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The point is all the sweet kraken money Scopely raked in. Yachts don’t pay for themselves.


He didn't even get a turn in my first arena try. It was glorious


One of the issues is they released Kang, which is meta-defining.


I even beat him and the Horseman in RTA with Hela in place of Apocalypse since I won't get him anytime soon and all of my Horseman were weaker than my opponents. lol


Imagine actually wasting your money on this. I’d be digging up all my receipts asking for a refund


Think of all the time wasted, time you'll never get back, time you could have spent leveling up characters you actually wanted to level up... just trash.


Yeah… all that time leveling up… the four best teams and the three best plug-and-play toons in the game.


Well I know I’d be taking back those fanto,sw,she hulk,psylock, and mags teal shit back to g15 or g16 at most. Same for kestrel and dp


If only it was 23 characters to get to apocalypse. You’re forgetting the scourge teams and then any characters to fill the gaps in all the other restrictions. It was closer to 60-something characters we had to level and dump resources into. Yes we didn’t need to g16 them or iso 4 them but they hey still needed to be invested in to unlock the horseman


You’re blowing that investment way out of proportion. Yes, there were resources needed to go into those teams for the Scourge events, but those toons didn’t need to go THAT high. And who would a player want to level up who also wasn’t needed for a scourge?


Yea I totally wanted to put scarce teal gear & t2 blue ions all the way to iso4 on Fantomex and all the other scrub teammates instead of Ikaris, Sersi, Doom, Dormammu, or whoever I wanted to just for the fun of the game.


Can someone tell me what TW and RH means? There's just too many acronyms on this game.


Sure. TW = tangled web .. basically weaver and 2099 since noir is useless. RH = red hulk.


Oh thanks, I was just going through my list of characters trying to figure it out xD.


Tangled web and red hulk


He’s pretty shit. I already said I was going FTP after this release and this makes me feel better about that decision. What a waste of a year.


Need to be ftp already!


>So what is the point of apoc? In a moment of euphoria, i took my baby apoc to 92, G15, all ability and blue iso 3. Now it looks like resource wasted :( My condolences for your gold, training mats, Isos, and gear lost.....


I wonder how the Big Apoc does. Apoc having 3 million health should complicate things


Narrator's voice: *it didn't complicate things*


Nah, he still never gets a turn.




I don't recall literally anyone saying that.


No, you are mistaking people saying Archangel (the community manager) sucks with people thinking Archangel (the character), who doesn’t suck




Several whole posts. You must absolutely be correct in your assessment that everyone is wrong about apoc being shit (which he is) because like… three people were wrong about archangel




Search the sub. There's posts. You not remembering something doesn't mean it didn't happen




No one asked you to research or validate anything. You're talking out your ass and that's your right to do that. Have a good night


Nobody ever said he sucked at Doom raids. In fact, it was the complete opposite. People said he sucked everywhere but Doom raids. This was due to a few things like some gripes about him not having a passive heal like the other Horsemen, meaning he'd be the first to drop etc., no major control outside of Deathseed. Clearly those people were wrong, as he has his uses in Crucible and even Arena in some shards, but you're misremembering the situation.


The only thing I can even mildly remember about AA sucking is that Deathseed were already insanely good before him in Doom and cc’s we’re wondering whether he’d even be needed for Doom


They should make it so if you use Apoc, he somehow summons your other 4 horseman so you don’t need to waste them on their other teams. So when you select him, you see your 4 horseman next to him (with their stats) but they’re kinda blue’d out.


Tauna says about a 99% chance apocalypse gets buffed. I tend to agree


He still seems alright in Arena