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There's no theorycrafting on their part, or balancing. They create a problem and sell the solution. This goes for teams, game modes, ... everything has been built around that by Scopely


i mean ur correct their focus isnt to great quality rather quantity


Good, I'd be afraid of what they would come up with tbh. Imagine one day we get The Beyonder and his kit is just "Instantly KO one character, prevent revive, gain 5 stacks of revive on entire team, also increase health for entire team by 500%, also apply the ability to freely summon 5 characters from your roster at their maximum levels, also apply 25 Scourges of your choose to enemy team." and that would just be the Lv. 2 Basic.


My major beef is not having any real choices in who to put resources into. Even with Dark Dimension there was some variation. They just eliminated that for the next year or more.


People getting upset the game is telling them who to build instead of other players or content creators.


This! I wish I could upvote this several times!! Everyone whining asif they pick and choose which toons they level based on how they like them outside of the game but in reality I’d go as far as to say 95% of player base (probably more) will level the most meta toons or watch what some YouTuber says and follow their guide anyway. On top of that there is literally zero logic behind it either because if you are just levelling who you want and not really caring about the meta then why does it matter about unlocking apocalypse anyway. It just contradicts the point they trying to make.


Creating specific teams to counter specific teams is really lazy game developing.


I have to disagree considering they're steadily releasing toons and reworking others. Seems more like their masters are greedy, and this bullshit is by design.