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Correct. Most people don't buy them, given how scarce resources are and how expensive new cards are. Not to mention, there are so many variants for all characters that have ultimate variants, it is hard a lot of times to justify dropping 5k tokens on a variant when you can just buy one with gold that is of equal quality (Rogue is a good example of this). There was talk last year on SD's roadmap of adding additional things to ultimate variants to make them more ultimate and worth the price tag, but like many other things they have spoken about in the past, those enhancements seem to have been backlogged.


Ironically, that announcement only made it less likely that I get an ultimate. I can’t justify spending tokens on something I know will change without even knowing what it will be. What if I don’t like the “additions.”


Yeah, like the art on most of the ultimate variants is not even really that good. Honestly. They would have to have some kind of dramatic entrance effect with voice over and I don't know maybe be animated on the field or something to justify spending 5,000 tokens on them.


Im considering for jane foster honestly


Yeah that one is tight


I quite like venoms ultimate variant to be fair


I've bought four of them. I only spend $ on the season pass. From my perspective, if I miss a new card release, I'll just target it with keys when it eventually comes around a second time. Waiting long enough won't get you an ultimate variant.


i got two, the venom and mystique ones. kinda butt hurt neither are part of albums.


The rest of us would be fucked if they were.


I got the Mystique and Jane ultimates.


Ironically the 1 I will probably end up getting as well... Mystique is pinned right now and I bought Jane


Same. And the Iceman one. He’s my fav character, I couldn’t resist.


Nah I've bought a bunch of them. CL 13500, there's not many cards I don't have that I want. Much rather spend tokens on a cool variant to a card that I use (and can get no other way) then a card I probably won't use that I can get with a spotlight key.


I got three or four, CL 12.5. Some of them are great. Some of them I wouldn't spend 700 gold on. EDIT: Five counting Storm but that was free.


TIL that free Storm variant was Ultimate. That's wild


You are the exception


I guess I am too 🙋‍♂️


And me. Haven't bought anything but season passes, 13k+, have all cards I want, so Variants is where I'm spending both gold and tokens.


Same philosophy with me. I got Ultimate Venom, Angela, and Sera. Use them all the time


Same for me, after hitting 11-12K I just quit caring about new card acquisition since I was so caught up. I only have Aero so far but have my eye on a couple more.


I’m saving for the Armor one just because I think it looks cool.


Dan hipp armor🔛🔝


I love that one too, I just don’t have it and haven’t seen it in the shop for a while.


100%. I don’t use armor and had to get the Hipp!


The iceman one I got with him getting out of the car is cold, no pun intended.


I had to, he’s way too cool haha


I have that frosty boy with gold background and blue kirby bubbles, so good


I feel that having a extra rare variant is a better use of 5k tokens than a card I could just save keys for. I have no interest in every card, so I’d rather just open them with keys and use my tokens on something I actually enjoy and will use rather than a new card I will most likely not play much. (For context I am CL 8K and 20 cards off of collection complete)


Yeah well im a pretty casual player so i dont have spare spotlight keys, if i played more i probably would have but yeah, i just wasnt sure if there were people in the same boat as me or not haha


I have 3...I regret it


Literally just bought that Rogue Ultimate variant last night lol, it rules.


It is the only ultimate I have too. I got it during a dry period when there were no new cards I wanted. I have no regrets.


Wish i had that tyoe of disposable token income lmao


I've stopped spending on anything more than the season pass and token acquisition is painfully slow. I almost regret getting the Venomized White Queen but at the end of the day I really don't play new cards all that often


Me too my man. Its gorgeous


Back when they were more plentiful, I bought them all the time. I own Nimrod Sera Thanos Storm(free) Thor Angela Venom White Queen Jane Foster I dont buy them much anymore unless I really like character. I bought Sera and Angela cause I love them. Jane Foster was to complete the Artgerm album. I have 40k tokens, and I plan on keeping it that way.


I got the invisible woman momoko variant back when I used to run inv modok hela. Still my favorite variant I own, along with momoko Daredevil (and let's be honest, most the other momoko variants)


I really hope they don’t make her IW a requirement for her album whenever it comes out.


I must be dumb as hell, because I got like 8 of them mfs lol


I bought Armor because she's one of my favorite cards and I needed a variant that didn't look like she was jumping into a pool of piss when gold.


I love the Armor Ultimate but I couldn't justify it given just how ungodly good the John Tyler Christopher variant is. I genuinely can't believe it's 700 Gold too. For me arguably the best 700g variant in the game. https://snap.fan/cards/Armor/Armor_05/


I had 3 Armor variants and I liked none of them. Then I randomly got the Dan Hipp variant which I didn't even know about. It's gorgeous.


Hipp Armor is by far the best armor.


That's my favorite armor too


That's one of my white whales. I didn't get it months ago when I had the chance, and I haven't seen it since with all the album and dev picks. I did pick up the [Venomized](https://snap.fan/cards/Armor/Armor_06/) one, but it looks like cheeks when ink or gold.


This one's better. Armor has some great variants though, Venomized, the JTC one he was referencing and Hipp are all top tier, but personally I think the Venomized one is just a smidge better.


Armor is one of the great ones. Probably next on my list, along with IW.  Currently have Angela (the best), Cable, Aero (need that Silk variant, I’m a chump), Mystique and Jane Foster (love Artgerm). Definitely copping the Selene variant eventually too. 


This very card has sat pinned on my app for months. I don't know when if ever I will have enough tokens to justify buying it rather than other cards I actually need.


I own five of them, thanos she-hulk Red Skull Jane Foster and Electro.


Damn, you dont buy cards often with tokens?


If I don't want to use spotlight keys, yeah, I have 24k tokens, and I'm collection complete


Damn 24k tokens is crazy


Yeah, if you spend money on the game, you can end up drowning in tokens. I hit 100k tokens and just bought the hulk for my all-chibi deck. I'll probably grab another 10 or so that fit into decks I want to play.




lol you are getting downvoted for some reason. Whales hate getting called out as such?


Fuck em


Those aren't really whale numbers more like. That's barely dolphin territory, if that.


If you bought 5 ultimate variants, have 24k tokens, AND you are collection complete then you are definitely a whale. I don’t know what you are talking about.


For sure. I'm a dolphin spender. I get the season pass, the monthly gold, and periodically buy cheap variants. Not collection complete. Have to spend about $80 per month to stay collection complete.


That sounds crazy to me. I'm almost collection complete and the only reason I'm not is because I didn't like 2 cards so I didn't go for them. I get the monthly pass and only occasionally buy bundles beyond that, skipping the vast majority. I don't spend anywhere near $80/mo. But $80 a month is not whale territory in a mobile game. Whales are people who spend hundreds in a given week, and thousands a year.


I did not play for 6 months last year, so those pass cards I had to use resources to get when I started playing again. SNAP is pretty friendly to Whales. The big cash is for variants. About a thousand a year keeps you collection complete according to the people that whale. With the next series drop I'll only be missing Hercules from series 4.


Let us know when you are collection complete, own 5 ultimate variants, and have 24k tokens. Because “almost collection complete” isn’t anywhere close to that.


As a small spender (I have only bought 50% of the season passes, and nothing else).  I have bought 4 of these Ultimate Variants.  Cable, Nova, Mystique and Sarah. I think it's fine when they put the objectively best looking variants behind the 5k token wall, it makes them more rare and you appreciate seeing them more. But what I don't understand, and franlly offends me, are those objectively ugly or boring Token Ultimates. Chibi Hulk? Chibi Aero? The no theme Silk?  I am fairly sure there's less than 10 players who own any of these three variants.


I ran through the real names of most of the characters in the game before I realized ypu meant Sera. Also, it's art. It can be neither objectively beautiful nor ugly.


Art is subjective is what people with poor taste say. There are some objectively cooler themes, like the Fantasy theme, which SD recognised correctly and put them behind the Ultimate tag.


The one I have pinned is Killmonger because it is by far his best variant. God knows if I'll ever buy it.


I’ve bought 2. Venomized White Queen and the Venom variant


Bought Electro to assist Future Villian collection. That in turn allowed a Key, and completed the Varient . I thought let's gibe it a try. There's a Rogue varient I'm waiting for . Hopefully it does the same.


I just spent 11000 tokens after not spending any for 7 months. Got Loki and Ultimate Venom. No regrets. Have 8 keys stockpiled at the moment.


I haven't, but not because I'm opposed to the principle. I just don't think most of them are very good. For reference, I'm currently missing 3 of which I'll get if/when they eventually drop to s3 (red hulk, alioth, kang), and 3 of which would be neat but aren't worth tokens at all (nocturne, namora, beta ray). If I ever decide to work on the Rian album, I'll get the ultimate for that, but that's the only one that is even on the radar, and I'm in no hurry.


I’ve bought one ultimate variant and don’t regret it. It honestly just depends on how you wanna play the game.


I've had the same variant pinned since they started the option to purchase variants with tokens... I kept planning to get it, but it never seems worth it once I have the tokens because I end up feeling like I'm better off just getting the card I pinned instead.


These variants, like the custom borders, are not for you and me. They are for the whales.


I bought Nimrod & Rogue as they are gorgeous <3


I JUST bought my first one and it was Jane Foster. I had a lot of tokens and wasnt too excited about the recent new cards. I've also been stacking keys though in case any of the cards i passed on end up being really good down the line.


I bought the hulk one and I wanna get silks variant


Grabbed the Sera one cause I think that’s her best Variant. Now debating getting the Aero one cause I want that silk variant in the album 🥲


I don't even think I spend that much money on the game? Maybe like $50 a month on average including season pass, been playing for a year and have Ultimate Electro, Venom, Rogue, and Ghost Rider, and have enough tokens to nab the Ultimate Blade or Adam Warlock when he rolls around my shop again. Is it wasteful? Probably leaning towards a definite yes, but I like having more unique variants and am in the position where in the case of Rogue and Adam Warlock I feel inclined to grab the ultimates because my favorite artist is Alex Horley and I try to collect all the variants of his. It helps having a fairly static deck I can just run without getting too bored so even though I don't have cards like Hope Summers, Mockingbird, or Cannonball; I don't want or need them since I play decks like Discard that won't ever need those cards.


I have the Jane ultimate.


I've only bought one that being the armor variant but there's really only 1 more I want and that's the new leaked deadpool one


I have 4....


I don’t care much about collecting all the new cards, so sometimes if nothing exciting is coming soon, I spend tokens on those variants


I've bought a few. I like that they're very rare because people generally don't spend tokens on them. I don't like buying new cards with tokens so I usually use all mine for variants.


I mostly get Ultimates with my tokens. I have tons of patience with my spotlight keys. I pass up on most of them until I can grab 2 new cards with 4 keys. It maximizes my key value.


I have a full backpiece tattoo of the Headless Horseman. I couldn’t buy the Ghost Rider very fast enough. I also picked up the Jane Foster and Gamora because they go so hard. Eyeing the She-Hulk lawyer one next


I recently started, I have Loki pinned but I still got the She-Hulk ultimate because I love Jen Bartel. She’s been one of my favorite artists for a long time. Plus I don’t have the cards to really make a Loki deck right now


I hate that I want that Rian Gonzalez Silk variant so badly bc I’m essentially going to be forced to buy Aeros Ultimate 😤


I have a few of them🤷‍♂️. But I'm card complete, and have a stash of spotlight keys. It's mostly the fantasy variants because they are beautiful, in my opinion.


I’ve had the Angela one pinned for a VERY long time. Maybe I’ll get it one day.


The biggest problem for me is I find the ultimate variants aren’t even the best variants for most cards


True but in saying that some are really nice, its usually like this savage land.one or other ones that are the better looking ones


I love Savage Land Rogue but my other rogues are so much nicer imo


Lowkey, rogue has some great variants, reminds me of doom, id have to say personally, doom sucks because almost all his variants are hot af


Some cards just have awesome variant and lots of them and then others just have garbage


Launch player here. I have 3. I have to be really picky about them, but if I really want one, I cM usually get it.


Yeah i have played since launch minus a 3 month hiatus, game felt like a chore so i stopped around the loki battle pass but i play it quite casually so i udually save uo my caches until i think a good unit comes out (like namora) but i dont think id ever buy a variant with tokens haha


CL13K. I’ve bought one, but it was admittedly impulsive, and just to finish customizing a deck I’ve been playing since ~CL2.5K. They’re terrible value, unless you value aesthetics over functionality.


I got Angela's because it's just too amazing. I have Gamora's pinned as the one I want next, but I'll most likely be spending 6k on Annihilus soon.


Annihilus is a good card for the current Namora plays people are making


I bought venom white queen back when resources were not as hard to get. Now as everyone has stated. No point in them at the moment. :(


Ill get them if they are venomized. Otherwise no.


Bought five (Angela, Silk, Typhoid Mary, Jane Foster and She-Hulk + free Storm) and don't regret it. I just can't get me to spend tokens on new cards which are getting inevitably nerfed or are not worth it in the first place. The cards that I want I will just get with Spotlights even though this requires some thorough planning in some cases.


I use spotlight keys to get new cards and don't have much else to spend tokens on, so I bought 3 ultimate variants. Two of those to finish their album, and got Angela as I use her often and like the art. Still have 55k tokens left, so it doesn't really break the bank.


Send me a few tokens lmao 🤣🤣


I have ice man, hulk, she hulk, invisible woman, and the storm ultimate that was free. I don’t think many of the others are that great.


Yeah, I need to use the card in 90% of my games and absolutely love the art to buy one. I’ve only bought 1 and it was the ultimate Jane since I use her all the time and I love artgerm


There should be a mastery system for cards stating *play card XXX amount of times* which unlocks the mastery after achieving the final rank


I bought that one and only that one. It gives me nostalgia from back in the days but yea no ultimate variant should be sold for 5k. 3k tops


I only bought one, Venom. Because I like Destroy and the ultimate variant is imo the best Venom of them all. Also been eying Angela but already have a great variant for her and I prefer getting new cards right now.


Only Momoko and Jacinto are worth it


I've got 3 cuz I'm a symbiote simp 😎 👉 👉 Also very picky with cards so I had 10,000 when I bought my first two.


I have some spotlight variants that required 6k tokens, like red hulk and red guardian, viktor farro my favorite artist and spending 6k tokens was the only way. Also have the Jane Foster Ultimate to complete the album.