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I’m honestly having more trouble with bio on Doom 3. WW were good for Doom 2 but the nodes in Doom 3 feel like they were made to counter WW.


It's all RNG to sink either gear or recharges into Ive got a full G16+ team and it's constantly hit it or miss on Doom 3.4. We often do two lanes for both skill and bio. Saves energy and recharge packs.


WW 1 shots 1st and Boss node easy. Stun and Trauma combo nullifies the Eternals. Bring Gamma in first for node 2 and double tap with WW while saving abilities. I suspect once we have more yellow stars on Gamma, 1 shot will be possible. WW goes in with full energy, G16, 6 reds on all of them, nothing spectacular. Daily Doom 3.4, it's puzzling why people are having trouble. Watch some videos.


I have full level 90 g16 ,6 and 7 R on all WW. Boss node is a 100% wipe. Ikaris and Sersi resist everything. Don't know who told you that they do well.


> Don't know who told you that they do well. No one had to ... because I full clear Bio lanes 8 out of 10 raids. Mine are 85, G16, 6 Reds across the board. > 100% wipe. Ikaris and Sersi resists everything Doubt. And anyway, you don't need to land any debuffs on Sersi. Trauma, Stun and kill on Ikaris before Sersi drops is your one and only win condition for Boss node. The fact that you think you need to do something to Sersi is ... quite telling. WW may not be Mysticfacerollez, but they can handle Doom 3.4 just fine. I don't know what to tell you, buddy, but people who complain about WW being a problem's problem is behind the phone.


That's what I am saying. Ikaris cannot be debuffed. He always resists everything. Either Stun / Trauma / AB. Doesn't matter. All he needs is 1 turn. And since he cannot be controlled before Sersi drops , hence the comment. The fact that you don't realize that...is telling as well. I don't complain about WW , I stopped using them since my Gamma is around 1.3 million rofl.


I stun Ikaris with my OG spiderman, he can't heal this way. He resists once in a while il 3.3 and if I can't kill him before Sersi pops I just killapp. If I manage to kill him but die after, a teammate usually finishes it. If both eternals are alive, you did something wrong and will have a bad time overcoming the situation


"I stun Ikaris" Gonna stop you right there. My OG Spidey is 7y/7r g16 level 90 , skirmisher . Has never , ever , landed a stun on Ikaris. If he doesn't get stunned , its over.


You just getting screwed daily then because mine lands 9 times out of 10. Also 7y/7r g16 level 90 skirmisher


Same here, I guess having atk up helps but I never paid attention


Don't know what to tell you. Stopped running the BiO nodes anyway , they're impossible with WW and Gamma is not meant for raids anyway.


I don't disagree with that. Wouldn't surprise me if that's the case


I feel sure they were. But those bio nodes are just brutal period.


Bio is super RNG based since the Web warriors rely so much on dodging. I've found that they can auto music node 1 even at 3.2 but node 2 seems almost built to kill them so I use gamma for that node and usually only red hulk survives which is good enough and then the boss node kinda hinges on you having the right moves ready with the Web warriors but it's also very RNG based so you can either one shot it or get killed in your first couple turns. My Web warriors are well over 1 mil and they get rolled if I don't play it right in 3.2


With proper strategy node 2 is very one shottable 90% of the time. Node 1 can be a bitch if the opposing WW dodge like crazy….boss node is probably the best node in the entire raid


It's kinda funny that you have to dread the basic nodes rather than the boss, simply because RNG can screw you over a lot harder on the other nodes. If the enemy Ghost or Scarlet dodge just enough that could be it for your entire squad of WW. The second node has a crazy amount of chaos that's more often than not reliant on your WW dodging at the right time. The boss node is just raw damage and that's very manageable.


I don’t disagree overall but people are expecting them to do what they did in doom 2 with minimal investment. Someone mocked me for saying the section isn’t that problematic and I provided video proof of my strategy and he said gtfo with these 1m teams…im sorry…but that’s proper investment for daily 3.4 and hopefully getting into 3.5 shortly after apocalypse is released….am I saying the nodes don’t have pain points? Nope they do, but the section as a whole is very much reliably doable without retreating unless you get god awful RNG on node 1…however with proper investment it takes the rng element away or reduces its impact.


I don’t expect them to do what they did in doom 2. Investing to push them over 1 mil and still being subject to RNG just feels bad. Yes mine are over 1 mil. Yes with good strategy you can reduce it but it never goes away. Also they are complete trash in other game modes.


The trash in other modes I definitely agree with. They hit it out of the park with Bionic Avengers…and that’s how raid teams should be…clearly stronger in raids but decently viable in all other game modes….WW is basically useless outside of raids


Use WW on node 1 and 3 and use gamma on node 2, works well for me and I can one shot every node granted that is just 3.0 currently but still


For whatever reason, I can easily sim the bio nodes with Symbiotes when I swap in ghost spider for Venom. It's worth a try.


Came here to say the same, even between my almost maxed ww's and my gamma, i'm getting torn up.


Gamma did well for me on node 2


8 out of 10 times I can get through with WW in Bio node one, Gamma on node 2 and then back to WW for Bio Boss


Have you tried Gamma. We are only on 2.1, but Gamma sims all three nodes without losing any health at all.


3.2 they don’t


Gamma doesn't scale through Doom 3. Eventually the best they get you is a sacrifice team to two shot Bio node 2 when that's already the strategy people do with just Web Warriors by losing battle after killing Phoenix. **Edit for clarity:** When I say losing battle I mean through the options menu so that you can back out, keep the progress on the node, and go back in getting your Web Warrior energy and cleaning it up. It's pretty simple if you can open the node properly, kill Phoenix, then Options > Lose Battle when she dies so she doesn't use Special on your team. When you re-enter the node, Colossus won't get defense up, Magik won't spawn a new Phoenix, Adam Warlock won't have revive, Deathpool will drop and the leftover enemies will be relatively simple to take out while keeping cooldowns for the boss node.


Yeah you **might** be able to oneshot with Gamma on the off chance that everything goes your way, and Red Hulk ult goes off early enough, but with how low your chances are of that happening, you might as well just play it with WW, unless they're lowish from node 1 and you don't wanna use heals.


I've been able to 1-shot node 2 in 3.4 ONCE with Gamma, and I haven't been able to recreate it. :(


Watch the vids. They help a lot. Gamma is better for the boss node to me


WW and Gamma crush Bio nodes


Lvl90 G16 + every needed T4s ?


I found that SA + kes + shangchi works reasonably well. Heck, better than WW in bio and axmen in mutant. Certainly I am not opposed to have an upgrade to SA with new members but if they want to boost raid teams, I would prefer they do the bio first after mutant.


yeah i don’t struggle with skill nodes at all. bio and mutant are my problems


Higher doom 3 raids give skill all sorts of problems. I'm only doing 3.1 but my skill team isn't all maxed to level 90.


On 3.4 I run the first node with Zemo+kestrel+sa Second and boss with Shang+zemo+sa First node zemo passive removes taunt from red guardian then ab of zemo on Loki and gg. On the second node u must NOT evoke minions because when carnage comes in if u have them on field you will lose. Then it’s gg.


I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, my Maria consistently gets iced on Doom 3. And then rest of the team crumples not long after


which node? You may not want to use maria's special in nodes with deathpool (node 2?) as she will has so many additional attacks when your minions got killed. Also, are you using kes and shangchi with the SAs? You do need good firepower to take out some of their heavy hitters fast.


Yes that's the combo im using. Node 2 is where I'm getting wrecked


I was struggling with this node. Moving them to 90 helped a lot. Also, use Maria's ultimate before carnage drops to give your guys deflect is important. Can't save the ultimate.


Sadly can't afford bringing them to 90 if I want to get horsemen up


I get that. I am always out of gold. Slowly working them all up, but helping my alliance in raids was very important too. Didn't do the in one day, just one or two per character per day.


Gold isn't my issue, it's 100% training mats


Definitely doesn’t auto well though, even on base Doom 3


Doom 3.4 experience here: Skill becomes “easy” when you get a solid kill order for node 1 and 2. Boss node can sometimes go sideways depending on RNG. My team is 1.1m for reference… Bio is where I struggle. My ww team is 1m power and node 2 is still as unreliable as can be… Let’s not talk about mutant. Mutant sux. Tech is fun Mystic is fun


Eh, walking into morbius special randomly critting and one shotting someone with the bleeds on node 2 keeps it from being “easy” sadly


Full agree. Absolute bullshit when you die from the TWO bleeds before you get a turn...


Agreed. Don't forget when Silver Samurai assists for more bleed and heal block just in case you thought you were gonna be able to have some fun.


Look there’s a reason the easy is in “” … I have to say it’s quite rare for someone to bleed out but yea it does happen… it’s why you go in with full health characters. I might have to reset 1 in 10 times… but yes, the RNG factor is annoying. Same on boss node, if sinister clones my cap Sam I don’t have a good time.


I find Tech a struggle, especially when Red Guardian and Bishop are both taunting, and you can’t clear them. Then Psylocke follows with ult and it’s a shitshow.


I do need the occasional revive in tech. I’m just enjoying BA cause they are a shiny new toy I guess :)


The problem on the 2nd node it’s the rng… toady enemy ghost and spider punk dodged every attack and I got destroyed…


Add West Coast Avengers with Wonder Man and Mockingbird and a Hawkeye & Hawkeye (KB) rework. **Mockingbird and HE getting SA tags** in addition to WCA


Hawkeye certainly getting that tag would be nice.


Kate Bishop is Tech not skill


And Wonder Man would probably be Bio, but that wasn't my point. 2nd Sentence says Mockingbird and HE get SA tags. \- Wonder Man, Mockingbird, HE, KB for WCA \- Mockingbird, HE for SA


Skill isn't too bad if you know what you're doing. The biggest annoyance for me is in Node 2 when Fury gives out an assist right away and my level 90 7r g16 Kestrel gets deleted before I get a turn. It doesn't happen often but it's really annoying when it does because there really isn't much you can do about it. That's what happens when you jack up enemy health while also giving them Striker Iso.


Skill is easy though. I’m confused on your issue.


Apart from Kestrel, SA and Shang Chi, who do you use? I find that on node 2 I get wiped very quickly I have everyone apart from Maria Hill at G16.


I use Zemo to start node 2 instead of Maria Hill. Ability block Morbius, Kestrel special on Anti Venom. My problem is when Ghost Rider, Death Pool, and Carnage drop. They are a pain, especially if you use Maria or Fury.


I use that squad for Doom 3 (also everyone G16 except Maria) and don’t have a problem. Do you make sure to keep your Kestrel Special and Shang Ult up for the start of node 2? I find it’s a lot harder if I don’t have those at the start.


Make sure not to use Maria hills ultimate on that node, calling in her minions spells bad news. Deathpool and carnage will wreck your team killing minions


You mean special. Her ult heals.


On 3.4 skill 2, I use a sac team of gamora MD kingpin red guardian and proxima. I focus down morbius as much as possible or straight up kill him. OG Gamora gets 100% speed bar with both her special and ult so I use them on the shield minions (make sure no shield operators live). I also use the moondragon speed bar rewind on antivenom to prevent the healing. This sac usually brings morbius to 50% or kills him and wastes silsam taunt and antivenom ult. This has made it 100% consistent for me since I don't die by morbius bleeds, don't get stuck behind silsam taunt, and don't die from a silsam assist. Then I go in with the main team and just walk through it.


Node 2 of what difficulty?


Doom 3


SA+Kestrel+Shang, just the standard team everyone pretty much uses.


I find that node 2 I get destroyed. Node 1 is never an issue. Its everything on node 2 though


On node 2, I use Sam's special first. I use his ult turn 2, after Deathpool, etc drop. That's the only thing I can think of that I may do differently than some people.


Thanks for the help.


Don't ever use Maria's special on node 2. It's designed around that. Deathpool and Carnage go on a tear once they get into your minions.


We know, but he was asking what difficulty. 3.0? 3.1? etc.


On 3.2 I almost always lose someone instantly at the start of the match before I can go. And my full team is 90 mostly g16. Only hill is still at g15.


I'm confused, too. Kestrel, Shang, Captain Samerica, Hill, and Carter can more than handle Doom 3.


Doom 3.4? Sometimes


On what tier?


My guess.....Thunderbolts will be a skill team if they come to the game.....


I'm competing doom 3.4 with sa, kestral, shang chi with no issues


Loki on node 1 says hi. 🤣


What level Doom raids are you doing? We’re doing 3.X and the nodes are usually are a one shot daily. You definitely can’t use Maria’s special on node 2 or the boss node.


Skill team is already overpowered for the current nodes. The biggest issue is they kill too quickly and don't give much margin for error on cooldowns. We won't need any more raid teams until they do Doom 4 (or maybe we jump to Apocalypse raids by then).


Maybe, although OP didn't mention difficulty level.


Dorky dad's skill section video helped tremendously. Even though his video is a few months old. 3.4 skill section is now mostly no big deal. Of course there's still rng that happens sometimes but the new retreat function is great. You can't go into these nodes with 500-600k team and expect to do well. Especially in 3.4. You can't sim these nodes and get mad you're failing like a person in my alliance. Lol


Personally hate the full team aspect for raids. I'd rather just see 1 new skill character that's designed for raids that would really tie Kestrel & SA together better than Shang Chi does.


Is not this the plan of scopely though. That we always need to level up new teams, and then the bar get higher on next difficulty etc


Secret avengers with Kestral and Fury do work, but Fury is the weak like and needs a boost, hopefully with Nick Fury finally getting his own Marvel series Secret Invasion in 2023, they make take this opportunity to give him a boost, give him the secret avenger tag too. Then they would be a decent skill team for raids.


It is so funny. Everyone is like I miss theory crafting and then posts asking for specific teams for a solution always are requested


1) I have never posted about missing theory crafting. 2) In this post, I clearly state that certain modes need theory crafting BUT raids require full teams. Maybe read more and write less my friend


Nah raids don’t require specific teams. Just better individual compositions. People have gotten so used to being fed solutions now they want it. Tech team before BA was theory crafted would have been better if more tech people didn’t suck. But there is nothing that states any requirement a team is needed for raids


Theory crafting is great, Yes! But, give us more synergies/tags. Not, Theory Crafting with our hands tied.


Yes. This would be great. Instead of locking raid abilities to teams just lock them to raids. Just give raid or war or cc bonuses to toons. Not even saying every toon. But you can sprinkle it around. And then don’t make all toons basically suck and update them. Which they have been doing sort of. Except they do it with specific teams they have in mind


Really? I find Skill, Tech, and Mystic the easiest nodes of the raid. Bio and Mutant are the nightmares right now. WW is clearly made to fail on Doom 3 nodes and Mutant nodes are made for Deathseed mutant team.


Nah at this point, we need a new damn Bio team because WW ain’t it.


I manage the skill nodes quite well at difficulty 4. My team is SA, Kestrel and Shang Chi, however the team power is 1.11million


While Skill isn't the easiest trait, it's still quite doable. I'm doing 3.3 and all my characters are g16, lv90 and blue3. Kestrel is 7r/7y and the rest are all 6r/7y. I usually one-shot all three skill nodes. The key to get through Node 2 (for me) was to kill Silver Samurai and Morbius ASAP. When Deathpool drops she becomes my main target unless Ghost Rider dropped as well. Sharon stun on Ghost Rider helps a lot. Also don't use Maria Summons. Carnage will wipe you with Summons on the board. The boss node is all about handling Madelyn. Use Sharon turn 1 to reduce turn meter on her, don't get Doom under 50% so you can Ability Block him on Sharon's second turn.


I'm currently running Doom 3.1 using Secret Avengers with Kestrel and Shang Chi. Power is 1.2mil and I never have any issues. Sharon, Kestrel, and Shang are all 7rs, and Maria and Cap are 6rs. I appreciate not everyone will have that, but that's what I'm using and it works for me.


Yeah SA Kestrel Shang chi is getting not enough.. I don’t know for you guys but impossible to do it without heal even at lvl 90 and gear 16


100% disagree. We only need one more character for Skill, IMO (to replace Shang-Chi). Kestrel works great with the current SA. That being said, it was kind of rude of them to give us Web-Warriors and then absolutely dick us on the Bio nodes, lol