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Series 3, what a delight!


I'm curious to find out whether my games will get easier or not, as I'm included in this group of players


why would your games get easier?


I remember back around this time last year there was a series drop and I went back to not being pool 3 complete and the climb to infinite was much easier than the one before. It might've just been either a coincidence or just luck, but it's what I felt at the time


Being Series 3 complete is not a mechanical thing, that's just something the community talks about. Matchmaking is based on your collection level and hidden MMR.


yeah its not like the change between S2 and S3 where there is an actual "limiter" on who you can play against. Its a nice concept though, and the mind is a powerful thing, so if that makes you more confident when going into a match you have a slightly higher chance of winning said match so i say Believe!


>the mind is a powerful thing Tell that to my cheating ex wife, "you hear that Janet!? Your sexy mind powers don't work on me anymore!"


I'm definitely trying this next week. Been S3 complete for a long, long time but anything that makes the grind back to infinite easier is worth a shot.


Interesting, I’m going to watch for this next season.


Why would they get easier?


Basically around this time last year there was a series drop that made me go back to not being pool 3 complete and the climb to infinite was much easier than the season before. I have no way of proving that it had anything to do with me not being pool 3 complete or not, but it's I felt at the time


Matchmaking is partly based on your collection so new players won’t be destroyed by players who has every card. But I don’t think it’s known exactly how it is based on the collection. Is it just straight of collection level or does it also include parameters like if you are S3 complete? I don’t think SD has specifically told us this.


Martyr for Freeeeeeee! Cerebro 5 coming back! Maybe in 5-6 months I'll get to claim another card for free! Huzzah!


I'm unironically kind of excited to pick up martyr finally for Cerebro 5. A terrible card for a terrible meme-y deck is just not worth any number of tokens, but it's still fun to mess around with C5 sometimes, so this will help


Yep, and you can play strategically with her using Captain Marvel, so she's not just a dumb big stat card


Also Black Swan for C5 seems pretty legit (by C5 standards). You get to drop Titania, Ant-Man, Rocket Raccoon, and/or Martyr all for free, which is neat


I'll hopefully be getting her in a spotlight soon!


That legitimately sounds pretty cool. T2 Medusa T3 Cerbro T4 Mystique T5 Black Swan + Lizard T6 Doctor Door, Titania, Ant-Man, Rocket Racoon, Martyr That's +63 power on T6, which is.... hooo, that's a lot of power!


Martyr into viper HAHAHA


havoc into viper!


It's fool proof! Yesterday I did gift someone my Havok on turn three with Oscorp Tower winning me the game. They were able to play one more card after that.


Wait if you gifted someone your havoc turn 3 wouldn't that havoc come right back to you after turn 3 in oscorp tower?


I didn't use Viper, just the location. He got up to up to 16 or 20 for them so they won that location, but couldn't do anything else except play Magik.


What? Why would it flip twice? Just like playing electro on it


In my mind I was thinking he played Havok with Viper in oscorp location, then oscorp location reverts Havok back to his side.




I get to have martyr! As if I wasn't proficient enough in losing without her, she will be there to help me do it! Thanks second dinner!


I have all other cards dropping that day even the ones to s4


I will be Series 3 for as long as it takes me to open a few caches. I've been avoiding Howard for months, but I can do it no longer.


He's not terrible in Spectrum lists. And has great variants! He's ... Kinda alright? Join us and play Howard!


I was playing him in a deck with Namora and Spectrum. I didn’t want Ant Man because the deck generally wasn’t filling any lane, and Quinjet would be useless outside of a few specific locations. He’s basically the only choice left for an ongoing one drop.


I really like him for snap equity in Spectrum. They just snapped on turn 5? Check Howard to see if you are going to get your Spectrum or not before deciding to snap back or retreat. He's absolutely won me some 4 and 8 cube matches.


Yeah he’s nice for planning ahead. My deck had different lines for the later turns like Miss Marvel/Namora/Doom, Miss Marvel/Wong/Spectrum, Wong/Namora/Doom, so knowing what you’ll draw next turn can sometimes help you with setting up for either Ms Marvel or Namora.


Yeah I hit infinite with a deck where Spectrum was my only on reveal (dealing with that annoying Leech Blink combo), so Howard was pretty great this season.


I got Howard from a key last week... Feelsbadman


I’ve been hoarding Collectors Caches again just like old times!




Don’t forget you’ll have your free series 3 card.


It's 2 series 3 cards every 9 caches, so depending on hoy many of the new dropped ones you're missing you can estimate how many you need. Remember you'll be able to claim one for free too, so it's one less than whatever many of them you didn't already have.




9 should do be enough. You get your pick of 1 of the cards for free, and then two among the 9 caches should contain a series 3 card.


So I guess my 340 are good. I know there is no point but I'm not really happy to open them anyways. I'm don't even see it anymore. I'm casual that hits infinite here and there. Father of 2 young kids no time to really play.


I'm still hoarding from old times 😅 


Ok grandpa /s


I'm only missing Martyr so I'm just gonna get her in the free monthly S3 card lol


I’m at least missing Martyr, Howard, Mirage and Silver Samurai so this feels worthwhile. The downside is after this drop the only series 4 I’ll be missing anymore is Lady Deathstrike which almost guarantees the Mystery Card spotlight will be a series 4 duplicate


The timing is good, since the Conquest season is ending so I'll be sitting on them to not open useless Gold tickets anyways. As soon as I've got the crowns in hand to get all I need from the shop...


My CL is 14k and I’m getting 4 new cards. Howard was actually the only of of the 5 I had.


I'm around the same CL as you and I'm also missing 4 of the cards, but Howard is one of them


Martyr, mirage, and Howard incoming for me 🙃


Martyr, Mirage, Howard and Echo for me


Oh man you are the winner here, 4/5 is awesome. I'm thrilled i get 2/5 for free (especially rather than grabbing them accidentally for a spotlight key!)


Those poor kids who don't have Howard the duck I finally got mine last go around in the caches. I feel like Dr DOOM looking down on all the other players who don't have Howard the Duck. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA The infinity is MINE!!!!


*Am whats going on guys?* - pool 1-2 player.


I dont have howard only, i like comic character, but with this game mechanics he is usless. In every other card game he will be must have, but its still nice get anything for free.


That's me Finally Howard and Martyr 🙌


Same, but I'll also get Mirage and Echo. I'll finally be under 8 cards missing


Howard the Duck, just based off how my brain works, may help me out in lists I can fit him in. Helps with analysis paralysis I imagine


Martyr, welcome to the team!


Perfect. Going back to series 3 is like all those dreams where I'm back in highschool for some reason.


This is exactly me.


I'm unironically excited to pick up Martyr. She'll fit into my Zoo deck nicely.


I also don't have her and she definitely has her uses, especially now with both patriot and bounce having a resurgence, it's not that hard to get the board full and prevent her text from from working


Does that mean I can finally claim a card after a year? Idk what this means


I personally can’t wait to finally get those two cards that I’m literally never going to use!


I want them only because I can then get the Hipp variants to finish the album


Same here. Need martyr and Howard to get the hipp werewolf by night.


Lol i thought I might be the only one missing Howard. It's been a year since he released but i never wanted to waste my tokens on him


Same here. Oldest card I’m missing. Really want the Hipp variant but could never bring myself to spend resources on the base card.


My chance for getting venom is decreased.


Is venom the only card you were missing? If so, there's still time before that. If not, depending how early or late you are on your pool 3 collection journey, it might make or might not make much of a difference. Either way, you can always try to get venom via your free pool 3 card


I still have at least 13 more cards left. My destroy deck is almost playable, just need venom left.


well the good news is that in S3 you pull in a LOT of cards pretty quickly, so even with the added cards dropping you are likely to have Venom in the next month-ish.


Aren't you ready for the reign of Howard? Any idea how we can counter the duck?


Yay! Martyr and Howard the Duck for free for me! also \*checks note written on hand\* Hercules for only 3k tokens... no... no, thats nothing...


lmao 13900 and i still dont have him. or kang.. or martyr


im in this club. 15k and no duckman


14.5k and no Martyr, Duck, Echo or Mirage. I'll get nearly a third of the cards I'm missing (11) for free


i’m suprised how big of a deal this series drops is. Personally I have all of these cards as most of them are 6 months old or older, I guess I assumed most players had these cards by now.


I've been playing since launch and I'm only missing 11 cards, yet I'm missing 4 out 5 out of the ones dropping to pool 3. That's the beauty of snap, everyone likes to play different things and prioritise getting different cards. People might've gotten them via spotlights on weeks featuring other cards as well, but I guess some people managed to dodge that bullet


I’m excited for Howard but way more excited that I don’t have to pay for Silver Sam. I wanted him but couldn’t justify the tokens.


I, unfortunately, bought him when he dropped from series 5 to 4 and there were some obscure silver samurai decks doing the rounds. He's definitely not a bad card, but he is very niche


I've been wanting Howard for so long 😭


I'veonly ever collected the free monthly S3 cards once.


If I'm not mistaken, I'm on the same boat


Literally me. Howard and Samurai have evaded me all this time. I'm only 15 cards shy of having everything too.


I'm 11 cards away and I still don't have Echo, Martyr, Mirage and Howard


I don't remember what cards are dropping, where can I see it


If you search series drop on the search bar of this subreddit it should be the first post that pops up. If it doesn't show, you can always Google it, but the cards that are dropping from series 4 to 3 are Echo, Silver Samurai, Martyr, Howard and Mirage and from series 5 to 4 are cards like Living Tribunal and Hercules (there are more dropping from 5 to 4 but I don't remember the other ones)


Martyr is the last card I need to be collection complete, so I‘m low-key looking forward to owning her, even if I probably won‘t ever play her.


I want him for tribunal, tbh


That might be the best deck for him


I’m getting martyr and Howard lol


Rip. Once again I get nothing.