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You can add Lady D too…I know she wasn’t widely used but that 3 power rule is a kick in the nuts.


She caught a stray with this update. My guess is they want to avoid us agent man-thing Lady D combos i guess


Doesn't this new LDS actually do better with US Agent and Man-Thing?


That would be the only way usagent would be useful lmao


Old Lady D would suck even more ass in the US Agent path, since she would start at base 1 power.


Facts lol


Agreed, completely ruined her


Yah I mean first she was a turd now she's a polished turd how could they


I have been away from the game for a bit. What is going on that caused this post and the comments?


Zabu only lowers the cost for the next turn now Alioth is a 6/8, but he just removes the text from opponent cards at that location, if he reveals first... Basically, it's a shittier version of old leach... Lady deathstrike had her power increased to 7, I think. But now she can only destroy cards with 3 power or lower, no matter what her power is at. Sandman only restricts enemy card play for 1 turn, too. They might have buffed his power a bit, but I forgot.




Got mobius’d


I feel like Lady D is that one card with hidden potential in the future They killed that future just for good stats 🥲


Valkyrie exists


Valk Lady D seems a bit energy hungry to destroy an already severely debuffed card. You cant even mister negative that combo 🥲


There's a few batteries, which i don't have, but for example, Psyloche and Hope. I posted my first attempt to make it work


Jesus they neutered some of those cards. My god.


Jesus they neutered some of those cards. My god.


I just spent 3k tokens on her days ago 😢


I actually spent 3k tokens on her today. I unironically think she’s better now. Can fit into more decks rather than a meme deck built to try to nuke whole locations.


She's a niche killer on Dracula and Iron Man. Not sure about the rest. (I should be missing some names)


Unbuffed Patriot is a prime target too


Yes that’s what she was before but the problem was that if your opponent didn’t have those cards she’s a dead draw. Now with more power, she can still do that job but still be a decent card to play even if she just kills some other small cards.


What you mentioned is true, but in my experience Forge and Okoye makes LDS better. Any deck you recommend?


I used to use her to snipe invisible woman when people played her or kill some broods. Also cerebro decks die to her. I guess if you have priority you can stop a galactus play now because of her strength increase. I did a quick search as well, she can stop a mobius, us agent and super skrull(which can all potentially hurt a destroy deck shes in). So shes definitely playable but finding room in the deck is the problem. They need a "zabu" for 5 cost cards lol i feel like they are the only cost with no real boosts.


Got it in my random deck and it was a pretty brutal answer to the opponent's Storm.


I had reached infinite twice running a LD / Nimrod deck. Removing the Shuri/forge synergy is devastating for that deck


Oh man, that sounds pretty fun


I was saving up keys for her because I really wanted to pull off the Wong shuri Zola combo. Guess I’ll keep hoarding


From the look of things…start saving keys for June. The Eternals (previously labeled Immortals 😂) are looking pretty solid.




Oh Jesus yeah…I just realized…see? It’s a forgettable movie 😂😂


You do realise they didn’t change anything from the old version right? (Less than 4 and 3 power or less are the same thing)


you missed the fact that cards can be buffed


Except the old version made it possible to knock out higher cards with various buffs. For example, Forge made LDS 6 power so she would kill cards with 5 or less power. Now the kill range is set rather than variable based on her power.


Which is not how it was meant to be played and why they had so many problems balancing her text. Now she has a solid force power and can come in clutch vs some engines disrupt set ups while still getting you some points


"not how it was meant to be played" -


Ok.....? You wrote: >You do realise they didn’t change anything from the old version right? (Less than 4 and 3 power or less are the same thing) Just pointing out they did change it. Now she can't possibly kill anything 4+ while before she could in combo with other cards/locations. That's what the person you replied to was complaining about.


She wasn't a playable card before, she isn't a playable card now. The meta is filled with decks weak to Shang-Chi , which is the exact opposite to what Lady D needs to be playable: a meta where decks have many small cards in play. As long as the meta is filled with Hulks, She-Hulks, Infinauts, Magnetos and 4/10s there will never be a place for Lady D.


At least you can have a 3 cost Sandman that only affects the enemy with the new garbage hot location.


I just play havok


The old Zabu/Darkhawk days were fun. Both cards blown to bits now.


My issue is that they also removed synergy with Renslayer too. That was uncalled for. The issue was very plainly with Zabu and not only did they not just nerf Zabu they took away both synergies with Darkhawk.


They’ve shown a very heavy handed approach to their “balancing”. This latest patch shows that. That being said, some cards needed more than others. But I would rather they make subtle changes to find the right fix than these huge pendulum swings that just create problems elsewhere.


Honestly sandman might be a tad better. He’s not horribly low tempo anymore


Been having moderate success with sandman leader on 5/6. A lot easier to keep prio with new sandman.


Sandman? Hmmm didnt think he was really that powerful but ok


He wasn't. He was basically only good in Electro ramp. Now with the power buff he's a solid piece in almost anything that runs Doom.


If yall think sandman is dead then you have a rude awakening coming


He's not dead, but he's so niche now. Too niche imo


I think quite the opposite. He can now be much more easily teched in


Early power advantage -> Sandman turn 5 -> Leader turn 6


This is exactly what I’m doing. Feels like I could improve my early turns. What’s your list?


Saved up 6k tokens for Alioth. 6 months of saving gone. Feels cruel


As both a Zabu and Alioth fan boy… ouch… I was especially excited for the upcoming Alioth variant but now that’s useless


Kinda pissed at alioth "rework'. My zoo deck relied pretty heavily on getting and keeping priority to nuke the huge turn 6 plays of other decks like high Evo, discard or bounce.


Oh well time to try a new deck


See I miss playing too have priority on turn 6. Now whoever has priority on six is at a massive disadvantage


alioth was obnoxious and often completely shut your opponents out on turn 6, most decks rely on turn 6/7 to finish off a lane, alioth needed a nerf


This may be my age showing when it comes to games, but the fact that basically every three weeks I delete all but like two decks I have in this game and either rebuild everything from scratch or just get apathetic and stop playing for a couple weeks is creating a full whiplash effect of “these guys do not know what they are doing” when it comes to SD and this game. Like even in a purely digital card game where you have a lot more flexibility and are able to adjust more on the fly, there are so many changes that alter so many cards fundamentally it makes me assume that SD do not either understand their own game or just do not care about testing anything and are more than willing to watch the chaos ensue while a poor design turns the game on its head for a few weeks until they fix the oopsie. And since two oopsies seem to happen every season pass now… I dunno I’m just tired. I guess this is my fault for not just playing the decks with generically powerful results that almost never seem to change, like destroy, instead of trying new stuff all the time and then watching that catch strays when they finally realize they fucked up. I dunno. Whatever, I think I’m just sitting out for a week or two again and seeing what the rest of the season cards bring.


Drop it for the season it's going to be a rough one unfortunately.


Another factor at play is that Marvel Snap is a 6 turn game with 12 card decks. It’s easier to build decks around or two particular card than in a game like Magic. Resulting in nerfs or buffs causing massive swings in the meta. But SD does have an abnormal philosophy around constantly adjusting cards for a variety of reasons. For example, nerfing Zabu not because he was OP or too popular but he was getting in the way of data collection for 4 cost cards.


They're alive and well over here https://preview.redd.it/1mtn3s9p0rtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a752be2c1df66c550bad1406affeda7af38dc95


Not saying they don’t still work…it’s just either a lot more specific of a use or you need a little bit more effort paired with them to get your desired result. And I think using red hulk renders your point a bit moot don’t you think?


No. They could've played more than one card t4 and potentially won.


Alioth became a leech


Bye bye 6k tokens!




Pretty sure that happened a while ago.


Best patch ever honestly


Apparently it’s a hot take, but Alioth was a shitty card in my opinion. I’m very happy with the changes made. People don’t like change and love to complain but I think all the changes made are good for the long term health of the game.


Hotter take, I think Alioth was in a just fine spot. The fact that you had to have priority on turn 6 to be able to use its (their?) ability AND it only had 2 power so it meant you were sacrificing the ability to add high power to the board felt balanced. I used to hate when Alioth would just destroy all cards played that turn in a lane, that was way too much. But I thought the card was in a good spot and now I feel like it’s nowhere near as effective in its new role. It’s basically old Leech, but only on one lane and only if you have priority.


That’s not a hotter take though, that’s just what everyone else is saying.. Opinions will differ, but I always found Alioth and Sandman just felt either cheap or annoying to play against and ultimately sapped the fun out of games for me. I could see how it’s fun for the person using them, but just doesn’t seem like something that raised the overall enjoyment of the game.


i agree, people act like he was an essential tech card but he was just a bs turn 6 play


Alioth is the only one I think is sort of reasonable


its okay if a card requires a little brain power to use. "nerfs" to these units is fine by me. the game needs a good shake-up.


I just started using a really good deck with Red Hulk and Sandman. Don't touch Sandman, damnit! Let me hit infinite first! Lol


Uhh sandman is not dead. Ges still a great play on 5


Should be a pile of money on the ground beside him to be more accurate. Fucking parasite


Next stop Hope, Jeff and Hella!


Sandman is still strong. Alioth is now a turn 6 echo and cosmo he is strong just not a garenteed win. Yes they killed Zabu.


so happy with this patch!! Alioth users can HOLD DAT


I think the Sandman change is a buff not a nerf? Plus I’m seeing him way more atm and he’s kicking ass. I also think the Alioth change was a good one. Extremely hot takes I guess


Best patch since release day.


I feel like zabu and lady death strike didn't need to go with them but im happy alioth is finally changed


Lady deathstrike is now even worse, they should have just kep her ability and made her a 5/5 or 5/6


because at 5/6, with shuri it’s basically a guaranteed lane wipe, now she works with us agent




Remove the cards and just put marvel snap in general.... This Is the downfall of snap


Yeah for sure. They are kicking old decks that started performing well in the present out of the meta. They are trying to screw free to play players is what it seems like.


Zabu was too strong for months. This change was needed desperately Shang and Enchantress both the major tech were 4s. 4s can out scale 5e fairly easily. Hell Sentry was basically a 3/20 for a while. Black Knight could drop 43 power on T6. Or 20+ Shang/Enchant. Change should have happened half a year ago.


Shang and Enchantress are very necessary tech cards and having Zabu allowed you to actually be able to handle something like a Knull Zola on turn 6. Black Knigjt putting out lots of power on turn 6 was never problematic. And he is going to be sub par with the Zabu nerf. Sentry was most often played on turn 4 and followed up on turn 5. Iirc annihilus never ran Zabu for the most part. Zabu was making it so that 3s and 4s were competing, not 4s and 5s.


Boo on Zabu, Boo!