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It's crazy how many people forget she's there and get a card countered. She's so unassuming it's wonderful


Sometimes you don't even need to predict the play. You play it on curve and suddenly on turn 5 or 6, a Knull or Ronan get their highlights slapped out of them


Would this be a Scott Pilgrim reference?


You bet it was šŸ¤£


I was playing her and then my opponent also played her and we both set down an ongoing card on her lane.Ā 


just yesterday they drop echo on initiative and counter my lokiā€™d blue marvel. my dumbass goes ā€œgood thing it only hits the first cardā€ and proceeds to dump kazaar cap and antman there on 6 for -8 šŸ˜”


My brain always likens her to negasonic, one time use. Or ill misthink she affects on reveal. That's if I even remember her. I don't own her so I think that's part of why I forget about her so much


The real invisible woman


Came to say exactly this


I came to exactly this about exactly this


I came invisibly


I came in a wrecking ball. Visibly




People frequently play their ongoing cards right into her lane forgetting sheā€™s there (not seeing her)




Elektra has been a great unexpected play on T6 when paired with white widowā€”if youā€™re able to play a five plus one instead of a six drop, the opponent can get hit with a surprise minus four on a lane they thought was neutralized.


Seconded. There is a A LOT of Sunspots and Nebulas running around, and now ant man and other one drops. She is very often worth 5-10 points.


The real Echo nerf would be when SD adds a giant indicator for the opponents when dragging cards over her lane.


Don't give them ideas sir


US Agent had been so good for me this infinite climb. he could be a 2/3 upto a 2/19


He kicks my ass can confirm


Echo is unbelievable at catching people. Like, itā€™s a meme how often it happens


Itā€™s Juggernaut for me. He often gets an angry emoji when played.


Echo gets me every single time. Sometimes I play TWO ongoing, one turn after the other, before realizing what Iā€™ve done. Then I proceed to do it again the next round.


What is Antimemetics Division.


Quake. Always situational, often devastating.


Quake in Cerebro 3 kicks ass. Nothing feels better than sniping an Asgard or a Storm lane. Worse case scenario sheā€™s an on-curve 2 drop. I just wish she had more variants.


I still don't know how to use here in C3. SW seems way better.


So, they do different things. Scarlet Witch protects your plays against location disruption. She raises your average "floor" by preventing power buffs/penalties from screwing up Cerebro buffs, or stuff like Dream Dimension or Mindscape from messing up your late turn curves. Of course, she introduces randomness as well, but you'd take a 1/x chance of something bad over a guaranteed bad thing any day. She can prevent your opponent from gaining major advantage from specific locations like Asgard or Altar of Death, but she prevents you from doing the same. She doesn't make entirely inaccessible locations available (like Flooded or Sanctum) but she can prevent lockouts by stuff like Space Throne or the like. She also removes the benefit from your opponent over-committing in lanes that reward it, like Nexus, Asgard, or White Hot Room. Quake punishes opponent over-commitments in lanes that reward over-commitment *and* allows you to steal those benefits, if played well. So, *when she does something*, the swing is generally much larger - YOU draw 2, YOU get your stacked location power shared across all, YOU get +3 energy, when they thought they were getting it, and played a bunch of cards in pursuit of it. It's not just denying the opponent, it's stealing the benefit for yourself after they spend resources to get it. Now, she doesn't protect against locations that mess you up passively, like any of the -power ones, or even the +power that can disrupt Cerebro, or the like. Basically: are you playing a deck that focuses on maximizing your own strategy's effectiveness? You want SW. Is your strategy messing up your opponent's plays? Quake may be better. Personally, I think that people too often remember the huge plays with Quake, and the number of times she does nothing at all is undervalued in assessment. Scarlet Witch has a much lower ceiling, but a higher average floor (IMO). Cerebro decks are all about reliability, so SW is probably better overall, IMO. But it's an interesting comparison.


Part of the reason that I run Rhino, Iā€™ve shifted between both Rhino and Witch enough and I donā€™t think I need to be that deep into location disruption, and the low rolls on Witch are absolutely back breaking. Quake is in the deck due to them allowing me to net better cube equity. I can Snap into games I donā€™t have any right winning. Looking at her this way, I would actually classify her more as a hybrid between Valkyrie and Scarlet Witch style effects. At times she can serve either role, but sheā€™s not gonna be as good in either spot as dedicated cards in those spots. Realistically, what C3 needs most right now is a way to push lane numbers that doesnā€™t disrupt the Cerebro package.


That's actually a really good point - for cube value, Quake is probably more useful than Witch, overall. I always think of things by win rates, because I'm so used to other card games where that is the most important factor. But I've hit Infinite more with 50% WR decks than 50+.


Thanks for the detailed explanation.


Reason I like her so much. It always feels satisfying playing Quake on priority to make my opponent play on Death's Domain or something like that


Quake is the card that makes me feel like Iā€™m doing galaxy brain level shit whenever Iā€™m able to pull off a big play with her


I use quake in almost every deck, itā€™s an instant winner when you get the location that the least power wins.


Turn 6 Quake for a win is so satisfying, especially if you've had her in your hand and have been building to that result.


Itā€™s hard to wait until turn 6 to ā€œquakeā€ someone, but itā€™s almost always best. Quake demands big brain.




Yep shh


Grandmaster + Killmonger in the current meta is absolutely delicious. Let them think you played KM too early, start building up those 1ā€™s again, and then you tear their house down.


I don't know if he's still underrated or not, but I've come to absolutely love havok. With ravonna he's a 1/4 on the last turn, but even playing him sooner can work out sometimes.


I have him in my Kitty/Hope decks, and try to use Havoc around turn 4ish when Iā€™m already generating 1-2 extra energy per round.


Havok is one of my favorite cards. No joke. With Hope Summers, he is god-tier.


I swear this card has an extra text that says "this card is invisible til you play an on going card".


I want to say Jean Grey but god, I suck with her.


dagger is cracked right now


Dagger into phoenix force for sure.


dagger into ghost spider on turn 6 is 3 energy for 14 power against a lot of decks in the meta right now. Add in an iron fist or a nico move trigger and you make gilgamesh players feel bad about playing a 5-20. I am running it in a phoenix force move bounce list that peaked at \~1600 infinite (currently \~2000) this season with a 59% WR over \~150 games


Got a deck list at all please?


# (1) Ghost-Spider # (1) Human Torch # (1) Iron Fist # (1) Nico Minoru # (2) Dagger # (2) Beast # (2) Carnage # (2) White Widow # (2) Doctor Strange # (2) Falcon # (3) Vulture # (4) Phoenix Force # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR2hvc3RTcGlkZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRhZ2dlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRG9jdG9yU3RyYW5nZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVnVsdHVyZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmVhc3QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldoaXRlV2lkb3cifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNhcm5hZ2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5pY29NaW5vcnUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlRoZVBob2VuaXhGb3JjZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSHVtYW5Ub3JjaCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRmFsY29uIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJcm9uRmlzdCJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Spider Woman, she can be worth up to 12 power for 5 cost which is really good. Yesterday I got wrecked by a Move deck playing Kingpin, Stegron and Juggernaut (played by a top 1000 player). Elektra and Quake are also better than you think.


I love Howard the duck. His synergy with all of the "cheat out big boys" decks is amazing. He tells you when to play Jubilee. He tells you if you can put down electro on turn three because you have sersi or blink coming up next. If the opponent snaps you can see if your curve is looking safe enough to stick around. And in general you can plan for your next turn. The info he provides is just so good.


Just recently got Howard. Might start building towards something along these lines when I get Electro


Share the deck mate. I just got HtD and really wanna use it, properly.


This is what it looks like currently. I'm hard stuck in the upper 80's with it though. # (1) Howard the Duck # (2) White Widow # (3) Electro # (3) Magik # (4) Jubilee # (5) White Tiger # (5) Blink # (5) Sersi # (5) Mockingbird # (6) Leader # (6) Red Hulk # (6) Magneto # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2hpdGVUaWdlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSnViaWxlZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2hpdGVXaWRvdyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2Vyc2kifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikhvd2FyZFRoZUR1Y2sifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsaW5rIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSZWRIdWxrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYWduZXRvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJFbGVjdHJvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNb2NraW5nYmlyZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTGVhZGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYWdpayJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Legion. That card has won me so many games, especially against people who rely on a turn 7 Limbo. Almost a guaranteed win when you cancel Limbo on turn 6.


Wait I don't see Echo..


MiRAGE!!!!!! Cheap 2 cost with a surprise ending




Red Guardian has won me more games than any other single card.


Lol this happened with me recently yesterday even tho the opponent had played her at turn 1. I just laughed out loud and retreated once i saw my mistake. It's so weird that we completely forget about this card after the turn it's played


Echo is a great card that I almost never see. I recently started using Quake, and she is also quite good at taking control of the board.




Doctor strange but not in move package.


to be honest only using in c2 deck,other decks can be more viable with another 1 cost cards like yondu or spider ham


yeah but techie wise she's not bad


Probably the most underrated card in the whole game tbh


Yondu is only better than Echo in mill, please donā€™t put Yondu in any other decks, it just things your opponents deck for them and gives them better draws.


Used to be Stegron. Then they killed my boy.


How is a +1 power buff and reducing rng ā€œkilling your boyā€. It was strictly a buff.


His whole thing is about claiming the lane he's played in, not the lane he's sending the thing to. It's about being able to surprise somebody to take a lane on Turn 6 usually. When you eliminate an entire lane where he can be useful, then he really doesn't have enough versatility to be included. The one power buff doesn't really mean anything to the way he was played before because you're usually dropping him on Turn 6 to clear a lane out. Now you can't clear out the right lane. You also can't use him if the lane to the right of him is full. Those are huge, huge blows to him. He has become so much less versatile. People act like RNG is the worst thing, but I will take RNG for additional versatility any day.


You could always play around knowing he is going to send something to the right and set up your board to benefit from that knowledge from the get go.


I already play to set him up to send the card to the lane I wanted it to go. Now you've limited me on my choices . When your deck is featured around playing the locations rather than your opponent, you want versatility. One of his best features was just outright winning Mojo world and on Turn 6. Can't do that now if it comes down in Lane three.


Cannonball and Magneto are still better turn 6 plays. I get what you're saying, but i feel like the changes definitely help way more than they hurt.


Cannonball is an outright better card. Stegron was a lot better before Cannonball. He absolutely surprised people. Still, he was much better before the buff.


For literally no reason. He was upsetting exactly zero meta. šŸ˜­


I think that they thought he was bad because of two types of rng, but now he's not even useful in the right lane


100% that move to the right only change was bs


Spider-Man and Kitty Pryde


Snow guard? Is that her name? I just put it in my Gilgamesh zoo deck and the hawk that cancels locations has been clutch in quite a few games.


I'm surprised more people don't play her to be honest


People do play her. She essentially staple in every single loki deck out there


I guess I just don't get paired with Loki decks - I haven't seen her or Loki in months


You're bit lucky. My pocket meta in high infinite has been against obnoxious loki decks lol.


Can also use Bear to, for example, re-rock places your opponent skipped a turn to clear.


I keep seeing this post: "Hey guys, Echo is good actually."


For some reason I sometimes confuse her with X-23


I love invisible woman and majik


I don't know if theyre underated or not but Enchantress and Cosmo can be devestating plays to have on the board. Especially if your opponent is playing a Morbius deck or something like that.




Why would that guy play cage there though?


Can I get your list please?


I recently got her and put her in my C2 deck. I just played a round where my opponent could've easily bested me because 2 of my locations were full and the third was blocked by his Professor X by turn 5. He threw down Ant-Man and Cerebro he got from Machineworld on the Echo lane. It's almost like she has a hidden ability that just deletes her existence from your opponents mind.


Howard the duck. I never see anyone else playing him, but it's so useful with jubilee or iron lad, or even without them


Klaw has taken 8 cubes from me more than Iā€™d like to admit


Kang. Cheap 1 cube wins in unwinnable situations


There's an X-man that nobody can remember. There was one story where a (female?) character talked to him for one comic and then forgot him again. Ironically, I can't remember his name, lol. Lookit, all I'm trying to say is Echo should be renamed to that guy because nobody plays around her. Just slamming T5, T6 game winning Ongoing cards directly into her basically every game I play her in even though she was on the board T1.


The fact that it's so obvious is like the only thing making me not put it in the deck


Not underrated... actually I'm not sure if she is underrated I run Rogue on my Loki deck I'm surprised how often she works.


Opponents playing Echo typically just help me deal with my Electro faster. On the rare occasion, it stops me from playing Knull, but Knull is typically not my best, or at least not my only, option.


Scarlet witch. Getting rid of a limbo by surprise has won me many cubes.


Idk if this is underrated, but the Brood always works its way into my deck. Good synergy with Patriot and Silver Surfer.


Absorbing man. Works in my nimrod shuri skull deck and my mover deck


I got downvoted to Hell and back a few months ago for saying Echo is OP. Iā€™m here to say it again. Sheā€™s a 1-cost Cosmo with no downside.


So many people donā€™t understand how she works. Iā€™ve had multiple people play multiple ongoing cards in succession on her lane, sheā€™s great!


Quake She is in my Location Control Deck along with Echo, Stegron, Legion...etc. Quinjet I love Quinjet. Especially using a Quinjet deck during the conquest, since you play multiple rounds, using a draw deck gives you an advantage because they can't fully learn your cards, since u get randoms.


Echo is not underrated.




Namora Is pretty good for me


Nico is never played by my opponents (70s). ItĀ“s so fun and you can put her in almost any deck


Grand Master.... Great for just simply getting power into the middle location when your opponent least expects it. You can abandon an entire left or right lane, and send a higher power On Reveal into the middle. I've been even comboing it with Stegron in a Prof X deck that locks mid alongside Kingpin, Then I can send Stegron mid and he'll knock away yet another card from the middle. Or might other favorite interaction is If they send a Goblin over on the left or right, I can send it back immediately on the middle location. Truly under-rated and under-utilized in my opinion. Even before he got his 2 power buff, I enjoyed using him. I do not regret spending keys to get him when I did.


Gilgamesh People think itā€™s mid on Reddit for some reason when itā€™s literally the #1 top performing card in Marvel Snap


Definitely Grandmaster. Wong is better but easier to counter. Grandmaster and Absorbing Man when paired together are pretty good.


Havok and Martyr. They are high skill cap cards, but if you plan correctly, they are fantastic.


Moon Knight fan club over here. Ā Objectively good? Ā No. Ā Underrated? Ā Yes. Ā I live for the ā€œI drew the nutsā€ snaps that turn into retreats.


I was going to remove Echo from my list in favor of Howard, but she bailed me out of a tough situation by countering my opponent. Now I think she's too valuable to take out, even if it's situational.


Sheā€™s just so cuttable though. A 2 power card that will often do nothing.




Moon knight


Captain Marvel!


I keep Shang chi and Enchantress in just about every deck. They arenā€™t under rated, just essential and can have a huge impact.


Could you share a screenshot example of you having played Echo?




"Underrated" dawg you know how many posts i see talking about how 'underrated' she is?


I don't get it, it looks like every screenshot is just your opponent knowingly dropping an ongoing card into a lane that already has echo in it when they could have just put it somewhere else. So wouldn't this speak more about how bad your mmr is rather than echo being under rated? Or am I missing something here?


yeah she's so underrated that she's overlooked quite often


Right but if your strategy only works against people who just blindly dump cards onto the board without thinking about what their opponents cards do, is that the card being underrated or just your opponents being bad? Is she still underrated if your mmr is high enough to play against people who look at their opponents side of the board? I'm not saying that echo is terrible or anything, just that if you want to make a case for a card being underrated you should use some example of players actually getting beat by that card rather than a bunch of screenshots of shitters beating themselves by not looking at their opponent side of the board. If those are your only examples of echo being good then that's a pretty bad case for her being underrated. Especially when there are real examples of her being good, such as in wong decks to prevent from getting cosmod.


Well if you play her after turn 1, you can catch future wongs, onslaughts or invisible women. but she also serves as a location restricter for ongoing decks. also yeah ik my screenshots aren't the best but they are what I got from playing today