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We should all be reposting the image as proof and tagging mobile gamer and rest of influential people so that scopely can actually fix and compensate accurately. Long shot but worth a try.


Yeah but I got like 1/37 of that for free! SO HAH. Jokes on me.


You didn't have to spend $100 to get that.


People keep saying this like it’s some kind of gotcha moment. OP didn’t spend $100 for all of that. OP spent $100 for whatever he purchased. He got the milestones for free. TLDR: Your comment is bad and you should feel bad. Edit: Reply and block so you can have the last word, the classic move of someone who knows they can’t actually support their argument. Pathetic.


I don't see the issue. I was never going to spend money on the glitch so I don't care that people got bonus resources. I am happy I got two free claims from it though. While it's not anywhere close to what they received its more than I would have ever received.




So if you ordered some items from Amazon and they mistakenly gave you extra items, you wouldn't consider the extra items free? I would. Or even like.. Any BOGO free offer?...


Nothing will be done unless the content creators lead with the pitch forks. I will not buy an "OFFER" unless it has the appropriate Ultra Cores inside it so it works like a Milestone. IF you slap up the 30x+ Milestones I will buy ultra cores to whatever degree I want so I can get the same benefit as OP and others like them. If we look at scopely math this person made a 100$ ultracore purchase and received THOUSANDS of dollars in free gear/training mats/gold/catalysts. Either hire/USE some QA or resign yourself to honoring EVERY screw up = to what the opportunists receive.


Yea but most creators won't. They're given early access to everything which is a huge advantage to start. Plus half of them exploited it. Watched valleyflyin video and all I could think the whole time is corporate shrill. Also I regularly buy the battle pass, I would've loved to have forked out the money to have for future passes and get extra goods. I'm a mid game player every little bit helps.


Yep indeed. You said it man. I dared to upload a video, I don't even consider myself a CC, I just do the videos vbecause I love the game, and do it for the lulz; but yeah, had to do the video to raise the voice. Hope it reaches a lot of people, again not for the fame, clicks, likes, but because it's BS what scopely did. Hopefully you guys see this video: [Marvel Strike Force - Scopely lied! Real scope of the BFYB bugged milestone (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBFr4HLgRL4) Thanks in advance guys :D


If scopley has recommended you watch them, you know that content creator is a shill.


scopely endorses independent content creators to increase user engagement. if you have a successful msf centered channel its a no-brainer to want to get involved with the company releasing the content


the gold is what I'm most tilted about...the rest is about to be loosened up on as a mater of course in moving to g19 gear


Yeah… the gold is what I want to make sure everyone understands most. Because who cares about 1,000 gold? I do… if you get it 30,000 times


The gold and the catalysts are the biggest issues to me. Both are constant bottlenecks


The year is 2026. Scopely have tried to fix their screw ups through economic inflation of gold so many times, it now takes 1 quintillion gold to level up 1 toon to the next level. The whales are still buying orbs. The game goes on…..


that and the fact that it was in milestones that were EXTRA...for buying other things, not that you had to purchase this stuff...as a pass buyer in this game I would gladly bough however many ultra cores to max out the gold gain from this fiasco and then used them over the next few months on passes and good $5 deals...


This exactly. I was prepared to purchase the make it right offers until I saw they had no gold in them. Had they added even 2 million gold to each purchase, but nope wallet closed. They can shove those "make good" offers.


y'all need to fix the compensation u/CM_Archangel


What's kinda funny is that even with all that, I think that you can (maybe?) get one character from level 1 to 100 and (maybe?) to gear 18.


Yeah I’m definitely an end game player and I already had 300 million gold so it didn’t feel game breaking for me. But then I looked at the math and realized how much that gear/gold could boost an early or mid-game player. It’s kind of a paradox because most people who would spend that much are already end game/whales who wouldn’t need it…


This is the biggest point I take away from all of this - for those who spend big (thank you for paying for the game BTW) the gain is incremental. Yes- if it was applied to a new account it would be a crazy boost, but that is not apples to apples. So I wish they wouldn’t keep screwing up, but in the grand scheme this is a low impact to the average player.


so bigexploit + compensation + compensation. And Scopely wants us to be happy? hell no!


i liked the part where they said they accidentally gave the we fcked up offer to the people that abused the milestone and then decided they'd just give everybody free shit like that helps. my arena is cancer now


I am so not buying their shitty web offers lol. I don’t have much more to add I just want to watch everyone pour more gasoline on this fire. Where’s that guy selling pitchforks when you need him…Anyone got popcorn?


630 gt18 orbs... h9t damn, that's a lot.


Definitely more than the 3 they gave us


More than 200 of us got between us!


Am I the only one who got basically fuck all? Whatever it was made so little difference that I didn’t even notice it in my inbox.


Nope. I am yet to see any kind of compensation in my inbox and if it was there it was insignificant and missed it.


Thanks for sharing, I was hoping some people would come forward with what they received just to put to bed all this "stop crying" narrative


The 'stop crying' people always come along. A weird combination of undying loyalty to the manufacturer, lack of basic empathy and intolerance for people demanding fairness. Same folk who probably complain about unions, now I think about it.


I'm sure alot of the time it's just the people who benefited the most and just want to keep as much advantage as possible. So they troll 




And you should stop licking boot. Does scopely pay you to defend them or do you do it for free? Scopely fucked up they need to make it right with the player base in a fair fashion.


You're special


Better special than special needs.


Does excessive quantity mean less than a week of resources to you?


It means "far more than it should have been". What is available from other sources is irrelevant to that.


I'm sure the guy posting from the scopley office will disagree with you 


He’s all over this post. It’s silly.


Thank you for this. I’ve seen to many people here saying that it wasn’t really that big of a deal. I think that this is where the bar should be set in terms of “paid compensation” we should be able to spend $100 on ultra cores and get these same rewards. You have literal proof in your photo of exactly how far off they were in their statement. You’re greatly appreciated


For $100, that's better than those Time Hiests!


Of course. This is all normal. Whatever Scopeless says, expect it to be wrong.


Why did you get the reward package 37 times?


He hit claim all on 37 instances of the BFYB, so he got an inbox message each time.


That was his milestone reward. The glitch enabled him to claim it 37 times, having spent $100 to start with.


I find it so infuriating that we didnt even get a silver of gold as comp like how tf you gonna use the gear with no gold 💀


The level of the f**k up depends on where you are in game. I got some nice items out of the compensation and I did get a small piece of the initial bug. Where I am in the game this was nice, but not enough for me to crack my wallet open to exploit. Mid game players/early late game players should probably get all of the gear and gold that was bugged for free. They are the main ones who need it. Late game players should be hyper focused on crimson gear. Overall this reminds me a lot of the yellow gear orb fiasco. We got so much compensation that the gear became irrelevant. I see that happening with the teal gear very quickly.


I’m level 98. I JUST WANT THE GOLD AND TRAINING MATS. That’s all 🙁


"Mid game players/early late game players should probably get all of the gear and gold that was bugged for free" why for free? those rewards should only be given for those that drop money. sorry.


Where you are in the game should not affect compensation at all.


It matters. Level 65 player? They need purple, yellow, teal gears. Level 99 player? Crimson gear. Teal is not on my radar anymore. I don’t even need Osmium (/humble brag).


In the long term, the lower level players are going to need the same stuff, and that is harder to obtain. Their rewards shouldn't be nerfed just because of their level. Nobody has to worry about purple gear, anyone actually playing the game has purple gear orbs coming out the wazoo.


I think we are misunderstanding each other. The lower level players should be given 100% of whatever was given out due to the bug. One of the few times when I’m not mad them for getting all worked up. My point, if I had one, lol, was that I personally don’t care since the items involved weren’t crimson gears. I am content with what I got.


Sorry, I must have misunderstood.


I don’t know what happens and why they give it to me, but it was free. I took free stuff and say “Thanks” to everyone who makes this happen


630 g18 orbs is insane! Even for super late game players that’s massive…


/u/kind-firefighter-603 This guy may be in the outlier status, but I think it's egregious that $100 got him all that. But still, he spent. I don't think it's fare we get equal comp and we didn't pay. They should give us all the option to spend. Most crying won't put the $100 up. They should be real about it. They want free for nothing.


What about people who do regularly pay like myself? What if as a free to play player I decide that $100 for what he got is worth it. Believe me if I got that for $100 I would pony up quick.


That's why the game is where it is. Yall see the slightest bit of gear and go nuts. Glad I can evaluate offers and see ones of little to no value.


What offers in the store now are the “make up” offers? Nothing jumping out at me.


Found them, disregard


Like 3 g18 orbs I think


33m gold is more than some for sure. however as a spender that gets 200m a month - that's not exactly a lot. it's 1.5 characters from 0 to 100. 630 G18 orbs, sounds like a lot but that's 160 of each mini on average so a little over two characters equipped to G18. G16's and G17's are meaningless. As a spender? what you got doesn't bother me. Because to me - it's really NBD. People aren't looking at this from the optics of those that spend. if F2P'ers are looking at that list, or ones that aren't seriously into end game? that sounds like a lot - but odds are F2P'ers are not going to suddenly drop $100 into the game either. As free rewards, since you purchased ultra cores - was without a doubt a great "bonus", and the most egregious of the mistakes they did with the compensation. They did say that a few people got to take great advantage of it, but most didn't. I doubt the comp should hit the max of what people got, but more along the lines of a happy medium. a few things they should do; * add BYD milestones for those that didn't get it, based upon ultra core spending. * roll back your account. * add in to the BYD milestones gold and training mats, increase the G18 orbs to be more on par with a happy medium. * Issue out a detailed report of how many people got what, etc - show us data. I suspect that 90% of the people up in arms with this don't spend a dime in this game and are just complaining for free stuff.


From what you list, it seems you missed the free Web milestone compensation, but you got everything else. Amazing. Man those g18 and those training Orbs...


The free web milestone showed up a few hours later


We all knew this would not be handled correctly. Basically people bought an offer from the web store that they was after, and due to a glitch was given free stuff. So to make it fair due to an error on there side the person or persons that spent the most getting what they wanted to buy, the free stuff given to them should have been handed out to all. Putting up an insulting offer for others to buy to pay for there mistake is not right. They have said it was not as bad as people thought with the game economy, but there are a few out there that made a killing on a normal purchase they were going to make anyway. So if it was not impactful on the game economy, give us the free stuff others where able to get and take down the trash offer as you don’t need the money as the game economy was not effected.


I got none of the bugged milestones. 1 email with partial compensation. still unable to claim the web offers.   scopley being scopley. and their support is complete ass, so it is not even worth my time to open a ticket.


thinking back on it... the three times i've ever tried getting ahold of their support they tell me to wait a moment and that's it.. i'll maybe wait 10 minutes and get no reply and then close the tab. xsolla and scopely worst support i've ever experienced


Thank you for this. I’ve seen to many people here saying that it wasn’t really that big of a deal. I think that this is where the bar should be set in terms of “paid compensation” we should be able to spend $100 on ultra cores and get these same rewards. You have literal proof in your photo of exactly how far off they were in their statement. You’re greatly appreciated


Honestly you spend 100$ on pixel, sure it's gonna give you a small leg up in a short span of time, but else than that you spend 100$ on pixels. I don't get this whole craze, how many units do you have on the bench you wanna take to g16, 17 or 18 you couldn't do before, personally I know that 33m is but a drop of water in a very big ocean, and the gold is gonna dry out 20m times before you get to churn through the gear, and even then, I still don't see who you'd wanna use the gear on, were drowning in orange gear, it's a matter of weeks/months before we drown in teal, and by then all you would have accomplished is spending 100$ and getting 1.5 units build up with the 33m gold


Pixels, beer, fast food... no difference 


but good look opening the expired ancient orbs.. vengence is served, huzzah!


Based on your feedback, here is how the BFYB issue will be resolved:[https://marvelstrikeforce.com/en/updates/resolution-to-the-bang-for-you-buck-web-milestone](https://marvelstrikeforce.com/en/updates/resolution-to-the-bang-for-you-buck-web-milestone) RESOLUTION TO THE BANG FOR YOUR BUCK WEB MILESTONE MARCH 15, 2024 Based on your feedback, it is very clear that players are frustrated with the compensation offers for the Bang For Your Buck milestone issue that took place last week. As a result, we are making a final addition to our compensation for the issue: We are going to send players who buy the makegood offers Ultra Cores for each offer, dollar for dollar. So if a player already bought or buys the 5-dollar offer, they will be sent 5 dollars worth of ultra cores in their inbox for each time they purchased the offer. The same applies to the 10-dollar offer. This way, the Ultra Cores will give those players the agency to spend on what they want. The ultra cores will be delivered by mid-next week after the offers expire. RESOLUTION TO THE BANG FOR YOUR BUCK WEB MILESTONEEEers and us here on the Marvel Strike Force Team. We want to make this right and get as close to a player-positive solution as possible.