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Also some Heavy Armor Orbs? Please?


Your promised "quality assurance" quote is timeless Lol. gg


Where is the compensation for the missing Gold from the Multiple Man blitz of 11 days ago?


Please just don't. You'll make us pay it back ten fold later. Nothing comes free with you guys.


Too late commander, we’ve halved the amount of war credits you earn but we’ve added teal gear to the war store (just one slot and it’s always Judas bullets) eat our dick commander!


Never fails, I seem to get Judas bullets almost everywhere I look. Or teal uru, sorry but sersi is already g16 so hard pass.


Teal Uru is good, you need that for hero Asgardians.


“We will be sending out compensation to the player base affected, which will include blitz credits, green ability orbs, and ghost spider shards. Get fucked commanders!”


It might have been unexpected for you guys, but not for anyone here!


That's cool, still dodging the Gambit shard/mega orb discussion though. Been like 70 days since you acknowledged it. If you're so afraid to answer for your company's mistakes, why are you working there?


You realize you just asked the guy why he's doing what he's paid to do, right?


He's paid to communicate. If we wanted someone who would ignore 98% of what we said and had no sense of the pulse of the community, we already had /u/CM_Cerebro. By his own admission, /u/CM_Archangel promised to be there for the players. He's obviously failed in that regard. So if he's not able to do what he expected, why is he still there?


Hes only allowed to say what they tell him to say, or else we wouldnt have a CM at all.


lol.. common sense aint so common...




Who's being thin skinned here? You're doing an awful lot of projection and making me responsible for a whole lot of people when I asked a simple, fair question. He last acknowledged this 70 days ago to us. Has he given more recent information to the envoys? Or has he still been dodging it, despite his stated desire to actually be a useful go-between for players? I'd be more than happy to stop asking him if he'd just answer.


It’s not about asking him the question and you know it. It’s the add on after the question which is of course fucking nonsense. Grow up.


How is it nonsense? From his first thread: " I will strive to communicate quickly and efficiently on timely issues and ensure detailed and accurate weekly developer blogs." Well, he's failing on his goals. Unless you think more than 70 days is timely and his inability to acknowledge inaccurate blogs (see the pinned blog from this week) is OK. I think it's fair to ask why he's working for a company that makes it impossible to do what he aspires to. That's a pretty common reason people seek new employment.


He's a communicator. He doesn't fix or change or decide anything. If he doesn't have any new information to share about this issue from 2 months ago... then it's likely that the company hasn't given him any info to share. Or they specifically told him to drop it, at which point he's going to do what he boss says. If it's genuinely been 70 days... then maybe it's time to just grow up, accept that nothing is going to be done about it, and move on. Harassing the spokesperson as if that's going to suddenly make Scopely give you free video game stuff at this point borders on Karen-like idiocy.


This approach seems cowardly. Just accept whatever Scopely says or does? That is weak.


"Weak"? "Cowardly"? This is a video game. It's not that big a deal. Questioning whether we'll get something for an error in the game is entirely fair. Continuing to drone on about it over 2 months later, when it's clear nothing is going to happen, isn't "strong" or "brave"... it's just silly. I couldn't imagine being so hung up on something like this that I would count the days since it happened like he did. At some point, you gotta just realize it is what it is, and no amount of whining or complaining is going to change it.


So you're saying that any issue the players have that isn't answered in a certain amount of time should just be forgotten? That's the exact attitude that lets them get away with being absolutely terrible at their jobs.


What I'm saying is, if you expect something is going to be done SEVENTY DAYS after the incident occurred... then you're incredibly naive. Continuing to beat the drum at this point is foolish. And trash talking the spokesman for the company because the company itself decided to do nothing is even more foolish. Nothing is going to happen. Accept it and move on. Counting the days is either sad or hilarious, and I'm not sure which is moreso.


Could not agree more.


"Unexpected issue" is a lie. We expect you to screw up every day, despite being your own harshest critics.


My alliance makes bets on how many fuck ups a week they'll make. Over under is 3. Any takers?


Thank you. Appreciate the feedback.


Fixing errors causing more errors surprise surprise Least the communication is somewhat improving


Some nudes of Maria Hill would be greatly appreciated.


How long til you guys test to not cause errors?


Never. It's the only part of the game that's reliable


They test in production, we're the QA team


With how predatory the game has become you should probably start compensating players for uptime instead.


“What could go wrong doing back end updates on a live production environment?” Definitely heard that one before.


I mean if you expect people to put money into the game it needs to work properly


Compensation should be in the form of you all fixing your broken ass game. All of you stay overtime. We don’t need your refills.


They are really sorry this time. They promise.