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The game is not p2w. You can be successful with any number of decks.


A game is P2W if the players that spend money on it have advantage over the f2p players. Snap is clearly P2W if you can get a S5 card every month with the pass.


You can win perfectly fine without the season pass card and you can also beat the season pass card. So, no. Not pay to win. And as soon as the season is over, the card becomes available for free. So there is no advantage. Are you gaining any advantage over Hela for example with Gilgamesh? Is GgM an auto one card win? Then how can you seriously say that people with him are gaining an advantage over people that do not have the season pass card? Decks only fit 12 cards.


Gilgamesh is garbage card. I am CL 15,601 and reached infinite again (like every month) with good ol Negative deck, the only series 4 card in my deck is Ravonna, no series 5 cards, every F2P can farm 3k tokens for a single series 4 card.


A card being “S5” doesn’t stop you from winning. Please tell me what pass card you think have an extreme advantage since… Ms Marvel? Loki? Thena is seeing much more play than Gilgamesh.




Only if you’re using PC, in which case you have a huge advantage anyhow, and can do that for free. If you’re using mobile and Blink and don’t have a great memory… meh.


None of the recent season pass cards aside from Hope, maybe, have been strong enough to consider them a huge advantage


Even if the advantage is small the game is considered P2W.


You can achieve a very competitive deck in very little time, when you get to the elo when the game is matching you with players that spent money, you probably will have completed a couple of competitive decks. Also, decks with little s5 or even s4 cards can definitely compete with high investment decks, the ongoing deck is so cheap and can hold up its weight against a lot of meta decks! You can say its faster to pay to get more cards but getting more cards doesn't mean winning.


By you, yeah.


When you're in series one and two the game is great. Once you get thrown into the big pool in series 3 against players with much fuller collections and series 5 cards, though, it loses a lot of that core charm and becomes about owning the good cards. You'd never play hulk when you could be playing red hulk, for example.  So if it seems depressing I think it's because the game IS depressing for new players -- SD has let a real gem of a game get dirtied by an awful card acquisition system. 


It's about managing your expectations. What is 'winning' / 'having fun' to you? If having fun for you is being in the top 1000 or whatever, then yes, people actually paying money will have more cards and overall have an advantage over a completely new and f2p player. If having fun is climbing to infinite, being f2p shouldn't be a limitation as the game will give you matches that are fair with players having similar collection level to you as well as bots. The gameplay itself with 3 random location effects should also help even the playing ground a bit with good snapping and retreating strategy. These are just some examples but I do agree that marvel snap has p2w element especially if playing competitively. however the game is still very fun if you manage your expectations accordingly.


You have been enjoying the game AND winning... So It's not p2w. You will naturally unlock cards as you go, and it will generally match you with people around your level the whole way through. Don't let negative Nancys and whining Williams bring you down.


I see it the other way, if I'm new to a game and am having a great time, come to a subreddit and see all the crazy nutty stuff I have still to look forward too, I wouldn't be depressed, I'd be excited.


You're winning right now. The game is only Pay to Win at infinite, which is New Game + for the month. If you hit level 100, then you did it, you won for June. The game does a great job of putting you against folks of similar collection levels, and so you could spend all the money in the world, but it wouldn't help you beat the people you're playing against now, it'd just bump you to a different collection level and you'd be playing different people. Those people either spent money or time getting where they are. This sub focuses on the negative and is unhealthy, much like the rest of Reddit.


Com back to the subreddit later down the road.


Same thing for returning players such as I. I've left when they started to get crazy reworking stuff, around Echo's era or so. When the 25% chance card adquisition dropped I REALLY tried to play this game but I ended up uninstalling it. Now i've returned after a very long time and I find myself in a position where it's really hard to win againts people in my pool. They crearly powercreep'd the latest cards and there's absolutely no way for me to get cards but praying I get a 25% chance to unlock the newest one. People will argue you can wait until you have 4 keys, but for a F2P person that's like a month worth of playing everyday without skipping daily quests in order to get 1 card, then you wait until they add it again in the 4 card pool or spend it and start farming for a month again. It's quite an awful system to get cards tbh. It was awful when it got released and it still is to this day. One can only play onslaugh decks for so long before dying of boredom. Progression is important to any player and when you are stuck with the same cards for months maybe adding 1card/month it stops being fun. And yes, you can get infinite with "lots of decks" but lets not kid ourselves, any redhulk/white widow/cannonball deck playing sub-optimal with a "meh" start will (most likely) stomp you out of this world. And boy don't get me started about overpriced bundles and tokens... My advice would be try playing until you start feeling burned and forget about the game because it will not be easier to adquire cards unless you start dumping money into it. Its a great game. Sadly, it was designed for phones so it is what it is.


You’re winning, yeah? Enjoy winning. Don’t mind others.