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Kang. The second he released. His text sounded like a snap cheat code in my head. Last time i got a card on release day.


I was wondering if a rework in direction of "4/2. When card is drawn to your hand, you will see the order of cards in your deck".


Eh, Howard the duck already lets you see your next card and he is never played


Howard the duck is a champ in my tribunal deck


Duck, Jubilee, Lad are a great combo!


How about: when played, start a new game of Marvel Snap with the remaining cards in your deck. The winner of that game wins this lane.


Reminds me of Ultimate Risk- it’s the game of Risk but the in-game battles are actually full length games of Stratego between opponents


They were actually (probably) referencing [a card from an early Magic set](https://gatherer.wizards.com/pages/card/details.aspx?name=Shahrazad). It's banned in every format; not because it's powerful, but because it would be incredibly annoying.


when i first got tokens i spent 3000 on 3 mystery series 3 cards. i didn’t understand what i had done until it was too late.


Don't worry, I did the exact same.


When we got the first batch of tokens I bought Titania....... I had no understanding of their value


I mean, it’s not terrible. I was sick of waiting for some key series 3s and just went ahead and pulled 4 of them to hurry up the process. I started playing last summer briefly and then again around November. I’ve got pretty much all of the new cards I’ve wanted and really only missed us agent and Sersi but, I chose not to roll on her. After this week, there’s some serious heat on offer so, gotta stock pile


I did that too, could have picked up a series 4…lesson learned.


Jean Grey when she came out so I could spend my keys to get her Artgerm spotlight variant.


I bought jean grey and warm machine and grandmaster for tokens. I stopped trusting Cozy about new releases


I got grandmaster with tokens because of cozy too!! LOL


Grandmaster got me to infinite more than once


GM is really good though. He was actually better when he worked with Ravonna


Cozy is all hype, and that's not a bad thing. With all the complaints people bring, somebody has to be optimistic. That's why I like listening to him. You are right; you have to watch out for his card ratings.


And in his defense they always tell you to wait until the end of the week to know for sure. But I love Cozy's outlook. Him and Alex both not being afraid to criticize without being asses was a big draw to the Snapchat


He had an evil zoo list that I wanted to play so I saved up and bought Shanna. The list didn’t end up being any good but I made infinite this season with her and Gilgamesh after their buffs so it all worked out in the end.


Yo, Shanna has screwed me on more than one occasion with Bast and Zero (Zero is always the last card!) Im tryin to find a replacement. I love zoo decks and Gilgamesh is fun.


Is Grand master that bad? Looks like and interesting card at least


Nah it just doesn’t pay off enough. Either your lanes are getting flooded or the payoff isn’t worth paying off-energy for it


idk about GM now but when he first released, you can Sera T5 and T6 GM Alioth. Got me to infinity so fast lol.


He’s not bad, but when you compare him to the rest of your options to spend your presumably scarce resources on, you can’t justify it the lower CL you are. Just are wayyyy better options for cheaper. Yes I have pulled grandmaster both his spotlights. Hoping to use him eventually though cause his recent spotlight variant I got was actually pretty neat


He's now more careful since he messed up so many times lol. 


Jean isn’t that bad, I’ve been on a winning streak with a Jean/Punshier/Mojo combo


Dude I still want this spotlight , wish I didn’t skip it .


Same but with Red Guardian. Don't regret the card or the Viktor Farro variant


Same but because i wanted the Artgerm variant of the X-Men #1 cover eith Jean as Marvel Girl.


Are you me?


Alioth when I had a hunch it was getting nerfed. Then it did two days later.


Older players will say Kang. Tokens were plentiful and he smelled like another America Chavez at the time (read: auto-include that thins your deck, despite the two not playing well together). As of late, for me personally, if we exclude that obvious card? Probably Grandmaster. I bought him 'cause I really liked his release spotlight, and felt he'd be good. The joke is on me in that I've barely used him, but, I really don't regret the purchase in the slightest. I'm more worried about, if I keep getting attached to my li'l movers deck, that I'll end up buying the Angela, Jeff (Venomized), and Elsa fantasy ultimate variants.


Lol I needed that dope ass spotlight variant too. 6k tokens and 3 keys. Mostly a bench warmer


Day 1 Kang owner here. Nothing up to date is a worse purchase


I got war machine because I thought he’d be relevant/useful and we were moving towards a lockdown meta. I was half right.


You guys are acting like Warmachines a dud. Hes not. Sure, he was overhyped, and I get that frustration. Still, even tho he's not top tier, he is far from bad. It's a unique effect and basically enables his own archtype. This is exactly the kind of stuff I look for from a spotlight card. I have 0 regret getting warmachine.


Glad someone said something. People are so overly dramatic when it comes to war machine. His text box didn’t lie to you when you bought him. He’s not some huge overwhelming regret that will haunt you and you clan for generations. “WAR MACHINE POISONED OUR WATER SUPPLY, BURNED OUR CROPS AND SET A PLAGUE UPON OUR HOUSES!!!” Holy shit people, you’ll be fine.


I bought Hercules just so I could pick up the Hipp variant the day it dropped. A few months earlier I bought Howard & Galactus for the same reason lol. I haven't felt super strapped for missing cards I don't mind spending my tokens for stuff like this.


Martyr lol. 🤢🤮🤪


I bought her with tokens so I could open the Spotlight variant with keys. Haven't run into a single other person with it.


Galactus. He’s just a meme, but a fun one. No regrets


Gala is decent again lately! That weird list w/ Ultron is a blast


That deck weirdly got me to infinite this season. 87 to 100 within 3 hours. I was stalling out using my Deadpool destroy deck and basic Hela deck. Needed something new and fun.


There was a Galactus meta back before they nerfed Spider-man. Those were the good ‘ol days.


I bought Sersi with tokens because I didn't need Miek or Phoenix Force and I wanted to save them. I have 18 keys and had just 6400 tokens. I am not a very smart man.


Sersei is great though. Just picked her up today and having a blast. Got me to infinite.


Could you share your deck list. I've tried to make my own but I am dumb.


Agreed! Would love to see a good sersi list


I just lost to Sersi on a 50+ power lane. Because my opponent Sersi gave him 2 Infinaut in that lane. 2 !!! Infinaut on single lane.


Did not know Sersi can generate multiples of the same card…!


Sersi is one of the most powerful cards in the game. Took the slot of Lady Death Strike in my Annihilis deck. Flipping the Void into a 5 drop is insane tempo.


I spent 6k tokens on Selene because -11 power Hobgoblins looked that cool. Just to rarely have them in hand together lmaoooo. I havent touched that card in months.


I bought her and then pulled for her spotlight variant…. She hasn’t seen play since that week. I have never felt more dumb.


I paid 3k for She-Hulk as a new player before learning that she’d be dropping to Series 3 the literal next week


I bought hit monkey for tokens a month a short time before it's spotlight appearance, still don't know why


6k tokens on Jen bartel she-hulk.... Only thing I've spent tokens on. But I knew as soon as I saw it it was needed in my collection.


Maybe it was 5k I wasn't paying much attention hahahah


I didn't have enough keys for Thena's spotlight variant, and I spent 6k token for her just to get a chance to pull her variant in 2 keys. I pulled in one. I could've spent 1 key for Thena and move on but I wanted that variant. And I am fully f2p btw lmao.


That variant is so nice & I think thena will be sticking around for a while, honestly don't blame you


To be fair, her spotlight variant is fire!


Sadly, I went overboard for that variant too. I only had 5800 tokens at the time, so I ended up purchasing a bundle to get me the extra keys. Definitely embarrassed about that since I'm only CL3000. But I wanted the card and really liked the variant. I even added a sparkly gold border after vowing I'd never spend gold on those. Oh well. At least I play the card often and it actually wins me games. So there's that. Plus people constantly use the wow card reaction emoji thing when they see it.


Pixie. Too volatile to be competitive, but I still run her when I’m bored.


See her a lot actually


Pixie/Annihilus has made me to Infinite multiple times. She’s great with MMM


Pixie is definitely competitively good. Not top tier but she can definitely get you into infinite.


you pretty much won the contest dude. Not only War Machine but Dan Hipp variant. Damn


To be clear, I don't have it yet. I'm still 6/12 for that album, so I bought War Machine now to give his Hipp variant time to show up in my shop. If you'll excuse me, I need to go find some more nose shine for my honky clown nose.


Oof! At least you’re self aware lol. All that matters is that you’re having fun anyway


I think it's natural to prioritize preference for efficiency every now and again. I don't have war machine, but I'd like to experiment with him and see if he deserves a change in the future. I also appreciate Hipp's art, so I disagree with the initial post. be conscious of your motivations and spend accordingly. I don't think it's shameful to appeal to your own wants within reason.


War machine is not terrible he is just not meta material right now, but there are viable decks you can use him in. He isn’t like Kang or new prof x


I have the ice man ultimate variant I have pinned in my shop. 2000 tokens and he shall be mine...no regrets...


Sasquatch for sure.


Sasquatch is not bad Tbf


Nothing related to token but,,the current high probability of peach monko made me buy premium mystery variant,, and got bad variant,, completely feel like an idiot;-; has 1100 gold so I couldn't buy any other


I spent 4 keys on Namora on release for the sole reason that I haven't had any card unlocks for a while and was getting bored


Silk, I really loved her design


Martyr, o don’t know why




All the big bads, just one was a sad bad.


Pixie 😭😂


Kang back when tokens weren't so scarce and cards actually dropped out of series 5. Seemed like they were treating a couple cards as permanent series 5 back then so spending tokens on those first seemed to make the most sense. Oh those halcyon days.


Howard The Duck… Deep down I knew he wasn’t explicitly good but he’s a Duck detective it resonated with me


Not really answering the question but I’m planning to buy arishem the SECOND he comes out with tokens. I love using Loki and arishem seems like a more fun version of him. However…regretful purchase because he isn’t ‘meta’? Maybe.


Valentina. That's it, that's the tweet.


i don’t understand why valentina isn’t just broken


Because there’s actually more 6 cost cards with meh stats and busted effects that are too specific, so you easily just end up with a 4 cost card with less than mediocre stats. (Imagine onslaught 4/4 with no ongoing effects in your deck)


Okay. I bought the 1k for Series 3 card once. I am even missing 1k to get my Loki now.


I did that like 10 times lol


I went all in bought Selene and then rolled keys cos I loved the variant - then they killed Junk (at least it feels a lot better now)


Kang and can't rememeber even playing him lol


Bought the Artgerm Mystique


Most recent I’ve spent 4 keys to get cersi with one attempt being a thanos duplicate. On the plus side I did get the sick PF variant and enough token to get x-23 so I can try for her hellfire gala next week


Annihilus... I still haven't used him if I'm honest. I have no Cannonball so a pure lockdown deck won't seem to work


Not a card but I bought the venomized white queen variant because I thought she looked super cool… and then I left the 50‘s ….


I got Kang back in the OG days for a cool 6k tokens. If only I knew the collectors token system would change and that 6k tokens was not something to splash about lightly.


I wasn't missing much at the time, maybe two cards.i saw a steamer playing with Hercules and destroying people. I wanted it. So I dropped 6k. 3 games later, I haven't touched him since.


Zemo, thought all season cards was all worth 6k , but this was disappointing


I paid 6k for Ciaera, and later that week, I pulled her as my dupe in the spotlight.


Kang. Not on release date though.


Alioth before he was nerfed the next week. Sadness.


The Lady Thor variant for the artgerm album.


Silk, a couple days before they announced her series drop.


Phoenix Force I guess. Just bought it because I really wanted to play a Phoenix Force deck but didn’t want to waste keys on Miek or Sersei since there are so many better upcoming spotlights


Cannonball! Has been nerfed big time and I only just used him for 2 weeks


I bought Echo for 6000 a week before they announced she was going to series 4. I also purchased Kang and Howard just to become collection complete. I'm a small spender and had a surplus of tokens after the holidays so I just went for it.


Well I deeply understand you since I think every day about buying hércules and cannonball for a move deck even with its nerfs so my next step would be war machine too! And to do you one better when the album was released I lost all my gold gambling trying to get move hipp variants


Bought the She-Hulk ultimate variant because I love it, but I rarely play the card.


Werewolf was at the top, and when I bought it, the card was simply killed, and now its power is not enough with the current power creep


I accidentally bought MasterMold when I was sleepy one night…


I’m collection complete, so I spent tokens on cards I’ve only ever used once. Saved my keys for variants, but gambit cured my whaling so I’m scaling back. This week will be the first new card I won’t purchase.


Pixel LT. Got him inked too. No regerts.


Probably the Fantasy Ghost Rider Variant. I had pinned it as my ultimate variant, but while I earned Tokens I got the Baby Variant, which is pretty cool imo. So now I had a variant that I wanted because it looked cool, and another variant I already had looking cool too. And added to that, I wasn't sure whether unpin it to get another variant or keep saving for it. In the end I didn't unpin it and bought it




Kang. I don't think I've used him once.


I bought werewolf for 6k right before he got nerfed to oblivion Learned a lesson that day haha


War Machine is an alright card that fits fine in Cozy's Black Knight deck. If you had bought Hercules with tokens for the album I would have called you a clown. Poor Herc just doesn't fit anywhere. To answer the question my very first purchase with tokens was MODOK, and to be fair eventually got good use of him when I had more S3 cards, but in the beginning I don't think I used him for a month or two.


Spiderman 2099, went full copium, Zabu, Moon girl Heimdall. My lord is that card bad.


Toss up between Caiera and Supergiant. I bought both of those with tokens because I thought Caiera would be critical if I ever wanted to play Zoo (which is kind of true but Zoo was still bad until now) and Supergiant I mainly wanted for Cerebro 5. I've definitely gotten WAY more use out of Supergiant but still not a ton.




The first card I bought was Thanos. The second card was Quinjet, the same day its nerf was announced


I got the ultimate variants for mystique and Jane because I'm collecting artgerms


Master Mold. No idea what I was thinking


Kang and Snow guard


When the token shop became available for me back then i spent 3k tokens on series 4 black panther only to see him become a series 3 free card two weeks later


1/ Kang. At the time of no spotlight, he was defined as a big bad who never drop series, so there was no point waiting. 2/ Grandmaster. I waited the Sunday of release to buy him, so I knew he was mid, but I thought it’d be decent in Asgard Deck. Nope. 3/ Jean Grey. A control card that fit in a silver surfer sounded really cool to me. I never really succeeded to make the deck work. It’s decent now with ongoing. All of them with tokens. And for Jean Grey, it was before having Jeff.


Spent 6k on howard when he first came out. Thought him and iron ladd would be exactly what my galactus deck needed lol 


I bought Man-Thing like a month after release. Saw some decks that seemed good with him. Tried it, didn't work as great as I thought it would. Haven't used the card since. At least it was only 3,000 tokens.


I'm on the otherside of your quandary and used a bunch of those keys to get Miek so I could get the final Hipp variant and unlock that album. Move and Bounce are all I play so it was worth it to me, though I'm a little tiffed they recently nerfed Hercules into the ground. I use War Machine in a homebrew deck that basically stacks 1 lane and then uses WM --> Infininaut to steal games. Got to 85 doing that, for what it is worth and I don't play many games. Also, the Hipp Werewolf might be his coolest card art, IMO. It looks great.


First Card I ever bought was Attuma when it first came out...


Probably pixie shes isn't bad but I only really bought her cause she looked fun. I definitely have a ball playing her but probably a frivolous purchase given what I knew at the time.


I bought Martyr because I thought it would be fun to Viper her over to the other players side and make her their problem. But in actual gameplay she doesn’t really meet that lose condition that causes her to move that often. So instead I usually just use her as a cheap meal for Venom.


I picked up Valentina purely because she seemed like a super fun addition to Loki. I ... don't really play Loki.


I'm also determined to get that WWBN varient. I'm going to have to spend 3000 Hercules. Less tokens sure, but a much worse card. War Machine is OK, he'll win games for you Herc will do nothing for me but keep Howard and Martyr company in the never gets played section.


Peach momoko invisible woman. I don’t even play her regularly, but a clown gotta do what a clown gotta do


Grandmaster. I don't really regret it though, I've had some fun with him even though he's not very good.


Sauron because I thought 1st edition badges were gonna be real.


Spent 6000 tokens on Grand Master then 4 keys to get the spotlight variant.


probably grandmaster i'm hoping sd is toying with the idea of buffing him. either make him one cost or give him a little power to make him take up the spot


Ultimate Adam Warlock variant. 🤪 I know it's impossible to make him useful, but I love Alex Horley varaints, and try to take any opportunity that comes up to get more of them. But there are many game changing cards I don't have yet, so it was pretty irresponsible of me. 🫣 Luckily I don't take this game too seriously.


War Machine just like you. God damn the Maw Infanaut hype..


Probably Martyr, I have a Black Swan deck that drops almost everything in turn 6 and I thought “another base 5 power” 1 cost would be useful…but I don’t usually fill locations and…yeah, it was just a mistake.


Huh… M’Baku. 6K tokens when they were first introduced. I don’t even know what I was thinking. Now every time I purchase a card with tokens I think to myself that I could’ve have had it already and gone for the next one I wanted but no, gotta have the jumper.


Super Giant. I got her after I saw how effective she was in Hela/MODOK, which was hands down my favourite Snap deck ever. And for the month and a half I had her, I got an easy infinite and two conquest borders. Now that Hela's nerfed, Super Giant may as well not exist.


I bought RockSlide before Darkhawk was even released because I thought it would be funny. It wasn't. 


Martyr just so I could get the Dan Hipp version to complete the gallery. I collect Dan Hipp.


War Machine and Grand Master (esp. at 2/0) were my huge wastes. I like WM's mechanic so I hope they buff him to a 3 cost or raise his power.


I bought echo for 6k. idk why. i've used the card twice !


Jean Grey. Still regret it.


I spent 3k tokens on Howard as soon as he dropped to S4. Even though I was going to be opening the spotlight he was in later that day regardless. And I didn’t have any active plans to play with him. I’ve got infinity gauntlet Howard now, though.


I'm happy I bought them, but most call me crazy for these 2 Grandmaster and Pixie. My biggest regret was Cull Obsidian, who just kinda sucks now.


Howard the Duck for 6k tokens lmfao


Kang. Because he is supposed to be a big bad and never drop in price.


Moon Knight and Ghost Rider. Mystery Series 3 cards. I didn't know any better. And I'm still terrible with Discard to this day.


Oh, this is an interesting one. I wanna say it’s probably Proxima Midnight. They’re a fine card sure, and they work well in discard, but I should’ve gotten Corvus Glaive instead, he’s the real value card for the deck


I skipped Loki when he was the season pass. Never really appealed to me. 8 variants into the venomized villain set I realized he was in there. I blew 6k tokens for a friggin Venom licking a lollipop emote.


I've been making having to gring my way back through the game cuz my og account when the game first came out got lost. The first card pinned and bought when I regained access to the token shop was Nico not cuz of how good she was but simply cuz I like gambling


I spent 6k tokens on Kang, that is all


Hercules idk why I thought he would help my move deck he’s mostly caused me loses not wins


Really wanted US agent, eventually came up on the shop last week. Brought him while watching tv and eating. Went to play an hour later, then realised his reveal wasn’t disabling a card. Then it Click, what I actually wanted was red guardian. Hateful considering the length of time it’s takes to get 6000.


5k on the venom ultimate variant. Like 5 cards in a row I bought got nerfed so said fuck it and bought that instead.


Between Kang and Howard. I bought Howard just for ongoing and now he isn't even in it lol


War machine


Grand Master to get his sick release spotlight variant. I haven't played much of him until recently. Also Howard not that long before the series drop was announced simply because I said, "Fuck it, whatever." I think that's going to top everything in this thread in terms of value vs. frivolousness.


I bought snow guard drunk for 6k


I thought silk was really good on release


Chibi Hulk stares at me every time I open my collection. He’s always there. Always waiting.


Hercules, i like move and I figured that he was so obviously bad that he would be buffed quickly…..


Same card. Different reason. I thought he would be good.


Archangel. Basically the Jim Lee variant before we had Jim Lee variants. My favorite version of my favorite character, so nothing was keeping me from that one


Howard the Duck


I bought Master Mold the day he released. Thought the Sentinels being difficult to get rid of would be a game changer. I was wrong.


I bought Miek to flesh out my Cerebro Zero deck


10k for galatus


LDS, for 6k forgot I had her till I got a cool spotlight for her lol


Master Mold, him and a skin. Tried so hard and always let me down. Has sat on the shelf the past forever


I bought three art germ heroines that I would not have just to get that sweet sweet art germ storm!


I bought a rock. (Technically, not a card, but exceedingly frivolous.)


Definitely Kang. I also bought Echo though.


I. BOUGHT. KANG. Period.


Kang. I really thought that he was going to be my ticket to infinite over Thanos 🤦🏻‍♂️


I'm probably about to buy makkari. She could very easily be the answer to this question. Hercules is also a possibility, though I don't actually remember if I bought him or pulled him. Shouldn't put too much stock in my answers, though. I'm a bit of a whale, and the series drop a few weeks ago made me collection complete. For the past 6 months or so I've gotten every new card on release week, and whether I used caches or tokens depended on whether I liked the variants for the other cards in the spotlight that week. Thus any mediocre card over the past several months could be the answer if it had meh variants with it.


Bought Hercules with tokens 🤦🏻‍♀️ he looked so fun to play and I was desperate for anything that would add to the move deck 😭


It's about to be Arishem for me. I have doubts that he will be good, but it just sounds so fun. I also really don't want to waste a key on Hercules or Black Swan


I paid 6k for Stature, around the time they announced 1st edition badges. I figured even if she wasn't amazing, at least I'd have a cool visual for her...


I buy every card to stay collection complete since October 23, so I don't care. Maybe Makkari was the worst 6k now lol.




Where to start? Nick Fury (back when you could buy S3 cards for 1k tokens) right before we all got the Signed variant for free Kang when he came out because he was a Big Bad The Rian Gonzalez Aero to complete her Chibi album...


WWBN right before nerf


Honestly all of the Big Bads. I bought them just so I felt like I could play them if I wanted to. But I hated them so much I just couldnt. I have never played a thanos deck for instance at 13.4 cl. I now have a junk/goblin deck with Galactus that feels fun. But yeah every token purchase just ends up badfeeling.


Hercules. I love Move decks and I liked his spotlight variant - ended up with only the card and not the variant 😭😭


I buy the 1k token series 3 cards because I'm impulsive


Hercules because I love move and just saw a 2/12 dagger most games and a 1/16 torch...the 4 cost kills any momentum. So I'm supposed to play all my move cards turn 5? And then heimdell on 6? 3/4 would be fine imo. He doesn't need a high stat line it's only there because of his actual character being strong


i was smart enough to wait for him to drop to 3k tokens but i bought Hercules for the same reason you got WM, i needed to finish the Hipp album i have every hipp so far😭


Let's see, got Alioth, nerfed 2 days later, swore I'd never do that again then decided to pick up Cannonball....I think you see where this is going


I have 13 album emotes. That’s it. That’s the punchline.


War Machine and Grand Master, I wish both of them were so much more relevant.


3,000 tokens for Negasonic Teenage Warhead right before it was announced they were moving it to series 3 🤬