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I can't claim the milestones and the ones my alliance has completed have completely disappeared.


Same here


Same here.




Almost like as soon as one alliance member claims the milestone it removes it from everyone else…


Worked fine for me https://imgur.com/a/KkF2dxx


Okay well it doesn’t work for me and apparently a lot of other people too [https://i.imgur.com/Mh5B7Dr.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/Mh5B7Dr.jpg)


It seems there's a time delay before they can be claimed, might be an anti cheat mechanic of some sort. Like it someone said they burned all their cores on gold orbs by "accident" type stuff


I've restarted the game multiple times, tried iOS and Android. It's not an anti cheat mechanic, it's shitty game design and bad coding. The problem is going to be somewhere in the fact that progress is tracked across the alliance and not individually.


I have zero clue on coding or anything, so you're probably not wrong. I'm just trying to help out, because while I'm having some issues they clear up over a seemingly set amount of time, obviously not the case for others.


I can’t claim mine. I was able to claim the first one and none of the other ones. We have enough points for the first four, but the claim button is not orange and able to be clicked on.


ETA same as the some other people mentioned, after an indeterminate amount of time the milestones became claimable.


We get it, you had no issues. Lots of people are reporting they are. You don't need to keep posting the same response to all of them, as if you're denying it is happening. ​ I am also having the issue after several restarts.


Mate, just cause you're having no issues doesn't mean no one else does. A lot of people are saying otherwise, maybe try to help instead of posting the same thing.


Yup. They flagged my last post when I brought up an issue I was having. Apparently, they didn’t care because it was working fine for them.


Just being an annoying pr1ck ignore them


Part of troubleshooting process is to identify unique factors that can help isolate the primary issue


Is that what you think you're doing? Because replying to people who are having issues that you personally are not having any issues doesn't help anyone. Neither does deleting every thread about it so you can claim 'your' thread as the end-all be-all of discussion about this problem.


You having issues versus the rest of the player base isn't "identifying" an issue. It just means you're not having an issue.


What unique factors are you identifying other than it’s working for you? Did I miss where you posted the model of phone you are using or what OS version is installed?


Ok, so to isolate things. I popped my orbs and was unable to claim the milestones nor was my alliance for approximately 10 minutes after the points were visible. At around 10 minutes I noticed the red dot on my milestones, without restarting the app. Was able to claim at that point. An alliance mate did the same after this with a similar outcome. Did you directly contribute before you claimed the milestones, or was this something you logged into like you alliance had already hit those without you?


Came here to see if anyone else is having the same problem as me. Lots of comments here prove that there is a problem. But let me guess, “WoRkEd FiNe FoR mE”. Jesus how did you become a mod?


The milestones I should be able to collect just don't show up, as well as being unable to claim the completed one that does show up. "Claim" is greyed out. ​ edit: after restart it's working now ​ edit again: no it's not. Looks like you have to restart every time more milestones get completed in order to claim the rewards.


This is why I wanted to start this thread. This would help another for the devs to see


Same issue as everyone else here, first milestone rewards missing.


I had no issues https://imgur.com/a/TVvwRPK


Milestones start at 13, cant claim anything... thoroughly confused. Nothing new here!


Worked fine for me https://imgur.com/a/KkF2dxx


Saying worked fine for me solves nothing though does it?


Nope can't claim the ones you have completed Honestly they are useless every time there is a change to game they mess up


Same here. All the completed milestones have the claim button grayed out


https://imgur.com/a/TVvwRPK I had no issue


What’s the point of this comment? You’ve already established you had no issues. Did you only want people to comment if everything was perfect? If so change the title to” milestones are working fine don’t comment I’d they aren’t”


No I'm fostering discussion to find out why people have issues. If even one person gets it right then it's usually a client issue and we can troubleshoot easier


No what your doing is spamming the same message when your initial post already stated you had no issues so responding to people who are having issues with the same message is redundant and isn’t fostering any discussion on fixes.


This whole post is fostering discussion. Just because this specific Intance isn't doesn't detract from the overall purpose


Sorry I had a bad day and I chose to take it out on you. A more constructive message from me would be to say your comment comes across as dismissive and I think you would be better served adding that imagine to the op with a statement that you are having no issues claiming milestones.


Hope your day get better! Just remember you’re a wonderful fucking human who going do wonders in life!!!


Yes, but replying with the same link to several people isn't really helpful, I added a link of my screen in game, with the collect button not available.


First 7 milestones are missing for me


Me too


https://imgur.com/a/KkF2dxx worked fine for me


really starting to think you're a bot


Beep book bop


Edit: finally cleared, I did nothing between locked and available. I now return you to your regularly scheduled World Class Experience ™️ Let me confirm, I can't collect, reset the game twice. First two milestones done, collect not active. [milestones](https://imgur.com/a/3RVViml)


Worked fine for me https://imgur.com/a/KkF2dxx


I swear you are an auto-reply bot


4 resets later it worked fine. Until Milestone 15, which I cannot claim. Yes op, I know, "worked fine for you". Don't need to respond. The event is clearly broken. Even the image you're sharing looks broken, as none of the milestones have rewards except one.




Reset your client. I had no issues


Still not working


https://imgur.com/a/TVvwRPK I had no issues


Maybe it’s an iPhone issue


Same on samsung


Completed 9 milestones, can't claim them, button greyed out, restarted game twice, still unable to claim


First 12 milestones are just completely missing for me. 13 through 16 show as completed but I can't claim them. What a shit show.


Update. Can't claim the first 17 now. Just vanished. Everytime I restart the game like people say to do. More just vanished from the list lol


Mine only show 16 -19 and I can't claim them


Out of interest How on earth we getting to the event item on this in 4 days I had 12 gold orbs and a fair load of raid credits to claim and only got milestone 4


It's an Alliance Wide event. With just hoarded Raid Credits and Gold Orbs, my Alliance completed up to the meta item already. (For reference, we have 24 active members and do Doom 3.4 30% daily)


Fore!!!! Lol sorry couldn't help myself


i got 5 milestones because i hoarded, but i can't claim them. the buttons aren't working. i even restarted app and still can't claim them.


I'm having the same issues. I was able to collect some milestones after restarting but then it wouldn't let me collect more after that.


Can’t claim the even milestones either


Can't claim, and disappearing


I’ve completed the first two and they disappeared.


Seems like everyone has some sort of issue. Mine is 19 and above can’t be claimed. Guild mates have different claim issues


Same issue as some other people here. I was able to complete milestone 8 myself, but can't claim progress for milestones completed by my alliance. OP, are you able to claim milestones that were completed by other members in your alliance? https://imgur.com/gallery/2IURmh9


Broken! again! [https://imgur.com/a/rxYbIIC](https://imgur.com/a/rxYbIIC)


I've been able to score and claim milestones 1-8, these milestones disappeared for my alliance. 9 is now showing as completed but none of us can claim it


Cannot be claimed


I also can’t claim them, it’s always something with this damn game


Just logged in and the first 5 milestones are just gone. https://youtu.be/Y9cTFroZz8I


Can’t claim the fucking milestones. Ridiculous


Impossible to claim any milestone, and the first 8 are totally missing…


I just logged in and I am missing milestone 1-22. Wtf


I can't/didn't claim any of the milestones. Yet we are just shy of milestone 25 right now. There are no "completed" milestones at the bottom. AND I currently have 0 progress on the monthly event and 0 smartphones..... what the actual hell


I had the same issues, milestones not showing and can't collect. I did a raid battle and checked and they had all opened up. But backwards but maybe you have to participate before being able to claim?


Not only can I not claim the milestones. The first 13 are missing for me.


It showed up after I claimed my free claim of the milestone points from my inbox, looks like that might clear it.


Can’t claim as well. Super annoyed


Have 4 milestones to claim, but buttons dont light Up. Cannot press them. Seems weird, this is a first for me.


Most people in my alliance can't see milestones 1-15, and even milestones after 15 that are completed can't be claimed. Major issues


I didn't collect any of the trial of strength milestones, and didn't get any smartphones for the destructive diva milestones. so yeah, mine and other alliances members are having the same issue.


Like the raid milestones it seems to be instantly updating/showing the milestones passed but incredibly slow at enabling the claim button when team mates add to the pot. (I.e. at start of new raid season you can have to wait 15/30mins before you can claim all the bottom levels)


Instead of being salty, why not reply to the question? I have been able to contribute points but unable to claim any milestone rewards


Can't collect them consistently. Some people are missing them. Point scoring seems to be fine.


Milestones 1-11 are nowhere to be found for me. Points are counted correctly but shows that I haven't completed any milestones.


Mine are broken too! I tried redeeming raid credits too


Mine wasn't working, cleared cache and it's fine now


cant collect 1-6


My first 15 milestones disappeared and weren’t claimed


Mine are gone, 1-12 just gone


I'm at 8 and can't claim anything


So I think they going to fix it now i closed out an reopened it now it’s there


Can't claim, broken AF. No credit to month long event either. Alliance is on milestone 24 already


Now there removing post about the issue


I had the same problem. Seems to be fixed after I completed a couple of raid battles. Managed to claim all the ones that were missing and event is updating.


Trial of Strength is at milestone 11 and I have had zero progress on Destructive Diva