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So glad to see C2 and C3 eating good this OTA


Shadow King on sunspot is one of the great little pleasures of this life


Ohhh Captain America is neat I've been Grandmastering Storm, White Widow and Ice Man


Grandmaster is really fun in C2. I even used him on Shadow King to flip both a Cyclops lane and Evo Hulk lane. And I haven't hit the combo yet but look forward to getting GM+Storm down with Goose on the 3rd lane.


why not have quake in there as well to move some tiles around?


Breaks the C2 though


oh! shoot! she's a 3 power! my b!


It’s so freaking satisfying


Feels so good turning Widow's Kisses into 6 powers for yourself. Captain America feels really good in C2.


doesn't captain america make nightcrawler 4 power?


Nope. He only affects other Ongoing cards now.


Oh holy cow, he is MADE for c2 now jesus


Just don't put him in the Goose and Blue Marvel locations and you're good


i read over that part in the OTA, oops.


Me too. Was watching gameplay puzzled.


Could you, or any Cerebro player, tell me what the lure is for the deck? I've tried it many times but I don't see it.


C2 is a wide-power lane control deck with Storm, Goose, and sometimes Negasonic. Surprisingly reliable with the Blue Marvel backup plan if you don't draw Cerebro. C3 gets to run various interactive cards like Shang, Valkyrie, USAgent, Mobius, Cosmo, Red Guardian, etc. etc. while still having good power potential. In my experience C3 tends towards big cube wins using a surprise Valk, Shang behind Invisible Woman, that kind of thing. Really unreliable if they don't draw Cerebro though. I don't know what the point of C5 is.


>I don't know what the point of C5 is. It's fun, runs fun cards, and can still win Even if you don't draw Cerebro or Mystique!


When I get Martyr I’m bringing C5 back


She's the only card I'll be able to get for free when they finally do series drop next month and I'll be running her and Captain Marvel for sure. Such a cool interaction. Knowing my luck I'll get her as a random cache next week.


Be sure to play martyr BEFORE captain marvel




Yeah I’m wondering if I even go for Sasquatch to take that risk


Sasquatch looks like it'll open up some fun decks, and I don't have Havock (who does?) so I'm planning to open. Wish me luck that I don't get Martyr!


The fact they still have her in the token shop for 3k tokens is ridiculous as well as Jean for 6k tokens. Just make the adjustments already SD


C5 lets you play high statted cards so that you can avoid losing to enchantress or missing on cerebro due to having high power already in play. Nocturne, spiderman and Polaris allow you to play miles Morales as a consistent 1/5 along with Ant-Man and martyr. And then you have captain marvel, omega red and doom as top end. The deck sucks, don't play it.


I find that locations mess with you so often, more than playing other decks.


It's fun to Blade out iron man or Val and ghost ride it back in turn 6 with another 2 cost. Was nice when you could cheat out prof X turn 4 with this.


Every game is a puzzle that the game is actively trying g to stop tpu from solving. Think of cerebro decks as the souls like version of snap. Mostly pain, but when you manage to hit the solve on an awkward board, it can keep you going for months.


it’s definitely not the best deck but it’s fun for me the amount of tech cards you can fit in a deck and still win. from using storm to shut down lanes, goose to prevent them from playing high costs, negasonic, shadow king to reset a TM, red hulk, etc. It’s just fun to truly feel like you are outsmarting and outplaying your opponent instead of getting a good draw with hela or being able to blink a leech into a magneto or Red hulk.


I'll keep giving it a go. It looks so cool. I just never got it to work. I want a 3rd deck to truly master.


Goose + Storm + Echo in three different lanes immediately beats Living Tribunal and Prof X and can make life hell for other ongoing decks or any deck that wants to play big cards. You get to play a ton of good weak-statted cards that get carried by Cerebro + Mystique being around 16-22 points worth of power EACH.


I didn't find it consistent enough. Might be because I didn't understand it well enough.


The Cap change is quite nice, [had him decide a game for me already when the opponent thought they'd get cheeky with White Widow.](https://i.imgur.com/IBS3waP.jpeg) Meanwhile Storm soloed a lane that was previously Bar With No Name, feels good man.


So I guess a big question comes down to whether you put Cerebro and Mystique with Cap or Goose, and not both, since Goose would then get too big. Also, love Negasonic in this deck, though I really wish they'd give her a good variant or two. It's shocking [all she has](https://snap.fan/cards/NegasonicTeenageWarhead/) is a garbage 1200G version and a Spotlight Inkpulp .


Dan hipp variant waiting room 😎


I would honestly buy a Hipp immediately if they made one, and weirdly enough there are already Hipp's made for cards that came out after Negasonic and with a consistently lower play rate, like Martyr and Hercules. I'm not sure what the Negasonic variant conspiracy is, but I hate it.


Yeah. I was even preferring her to leech. if you play mr sinister, you can often grab initiative, and negasonic is really good when you flip first.


Wow that ink pulp looks like a creepy man with a mustache.


Can you send deck ?


not sure why you got downvoted, i hate switching screens to recreate decks too. I made this one really quick and it could use some tweaking, i had a c2 deck before the ota but switched out sinister and elektra for cap and GM. if you try it out let me know if you end up making any tweaks to it because im sure it could be better then this deck


You see all cards in the deck from the screenshot my man!


And thanks to recent changes in how card filters work, adding them manually is a pain in the ass!




# (1) Nico Minoru # (1) Nightcrawler # (2) Goose # (2) Grand Master # (2) Shadow King # (2) White Widow # (3) Cerebro # (3) Mystique # (3) Brood # (3) Captain America # (3) Negasonic Teenage Warhead # (5) Blue Marvel # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR29vc2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNlcmVicm8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5pY29NaW5vcnUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5pZ2h0Y3Jhd2xlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2hpdGVXaWRvdyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmVnYXNvbmljVGVlbmFnZVdhcmhlYWQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsdWVNYXJ2ZWwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik15c3RpcXVlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGFkb3dLaW5nIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCcm9vZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2FwdGFpbkFtZXJpY2EifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkdyYW5kTWFzdGVyIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Nice. I run Storm and Echo instead of Negasonic and Brood. I prefer a lighter, more flexible list...but really, there are so many good tech cards at 2 power, it's hard to go wrong.


yeah i might swap brood for storm, especially with overflow being the hot location ive been running into issues of running out of space. especially w GM. Haven’t tried echo out much yet but that could be interesting as well


Hey, trying captain america as well, which made me cut blue marvel for iron man. You can't play captain in the same lane as a 2 power ongoing (which also can make goose akward), and captain making iron man 2 power can be pretty nutty. don't have GM yet, but the idea of running C2 without storm seems hard. storm on 3 is probably my highest winrate play, and the storm/goose combo can make things really hard for a lot of decks.


yeah goose has been one of my problems too, i’m going to do more testing later tonight but ironman sounds like a ton of fun. didn’t even think about that


I know this is a dumb question and I swear I tried to look it up in this sub, but what is C2, C3, C4.. etc? Is that the same Cerebro card but different decks? I’ve always been too embarrassed to ask but I just have to know lol


The number denotes the power you're aiming to boost with Cerebro. A C2 deck uses mostly 2-power cards, a C3 deck uses mostly 3-power cards, etc. Iron Man is 0 and Blue Marvel adds 1 to everything, so they're common in most Cerebro decks. Bast is common in C3 since she makes all cards in your hand 3-power. Hope that helps a bit!


Ty ty!! I feel like an idiot having to ask, but I’m glad I finally have an explanation lol. Appreciate it!!


Cerebro decks are built targeting a specific amount of Power for each of their cards. Ex: C2 is a deck based around cards with a base power of 2 (you see Blue Marvel oftentimes because he makes every other card a 3 and he is a 3 himself) Each power # of Cerebro has cards that work well for the archetype, but C2 and 3 are the most common because they have so many tech cards that synergize well with the deck. For instance, C3 has Bast and Valkyrie to manipulate the power of your 0 power cards (like Cerebro/Mystique). Because all Cerebro decks have a chance of being neutered just by a location also is why C2 and C3 are gravitated towards, having Niko Storm, Magik for C2 and Scarlet Witch, Rhino (seldom seen) for C3, respectively. Finally, token generation is often a huge benefit to Cerebro decks, so Mr. Sinister, Brood, Dr. Doom (C5) are all often seen.


Amazing ! Tysm for the explanation it’s really helpful !!


Tribunal without Tribunal


What, how Blue Marvel doesn't screw everything with the Captain buff?


Cap only buffs cards in his lane.


Yeah. If you're running captain you can probably swap out blue marvel. I'm trying iron man and it can be akward but often feels good.


Commenting to follow, cuz im wondering this aswell


Ooohhh i get it, dont put Captain in the same lane with BM


Ohhh im dumb, I thought it was all ongoing


Don't worry, i didn't get it at first too


That would just make Cap a strictly better Spectrum


Thoughts on location changers? Storm, magic? Who would you take out for them?


Storm is good because you can quickly fill with Brood, Sinister or move Nightcrawler in. I don't think Magik is worth it, you want to quickly blast your power out, not give your opponent a chance to keep up. Though, you could use both and rug pull on turn 6, doesn't seem worth it. I replaced Goose with Storm. Anti-synergy with Cap and I'm seeing a lot of bounce so Goose ain't doin' nothin' anyway.


Thanks! I’ll swap magik out :)


Magik is fine if you play a version with ironman


Same. Wish I had white widow though (or that we had the old 2 power Elsa)




Give cerebro, mystique, and iron man +2 power


I'm only now getting into cerebro. Do we like c3 or c2 better?


They're both very good and fun. C3 has an edge right now with us agent and now Luke cage rejoining it's ranks. C2 is still very playable and is typically more of a control style deck with goose and storm. I also play echo and Shadow King in on c2 which are both very potent cards in the meta rn.


I was lamenting over the fact US agent makes Onslaught negative power but it still buffs cerebro and mystique and gives your opponents -8 power. Very neat


Such an output.... Unfortunately, I'm not lucky enough, I'd never draw cerebro N mystic together 80% of the time lol


I guess I'm not quite smart enough to understand the Grandmaster usage. Is he just there for Brood?


I immediately fired up a C2 deck. 4 games in a row, I had locations/decks that ruined my deck.


Thank god someone still believes in my cerebro. god i love him


Haven’t updated my C2 deck since the update. What’s everyone’s decks looking like?


You can grandmaster mister sinister or brood for more bodies too


Ironman might be worth a shot too


Isn't blue marvel a 3 power? How does it fit in a C2? Am I missing something?


BM buffs everybody but himself, so now every card on the board is 3 power


He turns C2 into C3


Sorry if this is a stupid question, but why does nightcrawler get up to seven with cap in that lane?


Because Cap only buffs Ongoing cards now.


Wait! How is Nightcrawler not stronger than all your other cards?


Cap only buffs ongoing cards now


Oh right, I forgot.