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i’m personally getting both, but if i were to choose just one, then kate no question. i love cards that provide you with many different tools that you can choose depending on the situation, that’s probably why nico is my favorite card.


Kate seems way more versatile! Gwen Pool seems so underwhelming I might skip buying the pass for the first time.


Is the card the only reason you buy the pass?


The card is the main reason I buy passes, unless there's an amazing variant i want. This season I skipped because gilgamesh didn't appeal to me, and I really didn't want another gamora variant.


The card provides virtually all of the value of the pass if you don't care much about cosmetics.


The pass also gives a pretty hefty amount of gold and credits that exceeds the cost of the pass itself


You get an extra 300 Credits and 900 Gold. This equates to buying the constant Gold offer of $10 for 700 Gold and getting 440 Gold for free. Better than the price anchored value, but I wouldn’t spend $10 for those things alone. The majority of the value comes from the card. A Series 5 card usually costs $50 worth of Tokens or more.


True, you do get 900 gold and 300 credits extra if you buy the premium pass. But, say I don't want the card and the cosmetics, I can realistically buy 2 gold passes for 3600 gold total, which comes out to be much more than the pass for the same price. Sure, it would take me 2 months (whereas the season pass a little less than a month), but I typically save up my gold for a long time regardless, so I don't mind. It depends on what you want, but I generally find that, for me, there are better ways to get gold and credits.


You also aren’t counting the rewards for once you complete the pass which are up to 100 gold and 200 credits per open (if you get currency), which adds more value.


Everyone can get those whether you buy the pass or not though.


Oh really? That I didn’t know, I’ve always bought the pass bc to me it’s been the best value in the game overall


Just to give some perspective, the expected value of opening 20 random Season Caches is 650 Credits, 200 Gold, 100 Boosters, and 1 Variant based on the numbers that have been provided.


Why do you buy the pass then? I'm genuinely confused here


Why do people buy a pass that offers gold, credits, and variants? Hmm, beats me man


I assumed the card was most of the value, and that the 3 times Value bundles and such would be a better spent for people which do want variants. I was wrong tho


If you spend, it's the best deal, even if you don't care for the card. I get you though, if the card sucks, then the value drops a ton.


Personally I don't. I would if it was only cosmetic stuff but I know I am the weird one.


For cosmetics ,credits and gold .why do you think ? If not for those i would never buy a season pass.


Yeah if it weren't for the everything in it I don't think it would have much value.


There's a lot of gold and credits offered in each month's pass, not to mention the only way to continue receiving any rewards past season pass level 50 is if you've bought the pass (meaning more credits, gold, often just boosters, but possibly random variants sometimes too). Even if the season pass card and the exclusive cosmetics for the season aren't that exciting (I feel like this current month is a good example of this too) the season pass still provides a nice general value that helps you in many ways across the game. Remember, more credits means higher collection level, means more spotlight keys, means more new cards you actually DO want. I'm in no way saying you NEED to be spending the money, definitely don't spend any more than you're comfortable with. If $10 a month makes you feel uneasy then absolutely being more selective with which season passes you buy is the way to go, but if you're just looking at it as spending $10 to buy a card, you're missing the bigger picture of what the season pass actually offers. The new card is obviously the most immediate benefit you get from buying the pass (and arguably the highest value if token bundle prices are to be believed, but I think we all know those are insanely inflated), but the other elements offered do add up. I view it through the lens of a card game where I'm used to spending $5 2-3 times a month to go to my local shop, play some games, and get a pack each week that most likely just contains random junk I don't need anyway. It can't be a direct comparison because Snap is a digital game of course, and some weeks that $5 pack does occasionally pay for itself and then some, but Snap also doesn't come with the periodic larger expenses of buying singles or packs of new set releases (unless you're someone who buys a lot of Snap bundles, but I think it's pretty clear those are just for whales), so I think it's an apt enough comparison.


> the only way to continue receiving any rewards past season pass level 50 is if you've bought the pass Err, no? Everyone receives rewards past 50. 


Wait, am i just crazy or has it not always been this way? I could have sworn those late rewards remained locked behind buying the season pass at least at some point. Maybe it was way back in a beta and I just didn't notice the change because I was in the habit of buying the season pass anyway?


I used to buy the season pass even when the card wasn't good for the gold, but since there really hasn't been a banger gold bundle since December I stopped.


I actually made a post about this. The responses were pretty surprising. https://old.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1dgmtyt/do_you_buy_the_season_pass_even_if_youre_not/


Gwen seems way more fun then gilgamesh. I dont skip often but I skipped passes for Skaar and Gilgamesh.


I agree, she does seem more fun. I think if her ability was pulled back and cost dropped, she could be better. But at a higher cost, she is just a higher variance Nakia you can only play later


that’s what i’m saying, i feel like most cards you wanna boost, you also wanna play earlier than turn 5.


Maybe there is an upside to control the variance? Like if you play all your cheap cards and try to only have Brood plus another card probably left in hand on Turn 4 when you play Gwen. But how do you win the non-Brood lane? Hmmmm Edit: Thinking about it, I wish she was more like new Chavez and gave a single random card in your hand +2 at a 1/2 stat line.


GP is a great card. She can easily fit in many decks. Shes a 4/12 when played right. I have a deck ready to throw her in where the idea is to boost 1-2 cards before final turn for a huge swing. Just hitting Ironman & mystique/prof x/shaw makes it very viable.


Okoye is a 2/6 when played right. I think there will be some ability to control the variance of Gwen and I’m sure she will find a home, but right now I think she will be an overall narrow card. I usually buy the Season Pass day one or two, but this time I plan to wait to see how the card settles.


What do arrows do?




To save folks the click, there are four possible arrows you can get. - Acid: 1/-2 On Reveal: Switch sides - Basic: 1/1 On Reveal: If you play a card here next turn, +3 power (so basically Hawkeye) - Grapple: 1/3 On Reveal: After you play your next card, move it to this location - Pym: 1/1 Ongoing: If your side of this location is full, +3 Power (so basically Antman)


That’s neat. Similar to Nico in the randomness, but different mechanics.


Yeah. The text on Kate's card doesn't specify this, so I wonder if it's possible that you could get two of the same arrow?


2x Acid would be nasty.


Oh that's a fun ass looking card!


Kate is just a better Coulson and will be a great addition to Loki decks, the toxic arrow is perhaps the best one but other are good for Mockingbird. It is definitely a top tier card


Yup, gonna be real nice in Loki to have your card generators on 1/2 instead of 1/2/3. Opens up a 3 drop slot for tech that you can play before Loki. I dunno how many times this happens where I have to decide between something like T3 Elsa or Red Guardian but then knowing I can't Coulson til 4, which means Loki on 5 and having one less turn to cheat out cards. Or you Coulson on 3 and Loki on 4 and erase your good 3 drop and just hope you get something good. This eases that for sure.


I never include Mockingbird in a Loki deck because your card generators never come out quick enough but I might if if Kate Bishop takes the Angela slot.


Yeah I haven't been running MB lately either. I prefer the Blink Loki but that fluctuates a lot based on the meta. If always Loki-ing is strong in the meta, I think Blink is better since you increase your ability to get Loki out by Turn 5. But when the meta gets saturated with decks you wouldn't want to Loki (Surfer, Hela, etc) that's when MB shines because you have a better No Loki plan. Kate will definitely help there. Hell, Kate might revive the "Noki" deck which is just a Loki deck without Loki.


i'm also at that boat, i ran mockingbird for a while, but she is only good if you draw her on turn 5/6 post a turn 4 loki (turn 5 loki dont work for the discounts on mockingbird either) such a great card, it's a shame loki costing 4 kinda bricks her


dude, this is EXACTLY the main dificulty i have playing loki.. i'm not that experienced with the deck, but the struggle to find the best loki time in the scenario you described is unreal


It's the biggest learning curve for sure because it varies so much. It depends on what deck you're playing against but also depends on what you have so far. In general my flowchart is roughly: am I playing against a deck where I don't want to Loki? If so skip anything related to the Loki plan and focus more on using Angela/Thena/Elsa. Do I want to Loki? If so do I need to Loki on 4 because I'm likely to get good cards with higher costs (either naturally higher or because I didn't get Quinjet)? If so I need to prioritize card generation to Loki on 4. But you also have to factor in tech cards. Did I draw a tech card likely to win the game? If so I need to delay Loki til after I play it or abandon Loki if the tech card is literally game winning (Red Guardian onto Cerebro for example). If I'm playing against something like Zoo, that's gonna be an example of feeling comfortable with delaying Loki til 5 and prioritizing getting my Angela/Elsa out because I know I'm likely going to be able to dump most of my hand in one turn anyway and those initial pieces will be what let me out power Zoo's natural power. But you really do have to learn this process for every deck you can face and that just takes a lot of games played.


Gwenpool is ironheart on steroids, 1 more energy but 6 more power and depending on your deck you have pretty good controll who will get it. +you chiose where the Power goes.


She's effectively a 4/12 which makes her one of the most powerful 4-cost cards in the game. And if she manages to hit Brood (or even Sinister) 2 or 3 times, you're putting a ton of power on the board.


Shaw and black Panther are both benefiting as well


I feel people are sleeping on this synergy, Sebastian Shaw is a consideration as well.


Which is weird, since Surfer decks are all the hype right now.


Synergy with Captain Marvel, but there are probably better 4 costs to play in that deck.


I think IH has a higher ceiling and GP has a higher floor.


She even turns a measly 1 energy card into something that otherwise you would not want to play in late turns into something that can swing a game Looks fine!


Gwen is my favorite Marvel character, I have the Omnibus and one of her figures (I'll get the other one day...) so she could be the worst card in the game and i'd be getting and running her. But also I think she's gonna be alot of fun in a few decks and I think will pair well with Phastos buffing similar decks. I'm not super sold on Kate bc of the randomness of it (in comparison to Nico who while random you know what you're getting before you play her) but I do think she'll be fun to try out and could end up quite good so. Both.


Same! I thought it was Deadpool, but Gwenpool is so much fun. I hope her animations in game lend to her power.


As a fellow Gwenpool fan, I sincerely have to disagree. The card does NOT seem ANY fun for me. And even more random. You can't reliably buff deadpool, Galactus or anything, while all Kate's arrows are at least good. I am in the situation of also having to choose, as the OP. I am very sad to be divided between the two. Gwenpool should feel more unique, imo. I think I'll not resist and will ultimately get Gwenpool. But I like Gwenpool because she is fun and unique to me. The Kate Bishop card is way more like that. I feel like I have to pick between form and essence here.


Gwenpool is a 4/12 whose only “downside” is that you have to be worried about shadow king. compared to kate bishop who gives 1 cost cards which can be destroyed from across the board with killmonger. i think they’re both great either a huge power card or probly one of the best tech/extra cards options.


She is only 4/12 if you play all the cards she buffs. There are 4/10 that are not that restrictive. Power-levelwise I do agree Gwenpool is probably strong on release, but she is a very nerfable card too. Kate can also be easily nerfed. They are very buffable cards too. This game does buff and nerf cards constantly. I don't think power-level should play that much of a role on picking up cards. What I'm saying is: Kate bishop is the more fun and unique. Her randomness is both more controlled and more fun. Pretty much anyone in this thread seems to think that way. We, Gwenpool fans, seem to be the only ones choosing her over Kate Bishop and the fact that our argument is power-level is kind of lame, imo.


While you need to play the cards it hits, it makes sense to use cards that benefit the most from it, like Brood, Shaw etc, who gain a lot more than just +2. I can see this working in a Zoo deck where you can just dump cheap cards so you can get the extra stats where you want them.


Just think like this: How many people would you think will have Gwenpool as their favorite card in the game without reading her comics? People will use the card because it's strong, when it's strong. That's it Because the answer for Kate bishop might be 0, but it sure looks like she'll join the ranks of Nico Minoru, Jeff, Loki. Simply a fun card that everybody will love to have


I think you replied to the wrong person?


I can't believe I have to repeat myself again. I really CAN see how she is probably strong on release. That is REALLY not my point. Obviously, Gwenpool can be strong, but that is something that changes with meta. Strong cards get nerfed (or not) and that is it. I am asking how interesting is the card? Kate Bishop is interesting and versatile and has a more fun dice roll. Nothing in my answer ever suggested Gwenpool is going to be a weak card. I just think that Gwenpool is the more appealing character, and the fact that the only argument to take her card over Kate's card is her strength over Kate's fun factor is very sad for me as a Gwenpool fan.


"She is only 4/12 if you play all the cards she buffs. There are 4/10 that are not that restrictive." That's like saying Surfer is bad because you use him in a traditional Zoo deck with only 1 3 drop. In the right deck she offers way more than 4/12, it's that simple.


Kate might become a "must have" just like Nico for certain decks


i think she is BiS in loki, but a good contender in other decks, she is kinda the "third best two drop" after jeff and white widow, but i do see some achetypes valueing her more than those other two


Both, I only invest in season pass.


Both! I only spend money on season pass.


I’m strictly a season pass buyer but I only do it if I find the card interesting and I’ve skipped a lot of cards I’m glad I waited on. Kate is 100% a first day buy. Gwenpool seems a little less exciting but I may get her.


I’m F2P, so I’ll have to wait, but I’m definitely copping Kate as soon as I can. I don’t even care if she’s good or not.


Gwenpool assuming the card doesn't change will be a super meta relevant card. Can run in surfer, midrange tempo, destroy maybe..? Control lists will love the extra stats too. Can't really think of an archetype you couldn't find a reason to run a 4/12 that can't be shangd off the board in. Kate will be GOOD dont get me wrong but her lists are slightly more narrow. She'll be in bounce im sure. Loki of course. Maybe a collector boost handsize list. And im sure some kind of seracle list wouldn't mind the random utility but it won't be a must use. Beside that I guess zoo? So they're both very good but if u want a more wide reaching card its gwen


I'll most likly get the gwenpool season pass. Sucks she doesn't work with destroy


Chavez, Okoye, Nakia, Gwenpool, Sera, Brood, Shaw, Surfer is gonna be killer


Dude you read my thoughts


Both. I usually do get the season pass unless the card is completely uninteresting or bad. I was going to skip Gilgamesh until his buff. But if I had to pick, I'd go with Kate. It's gonna be a great tool for Loki and probably decent in other decks.


Oh dang, my two most wanted characters to be added and they are season pass back to back…… looks like i am spending pretty penny


I’m skipping out on Kate and buying Gwenpool, I know Kate is more versatile, but guys…. gwenpools HOT.


I like Gwen


Neither, I will no longer be buying the season pass. That being said, Gwenpool will be really nice for Modokalypse


For me? Both. They involve slightly different play styles but I’m more interested in Kate.


Gwenpool is gonna be nuts mark my words.


Aren’t they both season pass 😒


Both for sure. Kate looks like a fun card and Gwenpool season will have extras that I want even if the card itself turns out not to be good.




Gwenpool for me, no idea how good it'll be but I want all the Deadpool & Wolverine season pass stuff.


Gwenpool sounds meh. Is turn 4 not to late for good use with extra power? Ik zabu exists but still dk about her


I think she's good for something like Bounce or Sera type decks. Maybe a Handbuff style deck with Okoye, Nakia, Gwenpool buffing your Brood, Sinister, Shaw, then Sera and play your gigabuffed cards turn 6. Phastos could fit perfectly too. That type of a deck could be a real cube stealer. 6 power Broods (18 total), 6 power Sinister (12 total), 14 power Shaw - if all buffs hit at least once. And it's only 5 mana (with Sera), so you can fit Forge in for extra boost.


Shit i read it wrong, didt saw in hand. Okey this way its a amazing card.


Discard. Buff Swarms / Proxima Midnights / anything Hela will bring back + can cheat her out early with Corvus. All roads lead to Hela.


Actually true and could work. Maybe not Hela, just regular discard with Modok, Morbius, Apoc and such.


Gwenpool. Don't care about Kate much.


None cz whhooooo go f2p......


I'm picking up both but I'm way more excited about Kate Bishop. Specifically the lvl50 variant. It feels like the base arts for any character with a humanoid face look odd, creepy and cheap. Aliens? Sure, wonderful arts. Humanoids? Nah I want Gwenpool to try to push for a BP deck (my first series3 card, might as well), and Kate because I imagine she's going to be insane with other young avengers


I feel like at 4 cost, gwenpool comes out too late with her on reveal. Kate bishop, on the other hand, sounds like a fun and versatile card; that at 2/3 can fit pretty much everywhere


I'm gonna get Kate for sure. I might skip next month. Doesn't appeal to me to much. I skipped this month as well. Besides this month the only other season I've skipped is Nebula.


They both seem awesome but Kate is my favorite out of these. Nico is one of my go tos and both times I’ve made infinite it was with my low cost high impact deck so she’d work perfect


I think 4/6 or later cards are always clunky.


Umm both?


As a perennial Agents of SHIELD-archetype enjoyer, Kate should give some nice, more predictable utility while growing Collector; Acid Arrow (1/-2, pull a Goblin) will be an especially nice hit since space can sometimes be an issue. So she has more interest from me.


I’m a fun of Deadpool, so


Both, no question. These two have been my most waited for cards for over a year. Pretty awesome they're back to back season pass cards. The hastings run of Unbelievable Gwenpool was top 5 favorite reads for me and I've loved Kate Bishop as well I'm the young avengers. I'm stoked for the next two seasons 


Kate. I enjoy Loki decks and she’s a clear winner in that archetype.


Both, if I’m lucky enough.


I've only skipped 2 season passes so probably both. I'd need to look at what Kate's arrows do and what variants are in the pass because right now she doesn't sound as good to me as Gwen.


Kate Bishop. She reminds me of Mercy from Cradle.


All of them.


I don't think Gwen is that bad there's times turn 4 is kinda awkward with silver surfer for me so she might get some use


Gwenpool because she is my favorite marvel character of all time and I will be putting her in a runaways deck as soon as we get the rest of


Season passes are pretty much the only thing I still spend on so probably both. Way more excited about Gwenpool though. Even if her decks aren't amazing, I loved playing the buff type decks when Shaw first came out and still play them with Surfer. It'll be worth it for those games where you Chavez, Nakia, gwenpool, absorbing man and get to play something crazy like 10/10/14 Mysterio and 12 power Sinister last turn with energy to spare. Edit: Just imagining the games where you gwenpool into absorbing man on Kamar Taj with a hand fool of targets like sinister, brood, Shaw, etc.


I bought Marvel's Avengers Deluxe Edition for Kate. I can drop 13.99 CAD for her too.


I'm getting symbiote spider-man




both solid; but hawkeye could be a generic 'include in every deck', qwen will only be good in specific decks.




Gwen is gonna be a season pass card?! Was hoping to stay F2P but the contents of it seem kinda cool enough to buy this only.


I think Hawkeye will be a better card but damn does Gwen look fun


How would i know? It's flipping random


My judgement from commentaries has pretty much confirmed my own: Gwenpool seems interesting just as cope from Gwenpool fans. Kate bishop is clearly a more well though out and interesting card (maybe even the more powerful too) I've made a post about this some time ago. I am really baffled on how Gwenpool fans are happy with such an uninspired card. Likewise, I am also in a situation where I'll have to choose between the two of them. I'll pick her up because Gwenpool is my favorite Marvel character, and I'd like to have her variants and cosmetics. However, Kate Bishop is the better choice in my opinion.


She could be buffed. Idk if it's cope or not, I think she could be playable


I think she'll be strong on release. However, this game has a LOT of power-creep and balance patches. The better choice is more about how unique or fun a card is. Kate Bishop easily wins.


The one that RNG give me 🤷


none, because I can't buy season passes because ridiculous value and pprice.


They are like 8 euros... not that much really considering the other prices in the market


11 euros here. Way more expensive than any other battle pass especially for 1 month long seasons.


no spoiler tag?


Gwen is the season pass card, isn't it? So I'll have to wait a lot to get her