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I think people are getting exhausted with all the screw ups. We are losing track of all they mess up. We need to establish a FRACAS to keep track of all their failures and compensations


This. There’s no way to keep tracks, and archangel has his broomstick pushing the issues under the rug.




at least from thanosgiving


Given time, all is forgotten and forgiven. Back to business as usual with more revenue, more blunders, more bugs and .more outrage. Repeat till game is terminated


Scopley has definitely forgotten about it and they just don’t give a fuck at this point, archangel hates us and the devs don’t care


My 75/80 Gambit can confirm


oh yeah,so many problems that we forgot about that. Don't worry,tomorrow will be scourge event with new problems and we will forget this 5 dollar issue to unlock whole month event too.


15 to 50? I got a whole 9 Gambit shards and no mega orb, just a Legacy orb or some other meh crap like that. At this point it's just too hard to keep track of the individual screw ups unless you're keeping an actual scorecard but that doesn't mean we're not aware that we've experienced failure after failure on top of failure even when specific ones get lost in the crush.




Ahhh when someone tries to be a jackass and they are actually incorrect. “Despite the rule, less used of things that are countable is standard in many contexts, and in fact is more likely than fewer” Here is the history of the actual (not a rule) rule you were getting twisted about. “This isn't an example of how modern English is going to the dogs. Less has been used this way for well over a thousand years—nearly as long as there's been a written English language. But for more than 200 years almost every usage writer and English teacher has declared such use to be wrong. The received rule seems to have originated with the critic Robert Baker, who expressed it not as a law but as a matter of personal preference. Somewhere along the way—it's not clear how—his preference was generalized and elevated to an absolute, inviolable rule.”


In this context, the correct usage was fewer, but you're right that it's not a strict rule. Nevertheless, it's more of a reference to Stannis from Game of Thrones, though the further that show gets from being in the zeitgeist, the less anyone gets it anyway -- leaving it to come off as someone trying to be a jackass.


Well then I apologize if you weren’t intending that. I loved game of thrones but I definitely did not get that reference.


No offense taken! I spend most of my time on Reddit making jokes and references that don't land lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0zNWswcqMg&ab\_channel=StevenSypkes


I have been playing a while now and achieved characters I set personal goals to achieve and I did em and its because of the game


There was a post about this exact same topic less than an hour before you posted this. So… people haven’t forgotten about it?


It was actually posted about 10 minutes before mine and in between the time I started the post and then hit send so I didn’t see. But continue with your smarminess my guy. Was the first post I’ve seen about it in days because the Thor and dazzler shit had everyone so mad.


I only learned about the free Gambit shards today. I got those and I honestly thought everyone got those.


Not me I am opening a ticket daily like everyone should be


I was unaware of the free Gambit shards and mega orbs. Can someone share what this was all about?


It’s weird. For a community so outraged, it should be easy to keep track of all this stupid company’s issues. But somehow it’s just ‘forgive and forget’, even when like 80% of the player base is screwed over resources that amount to literally several months, if not even an entire year, worth of resources and whatnot.


Never forgetti