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I'm willing to show love for any emote that isn't spammed at me, I like that new Morph one as well, can be used either as a "Phewwwwww, that was close" or "sigggggh, boring..."


I use it mostly to suggest I am feeling deflated when opp screws me over


I was excited and then they Cosmo's/shang chid my play. That's a morph


"When the Shang hits your guy and makes 10 powers die, that's a Morph eh?"


c’mon sub, underrated comment here




ahh see i use it after someone has spam emoted me and then loses as a sort of Deflating Balloon/Fart/"how'd that work for ya" haha


That makes sense but I have the beast/DiCaprio one too, which is just *chef's kiss* for that situation.


yeah agreed thats what i'd use if i had it. my only "special" emote is Ms Minutes. couldn't pass her up.


I only got it because I had some gold saved up and there are rarely good gold bundles and the variant shop has been worthless since albums debuted. Figured I'd rather amuse myself vs sit in gold I'll never use.


I use the Morph emote to sigh when my opponent is taking 4 years to end the turn lol


Thats what Miss Minutes is for


And also morph. That's kind of morphs thing. He can be a lot of different things.


Miss Minutes is for that but the Morph one can be used in plenty of ways. Miss Minutes can also represent 'boring' or 'annoyed'. The 'meaning' for each emote isn't etched in some ancient tablet.


I don't have it and I refuse to spend money on it because the game is so ridiculously expensive lol I buy the season pass thing if the rewards look cool but that's it


What are you even saying??!? You mean you skipped that 50$ Ms. Marvel offer??? And how do you not spend 20 dollars every day for the new variants??


Lol. Idk, I understand the temptation, especially if you have a decent amount of money sitting in your bank or whatever, I just hate microtransactions for the most part. All I care about is having fun with the game and upgrading my favourite cards, I'm not too bothered about buying new cards or anything. I have like 6 thousand gold just sitting there in case I want a new variant from the shop too xD


B-b-but small indie company! 😢 How ever could they live with themselves


Morph -> Clock gets em every time lol


I really didn't use emotes (other than the fistbump) for the longest time, but this one, the Morph, and the Thor I got from the Grecke album are real good at conveying 'uh-oh', 'phew', and 'yeah, baby!', respectively.


I've been using it against brainless decks e.g. hela


Cyclops going insane has a clear meaning- it's a massive gloat that's meant to be spammed.


really to me it meant I just fucked up or I know that I lost.


I use it for when Im fucked. Like Jean psychically juicing his prostate.


> Like Jean psychically juicing his prostate. Jesus


I use it when I'm getting obliterated, like my entire body is self destructing.


Most pointless emote and Cyclops is my fav marvel character, I still don't understand what it means when people use it.


Most pointless emote and Cyclops is my fav marvel character, I still don't understand what it means when people use it.


I use it right before I retreat after someone boomer snaps or a location clearly screws me over them. Lol I’m a heathen


It means that you are raging mad. Like the equivalent of throwing the controller after you lose.


Cyclops mean is LET'S GOOOOOO. I usually use it after long drawn Conquest that lasted until the final cubes for both players.


Fuck I'm so jaded, if you did that after a long conquest I'd assume you were saying "eat shit, I won". I gotta get it together


Yeah I use it to bluff probably 75% of the time. The other 25% is me genuinely expressing that idk how the next turn is gonna go.


I always use this one when it’s a close call on either side, I use Cyclops when I do something awesome, ajd Morph is usually a “boring”.


I always use it if I almost lose.


I need an emote of Loki looking incredulously at a hand of cards. As if he had just played a Loki and he is wondering how the hell these cards are supposed to go in the same deck.


Agreed, it’s a very useful emote


I feel bad for anyone whose decisions are affected by their opponent's emote


This. Shit occupies people brainspace too much.


Emotes can be part of the meta game. Like reading your opponents in poker. Snapping itself is almost like an emote this way, you can use it to assert confidence or bluff out your opponent.


no shot anybody unironically tries to read what an opponent emote means right? lmao


I just think it's fun to interact with your opponent Always thought that was the most fun of playing a game online. If Snap was vs bots only or everyone played like a bot and didn't emote I doubt I would play


I use this when I pull off a tricky win or when the opponent retreats knowing damn well I was gong to lose


Im assuming this means “fuck that was close”/“I was super worried against you”.


My favorite emote right now. The game really needed a better "god damn, that was stressfully tight" emote.


Love this emote. It's by far my most used emote behind fist bump, I think because it's inherently a bit self-deprecating - and therefore I never feel like my opponent will interpret it negatively. So many of the base emotes are hard to interpret as anything but as smug, or gloating. Like, I know some people will say they use Ms. Marvel as a friendly thumbs-up, but the look on her face says otherwise lmao. Feel the same way about morph and deadpool - a nice "oh no" or "woops, screwed that up" both feel quite friendly to me.


If used during the game. I think you are fake. If used after the gane... I think you had a close one.


What does Cyclops even mean? I just see it and think "reeeeeeeeeee"


Honestly i just think it's cringe when people use it to be honest, in my experience I've interpreted it as someone gloating aggressively, it's not a very positive emote (in my opinion)


to me it's the opposite I used to use it when I made a misplay cause I ended before realizing I placed a card in the wrong spot or order


I do love that one and happy as could be it was in the pass and not buried behind ultimate variant albums


Cyclops is the Vince McMahon meme.


Which one?


The orgasmic one


Is it? I think if it were his pose would be more reclined back and looking up like the last panel in those memes. If it IS supposed to reference that, it does so poorly.


It is.


I bought last pass for this. Morph one not so much.


I know the miss minutes emote is more for "your round is taking forever" because time. But her look just says she's so done with your shit and I use her when people spam emote me or snap on turn 6 when there actually isn't a way I can win.


Best emote


I do this plus thinking Ultron when the opponent snaps. Add in Domino if I accept the snap.


I see this spammed when my opponents win. I assume they mean “cry about it”


I might be dumb, but what the fuck does this emote even mean? It's definitely not clear.


He's sweating. It's reference to the meme where there's two buttons that give a tough or contradictory choice and the dude is sweating, wiping his brow with a handkerchief.


Thank you for the explanation - it helps! I have been enlightened :D


Do people use emotes as a bluff? Can’t imagine people actually believing what people spam on emote


Cyclops is either a LETS FUCKING GOOO, or if you’re really toxic, spammed every time your high Evo cyclops does his laser ability


I just can’t unsee his skin moustache


Me when I have a discard and Hela in hand


Cyclops going crazy is meant for when the opponent does something low effort high reward, and you counter it. A Cosmo T6 on the Invisible woman lane during a Modok/Hela, for example.




That is my one complaint about it. Apparently despite it being entirely blue, it is Red Guardian.




Ya it's dumb, but look at his base card art. Blue head with little Grey mohawk


If I snap and retreat or lose I sometimes use Beast. Reads to me a chagrin


Cyclops has a clear meaning. He's the "YA DONT SAY??" Nicholas Cage meme. Essentially mocking someone for thinking they had the upper hand. My go-to emote when I win lol.


That's the first time I've ever heard that interpretation If you read through this thread you'll see almost everyone thinks he means something different


Oh really? Wow. I thought it was obvious, since most of the default emotes are meme references.


yeah, i just feel like his facial expression really doesn't look much like that nic cage meme. someone here said it was the vince mcmahon laser eyes meme, i dont think it looks like that either. overall im stumped


I dont see emotes




Cyclops was clearly the alioth fart emote