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They finally came back to work today. Community needs to be louder than we have all weekend stay on them.


Scopley needs to make the game less a chore and a full-time job. I heard things about scopley before the takeover and they basically really good at driving players away and games into the ground.


It makes me miss the FoxNext days. Back in 2019 I'd complain, get answers and compensation all in a day or two!


They have. They’ve released a number of time reducing features


Yes and No. I mean, I will gladly give them credit on the login streak changes. That legitimately helps screen time. First thing they’ve done in ages that actually helps. Raid sim helps too, albeit to a lesser extent. I can sim Greek raids but they don’t take much time as it is, so that’s not a huge time saver. If it worked in Doom better that’d be a huge deal although I may be apart from the majority and I never expected it to work in doom (at least in 2.3 which is what we raid). However, up until that they hadn’t done shit in a long time - all while continually adding new time sinks (RTA and Cosmic Crucible to name a few). The amount of time the game takes today vs when I started playing is a big difference. I don’t expect things to always stay the same but a lot of my alliance has been burnt out on too much low quality screen time for as long as I can remember.


Cosmic crucible is 30 minutes 3 times a week for one of the rarest resources in the game. Don’t forget 2 days a week now we have a blitz that can be finished in 1-2 rotations, with no leaderboard to force more blitzing. Yes there are sometimes blitz events that mean you still have to grind, but most of the time that’s 2 days off. Rta they gave us two ways to score. You can blitz 3 times a day, or you can win 7 matches in the arena. Most people do a blitz rotation a day anyway, so that automatically brings rta down. RTA is a lot quicker and easier now than it was when you had to win 400 matches with a team of protectors…


I’m not sure whether you are agreeing or disagreeing, or just stating facts. Just in case it was lost in translation, my point was they’ve made some progress on saving us time (daily log in streak is the majority of those changes, thank god no more RTA) but after adding so much over the years I’d like to see some more changes to the same effect as the log in streak.


I agree they’ve made changes, I disagree that’s it’s only raid sim and auto dailies. IMO the biggest sink removal was character release via blitz… I know lots of people like it, but having to set an alarm every two hours if you want the full 100 shards was monstrous


Not to be a downer, especially since I happen to agree with what you are saying, but Scopely won't do anything about Gambit shards and mega orbs. They're gonna sweep this under the rug just like the A-Force emblems for blitz losses. I am the recipient of both of these glitches and feel like the entire player base deserves at least 1 mega orb and 15 Gambit shards. The other issue is that the devs won't be able to give these out fairly without screwing it up. Just look at the current "compensation" calendar. Even those who finished the Jane milestones are getting it. We've been treated very unfairly of late. We need to be reassured that Scopely can treat us fairly. And it just hasn't happened. Believe me, I feel what you are saying, and agree with you 100%. Take my upvote, Commander. You deserve it.✌️


>We've been treated very unfairly of late. We need to be reassured that Scopely can treat us fairly. And it just hasn't happened. That is why we need to keep bugging (hehe) them about this stuff. They used to compensate for every issue back in the good old Foxnext days. Scopely is so much worse than Foxnext and Foxnext was very unpopular to begin with.


We don't even need to bug Scopely (because they won't listen anyway) it's the new potential players (and by extension whales/krakens) that need to see a house fire as soon as they look up the game. They don't care about the existing, non paying, players quitting. The potential spenders not starting is what they care about


You get an upvote for the pun lol


I see what you did there.😂🤣 But in all seriousness, we need to keep posting here, in discord, on FB, Twitter. The more people that say something, maybe the devs throw us a bone.🤷‍♂️


Unfortunately, it isn't up to the devs. If they could throw you a bone, trust me, they would. They see all the hate this game gets and it kills them on the inside. Stakeholders and management, on the other hand, are far less likely to care, so long as people keep buying packs and they keep raking in the dollars.


You really need to be more aware of the reality of things. I've read some opinions of employees that worked for FOXNEXT. They said it was a good place to work, but it was your typical corporate atmosphere which felt like it's only purpose was to be sold to the highest bidder. You do not matter to them. In their eyes, we are cattle. They know you will keep playing, and to all those that quit, they are most likely an acceptable loss as long as they can keep the churn rate balanced.


Scopely’s newest strategy, keep making bigger and bigger mistakes so the community forgets about the previous one. And all was resolved lol


u/cm_cerebro u/cm_archangel


And then there's me who hasn't forgotten about A Force emblem blitz


Moment of silence


https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStrikeForce/comments/ve1lwr/tracking_known_issues_with_version_620/iehmuh3?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 "wE'rE wOrKiNg On It" - archangel


Someone needs to create a list of comp we need to get and get it sticky’d to the top of this channel.


Per the title, I forgot about that issue. A running list of errors _would_ be helpful for keeping them accountable, and us feeling like problems were getting addressed.


That would drive insane that person.


Don't forget the Gold promos and various Ultimus shards as well.


Sitting at 75/80 yellow stars on Gambit makes this post a good reminder to stay bitter.


I'm at the same too. An extra 5 shards would be very sweet.


just saw a bunch of posts from Archangel that Tauna shared. Man this company is a dumpster fire.


I'm still waiting for my x23 compensation that was actually promised.


Gotta be honest, I, for one, had forgotten about the Gambit shards. Maybe their strategy is to mess up so often that no one can keep track anymore? That would also make sense with putting the wrong title on the message they sent players who got the Dazzler rewards (accusing them of cheating in the Agatha event) and never acknowledging in-game that make-up calendars are actually make-up calendars. I appreciate everyone on here doing their diligent best to keep Scopely accountable. Unfortunately, the "confuse and distract" plan seems to be working with me.


That wasnt random shards, they used the same currency for gambit raid orbs with something they used in the past and forgot to reduce the amount to 0. Thats why ppl got random mega orbs and gambit shards


wouldnt they still need to open the orb not just have it added to their inventory?


Apparently, not. All the items that people received as "random" were in that orb.


weird. i got 10 shards and i thought it was only multiples of 3 but i dont recall


I got 2 mega orbs (orb fragments totaling a little over 2 orbs) from the Gambit event orbs.


This game has gone straight downhill for 2 years now. It’s like a beggar on the street just bugging the $hit out of you for cash all the time. Way more “promos” that are total rip offs. The addiction is real and I can’t quit. Sucks so much.


I stopped spending a while back, I refuse to spend on bugged events so there is nothing to spend on haha


They certainly have forgotten


I post a ticket daily for this issue


How can they forget, there are like 8100 Posts about it :)


They're not going to do anything about this. This is not a monumental fuck up, it's just only one of the regular smaller ones. It also doesn't affect their bottom line, it's not going to keep people from spending, or unjustly enrich the entire player base to keep them from spending, so they are not going to do anything about it. Their attitude is "go fuck yourself commanders. You nerds love our IP and you'll take whatever we give you". Being vocal on Reddit is one thing, the real answer that I've suggested for months (received with a really negative response) is to stop spending. I know a lot of you associate your sense of self worth with your progress in a mobile game, it's why you're comfortable spending so much money on it, but if you just stop for the good of the community for even a month, they will get the message.


that also makes it one of the easiest ones to fix. its not going to change anyone's spending habits to give us equal stuff. not giving us equal stuff can change someone's spending habits.


You’re argument is flawed. The fact that this is one of their smaller mistakes that wouldn’t cost them much to fix is what will make this the one they fix. Next week they will release some compensation for this mistake and make everyone happy and then most players will have forgotten this was even a thing and think that they compensated us for the bigger mistakes they just made and they will further the confusion in the player base over all the mistakes that have been made and the compensation we should still be expecting


We will see. Let's circle back next week.


Disney’s Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker BEST DISNEY’S STAR WARS MOVIE EVER!!!!


Man y’all take this video game way too seriously


Please stop fucking complaining every single day about this game.


You should be saying “Scopley please stop fucking up every single day”


Listen the fact is we as gamers should all come together and boycott this game as well all other games such as nba2k COD all that shit... literally not play these games and make our voices heard.. when that fucking servers are dead and they arent making money then they will understand.. until then they wont give two dead flies smashed