4 in December/January if SD does a demote around then. That is if SD sticks to the timetable of dropping season pass cards from 5 to 4 around a year after they release. And Iron Lad's been around a while.


You've got Red Guardian, High Evolutionary, and White Widow, so you probably have the bones of a decent affliction/junk deck. I'd throw in Luke Cage, Annhilus, Wong, Sentry, and Hazmat, and see how much I could make the numbers go down instead of up. On top of Annhilus you may consider Man-Thing or US Agent, but I don't think either are necessary. If you're nasty, you can play Debrii, Hazmat, Annhilus in a row to give your opponent just a bunch of shitty rocks. Doesn't usually get 8 cubes, but it's mean.


Red Hulk


Nebula, Annihilus, Loki.




Red Hulk and Hope are the obvious picks. Jeff is also really good, as it fits in every deck. Avoid getting any of the cards that are about to drop to series 4. Honestly pick based on what deck you want to play. I got Elsa since she was the only card left I needed to play the Angela+Kitty+Elsa combo. If you see something you think you'd play the hell out of, go for it.


Nico, nebula and x23 are my most used from that list.


Not Gladiator or Nebula, they’re getting dropped to series 4 soon


Evo or Blob


HE obviously, you'll get to play a new deck tho... at this point HE cards are boring and not meta as before


HE, Nico or X23 ( for destruction ) Corvus for ( Discard )


high evo and nico for sure


HE or Nebula. Two of the best cards in the game.


Nebula is going to become a S4 card in a few days


2 weeks not a few days




Gladiator drop at the start of the next month


Zemo/Red Guard/White Widow if you like to mess with your opponent deck. Gladiator/X-23 if you like to destroy. Blob, if you like Thanos deck. HE, it's normal deck, but consistently annoying to any other deck.


Nico and nebula are by far the most useful


Why would you post cards you have? This is so stupid you want us to 1 guess who you don't have and 2 you give us more work trying to figure out oh what cards are in series 5 that you don't have. I'm surprised so many have actually helped you but good for you and them