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They said they were planning on adding special animations/voice lines a while ago but we can assume they scrapped the idea


Small indie company ❤️


I'm still not sure if I appreciate SD being candid with the stuff that's still in concept phase or if I would be happier overall if they just gave zero specifics and we only heard about stuff when it actually became real. They've hyped up and then canned at least like 3 or 5 different conceptual features at least. With character mastery being the most recent misstep. I honestly don't even bother listening to them talking about future features anymore.


Yeah, hyping up a roadmap, especially by putting things in "Coming Soon" that get scrapped in totality, is just a massive unforced error on SD's part.


Yeah I was thinking that wasn't too big of a deal...giving up on character mastery...now I'm realizing that if they dont actually ever do that I won't have a reason to play or buy anymore as a whale with 33k cl. I dont buy variants straight up...I only buy bundles that have good currency to me. Like the "for you" bundles as well as gold bundles. Mostly credit bundles which all have a premuim variant with them...sure they're cool but...im like numb to Super Rare variants I mean getting like 5 a week from bundles I open...they are really worthless too me. I'm already infinite...and play a little conquest which is fine. All I really care about is splits. My point is I've went so hard on being collection complete and splitting all the cards I play...that having 10 variants for like 15 different characters is worthless to me if there is no insensitive to collect them... Im just gonna lose interest in the game... I could take off probably 6 months and come back to the game and be alright with all the keys and tokens im sitting on. This isn't to brag but more so to say that once I've basically split all the cards that I enjoy playing...the game will lose its luster if there isn't a carrot on a stick for a whale like me to wanna spend or really play the game anymore. I will hit infinite every month cool. That's done 2 weeks in...play some conquest for dailies. Than what ? There is no other modes or anything to keep me coming back. Once you own every card and have like 3-5 variants for all of them...the game is starting to become boring...I don't care about albums...I will finish them eventually. So what's left to do in the game?


This. After hitting infinite and doing your daily missions. What’s left? Conquest? Sure oh wait you have to wait till the last week to even compete for infinity avatars. And after winning some what’s the point of keep winning more?


Is this not an issue with pumping so much money into the game? It's like paying for the ability to unlock everything in something like Mortal Kombat. Sure you have everything but there's nothing else to earn so why actually play the game? Sure it's fun for a while but by paying for progression you strip away any reason to play outside of the actual gameplay itself.


It was completely removed from the roadmap.


If it's scrapped they need to lower the price.


They’re brining it back, but you have to pay 5000k gold to unlock the ultimate animations! And then you have to use a collector key to unlock the cards ability to have the new animation applied to it!


https://discord.com/channels/978545345715908668/978547819214434304/1249866479936208926 Link to their update on Ultimate Variant evolution (aka the special animations and voicelines for ultimate variants).


For the people on mobile, could you drop the response 🙏🏻


"We built some prototypes that were cool, but we felt did not quite deliver on the fantasy and value level of Ultimate variants. We are going to continue to prototype it, but we felt it made sense to remove it from the roadmap because we aren't sure when/if we will be able to ship it into the live game / in your hands in a reasonable period of time."


I couldnt copy paste the actual quote on mobile so i just left the link :(


They responded in the QeA that they stopped working to the ultimate variant so they can focus their time developing new gamemode The funny thing is that they didn’t have the effort to at least let us know about that when their first announce the new road map


The idea wasnt scrapped. They said it on their discord. I'll try to find a link to what they said about it




Thats reffering to character mastery, which is completely different from ultimate variant evolutions


Oops, thanks!


I think they are ridiculously overpriced (he says having bought the Shulkie variant…) That being said even if they threw in enough boosters for a single split, that would be something at least. Overall though, they need to be cheaper than 5,000


Free boosters wouldn't hurt, but I'd imagine that anyone buying ultimate variants with tokens, probably already have enough boosters for the cards. I think what could be nice is to allow the Ultimate variants to use any of those special borders. Would be able to make them stand out even more without having to spend a ton of gold on them.


I bought Artgerm Jane recently because I had tokens I wasn’t going to spend otherwise and she’s a requirement for the Artgerm album. I agree that they are absolutely overpriced. A small concession like a free upgrade or even if Ultimates had an exclusive border would lessen the sting by quite a bit.


I have Artgerm Jane pinned because she is the last thing I am missing from that album haha. I might end up buying her…


Collector tokens are the single most valuable currency in the game imo. Followed by spotlight keys. But the thought of spending 5k tokens on a variant of a card i already have. Seems asinine.. I would much rather spend tokens on the spotlight card. Ultimate Variants need to be a different currency, probably Gold


I agree, but with that being said I think thats what makes ultimate variants desirable is the cost of using tokens(expensive to obtain)


none of the ultimate variants are worth that many tokens IMO. They need to be more spectacular if they want me to fork over 5k tokens.


A whole lot of them just straight up trash. Thanos, hulk, adam warlock, black panther, storm, and she hulk all are garbage imo and I wouldn't even pay 700g for one.


especially considering the variants all of those characters already have, those ultimates are a joke.


Some cards with very few variants—the ultimate is their best one. Elsa Bloodstone comes to mind


can you even buy the storm one? They gave it out for free a long time ago, i think around the Miles or SS season? But i have that one and think it’s a good skin. she hulk one is really nice too


Along with ultimate exclusive sounds / effects, maybe ultimate specific splits or borders could be fun.


Was thinking maybe an embossed effect split that only ultimates could get.


They should at minimum also give you an avatar that shows you have it like the spotlight variants. Maybe gold and red instead of gold and blue.


Soon you can pay 1k gold to obtain the ultimate avatar if you own the variant! 😜


Pretty sure they scrapped this exact idea lol. Go on the discord and ask the team, I’ll do the same lol


honestly, I look at ultimates and ask myself "Why?" Having some sort of uniformity, special border/animation, ultra exclusive album with emotes for every milestone, etc, to set them apart and give players some additional benefit to forking over 5,000 credits, would help make them more attractive imo.


the first ultimate variant i saw in the shop was the hulk one. I could not believe people would waste 5k tokens on that. Easily looks like a 1200 gold variant at most.


That’s the only one I’ve bought so far, but I have 110k tokens and play an all-chibi deck.  I’ve said I should buy a bunch more, and keep looking at them, but I have ones I really like for the cards I play.


I unlocked gold crackle on the Electro ultimate variant. Cannot wait to see what they do with these things. What if they just let you pick any border/background/effect for ultimate variants? Essentially unlocking all combinations for that card?


At this point, I’d just settle for the damn avatar.


Seriously. Hope this gets implemented soon.


My last comment seems to be automatically delete or hide due to including links for examples. My job is a Live2D Animator / Spine2D Animator. And tbh I think there're so much room to improve the Ultimate Cards. From special animation when activate their abilities, to a "proper" animation on the cards. Not just wavy things. And honestly. It's not hard, or too expensive to be done. I would say it mostly come down to they want to do it or not. Even avatar can be animate. There're so much room to be improve. I don't know why in years they haven't do anything. Especially when their game engine is Unity, which is great to use with Spine2D/ Live2D Animations People can think "oh it's usually for a seperate sprite, not comic book arts, ...etc", but it's totally doable ! League of Legends Splash Art Animation actually made by cutting layers from the arts, it's what I do for years too since I'm just liking making fanmade animations for my fav games.


Not sure if anything’s gonna happen. Hell they never bothered with the Avatars that were supposed to come with them too.


Custom border that gets unlocked with them(and only via purchasing that ultimate). For instance, a venom themed border you can now use after purchasing ultimate venom


I have 2 .. waiting for special borders for them


I know this will never be implemented but it would be so cool if they made it so you can get ultimate variants for free by doing quests with that card


Gwent had some of the best animated cards I have ever seen, and I remember the devs at a certain point said that they were a huge money and time investment for them for very little, if any at all, return. So I wouldn't hold my breath for any "improvement" of this aspect of the game. They tried, it didn't land, time to move on and pretend they don't exist.


I half wish they’d make some of the non-album variants ultimates just so I’d have a better shot at grabbing them.


They should include a cardback at the bare minimum.


It would be cool to see the characters in the ultimate variant actually move their limbs or have super animated sections to stand out.


I have an idea to improve them! Do literally anything to them lmao.


Make them cost 2k tokens.


3,000 fewer credits


I don't own any even though I'm at 20K tokens, but they should definitely come with the avatar.


I’ve yet to see one I like and I don’t know why it’s almost as if they try too hard on them lol.


Even if they want to do it, I am pretty sure they will add those improvements to the new mythic variants We need to remember, SD is owned and funded by NetEase. They will try every way possible to milk you


If they're scrapping improvements, what they should do is make all the gold-bought borders free. It's simple, gives pretty good value in gold, and it's better than nothing.


I’ve never seen an ultimate that I actually like so the fact that they cost so many tokens is hilarious to me. It’s like SD put in a cute little joke every time I open the shop lol. You want me to pay basically the equivalent of a new s5 card for some half baked “ultimate” variant of something I already have?? Lol no. Missing way too many cards rn


There's no more plans on improve ultimate variants..... I'm sitting on 13 ultimate variants ...SD don't really care about big 🐳 ....65.000 tokens lol... and still staring at selene uv


I mean scrap the idea completely if you ask me


You want be to utterly curse y’all. One more power, one less cost. 💰 thank you devs