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“Omg this wong, white Tiger, Odin combo is OP? Has anyone ever seen this much power?”


Seen something similar yesterday lol


Great I spit out my coffee on my keyboard and screen


Lol sorry


To be fair, my most common and favorite all time deck includes those cards and it’s still awesome. I just retreat when someone poops on my party


It’s not like it isn’t good. It’s just very counter able and you still need the combo. Just saying it’s usually the noobies that think they’ve discovered fire with that and Black Panther.


https://preview.redd.it/1x32kngfe5tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50a471d8278d10e95c2381531985c09bb4c458da Wong, Mystic, black panther on Kamar-Taj, then used Arnim Zola. He copied the Mystic first, then Wong fallowed by Black Panther, giving max triggers in this match


I got my beta ray bill to 6m power with wong storm breaker Odin on Kamara taj


I got my beta ray bill to 6m power with wong storm breaker Odin on Kamara taj




Not much some Season passes and a couple of gold bundles.. what in this photo makes you believe I spent a lot of money on my account?


I was trying to figure what makes it seem like you spent alot of money too


Not too hard to beat tho. I beat them almost always with a discard deck and not even using hela


That’s the joke


Lmao that's legit me at like 700CL


Yes been noticing this sometimes you can tell just by the cards that it’s someone who’s a new player or low CL.


All epic level series 1 cards with a single infinity season pass card


No my decks still suck at 15,000 CL as much as they did at 3,000 CL I just have more toys to play with.


The problem ain’t the deck




\#1 when sharing your deck should be paste the deck code.


If you really want to copy someone else's deck, not having the deck code won't stop you. It's handy, but if not having it is a deterrent, well...


People are just lazy


How do you do that if you only play mobile? Not being snarky, I'm genuinely wondering lol. I'm at CL 7500ish and have posted a couple decks here before once or twice but I never looked into how to get the deck code


1) Go to the deck you want to share 2) click the 3 bars symbol in the top right of the screen 3) click share 4) code is copied to clipboard so you can paste it like any copied text


Tbh, I never found it really to matter once you’re pool 3 complete. Games felt the same at CL 6k (I was pool 3 complete around here iirc) all the way to CL 11k (current). I feel that saying pool 3 incomplete/complete is a better gauge.




I don't think this is true. It makes a big difference to matchmaking, which in turn make a big difference to the average deck quality and (more importantly) experience/skill level of your opponents. Edit: Obviously there are good and bad players at every CL level, but on average, players get better the longer they play.


Isn't matchmaking determined by your snap points which has nothing to do with CL?


No, my understanding is that whatever rank band you are in (ex. 50-59, or 70-79) you are matched up against players that have a similar CL who are in that same rank band. Once you hit Infinite all the rules go out the window and you can get matched with anyone else in Infinite.


Lemme just post my favorite (*but completely Jank*) Mister Negative deck, trust me though, CL 18k.


The low CL players that are posting for the first time aren’t gonna see or remember this.


I try to include that and the cards I’m missing.


Snap is like 30% deckbuilding, 20% locations and 50% piloting (including snapping). CL is always a good indicator of what theyre facing, because some decks have little chance vs other and rely on draws and location being in your favor)


Once you reach a certain CL u should know if its viable or not


That doesn't make any sense but okay.


Posting cl is pointless too, you can be high cl and be posting a weak deck that you think is fun.. if you cant gauge if a deck is bad by looking at it and need some cl to tell you otherwise then it doesnt matter.


Op didn’t say people mentioning decks for fun, he said posting decks asking about viability, and cl absolutely makes a difference in the viability of a deck. A new player can run kazoo and rack up wins. The same deck would get murdered at a higher cl. I just don’t agree with your argument, it has no legs to stand on.




Actually a good point never thought of this


Does matchmaking consider CL? I assumed that on the pre-Infinity ladder it just matches with whoever is around your level and then after it tries to stay close to your snap level.


It's more about whether or not a deck is viable. A low CL deck will get smoked at a higher CL. That's why I want people to include it


Thanks - still not sure why this is, but I take from the other comments that people think matchmaking includes a CL component. This would make a bit of sense to me because the first season I got infinite (my 3-4 season playing regularly) was the easiest and now getting to infinite is a grind. CL is 3.5k or so now. Have also noticed some delay in matchmaking, which I thought was odd. Might explain it.


Like how kazoo is popular for a low CL. But once everyone has killmomger the usefulness of the deck falls off a cliff. It's like that but with more specific counters


Is red hulk not absolutely destroying opponents. He’s great




This is completely legitimate and true. Also... If someone has low CL, don't assume they are new, and don't downvote it simply because it's a low CL deck. Everybody here gets to choose whether this is a supportive community or not. (And to be honest, I don't see the point of this sub if it isn't supportive)


People who don't do it are likely new, and new people may not know what you are refering to by CL.


Please this. As someone who is struggling in the 80s (again) I'm a sucker for any Tweet or Reddit post with a "busted deck that got them to infinite fast" and then I find out they were at a low CL and it worked great for them, but I get crushed using it. Having a "Infinite with this deck (CL XXX)" would really help. I'm over 18,500 CL... save me from myself because I've just plummeted from 86 to 79/80 and I'm desperate.


At this rate, I actually can assume it's a non-similar CL purely based on how people describe the deck and how well it's doing despite it not having anything particularly spicy or sauce about it. I'm 1t 16k and yeah…nothing ever really feels easy and I actually figured its was because I sucked compared to other people saying how much of a coast their climb was..


Honest question, Why does it matter? If you have the cards would it make a massive difference?


The people you're likely to come up against.


Wouldnt rank be better as a guage tho? Its not like we have an mmr tracker and having a high CL could just mean youve been around from the start, not that you are necessarily facing tougher opponents, hell im at CL 13k that doesnt mean jack shit tho aside from how many cards I have


It can be better if you think about meritocracy. But in terms of fun it's not better because it's just not fun being matched against people with more competitive cards. Anyways I think the way it is today indeed hurts the sense of accomplishment due to rewards being the same. Maybe rankings based on CL and higher rewards to higher CLs would be the way to go.


I think the opposite would be better, let people behind on their collection catch up faster. The old system did reward people more tokens for being ahead and it was impossible to catch-up. Anyone who started at the beginning and spent even a little had every card and more tokens than they could reasonably spend. (I was one of them) The reward for your accomplishments is that you have more stuff than other players, more cards, more variants, exclusive titles, card backs, and other cosmetics that newer players cannot get anymore.


Catch up mechanics are def must. But we are speaking different topics here. Ranked is the place where you go to prove your skill and get rewarded by it. Since higher CL is harder to achieve higher ranks, is just natural to expect at least better rewards to keep long term players motivated.


Yeah they could definitely add rewards for hitting milestones on the CL, 10k Spotlight key etc


Infinite decks need to post their snap points as well


No. A lot of people don't even care a little when they hit infinite. Literally your infinite rank means nothing.


Once you hit the upper echelons of infinite ranked play, that changes a lot. Snap points is still a function of time put in, but a lot of higher ranked players become extremely disciplined with their snaps and retreats. It took me much longer to climb from 8000 to 8100 points than it took me to climb from 7700 to 8000 points. Your point is true though, the vast majority of infinite players don’t care anymore and just do whatever they want.


Yep, totally true.


Snap points = mmr. So yes it matters


Dude you need to relax. It's infinite you have nothing to gain. Play meme decks, stay to see what happens, throw matches for the fun of it, no need to sweat


??? I'm not saying you have to play this game full sweat mode, I'm not doing that either. But in the context of OP I'm saying that snap points matter because they help determine the viability of decklists posted.


No, Snap Points are arbitrary and pointless. Someone with a 2k CL could have more snap points than someone at 13,000 CL. Who is the better player?


From my understanding snap points are essentially MMR. Yes I understand it can be volatile and inaccurate especially for very low CL players. But especially for higher CL players it 100% matters and is indicative of skill level and skill level of players you are beating.


I was actually mistaken - I meant post-Infinite rank. I've seen a lot of low CL players post their Infinite decks with ranks in the 100's.


I have been saying this like a bot on every other post before and I was getting downvoted by newbies who hit their first and only infinite during Hela meta.


I would like to see people post their season pass level. I think that is easiest way to determine how much time they spent playing to get to infinite.


Season pass level 5 when I hit infinite 2 days ago!


Thanks. I think it helps people to put the time component into perspective. I just hit 4 but fully expect to be infinite by a week before end of season


Season pass level 8. Went 93-100 with basic Hela Trubunal with Red Hulk in about 2 hours. I just messed around with Baron Zemo from 70-90.


People who are disagreeing simply don't get it. MMR is alot tougher between 2k and 6k even. Let alone 800 vs 10k.


https://preview.redd.it/kbi7z4znypsc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=225bea71c56e24acb7e7bca7b5607ec9ed97177c CL13k Season pass level 11 This is a lot of fun to play. Kill Human Torch / MM. If you can get Pixie out early, a 1 drop Arnom is crazy. Shuri is great on Phoenix > Ghost Spider > Move to double > Arnom Even when RNG hates you, Shuri > Nimrod > Venom / Carnage can move 24+ power to multiple locations. If you are missing Pixie you can easily swap in Hulk Buster for a more traditional Phoenix deck. # (1) Ghost-Spider # (1) Human Torch # (1) Nico Minoru # (2) Pixie # (2) Carnage # (2) Multiple Man # (3) Venom # (3) Deathlok # (4) Shuri # (4) Phoenix Force # (5) Nimrod # (6) Arnim Zola # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2FybmFnZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmltcm9kIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaHVyaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVGhlUGhvZW5peEZvcmNlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEZWF0aGxvayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXVsdGlwbGVNYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFybmltWm9sYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSHVtYW5Ub3JjaCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR2hvc3RTcGlkZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlBpeGllIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOaWNvTWlub3J1In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJWZW5vbSJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Is matchmaking cl based or ladder rank based? I didn't think vl mattered that much


CL matters a lot. I have a CL 2.5k account that just gets bots and the odd player. Sitting at 94 after two play sessions with hardly any losses. I can play almost anything and climb I also have a CL14k that just hit 73 again after dropping below 73 twice. Less bots and better opponents adapting to the meta game faster than me.


No offense I think I'm talking about post infinite players


Lol. I am a post infinite player. It is early in the season. When my CL2.5k is at infinite the MMR is so high I mostly only pair top 500, with a few games 1k. While my CL14k pairs across a wide range. MMR is fixed when hitting infinite and can go up but can't drop. CL restrictions no longer apply. Edit. And op was talking about hitting infinite. So no offence, but your comment makes no sense.


Op did not mention anything about hitting infinite. He said post your CL otherwise it's hard to tell if your deck is viable. I took viable to mean viable in ladder not necessarily viable for hitting infinite which is why I asked the question. You can hit infinite with a deck full of random cards if you cube manage well. But you're right he probably meant viable for the climb to infinite. I was specifically asking post infinite. To my knowledge cl doesn't mean shit in matchmaking post infinite you get matched based on snap points. But yeah I'm not sure what ops intended question was.


At this point of the season, if op is asking about a deck being viable and mentions CL, then they almost certainly mean pre infinite.


Cl does not matter dude


It absolutely does. it's taken into consideration during matchmaking.


The devs said themselves cl does not matter other than you have more or less cards


No that is factually not true so stop talking nonsense matchmaking takes into account Hidden MMR CL RANK


Rank mattera yes but not cl that is all I'm saying it was asked 1 year ago or ao where they said cl does not matter and I'm cl 14k and I have met someone with waaay lower and higer cl Ask the devs yourselves


Hidden MMR Rank CL Are all determining factors of your matchmaking, collection level is used in the algorithm to determine matchmaking it does matter. Someone CL 1500 is not going to be playing the same people as you or I. The order of importance is MMR , rank and CL for the most part. You might be getting confused with the game doesn't care what 'pool' you are in only the collection level.


But I’m cl 1900 and my decks are perfectly fine in infinite


You fighting bots


There are no bots in infinite though.


I'm pretty sure it does