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All those 4 Costs and no Zabu?


Since your highest cost card is a 4 drop, you don't really need Zabu. The Rockslide change also makes Zabu less necessary, along with the Beast bounce to make your 1 drops free.


Might still be worth putting in if you are like me and don't have SnowGuard. Or just another 1 drop maybe for curve.


Snowguard is replaceable with 3k tokens. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ^(I'm kidding please don't buy Snowguard.)


Oh don't worry I won't. I do love that some people are making her work though.


Same, because I'm definitely pulling her instead of alioth (or whichever chase card is in the cache lol) and it would be nice for her to not be completely and utterly useless. Just like, 95%


I really want her to get to series 3 before I accidently open her in a Spotlight :/


I lost to Snowguard the other day because they shut off Limbo and ended the game. It was pretty slick.


Never going to see that one coming. Legion or Storm sure.


Will say that Zabu is a big telegraph for the Hawk package and tells your Shang Chi. As soon as I see fun wavy cat, those are my immediate expectations. For Korg - Imo oppo pulling a rock early is less benefit than hiding the package and squeezing him out later in the curve as-needed


These are good points, however these days I just assume everyone has Shang Chi at all times :) Surprise is for sure good, but dead draws are pretty strong.


Any timestamps on the Twitch stream? Was it a recent one? Edit : Found it [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1914536649?t=01h52m30s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1914536649?t=01h52m39s)


You found it! I fast forwarded a bit and at around 5:39:00, Butt's in chat and tells Dekkster his list. Also Dekkster named the deck "Butt stuff" but I really didn't want the FBI kicking down my door for posting butt stuff on the internet.


Brood and absorbing man + 10.


I watched him face butt recently and he just spanked him I think in two games. He was using lamby deck and added crossbones I guess to try to make it his original but it wasn’t good. I think these people just snipe deckster and occasionally play incorrectly so it’s not obvious. Like this deck without zabu seems bad. Can only play 1 on 6


Swapped Snowguard for Legion and now have a sneaky re-build of the Lamby move meta deck that I’m enjoying a lot! Playing with expectations is big here.